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Thread: DAYS AFTER〔M〕〔OOC〕「Hoef & MidKnight」

  1. #1
    Giga Onion
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    Horror DAYS AFTER〔M〕〔OOC〕「Hoef & MidKnight」

    No one could've predicted how Y2k really went down..

    This story takes place days after the infamous Y2k disaster in the year 2000. Though instead of the disaster being a cyber blackout, it was a viral super-infection that took the lives of millions upon millions. However, what made this disaster a fullblown apocalypse was the reanimation of corpses and propagation of the virus. Society crumbled at the sheer weight of their numbers, but those still left had a fire that was still lit. This is where Diamond Team came in. They were tasked with uncovering the origin of the virus and finding a cure for said virus. By any means necessary.


    Spoiler: Majestic 12, Diamond Team, and the Prime Directive 

    Spoiler: The Millennium Killer Virus 

    Spoiler: Active Red Zones 


    Hoef's Character: Captain Darius H. Scrawl
    MidKnight's Character: Staff Sergeant Jade Thorne

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    [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][B][U][SIZE=4]General Information[/SIZE][/U][/B]
    [INDENT][B]Full Name: [/B]
    [B]Social Class: [/B]
    [B]Orientation: [/B][/INDENT]
    [B][U][SIZE=4]Physical Information[/SIZE][/U][/B]
    [INDENT][B]Apparent Age:[/B] 
    [B]Overall Attractiveness:[/B] (F - A+)
    [B]Eye Color:[/B] 
    [B]Glasses or Contacts:[/B] 
    [B]Hair Color:[/B] 
    [B]Skin Tone:[/B][/INDENT]
    [B]Dominant Feature[/B]
    [B][U]Appearal / Armour[/U][/B]
    [B][U][SIZE=4]Fighting Style[/SIZE][/U][/B]
    [INDENT][B]Hand-to-Hand Technique[s]:[/B] 
    [B]Bladed Technique[s]:[/B] 
    [B]Bludgeon Technique[s]:[/B] 
    [B]Firearms Proficiency:[/B] 
    [B]Ordnance Proficiency:[/B][/INDENT]
    [I]Curse: [/I]
    [I]Mode of Transportation:[/I][/INDENT]
    [B]Habits [/B]
    [I]Optimist or Pessimist?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Introvert or Extrovert?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Logical or Emotional?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Business or Pleasure?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Confident?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Animal Lover?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [B]Greatest Strength[/B]
    [B]Greatest Weakness[/B]
    [B]Major Priority[/B]
    [B]Pressure Point:[/B] 
    [I]Is this obvious?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Most comfortable when[/I] Answer
    [I]Least comfortable when[/I] Answer
    [B]Political Affiliation:[/B][/INDENT]
    [B]Familial Relations[/B] 
    [INDENT][I]Mother:[/I] | [I]Relations with:[/I] 
    [I]Father:[/I] | [I]Relations with:[/I] 
    [I]Spouse:[/I] | [I]Relations with:[/I]
    [I]Relations with:[/I]
    [I]Relations with:[/I][/INDENT]
    [B]Type of childhood:[/B] 
    [B]First Memory:[/B]
    [B]Brief Biography[/B]
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 06-16-2024 at 05:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Giga Onion
    Dire Hoef's Avatar
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    I've got no other choice than to do this. It's this or the death of us all.

    General Information
    Full Name: Darius Hendelson Scrawl
    Title: Captain of Diamond Team
    Monikers: Kaputan; Diamond 1; Diamond Dog; the Hound of Crowns; Bloodletter; the Beast of the Ohio River Valley; the New York City Thumper; the Miami Serpent;
    Birthdate: 10 August 1971
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Bloodtype: B+
    Bloodline: Scrawl
    Race: Human
    Occupation: Maestic 12 Operative
    Orientation: Bisexual

    Physical Information
    Apparent Age: 26
    Voice: An even baritone
    Overall Attractiveness: A
    Eye Color: Dull Grey
    Glasses or Contacts: Neither
    Hair Color: Black
    Hairstyle: Sleek combover
    Weight: 215 lbs
    Height: 6'2
    Skin Tone: Caucasian

    Dominant Feature
    There are numerous bruises, scrapes, scratches, cuts, and scars all over his body. This is in addition to tattoos that cover his back arms and hands. There's only one tattoo on his front and that's a target over his heart. Everything else represents the numerous tours he's been on all depicted in tribal-style art.

    Appearal / Armour

    Fighting Style
    Hand-to-Hand Technique[s]: Jiu-jitsu, Boxing, Grapple-n-Throw, Dogfighting
    Bladed Technique[s]: Arnis
    Bludgeon Technique[s]: N/A
    Firearms Proficiency: Rifles, Pistols
    Ordnance Proficiency: Launchers, Grenades, Plastic Explosives

    ➟ Colt ACR /w x2 scope, foregrip, & extended magazines (Rifle)
    ➟ Kimber Custom (Pistol)
    ➟ x2 Combat Knives
    ➟ x4 M67 Grenades
    ➟ x4 M15 WP Greandes

    ➟ Tactical Vest fit with extra magazines and quick-fix survival gear
    ➟ A travel-size military backpack customized and fitted to reliably sustain him for extended stays in the field
    ➟ A COMSAT PDA linked directly with MJ-12 command, getting live updates from anywhere
    ➟ x2 Ear pieces, the left ear is for the squad while the right is for command or any third-party
    ➟ A pack of cigarettes and a lighter


    Color: Light Blue
    Music: Hard Rock, Classical, Metal, Blues, Jazz
    Literature: Autobiographies, Biographies
    Expression: "Well ain't that a kick in the head.."
    Curse: "What the fuck..?"
    Mode of Transportation: ATV

    Drinking: Habitual
    Smoking: One pack a day
    Mannerisms: He often scratches his beard out of habit, he'll lean on anything so long as it supports him, he taps his foot at irregular intervals

    Optimist or Pessimist? Grim Optimist

    Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert

    Logical or Emotional? Coldly Logical

    Business or Pleasure? Business

    Confident? Yes.

