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Thread: [M] The Horror of Habergam House (IC)

  1. #11
    The Grey Lady
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    The Dowager Duchess had little time to contemplate Sebastian's motives much further, at least not then and there. The surface level was clear, the Habergams had a sizable fortune, and influence in society that would make King George IV shake in his boots should they decide to lift a finger against him, despite his rather large size. It was somewhat unsettling. Caroline was a jealous woman, the fact that Sebastian had left her ate at her soul. How many years had she put up with her drunk, abusive, gambling, cheating husband? Too many. Of course the rumours abounded but she paid them no mind, and in her heart she knew that Sebastian had been the source. To say she was heartbroken would have been an understatement.

    So why had she truly come? Was it to seek her revenge? To act out on silent rage? To win the man back? To show him he needed her? Perhaps. Perhaps the invitation was stark enough, a chance to peel back the curtain and peek inside at the mystery of the Habergams. To arrange a marriage for her brother? Potentially, but in the end she could care less if she lifted a finger for him. Her son was already provided for and would one day have his choice of women. Caroline would make sure he chose well.

    The moment dawned, and everyone's attention was suddenly drawn to the man who spoke, and the girls who had appeared behind him. Caroline raised a champagne flute to her lips and sipped it lightly, always careful never to over indulge. "So... they do exist." Caroline spoke to no one in particular, though she still found herself beside her former lover. It was a moment without comparison. After all of these years, all of the wondering and the whispers three of the Habergams were now presented before them. There were hushed whispers, some gasps that were just barely above silence. Everyone was taken aback, to say anything else would not do it justice.

    Elizabeth, the elder had a vacant look in her eyes, she was tall, thin, striking. But she seemed almost hollow, like she was standing there, but wasn't entirely present. The younger, Atalanta was the one with sight, with a look that could kill. But Caroline, always up for a challenge did not avert her gaze. But within her she felt a deep and resounding discomfort. Caroline would not be able to put her finger on it, not quite. "My God Seb...." Something was beginning to feel wrong, haunting, deathly. But what evidence had she? None. It was only a feeling.

    The host had been welcoming, the guests charming, the estate was palatial and beautifully decorated. The champagne served was the most expensive money could buy. Caroline raised her free hand to her chest, and clutched at the necklace she wore. Taking a moment to let the shivers run through her body to her fingertips and dissipate. A smile forced upon her face, but the feeling that Atalanta was looking at her, not only looking at her, but seeing into her very soul. Bone chilling.

    Then it hit her, the two words she didn't understand.

    Good Luck

    Caroline knew what the words meant, and normally it was a sentiment easy enough to comprehend. But here, what did they really mean? What was the implication behind them? Did he wish them all luck on finding a suitable match in one of the sisters? No. Not everyone here was in search of a Habergam wife, only most. Everyone had a different reason to be here tonight. The offering was sinister. Her eyes glanced around the room, was anyone else as concerned as she? Was it all in her head?

    "To the Habergams." Caroline called out loud, above the hushed crowd, raising her glass into the air, as others repeated in suit.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #12
    Crimson Casanova
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    In the midst of the lavish ballroom, Sebastian couldn't deny the lingering feelings he had for Lady Caroline. Her smile and infectious laughter brought back memories of their passionate encounters. But the "evidence" still haunted him, making him feel the urgency to distance himself from her, lest he suffer the fate of her late husband. There was no doubt in his mind about this damning evidence.

    To protect other potential suitors from falling into her clutches, he quickly spread rumors of Caroline's possible involvement in her husband's death, tarnishing her reputation among the high society.

    Amidst the hushed whispers, Mr. Edward Habergam made a grand entrance, commanding the room's attention. He formally presented his young daughters, Elizabeth and Atalanta, who were seeking marriage prospects. Sebastian observed the sisters, wondering what thoughts passed through their minds as they scanned the crowd for potential suitors. Elizabeth possessed striking beauty, but her vacant stare hinted at something amiss. Atalanta, on the other hand, exuded an aura of power that could easily intimidate any shy man.

    As the crowd held their breath, Lady Caroline raised a toast to the Habergams, showing her respect for the family. But Sebastian had a different agenda. He was there to uncover critical information about the Habergams, and that required him to make a strong first impression. Ignoring Caroline's presence, he confidently strode forward, past the revelers who were enjoying their drinks after the toast. Climbing the grand staircase, he approached the two young women with squared shoulders and a charming smile. "M'ladies," he offered both arms, "May I have the honor of escorting both of you to join the crowd for a beautiful night?"

    Sebastian was determined to take the lead in this political game, making the first move to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic Habergam family.

  3. #13
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    As the words left the Dowager Duchess' mouth, they seemed to take flight, a near-physical presence in the grand ballroom. The toast rippled outwards as other nobles followed suit, murmurations of "To the Habergams!" and raised glasses. Edward nodded politely.

    "We thank you for your kind words."

    The murmurations turned to quiet gasps and gossip behind hands. The crowd parted hesitantly, like the winding back of a bear trap's metal jaws, to reveal a man set with charismatic purpose. He swept forward toward the staircase. The canny might've noticed the slightest intonation of Edward's jaw, the faintest narrowing of eyes. But Sebastian von Wintershield only had eyes for the two Habergam sisters and missed their uncle's strange expression.

    As he took the first step onto the staircase, his foot suddenly buckled. A dizzying sense of vertigo set in, swirling the room in a haze of blue and gold for a moment before abruptly returning to normal. Regardless, he made it to the top of the grand staircase without further issue. This play of power was shameless and daring, and by the thickening stew of voices below, nobody quite knew what to make of it.

