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Thread: (M)Quest for the Restoration(OOC)

  1. #1
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Default (M)Quest for the Restoration(OOC)

    Character Name: Arapegol

    Age: 26

    Race: Human, mantype mostly, a quarter elf by descent

    Gender: male

    Description: tall and slim, with muscular arms and agile legs with strong feet that would never need footwear if they are not available

    Racial abilities (limit-4): perceive things in the dark with infrared and ultraviolet vision, more than twice the distance mantype humans can, hides much more easily than other human people, great agility at climbing beyond normal ability, highly dexterous

    Skills (anything not general. limit-3): highly proficient at archery, charming easily with skillful songs, knowledge to thrive traveling on water, with devices or vehicles or needing to swim

    Personality: shy at first but bonding with others after exposure to those who are trustworthy

    Dislikes: any food not from plants including any fungi like mushrooms, offensive people, and aggressive wild carnivores among the wildlife

    Likes: any sweet fruits, nuts of various kinds, salads, vegetable soups, good social times, or solitary time, good music, also gentle animals which he likes to befriend

    Backstory: In the land of Tenoba, a gang was hired a couple of years ago by a wizard, Diragusher, who meant to have the control of that city Erpedoben continue, in the wake of divisive challengers causing instability to it. Those in the gang had passed tests, that limited their membership to the most agile and athletic in the community. When that was found to not be enough, that wizard selected those most trusted to his cause to carry small powerful artifacts, orbs, or rods, each with defining ability for those using them. And they were trained for supernatural activity. But lately there was more trouble heard of abroad. Some would have to be sent off from that community, for dealing with these things, including Arapegol with his friend Eyriconer.

    Arapegol carried a medallion of exotic metal on him which identifies his order, that appointed gang. He carried a rod, with a glowing tip, freshly acquired and useful for alteration, and a glowing orb, freshly acquired and useful for teleportation. He had his bag of coins on his belt, the bow and arrows with him, and carried the bag with the orb, the rod, a few food items, and a blanket adequate for comfort wherever he might stop.

    Arapegol left that city of Erpedoben mostly under control with the supervision of that wizard, commissioned by him and accompanied by Eyriconer of the appointed gang, a slightly younger though large and wider man, in their travel out to where the main road went by the Primal Forest with deep dark spaces within it where no people had ever gone. Here there had been disappearances lately, and they were actually the second two sent out from the wizard this way. They would both need the devices they were trusted with, to deal with whatever danger they found in that area.

    A monster surprised them on the road where it went along the edge of the forest, shooting a tentacle out and withdrawing Eyriconer before either could react, but Arapegol shot at the monster presumably killing it. But Eyriconer did not respond to his calls and came out no more from there.

    After a journey some way beyond the Primal Forest, Arapegol came to another city. He saw an inn, and came to it. Arapegol came in, looked around, and walked to the bar, letting out his grief. He came to some sense, he inquired and received directions to where he could by maps, to help him get his bearing. At this time there a was an attempted robbery on a carriage as it was pulling out. As Arapegol heard noises from that as he was coming to the door of the place where he had bought maps, he saw one of the gang there about to attack a female elf riding her mount from behind, he used the teleportation to cast that attacker far away. He ran to where the robbers were surrounded the carriage, and he cast more far away with teleportation. But just then as one who was leading the robbers held up some crystal gem claiming it was a powerful artifact he would threaten those there with, there was another there with a weapon that shot right at that artifact, and it shattered, and that other shot that robber until the robber fell. Other robbers had fallen too. But at the shattering of the artifact a supernatural event happened right then, and the minds of a number of people in that area were swept into others bodies whose minds had also moved to others. The mind of Arapegol went to the body of the woman within the carriage where the robbery was attempted. Others there were affected, some of them the player characters in that unfinished roleplaying scenario, who with their minds in new bodies had to find their original bodies. And so the party of player characters, after the deputies of the law came and there was an account of the events and a reward for dealing with the leading robber, needed to find a safe place for where they would spend the night. They were going to choose a place for themselves. Arapegol though had used the rod of alteration to make a duplicate of his own body on the woman's body his mind was in, and went quickly on to hurry back on the road to his home city Erpedoben, after the rod of alteration was stolen away from him by a fiend that was kept as a familiar. Along the way he found his friend Eyriconer who had been knocked unconscious but had recently crawled out from that Primal Forest, where he lay along that road, and he helped him up and along the way where he returned to their city, where he was brought to his home. Arapegol went to see the high wizard Diragusher who had appointed them to go.

    The wizard Diragusher told him he had information on the artifact that could reverse the exchange of minds, which could be found, and gave instruction to Arapegol for going with more power he would hold. He would have to go back north past the Primal Forest, on his way to seek and acquire that artifact for the reversal, and where he would likely find those characters who had also been altered. Others might go with Arapegol to accompany him.

    Equipment: Arapegol carries a medallion of exotic metal on him which identifies his order, that appointed gang. He brings a bow and quiver of arrows, and a sharp blade in a sheath on him that he knows how to use. He carries an orb, freshly acquired and useful for teleportation. He has his bag of coins on his belt, and carries the bag with the orb, a few food items, and a blanket adequate for comfort wherever he might stop.

