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Thread: The New Teen Titans

  1. #21
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    (White is me, Blue is Price)

    Very quickly, Fiona was coming to regret her decision. She had wanted to keep the spear out of the hands of its user, and it evidently did not like that all that much. She yelped as the weapon wrenched itself from her grasp, flinging itself to the ground. Her already-low swoop became dangerously low, the tips of her hooked talons scraping the cracked concrete of the sidewalk. With a beat of her wings, she spun back to see what was happening just in time to take his shield to her chest like an incredibly dangerous game of ultimate frisbee.

    She spluttered as the wind was knocked out of her, and grimaced as she collided with the ground, landing right on top of her wings. She lay on the ground for a moment, the sky spinning as she tried to catch her breath before a pale white net descended across her. As she tried to sit back up, the net was disturbingly tough and stuck to her like, well, spiderwebs. She shuddered as she caught sight of multiple massive spiders. She struggled with the webs for a moment before remembering her own natural weapons.

    Using her talons, she sliced out of the webbing and stood up, pulling strands of the stuff off of her shirt and arms. She unraveled a particularly long piece from around her wing and attempted to discard it. It stuck to her hand worse than any duct tape she had ever used, and the trailing end fluttered in the wind before getting caught on her arm again. She sighed, her breathing still ragged but returning to normal. She didn’t know how long it could be before her screech came back.

    Looking around, she took note of the situation. Nightwing was a few yards away and clutching his leg, the pale girl was wrapping his spear in more webbing. As far as the armored boy went, he was shrouded in black energy that crackled like lightning, and a similar effect was wrapped around Raven. He was, meanwhile, running straight for her. She got into a fighting stance, but her talon nudged an object roughly the size and shape of a manhole cover. His shield! He’s after his shield, duh, she thought. She turned on her heel and took a running takeoff, gaining height as fast as she could. The webbing in her feathers kept catching, and her flaps were larger and slower. Although not very high, she was certain she was higher than what this boy in his heavy armor could reach.

    In the air, she banked into a left turn, raptorial eyes narrowing. She tucked her wings, sweeping forward into a deadly silent dive. Her talons stretched toward the boy, she took a swipe at the shoulder of his non-spear arm. To anyone watching, the attack would be eerily similar to an owl dropping down to catch a mouse, never making a sound.

    The demi-god recoiled as he became trapped in some black prison. His eyes went wide with fear and then agony. A roar of thunder, the loudest yet, deafened his pained cry. The pain was excruciating. What had the evil sorceress done to him? He fell the short few feet back down to the earth. Compared to the last, this impact was decidedly nothing. What wasn’t nothing, however, was the shock to his system. All his muscles screamed in protest at whatever the witch had done to him. He had to get away. He had to at all costs! He would not die here. He would not die before he even spent a single day in the strange world.

    The Other Worlder was trying to take his spear away from him. He could allow no such thing. Curse her for siding with his attackers! He ripped the spear with all his might and pulled it free from the webbing before continuing his dash for his shield.

    Only to be interrupted by the harpy.

    “Leave me alone!!!” He screamed fearfully in his native tongue. He tried unsuccessfully to dodge her attack. If he wasn’t so disoriented. If he wasn’t in so much pain---damn it all! The boy hissed as the monster tore flesh from his upper arm. Another boom of thunder shook the ground beneath him. The boy lost his balance and rolled rather gracelessly. His hands fumbled for his shield as he looked back up at the harpy, readying himself for another attack.

    Screech once more took to the sky, her wings straining to keep her aloft. She turned again, searching for a weak spot in his armor. He now had his shield and spear, and from the looks of things wouldn’t hesitate to use them. She circled overhead for another moment, deciding whether she thought her reaction time could beat his. Thunder tumbled, shaking the ground. Without the use of her screech, she wasn’t confident she could beat him in a physical fight.

    Slowly, she landed atop a nearby lamppost. Her wings drooped by her sides like a feathered cape. From inside her mask, her eyes flashed as she glared at the boy. She cleared her throat, then raised her hands in what she hoped was the universal symbol of peace.

    “Let’s, uh, let’s calm down.” She knew the words would mean nothing, but she hoped her tone of voice would be recognized.

    The demi-god staggered to his feet and rocked from side-to-side. He kept his eyes narrowed and his spear locked onto the evil harpy and only broke eye-contact when he heard someone approaching.

