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Thread: (M)Unexpected Encounters of the Knights(OOC)

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    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Default (M)Unexpected Encounters of the Knights(OOC)

    The Code required ten knights for the station to guard the prominence at the strait, and a fort with a tower was built there. The Killiput, the enemy on the far shore across from there, would use this part of the land that was the closest for a threatening approach, even though, from what was known from many accounts, there were monsters in the deep around there, that could attack vessels arbitrarily at any time.

    Alastair Hylton was next to chief of the knights stationed here. He was in charge of assigning the watches and rearranging them in cases of special need. Yet he still had to take the longest watch. It could not be skipped. Anything could happen at any time.

    And after a few watches after all had been stationed there, something did happen!

    Share character name and descriptions and any desired details in posts below.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 06-17-2023 at 08:56 PM.

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    DreamDragon101's Avatar
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    Character: Valeria Segrave

    Valeria Segrave is a very pretty young lady is at the age of 27 years, Her hair color is dark chestnut brown it is long and thick and comes down to her waist, Her eyes are a pleasant dark brown in color and wide set. When she is not in the water and is standing on land she is 5’10”, Her skin is very white and creamy with no blemish, She is half Human and half Mermaid.

    Valeria’s personality: talented, timid, dedicated, cheeful, and loving. Initially, Valeria comes off as a very quiet person who might be withdrawn and shy. However, is very sweet and loving especially with those she cares a lot about. She also likes to play music instruments. She enjoys playing the harp and the flute, she likes reading and write poetry, she has a lovely voice and loves singing when she is alone in the meadow. Valeria is not a picky eater she will eat most anything you put in front of her, as long as it is cooked well and tast good. Valeria manly wears long flowing dresses when she is not in the water and knee length skirts and sleeveless shirts when in the water, she hardly wears any kind of shoes for she likes to go barefoot.

    More on Valeria’s background and how she became a mermaid.
    Valeria grow up most of her life as a human. But on the night of her twenty six birthday she had to leave home because a wicked wizard cast a spell on her and turned her into a mermaid because she refused to stop singing when he told her to and he wanted her to come with him so he could take her lovely voice away from her, but of course she refused to do that. So to this day she has learned to live in the water as a mermaid. After the wizard cast the spell on her he told her as long as she returns to the water after dark each night she would be able to keep her legs, but if Valeria forgets to return to the water after dark she would then lose her legs and have to live the rest of her life in the water with fins. The only way the spell could be broken was if a Knight was to find Valeria and fall in love with her and then escort her to find the wicked wizard. Then the Knight must prove he loved Valeria and cared about her. If the wizard is pleased with what he sees he will then give the Knight three task he must complete to break the spell. If he can not complete all of the tasks the spell will not be broken and Valeria will remain a mermaid the rest of her life.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-04-2023 at 03:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Alastair Hylton, next to chief of the knights, is at the age of 26 years at the time of this account. He is human and a male. He is tall and slim, reaching a little more than six feet in height, with muscular arms and agile legs with strong feet that would never need footwear if they are not available, appears clean-shaven with his tan and yet smooth skin while the head hair is straight, dark blond, with its length coming short of the shoulders. His shirt and trousers under his leathery coat show his preference for green and blue that he would wear. His footwear resemble moccasins. He hides easily and has great agility at climbing and is highly dexterous.

    Alastair Hylton is highly proficient with swords and with staves, and at archery, and charming easily with skillful songs, and having knowledge to thrive traveling on water with vessels or through it with needing to swim.

    Alastair Hylton is shy at first but bonding with others after exposure to those who are trustworthy. He dislikes any food not from plants, including fungi, like mushrooms, and offensive people, and aggressive wild carnivores among the wildlife. He likes any sweet fruits, nuts of various kinds, salads, vegetable soups, good social times, or solitary time, good music, and also gentle animals which he likes to befriend.

    Alastair Hylton is useful for recognizing edibles which grow around the land. He can sing well, skillfully charming others. He can commune with spirits, and know things about places, and things about the past, and he shows limited ability to know some things yet to come.

