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Thread: [CLOSED] Encanto / Kingdom Hearts RP [Maki, LC, & Yami]

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    Star of the Dawn
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    Default [CLOSED] Encanto / Kingdom Hearts RP [Maki, LC, & Yami]

    “We have a new gift!”

    With those five words from Abuela, what had started out as a cautiously hopeful rite of passage sparked into the party to end all parties. Antonio’s brand new room was more than large enough to fit the entire village, and with Abuela happily insisting on a family picture and Luisa hauling in the piano, they proceeded to quite literally bring the party upstairs.

    And wherever there was a party, Camilo Madrigal was sure to follow. His gift made it easy to slip in and out of any social situation he encountered, and he used this talent to the fullest. Most of his time, however, was spent on checking in with the family, chatting with the other guests, greeting new arrivals at the door, and occasionally teasing Isabela about her not-yet-official engagement to local heartthrob Mariano Guzman.

    A few hours in, Camilo did a mental headcount and noticed that the party was one Madrigal short. A quick glance out the door to Antonio’s room, and sure enough, there was Mirabel, minding her own business in the otherwise-empty courtyard. Camilo thought to call out to her or ask her what was up; after all, Antonio had wanted her to be there, and had even asked her to walk him to his door. But maybe she just wanted to be alone for a minute? People still remembered what a disaster Mirabel’s door ceremony had turned out to be, and how her lack of a gift had called into question the fate of their family’s precious miracle. Antonio getting his gift had finally put those doubts to rest, but Mirabel was still the odd one out, so maybe broaching that kind of painful subject with her wouldn’t be such a great idea.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  2. #2
    Member maki_rollkawa's Avatar
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    mirabel stood in the courtyard. she had shortly after abuela had requested a photo. mirabel had stayed back from the whole photo thinking. she knew she should feel happy for antonio. she was! but she couldnt help but feel envyious and confused. she had assumed nobody would have noticed she had walked off. no body noticed her staying behind and not partaking in the photo. so surely no one would notice if she wasnt there at the party. she thought at least (sorry i cant write much im working on it though)
    Last edited by maki_rollkawa; 09-04-2022 at 08:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Krystalline Moon
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    As the party moved into Antonio's room. Noctis just waited for a possible opportunity to collect one more person from the family. It didn't take long for the only one that didn't have the power to show up. Noctis sighed as he was disappointed that the only one that was alone was her. He was about to interrupt the party when he caught sight of one other person leaving the room. This time it was one of his targets. The young man named Camilo. Who had the ability to manipulate his form into any others. Not with illusion magic, but with actually changing his form, mass, and coloration.

    It was not the most powerful ability. That is unless he can use the powers and abilities of the one he is changing into, but it is one of the most interesting. Since his body can defy even the laws of alchemy. Making him the best sample for experimentation. A small smile formed on his face as he jumped down from the roof to the outside of the house. He made his way around to the door, and removed the spell from himself yet kept the spell on his Wraith. Walking through the door he slowly made his way up to Mirabel. He figured this might be the best way to get to his intended target.

    “Why are you not celebrating with the others? I am sure that your family will be missing you?’ Noctis said in a kind tone as he stopped right in front of the young lady. Noctis was not sure what this house's reaction would be to his presence. Though he doubted that it would recognize him as anything more than a normal human.

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    mirabel looks up at him before smiling softly. "oh-" she paused a second before giving off a nervous chuckle "just needed a second to breathe. i didnt think anyone would notice. have i been gone that long?" mirabel asked quickly worrying that others had possibly noticed her disapperance as well. she didnt want anyone else in the family or even worse someone for the town to notice she had been gone and possibly think something was off.

  5. #5
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    Camilo’s eyebrows raised at the new arrival. He’d rubbed enough elbows around town to practically memorize everyone’s names and faces, but he was pretty sure he’d never seen this guy before. Not only that, but the way he made a beeline straight for Mirabel was clearly making her uncomfortable, and Camilo really couldn’t blame her. A complete stranger, not even from around here, approaching her out of nowhere? Kinda creepy.