    Nightwing had his hands raised mirroring Screech Owl and came to a halt about fifteen feet from the boy. “We’re not here to fight.

    The hoplite looked between the two and back at the Titans. The fear in his eyes was unmistakeable even through the slits of his helmet. The sky continued to roar as the boy did the one thing he had been trained to never do. His back turned to his enemies as he attempted to scramble away and flee.

    She groaned loudly as he turned tail and ran. She swept down off the lamppost and called out.

    “Hey Spidey! Can you help me calm him down?” With that, she made a swift turn to fly after the boy. She quickly caught up to him, flying silently above him as he ran. Plans were formulating in her mind, but none of them would work if he didn’t stop sooner or later. She put on a burst of speed and landed on the sidewalk ahead of him, putting out her hands and widening her stance.

    “I can’t let you run off into the city. God, why can’t you just speak English! Argh!” Her wings spread out to the sides, forming a wall between him and the rest of the city. “We’re just gonna wait here for a little bit until Spiders gets here. Then we can have a chat.” She eyed the gash in his shoulder and winced.

    “I’d be more sorry, but you did hit me with your shield.”

    The Zeus damned harpy cut off his escape route. Damn her! Damn her and the rest of the evil demons that chased him. She would continue to chase him for as long as he allowed her to do so. She needed to be incapacitated. As he continued running toward her, his mind raced with a million ways to make that happen. Many of them were lethal.

    But, as she spoke, he found that he was distracted. Her voice...her was like he was truly hearing her for the first time. That language...what was it? Somewhere in the back of his frenzied, panicking mind, he recognized its familiarity. His mother had taught him countless languages, but which was he recalling?

    “Eeeng...Leesh…?” He questioned with his head tilted. He knew English. Slowly, his brain remembered how to speak it. His body, however, wasn’t nearly so slow. The harpy girl might’ve blocked his path, but that was no trouble. He vaulted over her effortlessly and changed directions in the air so that he was facing her when he landed. From there, it was as easy as a leg sweep to put her on her back. Yet, for a reason unbeknownst to him, he opted for mercy. He guided her down just gently enough so that she didn’t crack her head against the pavement. His face hovered just inches above hers. There was lightning swirling in his hypnotically deep blue eyes. “Leave. Alone.” It was broken, heavily accented, and as good as his language would get until his fluency returned to him.

    The demi-god aimed a swift blow to the girl’s solar plexus. It was just the right kind of blow to steal her wind away. She would be alive and aware, but she would be hurting and out of commission while she regained her breath. That would be long enough. He would make it so.

    The demi-god dashed off without another delay.

    “Screech Owl!” Nightwing had been sprinting after the heroine and the threat when she fell. He broke of his pursuit to tend to the Teen Titan by kneeling at her side. “Screech Owl, are you alright?”

    A lot of things happened very fast. The boy did not seem interested in waiting, but neither did he seem interested in killing her. He definitely had the chance. As she lay on the ground trying to catch her breath, the image of his eyes kept returning. They were like miniature tempests, swirling with lightning. Suddenly, Nightwing was there, asking if she was okay. She nodded quickly and pointed behind her as the boy ran from sight.
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  2. #22
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    The words that Coyote began to mutter to himself, as black lightning began to fill the air around Raven, were not one typically associated with heroics. Luckily he had already muted the radio so that the others would not have to listen in to it. His actions as she began to fall were far more heroic; With a flex of his hand metallic claws extended from his fingertips. He spun as he stepped off the building, his hands extending to slow his descent.

    The armored teenager landed on a balcony, took two steps along the rail and leapt. His body extended towards a street light below. Using his momentum he swung his body up and coiled upon himself like a spring. Pushing with everything he had Coyote straightened with a grunt, exploding into the air.

    Arms extended the canid masked crime fighter extended his arms towards the falling titan. Scooping her in against his body, using the motion to spin them in mid air. The directly vertical fall became parabolic, the pair crashing into the top of a car. Coyote groaned in pain as the windows shattered under him, His armor taking the majority of the impact. Even still he knew his back would be a massive bruise before morning.

    ”Body count.” He radioed. Checking Raven’s vitals ”Who's still up and unhurt?”