    He joined the forces as an uncle he was fond of had, and he was wanting to become independent of his family at home, who he saw was too controlling, as far as possible. In combat with a troop of ogres he stood out with his bravery, and he was knighted.

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    Valeria Segrave hurried down the dirt path eager to arrive at her favorite spot. Just a few more steps and there it was. She finally stood in a beautiful meadow that was filled with yellow and white wild flowers as far as her eyes could see them. As Valeria stud there she drew in a deep breath, relishing the sweet scent of the flowers around her. Since this was one of her favorite places to come she had grown to love it because she knew she could get away anytime she wanted to just think and enjoy the day and this just happened to be that kind of day for her. Today the sun was high up in the sky when she got there for it was a nice spring day to be out in the meadow. Valeria planned to enjoy each moment she could spend here.

    After a while of walking she soon came up to an apple tree. Seeing it was giving a little bit of shade she decides to stop and rest. “This looks like the perfect place for me to sit and play my flute.” she murmured. As Valeria took a seat under the tree she then pulled out her flute that she had been carrying in a canvas tote. She then slowly raised it to her lips and started to play a song her father use to sing to her when she was young child. But now that she had memorized it she loved to play it over and over when she was alone here in the meadow. After playing it a few times she put her flute back into the canvas tote. Then looking around to see if anyone was there watching her she then stood up and started to walk through the meadow again.

    As Valeria walked along she soon stopped to pick a few flowers. Picking them reminded her of the times she had picked them for her mother. She missed those days since she had to leave home on the night of her twenty six birthday after a wicked wizard cast a spell on her and turned her into a mermaid, because she refused to stop singing when he told her to and he wanted her to come with him so he could take her lovely voice away from her, but of course she refused that. So to this day she has learned to live in the water as a mermaid. After the wizard cast the spell on her he told her as long as she returns to the water after dark each night she would be able to keep her legs. But if she forgets to return to the water after dark she would then lose her legs and have to live the rest of her life in the water with fins. Valeria was so glad that she was able to spend time out of the water during the day especially in the meadow.

    As the sun started to set Valeria had already walked back to the apple tree she had been at earlier. She knew it was probably about time to be heading back to the water but she wanted to watch the sun set first. After she leaned up against the tree she watched the sky change colors first it was a bright pink with some red then it soon started to turn orange. She loved seeing how all the colors soon mix together as the sun got lower in the sky. Then as she was about to turn and start to walk again she looked up and saw someone standing in distances watching her. But she could not really make out who it was at the time. As she slowly walked closer to the path she soon saw it was a man. Could it possibly be the wicked wizard that cast the spell on her? No it couldn’t be him, for she had not seen him since the night of her birthday. But as she got closer to him she soon saw it was him. As she grabbed her canvas tote and dress in her hands she started to run but she could not get far enough ahead of him before he grabbed her by the arms and held her up against him. As she screamed out and tried to pull away from him. He just held her even tighter. When she finally stopped screaming he then started to talk to her. “Ah, Valeria Segrave we meet again. Have you changed your mind about what I asked of you to do?” Valeria closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, but when she opened them again all she could do was shake her head at the wizard for she was too scared to answer him. As the wizard started to shake Valeria hard he said. “Answer me now girl or I will cast another spell on you and you will be wishing you hadanswered me.” As Valeria was about to say something the wizard started to raised his hand in the air but stopped when she screamed out. “Oh please sir don’t hurt me, for all I was doing was trying to make my way back to the water after spending the day in the meadow.”When she was finally able to say that she then lowered her head to look to the ground. Then hearing the wizard started to laugh at her answer he then said. “Ah, I see. Well you better not have been singing while you were there. For if I had caught you doing that I would have taken your voice away from you for sure.” Valeria’s eyes grow wide when she heard him say those words. “Oh please sir just let me go now for I was not singing in the meadow today but just playing my flute.” As she said that he then grabbed the canvas tote and pulled it off of her. As he held it up in the air he started to saysome funny words that Valeria had never heard him say before.“WING WONG TA NA BO.” Which meaning: Make this tote disappear now. When he said these words the canvas tote then disappeared. Valeria then screamed out saying. “Please not my canvas tote.” As she said that the wizard let go off her and pushed her to the ground and as he did that he also disappeared.