    "M'ladies," he offered both arms, "May I have the honor of escorting both of you to join the crowd for a beautiful night?"

    Elizabeth's eyes snapped to his, so stark a change from their purposeless drifting that it dripped a cold shiver down his spine. They were the translucent blue of a dead jellyfish, he was quite sure. When her mouth opened to speak, no sound came out for a moment, before a faint and wind-like voice whispered out.

    "Of course. Come, Atalanta, our guest wishes to dance." She placed a twig-like hand on the inner crook of his elbow. It felt light enough that any sudden movement on Sebastian's part might rip it like tissue paper. It was also very cold.

    On his left, Atalanta performed a similar motion, though her grip was much firmer and warmer. Sebastian could almost feel her gaze scouring every plane of his face.
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  4. #14
    The Grey Lady
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    The fact that Sebastian had abandoned her, in pursuit of the Habergam daughters was not a surprise. He was nothing if not bold. But that did not concern the Dowager. Caroline merely stood as bystander and watched as the two women seemed to come to life. They had been like dolls, standing so perfectly and now they were moving. But the mystery in the air only thickened with Sebastian almost seemed to lose his footing. That was not in his character. One of them had spoken to Sebastian, though her words were too soft to make out, and Arabella too far to read lips. It seemed almost lacking a humanity. Everyone in the audience stood by in awe, some men cursing under their breaths that they had not thought of the move first. They moved like the automatons she had read about.

    While men spoke of missed opportunities, Caroline wondered of the treachery, and of the secrets held within. As each moment, each striking of the clock had passed the Dowager did not feel easier. Though her curiosity was certainly piqued. Caroline turned her head to survey the crowd, she looked for those who stood out amongst them. Those who had a deeper game to play than one of pocket change. There were a few faces she did not recognize. Were they lower gentry? Nobles that had never risen to the level to where she would care for it? Likely. But perhaps they too would notice that something was amiss.

    It was Edward that Caroline had machinations for. No, not for relationship, or marriage, not for sex or other casual amusements. For information. His face had turned in such a way, and Sebastian would have never noticed. She would wait for the two girls to descend the grand staircase, and then she would make her move to approach him, to call him down with the rest. After all what man could resist the temptations of the Dowager Duchess. That was one of her talents, and one she would make use of. She raised a hand, and looked squarely at Edward, motioning for him to join the amassed celebrants.

    To each their own, everyone would have their own approach, and for Caroline this was the gateway, and plan B? Well that was snooping, walking through the halls, peeking into rooms. Greasing the palms of servants. Nothing was out of the question, or the realm of possibility. She only wondered who else would rise up and join the fray, not of the observers, those who had no chance and knew it, but rather those who would step up their game, and truly enjoy the sport of it.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #15
    Giga Onion
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    There was no mistaking it, something was amiss here. Sorin was not one to pry too deeply into the affairs of the higher gentry, but something about that noble losing his footing temporarily didn't exactly sit well with him. He was already on edge due to the strange aire in the ballroom. This was only layered when Sorin watched the noble escort to the two young ladies down to the dancefloor. He could make out the strangeness in the one girl, and took particular note at how her expression did not present her as being wholly there.

    However, he did not want to rule anything out yet. This might be the strange traditions of the Habergam family, and so he did not want to criticize their practices when he barely knew them. Thus, he reserved his judgement for when there was substantial evidence to anything out of the ordinary. Although, this blizzard that had totally eclipsed this estate was something of an oddity in of itself. But, to be invited to something like this, you can't necessarily skip out on it.

    In any case, Sorin did best by patting Tiberiu on the shoulder having said, "Becareful with those young women.. They stink of the strangeness."

    "Brother," he smirked and chuckled a bit at his second eldest brother's absurdity. "What stinks is your willingness to stay on the fringes of these occasions!" He patted the professor's shoulder, "Leave me to live.. Isn't that why you brought me here?" He gave a knowing smile to Sorin.

    Sorin could only groan at him, and grumbled, "Fine..! I'll be here when you're done. Don't be surprised when you get stared at by all these nobles.." He took a sip of some drink he had taken from the catering tables.

    Tiberiu gave a thumbs up, and maneuvered his way through the crowd so that he'd be in front for when they came down. And when they did, he stepped out and took a confident stride up to the three of them saying, "I am Tiberiu Iorghu Otvos," he bowed formally, "I have come to take the hand of Elizabeth Habergam so that we may dance. Does she care to dance with a man of very little status, but of strong will and mind?"

    Sorin pinched the bridge of his nose as his youngest brother spoke with the same foolish confidence that has gotten him into trouble dozens of times before. Although, Sorin wasn't too surprised that Tiberiu would do this; his luck with women was always far better than his. So, he was a little interested in seeing what the reaction was going to be from the Habergam girls. But, the crowd seemed to be against him in this moment.

  6. #16
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Sorin wasn't the only one that felt something was a little off, as Travis himself took notice of the man's stumble. It just didn't seem right. It wasn't a play, and it didn't feel like an accident. Something was going on, but what? Well, he wasn't too sure. Was the drink getting to him already?

    he certainly didn't feel like butting in on the crowds. And as much as he had been entranced by the two sisters, he didn't feel ready to approach them, either. And so, he searched, looking around for anyone who seemed more... approachable. And his eyes landed on Sorin.

    Travis Scott approached the man with drink in hand, and came along side him.
    "No' normally one f'r parties." He said, taking a sip of his drink.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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