    Coyote ran over the night's events as he listened to his teammates answer. A bit of a plan began to formulate in his head. As the answers finished he said. ”I think we should trail at a distance, just to keep an eye. I think there was a miscommunication with our new playmate.”
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  3. #23
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    Everything happened all at once. Screech Owl went for the spear, the armored boy threw his shield at her, the ex-Titan got knocked back a good distance by the armored boy, and then Ba-

    Her anger flared, but that was the only response she had time to give him. Raven was lifting the armored boy and fear quickly extinguished the anger. “Let him go!” she shouted. “He’s not-” Too late. Something had gone wrong. Black lightning surrounded Raven and the armored boy. She fell only to be caught by Coyote, Screech Owl went after the fleeing boy only to get potentially knocked out, and the ex-Titan was with her now.

    Body count. “I’m fine,” Hannya answered quickly. She’d already taken a few steps towards where the boy had vanished when her current-favorite teammate proved that they were on the same wavelength. “I’ll go after him.” She was an empath, she could track him from a distance and know when it was safe to approach. Hannya then raised her voice since she wasn’t one hundred percent sure where the shadow had hidden himself. “Ba, you’re with me, and you better not let me die!” He could translate, probably, and he sort of counted as backup. No one could argue that she’d gone headlong into danger without help.

    Then, without waiting for anyone’s approval, Hannya’s eyes glowed red and she took off running.
    First, her life was an earthquake. Then she was the earthquake.
    In the end, when the earth quaked, she was steady.

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  4. #24
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    “Did you hit your head?” Nightwing frowned as he reached to brace Screech Owl and help her back up just in time to see Hannya race past them. The elder hero shook his head. There was chaos everywhere, two Titans were down, and now the most reckless one was running off on her own. It was Jason all over again…

    Stay with Screech or pursue Hannya? At worst, Screech might have a concussion. That was far from ideal, but what if the boy killed Hannya and he wasn’t there to defend her? He would never forgive himself. “Stay here until the others regroup. I’m going to backup Hannya before she gets herself killed.”

    Off he went. He fired his grapnel gun at the first structurally intact building he saw and zipped to the rooftops paralleling the young Titan.

    The boy continued his flight from the carnage he caused. He hadn’t meant to hurt anyone. He was a warrior. Why was he so damn scared?! He cut through an alley and hopped over a small fence. He was fast. While he didn’t have the speed of a certain famous speedster, it was clear he was definitely quicker than any human. He bobbed and weaved between the back alleys of the packed-together buildings in hopes of losing his pursuers, but he didn’t dare look back to see if he was successful. Without a charted map, he had no way of knowing where he was or where he was going, but he was headed straight for the old warehouse district.

    What he wouldn’t give to have brought his old communicator with him. The one time he left Bludhaven without it…but would it have even worked? Surely the Titans had upgraded to new models with new frequencies. Maybe having it wouldn’t have brought him anything but peace of mind. He lost sight of the boy, and he had no way of knowing whether Hannya still had a trail. He had to stay on the rooftops to keep his vantage point. If the boy came back into focus, he needed to be ready to pounce.

  5. #25
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    The team hadn’t disappointed - it was a show indeed. Ba took in the scene before him, his eyebrow raising slightly as the demi-god launched himself at Screech Owl before maneuvering around her mid-flight and taking her down.
    At least the boy was trained - though the level of mercy he showed made Ba question what type of training he had actually received. Something told the Underworlder that he would find out eventually.
    The sickly-sweet scent of ichor came closer to his flaring nostrils as the Olympian rushed to get away from the rest of the group. With a scent that strong, Ba could track him across the entire state.
    Hannya’s voice called out to him and he momentarily weighed his options. He still had half of a warm cow carcass waiting for him at the Tower…but if Hannya was killed or maimed, who would restock the fridge and convince Raven of the need for immense quantities of tapioca pudding? A sacrifice had to be made and it wasn’t going to be the pudding.
    Sparing another thought to mourn the fact he was going to have to eat cold meat later, Ba leaned back into the shadows, quickly shadow-jumping until he was next to the small Titan. Turquoise irises and a soft outline were visible as he made a soft clicking noise, confirming that he was coming with and despite the inconvenience, he would not, in fact, be letting her die.