    Other: Arapegol is useful for recognizing edibles which grow around the land. He can sing well, skillfully charming others. He can commune with spirits, and know things about places, and things about the past, and have limited ability to know some things yet to come.

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    Name: Nasa Moon-walker
    Spoiler: body 

    Spoiler: mind 

    Spoiler: equipment: 
    Last edited by Enigma; 03-17-2022 at 03:31 AM.
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  3. #3
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    @Enigma; you might be interested in joining now

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    The whole mind-swap got a little too surreal and the game quickly outpaced my ability to respond last time. If there's going to be a lot of quick-posting, I may not be the one you want.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
    The whole mind-swap got a little too surreal and the game quickly outpaced my ability to respond last time. If there's going to be a lot of quick-posting, I may not be the one you want.
    @Enigma; you are the one I will want for this. In the original roleplay thread this was based on, others role-playing in it left after you gave notice you would not continue. I wanted the resolution which was what I roleplayed for. I had Highland Sniper tell me he would be interested to continue with me when I suggested a new thread for it, and we both roleplayed for awhile, but then he said he lost interest. I wanted resolution but I started seeing Highland Sniper wanted just the experience described of characters switching gender. So I continued it with my modifications, and initially thought you would be interested with use of your original character. No one else is left to roleplay it with me, and I continued while writing alone while it was lonesome without anyone else, bringing that story to a resolution. You can see that if you check,
    but there is a greater story I developed. You wanted your restored character, which is available now with that restoration, but we would have a greater story left to work on with a roleplay adventure.

    It would not involve very frequent posts, I will still let myself be involved in something else with role-playing, so several days apart, or a little more, can work for it still, even like I had been posting in the in character thread.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 08-04-2023 at 04:40 PM.

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    Sorry, things got very busy. What is the status of Nasa in this game, now? Is she still in the body of a giant? Or is she herself, barely able to speak 20 words in common?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
    Sorry, things got very busy. What is the status of Nasa in this game, now? Is she still in the body of a giant? Or is she herself, barely able to speak 20 words in common?
    @Enigma; what Highland Sniper started was what I originally roleplayed in this RPA role-playing forum site. I liked the character I made for it and wanted the resolution that was to be the point of that role-playing adventure. I like role-playing and writing, and when that was dropped it didn't sit right with me. I wanted the resolution, and my character might be used without just saying that "mix and mess up" was resolved, if I continued writing for it. I would rather have continued with another role-playing for it, Highland Sniper agreed to and did for some time, but dropped from it. Then I had your interest at the start of this thread. I went on with it, through all of that there is explanation for the needed amulet for the restoration being found, and Arapegol flees to get away from pursuit then, until he could join with others in that city where the earlier transformation occurred, Quadick. Everyone was then restored, my character Arapegol, your character Nasa, and everyone else who had been affected earlier, no character role-played or nonplayer is left out. You would have your character as you wrote her still, with an opening to start writing for her, right where I have the IC thread now, with minor things to pay attention to. This is about fighting off alien monsters. After the time with others, over a week, your character might know a few more Common words. The characterJaydeen who understands the elvish words is in the scene still. Your character has an urban camel to ride instead, as others do, your character right now is also without the shrunken head. I still want you involved that I could roleplay with you. It is an open thread still.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 09-08-2023 at 01:17 AM.

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    Without the shrunken head? My translator?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
    Without the shrunken head? My translator?
    @Enigma; for consistency it is unavoidable, as I say, for now. It goes back to when I had Highland Sniper agree to still roleplay with me. Unfortunately, as it may be, his character Jaydeen in the original body of your character had my character have to rescue his character from the monsters then still in the Primal Forest. He presumed other characters that his character in your character's body had been with were lost and maybe perished, as they had gone that way to find my character's city with the high wizard there. I showed later how they continued still. His character Jaydeen had lost everything, and had to be helped with assistance to get away from that Primal Forest. I can be generous to say everything else your character carried was still there somehow, but what the character had to ride and the shrunken head was lost then. The urban camel your character has to ride supplies for that need, these creatures were described in the thread I wrote. Your character would have acted on pressure in that time over a week to learn some more common words, so I assume a little better ability to communicate, also Jaydeen was generally present and still is, to help with translations for communicating. And perhaps we might think of a strategy, for your character having something new replacing it, or that original shrunken head being found and recovered somehow, from where it might have been before Jaydeen was losing so much.

    The thread to roleplay in character in is there still, which you can join in role-playing your character, or if it seems needed, though I don't see that, it can have a new thread to continue in. I mistakenly titled the thread I am using with OOC though I have it in the in character forum for it, and I couldn't edit the title to fix that.

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    @Enigma; let me be sure if you would join this thread or a new thread for it, or if you decide to not be involved with it. I think I might have Moonlit_Fae join in with us in that too, we could pace it slower if needed, no problem.


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