    Animal Lover? Yes

    Greatest Strength
    Unflinching and unyielding stoicism in the face of absolute peril

    Greatest Weakness
    His unwillingness to change his old habits and ways

    Major Priority
    Finding the cure

    He thinks that man is the architect of his own demise, but has the ability to build himself anew.

    Pressure Point: The lost of his wife and kids
    Is this obvious? No

    Most comfortable when among his squaddies

    Least comfortable when alone and deep in a red zone

    Religion: Christian

    Political Affiliation: Authoritative Free-Thinking Conservative[/INDENT]


    Familial Relations
    Mother: Sherry Ulora Thomas | Relations with: Very good, now deceased
    Father: Dominic Fernado Scrawl | Relations with: Very good, now deceased
    Spouse: Rebecca Hamlin Scrawl | Relations with: Cherished, now deceased

    Brother(s): Michael Yaven Scrawl, Daniel Billow Scrawl
    Relations with: Very good, now missing; horrible, now deceased

    Sister(s): Mandy Hillcliff Scrawl
    Relations with: Not so good, now missing

    Type of childhood: He had a rough upbringing with him being the child to be on the receiving end of sibling abuse. He was abandoned multiple times, and had to fend for himself on several instances. He lived a good chunk of his preteens on the streets, fighting other kids in the neighboorhood. Got caught by the law several times, but thanks to his father's strings he didn't suffer any real consequences.

    First Memory: Being picked up by his mother and seeing her smile
    Education: High school, College, ROTC, Boot Camp, Officer's Academy

    Brief Biography
    As mentioned before, Darius had a troubled upbringing. He was among the neighborhood hoodlums duking it out with the other thugs, but that changed when his father sent him to a boot camp to "get him straight." It did, and the resulting teen was an obedient killing machine capable of putting down someone like a dog. However, that didn't really come into full swing until the Bosnian War in 92' - 95'. But after that, he left the military and started picking up odd mercenary jobs. Although one of those jobs had him unknowingly selected to be a part of Majestic 12. And he didn't really have a choice to refuse the selection. This was right before Y2k.

  3. #3
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Oh, just shup up!

    General Information
    Full Name: Jade Thorne
    Title: Staff Sergeant of Diamond Team
    Monikers: In Progress
    Birthdate: June 3rd, 1975
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Bloodtype: O Positive
    Bloodline: In Progress
    Race: Human/Pacific Asian
    Occupation: Drill Instructor
    Social Class: In Progress
    Orientation: Bisexual

    Physical Information
    Apparent Age: 20
    Voice: Soft yet Firm
    Overall Attractiveness: B (F - A+)
    Eye Color: Brown
    Glasses or Contacts: Contacts
    Hair Color: Brown/Black
    Hairstyle: Long, tied in a ponytail
    Weight: 150
    Height: 5'5
    Skin Tone: Light Tan

    Dominant Feature

    Appearal / Armour

    Fighting Style
    Hand-to-Hand Technique[s]:Twaekwondo
    Bladed Technique[s]: Shotokan
    Bludgeon Technique[s]: N/A
    Firearms Proficiency: Submachine Guns, Pistols
    Ordnance Proficiency: Grenade Launcher, Flashbangs




    Mode of Transportation:


    Optimist or Pessimist? Answer

    Introvert or Extrovert? Answer

    Logical or Emotional? Answer

    Business or Pleasure? Answer

    Confident? Answer

    Animal Lover? Answer

    Greatest Strength

    Greatest Weakness

    Major Priority


    Pressure Point: Family Issues
    Is this obvious? Answer Somewhat

    Most comfortable when Answer: Being with her squad or training new troops

    Least comfortable when Answer: Arguing with her father or talking about her family.


    Political Affiliation:


    Familial Relations
    Mother: | Relations with: Somewhat, Deceased
    Father: | Relations with: Somewhat, Alive
    Spouse: | Relations with: N/A

    Brother(s): N/A
    Relations with: N/A

    Sister(s): N/A
    Relations with:

    Type of childhood: Father smiling, proud of his daughter when she first won a spelling B contest

    First Memory:
    Education: High school, College, ROTC, Boot Camp, Officer's Academy

    Brief Biography

    As a only child of her family, she did not get along well with her family due to her parent's wanting an arranged marriage from another family. Her parents were from the old country but did not say which since she did not asked. She took a liking to the military of which her father disapprove, saying it is not a woman job to enlist and have business in the military. When the infection had spread, only her father remained alive and the rest of her family had died. Now she watches him from time to time as he drinks himself to death and tries to help him in some ways.


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