    Koriand’r watched as Raven held the boy in the air, the black energy crackling. It had been a long time since the Tamaranean had seen her old teammate use her abilities.
    But now this did not feel like good idea. The young one did not seem as though he was acting maliciously, but rather in an act of defending himself. She was not sure if it would be stepping past her boundings, as the humans said, but she could not let this continue with her silence.
    “Raven, perhaps we should not -” Her sentence cut short and her stomach turned as his fear transformed into pain, the agony playing across his face. Suddenly, there was rage and both he and Raven were falling.
    Immediately moving to catch her friend, Starfire quickly shifted her trajectory as another new Titan launched himself to catch Raven. The princess winced as she saw how hard they hit the car, but she knew they could take a hit.
    Hovering over them, she extended a hand.
    “Please confirm you are both alright.”
    A commotion behind her caught her attention as she saw the large bird Titan sail through the air.
    This was escalating at an alarming rate.
    She definitely should have intervened - visitor or not, she certainly was not helping by waiting for directions. The avian had not received a fatal blow, but it was one that nonetheless would take some time to recover from.
    Watching as Nightwing rushed to her side, Kori hesitated, waiting until he decided to chase after the loose warrior before approaching the new Titan. She was in no condition to fly back, but the quicker she received medical attention, the better.

    “Hello, winged one. I am Starfire. May take you back to the Tower?” The alien stopped hovering for a moment and kneeled next to the injured hero. It felt strange to be in such close proximity to someone from Earth.
    Pushing the nostalgia away from her mind, Koriand’r focused on the undertaking at hand - to help those around before going after the armored child and ensuring that no one els sustained injuries.a

  6. #26
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    Serika raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. Spidey? Was the bird-girl talking to her? Deciding it didn’t matter right now, Serika followed along for the time being, though the bird-girl’s request made her chuckle a bit.

    “Calm an Olympian? You must be joking.” Serika shook her head. “I’m surprised he hasn’t cursed you with some eternal horror for trying to protect the people from him.”

    Nevertheless, she proceeded to help with the search, and could see that her sisters were getting the same idea. She had half a mind to leave the fool be, but clearly these Titans meant to stop him no matter what. So she was right; there really was some merit to pursuing this alliance further. With that in mind, she grunted and curled in on herself, letting her four hidden limbs emerge, and then with a loud grunt of effort changing into her larger arachnid form. In this form, she effortlessly climbed up the tall buildings to join her sisters, all five of them fanning out in different directions within the city.

    Meanwhile, Raven quickly pulled herself together and sat up, but stopped herself from blindly flying out with the others. She couldn’t be sure how badly that lightning may have affected her. Magic was inherently unpredictable, especially when two vastly different energies collide so violently. For all she knew, that stranger could be a walking time bomb, and so might she. For now, she would have to play this a little bit safe.

    Closing her eyes again, Raven sat up straight and let her soul-self wander through the ether, telepathically searching for any trace of the Greek boy.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  7. #27
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Screech Owl hissed as she was unceremoniously hoisted to her feet by Nightwing. Her chest ached like hell, but her breath was slowly returning to her.

    “Stay here until the others regroup. I’m going to backup Hannya before she gets herself killed.” Nightwing said with a curt nod before zipping off into the city. Screech just groaned, giving the veteran Titan a thumbs up as she leaned against a streetlight, rubbing her ribs. When she looked up again, none other than the Starfire was asking if she was alright.

    “Hello, winged one. I am Starfire. May take you back to the Tower?” Ouch, Screech thought, my ego is more bruised than my body, but everyone seems to think I’m gonna collapse. Sucking in a pained breath, she said:

    “No, no, that’s alright. I’d hate to not be here for the team.” She winced. “It’s a shame, I really thought I was getting through to him. Better luck nest time, eh?”
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  8. #28
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    ”I’m gonna be sore in the morning.” Coyote muttered as he sat up, glancing at the still form sitting next to him. Sliding off the top of the ruined car, the masked teen stretched and flexed, scanning the scene.

    Recalling what he heard as he served as a landing pad he addressed those who could hear him. ”If anyone can catch wing boy that’d be great. I’m not gonna stop Ba from eating him if he gets Hannya hurt or killed.”

    Coyote had seen ”wing boy” talking to their new playmate and he say Screechy go for the grab. Personally the mimic knew she was the one to blame for that ball being dropped, but it wouldn’t be a far stretch to think Nightwing was in on it from the start and simply serving as distraction; And if Leonidas thinks that it wouldn’t be a stretch for Wing boy to blow any trust Hannya builds simply by being her backup.

    Stifling a sigh he muttered to himself, ”I bet Batman doesn’t have to deal with this.” Before beginning to survey the area from the the ground.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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