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Thread: [IC] Star Wars - Decreed [Mature]

  1. #11
    DuchessLivilla's Avatar
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    Syanna watched the unfolding scene with an amusement detachment. She made no move to signal her guards, nor her hired mercenary, and merely smirked as the Senator spoke to the so-called Jedi. A relic, morelike. The sooner their kind were liquidated the better. Still...he might useful information for her, and the senate...

    Even as a little girl, young and foolish as anyone, she had never felt any thrilled at the tales of the Jedi order and their 'greatness'. She had always felt they were driven by their ambition and egos, strutting around like demigods, expecting praise just for being. They had not achieved anything. The Emperor had united the galaxy under one rule! What was a Jedi's life, or a thousand lives, or even a million lives, to that. The fools would see it soon enough.

    She smirked again and called to Marienna, "My dear friend, I should very much like, with your gracious permission, of course, to watch the interrogations. I find watching them most invigorating! Very good for the blood and the skin, in fact. To witness torture keeps one young..."

    Her eyes, glinting with delight and even now some of the wanton appeal she had once possessed as a young woman, flicked back to the so-called Jedi. She could almost taste the pain that would soon come! It was like a drug, and she craved it...

    One of her handmaidens, who had witnessed many such sessions at her Mistress's side, gave a small, almost cruel smile behind her.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  2. #12
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    As Malakai Burnlaye and her doctor continued to walking he stopped suddenly. He saw the lightsaber wielding individual and made Malakai stop. He started to talk. She interrupted. "Don't trust your eyes. They can deceive you." She then saw Miahal. "Interesting acts human, looks human but isn't. Do they make droids that look human?" The doctor shrugged. "Not really my line of work. They do make prosthetics that look human. I have never seen a prosthetic that perfectly matched the skin. I guess they could apply similar principles to a droid but none of the droids I have ever met could pose as a human, so it would be a waste of time." Malakai rubbed her chin with her free hand. "Intriguing."

    Miahal Shalina turned around when Shakara began talking ready to shoot the fool in the face. Then she saw the lightsaber. She analyzed the situation and her chances of surviving an encounter with a Sith. "They don't pay me enough to deal with that shit." Then she happened to notice the reflection in the glass, it didn't line up with what she was seeing in front of her. She walked up to her boss Syanna, she leaned in and whispered for her to look at a building where Shakara was projecting from.

  3. #13
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    The apparition looked around, then straight forward, saying only three words, "Be seeing you," before completely vanishing.
    Shakara opened his eyes, looking up at the sky. They had figured out the ruse before he expected, and possibly worse, had a vague idea of where he was. Shakara considered these two things of no consequence, the plan would continue nonetheless.
    Shakara pulled the communicator from his belt, and spoke into it, "Tegu's isar zhol.(Let's do it.)"
    Shakara's rise to his feet was in unison with a black YT-1300 at the far end of the spaceport. Shakara stepped away from the edge of the rooftop, then turned to face the black ship, then began running along the rooftop as the ship began speeding towards him.
    Shakara jumped as the ship began a spin, the two acts timed to deliver Shakara almost perfectly onto the still open boarding ramp. The ship completed the spin, the boarding ramp closing, then sped off over the horizon.
    After a few moments, the ship appeared on the horizon again, speeding towards the spaceport. The ship passed quickly over the spaceport, before turning straight up and started the trek to oribt, but the ship had dropped something as it passed.
    A small metallic container rolled across the ground, before coming to rest as it hit Marienna's foot.
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

  4. #14
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Malakai's doctor watched astonished by the disappearing figure and the sudden commotion with the freighter. "Never trust what your eyes are telling you. They can be deceived. If all of your senses tell you the same thing, then it is more than likely true. If someone can deceive all five they are very powerful and very bad."

    As Malakai and her doctor walked she began to feel through the Force something on this planet was calling her. She led her doctor to it. They eventually found themselves at a different spaceport. There they found a Dynamic-class freighter. She asked her doctor to confirm what she was seeing. The doctor had no idea what particular ship it was just that it was a freighter. Before either one could say anything else a very proud human male walked up. "The people I paid to restore this beauty just delivered her. Used to be owned by some pretty famous people. All died or disappeared under shady and/or mysterious circumstances. The perfect addition to my macabre collection. A lot of the original parts had to be replaced because they simply cannot be found and the ones that could be found were in such bad condition they were unusable. Such a shame though. This model inspired the XS stock light freighter which in turn inspired the YT-Series. Most of the replacement parts came from the YT-Series line with some modifications to make them fit or improve performance. They say some guy named Sulu, Solo, Polo, Rollo? Whatever his name is doesn't matter, they say he made the Kessel Run in slightly over 12 parsecs just a few months ago. The people who restored this claim this ship can beat that. I doubt what's his face did it. Sounds like an obvious lie to impress inexperienced fools and women. Not that I would ever try that with this beauty. It's had many names over the millennia, most lost to time, two of the best names given to it were Sparrowhawk and Star Fury. I'm still trying to figure out a name for it. Bird names were popular for this model."

    Malakai knew this ship, she didn't know how but she knew it. She had to have it. "How much?" The very proud man was taken aback and angry. "It's not for sale. I think you should leave." Malakai and her doctor started to leave. Suddenly the very proud man screamed for help but was cut off, literally. A blaster shot hit the ground just to the left of the doctor. They both turned around. They found the very proud man in two pieces. His head had rolled several feet away from his body. There were three assailants one wielding a sword and two with blaster rifles. Malakai couldn't help but wonder if the very proud man would appreciate the irony of the situation he added to the macabre history of this ship.