    Valeria lay there on the ground for a few minutes, then slowly sitting up she looked around to see if the wizard was still there. When seeing he was not there she cried out when seeing it was almost dark. She then jumped upand started to gather her dress in her hands and then she took off running as fast as she could to get back to the water. When she finally got to the water she quickly jumped in and when her feet touched the water herlegs started to disappear and her fins reappear again. As she started to swim in the cool water little did Valeria know that someone was standing there watching her. But it was not the wicked wizard this time but someone else she had never met before.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-08-2023 at 04:22 PM.

  5. #5
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    @DreamDragon101; I really like this writing and it would only have small edits that would help it at all. I posted with including this, without doing edits to it myself, in an In Character thread for it, and hopefully we can have a long enjoyable experience writing our role-playing in it.

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    Okay thank you for letting me know.

    I post my second reply as well in here and in the other one.
    Let me know what you think if it.
    I look forward to seeing what you come up with and I look forward to having Valeria met Alastair.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-15-2023 at 06:08 PM.

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    It felt good to Valeria to be back in the water after a long day in the hot meadow. But when Valeria lay there in the water all the memories of the day started to run through her head. From the first step she took into the meadow, and when she rested under the tree to play her flute, and then to pick wild flowers. But the memory that what she could not get out of her head was the wicked Wizards words to her. " would he truly take my voice away from me if he ever get caught me singing?" She whispered to herself. But she could not believe he had taken her flute away from her. For she really enjoyed playing it and she knew she would miss doing it now that it was gone. As Valeria swim around for a little bit longer she thought about other things she missed. Then as she finished swimming she made her way over to some rocks that lay in the water, she then swam up onto them and laying there in the coolness of the night. As she lay there she watched the full moon rise high in the sky. She smiled as she saw the reflection of it in the water and it it reminded her of the time her father and her first slipped out under the stars one full night when she was a small child. Now that she lived out under them all the time it made her long to be at home with her family again and she knew one day maybe that would happen. But right now she was tired and wanted to go to sleep. Not long after that she did finally fall asleep and stayed asleep the rest of the night.

    Early the next morning just before the sun was to come up Valeria woke up. Then sitting up on the Rock she yawned and stretched as she looked around then after a little bit she dive into the water and swam over to a little covering in the rocks. This was where she kept her belongings at. When she reached the rock she started to look for her hair brush when finding it she then swam back over to the Rocks where she was before. When she got to the Rock she jumped up on it and started to brush her wet hair out. As she did this she started to hum her favorite song to herself and then she soon started to sing it. " Early one morning just as the sun was rising I heard a young maid sing in the valley below." But this was singing that would quiet a crying baby and withdraw a crowd of people to listen. For Valeria truly had a beautiful voice and she was not afraid to let people hear her singing. As she continued to sing she started to braid her hair and then putting it up in a bun. But she stopped singing as she put the last clip into her hair before she saw something moving near the trees off in the distance.

    Valeria sat there on the rocks for a few more minutes just staring out at whatever it was in the trees. As she sat there she built up enough courage to leave the rocks, for she knew if she stayed on the Rocks she would never know what it was at near the trees. Then turning around she then dived into the water and started to swim up to the shoreline. When getting there she rolled out of the water and up onto the sand and as soon as her tail left the water the sun started slowly drying her tail up and it disappeared and her leg started to form in place of her tail. Once her legs appeared Valeria men stood up and turning to look back at the trees, her eyes then went right back to the trees where she had seen the thing earlier. Then slowly walking towards the trees her eyes searched, she felt pretty sure something had been there watching her and she was not going to give up until she saw what it was. As she walked up to the place where she had thought she had seen something earlier she called out. " Hello is there anyone here?" She said as she listened carefully. Then she jumped when she thought she heard a branch snap nearby her. Then calling out again. " Hello!" She hoped if there was anyone there that they would answer her and come out from hiding from her. As she stood there she leaned up against a tree and waited.


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