    Well, Camilo did appoint himself the unofficial greeter for newcomers. And far be it from the Madrigals to be ungracious hosts, or bad cousins, or bad anything for that matter. So, off he went to fulfill his civic duty.

    “Heeey!” Camilo said casually, leaping onto the stairs. Casita promptly collapsed the steps into a ramp, allowing Camilo to slide down and stick the landing at the bottom. With a quick ‘I-got-this’ wink to Mirabel, Camilo turned his full attention to the latecomer. “You’re just in time; the party’s upstairs! Come on in!”
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 09-06-2022 at 01:16 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  6. #6
    Krystalline Moon
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    Noctis’ plan worked. He got Camilo to come down the stairs, and he was acting like his normal self. Mirabel on the other hand seemed like she was very uncomfortable with him speaking with her. Everything was going to plan, the only thing he needed to do now was make the house docile. He was not sure how just yet but he did figure that this house was like any living creature, and could be controlled in the same way.

    “The party has yet to truly start. Though with you here we can get it started.” Noctis said as he used his power and a black mist covered his hand and the mist fell to the ground. If everything worked out the house would be stunned, and not able to stop him and his Wraith from gathering the two children. Noctis reached out quickly to grab Mirabel.

    The Wraith on the wall was confused as to why Noctis covered him in a spell. With his abilities he could easily conceal himself. Well, it didn’t really matter. He silently jumped down from the wall and into the courtyard. Walking silently behind Camilo, he used a blade and cut his hand. Then used the blade on the child. Not stabbing him anywhere vital, only wanting his blood to enter the child's blood stream. He also took his free hand to cover his mouth at the same time.

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    mirabel quickly attempted to pull away from the mans grasp. she looked at the other with terror. "what are you doing?! let him go!" she yelled watching as the man cut him hand open and then camilo. she was confused as to why casita wasnt even reacting. typically by now in a situation like this casita would be either trying to get another family members attention or be trying to seperate the family members from the problem.

  8. #8
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    The shock of the ambush caused Camilo to panic-shift as he struggled, changing into Mirabel and then his father and then Abuela and then back again all in two seconds flat. The panic-shifting stopped once he mentally got a grip on the situation, thanks in no small part to a shallow cut to his arm, but then he more deliberately changed form two more times. First he changed into the much larger form of Luisa, and then immediately changed into Antonio’s much smaller form, the sudden change in size allowing him to quickly jump free of Alatus’ grip and change back to his true form again.

    “Get away from her!” Camilo lunged at Noctis, but the arm he’d meant to punch the man with went completely limp at the last second, causing him to crash awkwardly into Noctis instead. By the time Camilo hit the ground, the paralysis spread to the rest of his body, and he collapsed into a sprawling heap on the floor. His eyes remained open but locked in place, staring forward at nothing in particular.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  9. #9
    Krystalline Moon
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    Even with the young lady struggling, and Camilo body slamming him because of the paralysis, Noctis was still able to keep his grip on Mirabel. This night was turning into a good night. He now had two members of the family, and that would expedite his experimentation into how this power worked. His Wraith picked up Camilo, and he opened a pitch-black portal. Before dragging Mirabel through the portal noctis dropped a piece of green glass. Then they all entered the portal.

    When they arrived Noctis confined Mirabel to a chair, and Camilo was placed on a table. Before anything started Noctis took blood from both of the children and handed it to someone else via a small black portal. “Alatus, undo the binding on Camilo. It is time to get started.” Noctis said as his Wraith gave the child a potion that would undo the effects of his blood.

    Once the young man was able to move again Noctis spoke. “Now, don’t try to play the hero, and just do as I tell you. The life of your cousin is in your hands.” Noctis said as he just stared at the young man as he smiled at him. “I want to see what you are able to do. Turn into this man.” Noctis said as he pointed at Alatus. “Can you tell me what he is capable of?”


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