    The two blaster rifle-carrying thugs approached them and escorted them back to the sword-wielding guy. Malakai let the apparent leader speak. She wasn't listening, she was assessing the situation. She could tell they thought she posed no threat because she was blind. She could also see they didn't consider her doctor a threat either but they weren't going to give him a chance to do something stupid. Suddenly the back side of her left knee was kicked. The same was done to the doctor's right knee. They both fell to their knees. Malakai knew she had to act fast. She reached out with the Force and grabbed both blaster rifles without the thugs knowing. In a matter of seconds, she forced the blaster rifles to point at the thugs and fired killing them. Before the sword-wielding thug could react she punched him in the under his chin activating her lightsaber gauntlet at the moment of impact killing him instantly.

    Malakai searched the corpse of the very proud man and found a piece of paper with the access codes to the ship. "You should probably come with me, I'll drop you off somewhere." Once aboard the ship, they were greeted by a T3-series utility droid it introduced itself as T3-C4. "Hello, T3." The droid beeped some more. "Sorry C4. I was hoping there was a droid aboard." The Star Fury left Nar Shaddaa. As it took off several more blaster rifle-carrying thugs started shooting at them. "Just in case doctor you should strap in case they send a ship after us.

  5. #15
    The Grey Lady
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    "How they play their little games..." As quickly as the man had been there, threatening and all, he was gone. Nothing more than a projection. How pathetic, the Senator thought to herself, turning now her attention to Lady Syanna. There was a long held sigh and for just a moment her mind had gone to wander. "Come, we have much to discuss." Marienna spoke a higher, almost jovial voice. As though nothing had just happened and she had stepped off a ship into a world of perfect peace. That wouldn't last long as moments later a small canister found itself rolling across the ground and resting at her feet.

    The Senator motioned for a guard, who quickly scooped the small object up, scanning it and handing it back to the Senator with no additional comment. "Exhausting. To think they often said persistence and perseverance were good things." A small chuckle escaped her pallid lips. It was all sort of comical, The Senator, an agent of the Emperor wrapped in all the trappings of state stood statuesque, clad in all white against the dirty, dark backdrop of the Smuggler's moon. She was out of place, but the way she moved, with such purpose as though she belonged. "Find me the Inquisitor on this moon." The Senator ordered behind her, several members of the delegation that had arrived now scrambling to fulfill her orders, else face her wrath.

    "As for you my darling." The Senator's attention entirely on her friend, her confidant, the Lady Syanna. They had much in common, for example they both hailed from the prosperous Naboo. They both recalled the beginnings and ends of wars and conflicts and silly little things. Yet Syanna was chaos and glamour. Marienna was order and beauty. The two stood opposed but united. Of course, the Senator had no doubt that at the end of the day Syanna was in this for herself, as opposed to absolute and unquestioned loyalty to the Emperor. "Let's find out who just left the party and where oh where they might be going." Marienna pointed to the sky, as ships came and went. One in particular, perhaps two would hold the secret to the next steps.

    The two women walked side by side toward more suitable accommodations. A lavish apartment, no doubt owned by someone neither of them wanted to know, nor would they ever know. It wouldn't be until she arrived here that she would consider opening the small canister. "Then again, I'm sure there's something I can do for you." Marienna spoke quietly now, as she twisted the metal device opened to read the message inside.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  6. #16
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    “Find the Inquisitor” was more easily said than done. The Eleventh Brother was prowling the back alleys of Nar Shaddaa like a caged rancor, somehow horribly out of place and terrifically in-place at the same time. His nose clogged with the sour scent of acrid smoke, he felt the hot, muggy air was much like the inside of an animal’s maw. He had no inclination for showboating like that pompous Pau’an. He preferred the shadows, where it was dark, and warm, and wet.

    So he stuck to the alleys and crevices, an ambush predator to the bone. Most passersby were of no use to him, and therefore were beneath his notice. Every so often, he would take notice of a lavish crime lord and their entourage of thugs and droids. Oh, how he loathed Hutts. They had the makings of a great and powerful species, but preferred to lay about in their own filth and muck, relying far too much on other actors with other agendas to get things done. He had once read historical accounts of Hutt warriors, and oh what a force they could be. Several tons of durasteel-hard muscle propelled by a tail that could crush most sentients in a single swing. But now they had become fat, and lazy, and altogether too much trouble. He recalled something Lord Vader had told him before he set out for the Smuggler’s Moon: bring Nar Shaddaa to heel, or destroy it. He was almost tempted to give a half-effort just for the sake of bombardment, but he knew the Emperor would find out. The Emperor always found out.

    Suddenly, his communicator beeped. Cursing, he answered with an irritable,


    “Senator Marienna Beren requests your presence, along with the Lady Syanna.” The Eleventh Brother’s eyes narrowed, but a vicious smile spread across his lips. “Sending coordinates now.”

    “Give the Senator my regards, and tell her I apologize for any… tardiness,”

    “Yes sir,” said the stormtrooper, and the communicator crackled off. With a grunt, the Eleventh Brother leapt down to street level. The populace gave him a wide berth, like a river swirling around a rock. He set off to the designated location, a pristine apartment in an otherwise filthy city.

    The door to the apartment slid open with a quiet hiss, revealing a luxurious set of rooms with a terrific view of some smog-belching factories. Inside sat two human women in conversation: one tall, with pale skin and black hair in eye-smarting white clothes, the other short and regal, with sapphire-blue eyes and elaborate clothing. The very picture of the Empire’s face. On the other claw, the Eleventh Brother liked to imagine himself part of the Empire’s fangs. Deadly, precise, and venomous. He gave a slight bow to each, a small movement of the shoulders and head.

    “My Lady. Senator. I do hope I’m not interrupting?”
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