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Thread: The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God [M - Hannelorian x DuchessLivilla]

  1. #1021
    The Grey Lady
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    Mercy. Arabella had briefly wondered what had prompted her sister to make such a doting compliment regarding her finery. Mercy must have heard from Ingrid and passed the note along, preventing Alexandra from making the same mistake as she had. That girl was getting good, that thought alone brought a smile to her face. As did her sister's compliment. Naturally, Alex handled the swift exchange of information with all of the class and grace that Arabella herself might afford. A part of Arabella wondered if she actually had taught Alex anything, or if everything was a unique creation of her own identity.

    The idea of serving herself was not something that was entirely comfortable for Arabella. In fact in her entire life she had never served herself anything more than taking some toast from the center of the breakfast table. She simply did not do. Though she had known this was, occasionally, something that Arthur and Alexandra did in their home. It could stay that way quite happily. But the small saving grace was simply how doting Christian was being this evening, he did everything for her and for once Arabella felt taken care of, thought of. It was a nice change from the ordinary.

    It was rather astonishing if one considered just how young Arabella was, and certainly how young Alexandra was by comparison. And yet they sat as the two most powerful women in the Kingdom. The memories of their parents dinner table were incredibly distant now. But now they were acting as a family, something Arabella thought would have most certainly made both of their parents beam with pride. And just maybe Father would have been kinder to Alex had he known that one day she would be the Queen-in-waiting.

    Arabella chimed in as appropriate. "Thank you, my darling for assembling us for this most happy meal. It is a delight for us to be united in presence as well as spirit." When Christian finally disclosed it was Kemp that taught him how to carve, she mentally filed that away, noting to ensure he received a little bit extra in his bonus for getting through that particular education and still serving the family. The poor man must have been an absolute fright.

    The story the King told was a rather sweet one, and Arabella couldn't help but laugh at its retelling. Arthur too seemingly taken with the story, one he had forgotten from his youth. Indeed he had always been a curious child, one full of wonder. Especially if he was told he should not go somewhere, or should not do something. That simply made him strive to do it all the more. A healthy sense of rebellion he felt had done his soul good. And while he learned quite a bit, he probably wished he had seen more, or been more involved in his father's life. Something which he supposed could have hurt him, would he have become more like his father? Or less? Was it the distance between them that truly allowed Arthur to form his own ideas and notions of independence? It must have been.

    "The Italians are entirely too soft with their children, so much cooing." Arabella commented off handedly. Yes, she knew Alexandra would be a far more hands on mother, as Arabella intended to as well, but still, the Italians in her mind, seemingly gave in to their emotions far too quickly and publicly. But that could well have just been Arabella's general disposition. While she was certainly more in agreement with Alex than ever before, she still kept some of her own beliefs.

    "When you were growing up, I imagine it was you would often be caught under tables or your father's desk, mother." Arthur had a soft smile on his face, the lightest trace of a giggle on his tongue. The entire evening thus far had been relaxing, and even he melted into the notion of family. While Arabella was the farthest thing from his mother, there was an odd satisfaction in thinking for just this little bit they were a complete family of parents and children. He simply missed his own mother, he longed for those brief few good years.

    Arabella began to laugh and shook her head, her hand waving in the air to indicate this wasn't quite right. "Hardly." She sighed and then inhaled deeply. "It always Alex. You see, if I was stuck in a meeting with my father whilst hidden, I would have been so dreadfully bored with what the men discuss. And I was too young to understand. Alex on the other hand... like a sponge as a child." It was true, and for many that wasn't an attractive quality, and Arabella couldn't help but wish she had been a little more like Alex and paid attention. "It wasn't until I was married that I learn how handle those sorts of situations."

    It wasn't until she was married to Richard that Arabella learned to engage men in stimulating conversation over things she wasn't always allowed to speak upon, but Richard always gave her the space. And if Richard gave her that space, every other man did too. That was Richard's power when he was alive, and that was the power that propelled Arabella to the top of the food chain. That is what made her dangerous. "No, I was the one who made our father nearly pull all of his hair out because I'd gone off and caused some terrible mischief around the house. No one was safe from me, truly!" Arabella was of course joking. "But it certainly was more fun." She admitted to this, also in a light hearted and perhaps joking kind of fashion. Arabella had been able to let go of her anger for the time being and simply enjoy being around the family table.

    "But... all of this is trivial if..." Arabella turned her gaze to Christian, the look on her face was playful but knowing. "I would adore hearing a tale of a young Christian." For all Arabella knew about her husband, including the fact that the story he had just told actually happened in 1844 in honor of a diplomatic visit from the Duke of Orleans, her father had told her the story many-a-time, but she feigned ignorance - Arabella really didn't know much of the good from Christian's childhood. He adored his mother, hated his father, idolized his grandfather. "Forgive me if I am too forward, but I must think you too have a little something to share, no?" Arabella felt she was walking on eggshells with what should have been a very simple request.

    "Please father, do indulge us!" Arthur even added in, also smiling so broadly. It all felt so normal, so absurdly normal that it seemed... unreal, absolutely confusing and out of known character.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #1022
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    The King watched this little scene; Arthur asking the Queen about such things and the Queen confessing it was Alexandra would would have done such, and filed it away as yet another bit of proof than the Princess was wicked. Still, he held back from any comment on the matter. "How like her. Even as a child...getting involved in matters she should not. Arthur was a Prince and curiously is good for a boy...that little harlot had no business in such things. Learning and education are not for girls...We see before us what happens when a woman has ideas. A sponge indeed!"

    Still, he said nothing and merely smiled across the table at his son, or glanced to Arabella beside him as they talked. He glanced, once or twice, at Alexandra, and each time found her watching him, as if studying a specimen in a jar, something she had yet to make sense of. He found her most unnerving and tried to avoid meeting her gaze.

    "About me?" He chuckled, "Well if you insist...As you know I was an only child, unfortunately. I think I would have liked siblings. A brother especially, as a playmate."

    Across the table Alex fought very hard and just managed to win, the battle not to snort. Christian would have hated siblings, even a younger sister -the least threatening to his rank- would have been too much to bear. She would not have put it passed him to have throttled any siblings in their cradles. He needed to be the centre of attention. He would not have been able to bear having anyone take focus from him, especially a brother who was next in line and would, if he died, take his place.

    Christian, looking at Arthur and smiling, did not catch Alex's brief change of expression, luckily for everyone there however, and carried on, "I am sure my parents tried for more children. An heir and spare etc but they were never so blessed. My mother always said," he chuckled and glanced at his wife, "That God did not grant her any further children as perfection had already been achieved in myself. Of course," he waved his hand, feigning modesty, "I do not believe that for a moment. Sadly they were just not blessed to have more...I thought I should be the same until I met you, my dearest," he kissed Arabella's cheek and dropped a hand to her stomach.

    "Our little Henry. A brother for Arthur," he chuckled, "Perhaps too big of an age gap to play soldiers with but who knows. The old play fort is still about in the grounds, though it needs some work. Perhaps," he looked at his son, "We might make a project of it. Get it up and running again for my Henry and your lad to play in in the future. Though after the winter has passed! I do not relish the idea of digging and such in this weather."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #1023
    The Grey Lady
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    Arabella considered it probably best for the world that Christian had no siblings. Even if they had survived a youth with Christian, there was always the possibility they turned out worse than he had, somehow more vile, more wicked and cruel. The world did not need that, it did not deserve it. If Arabella and Alexandra had a sibling, what would that have been like? A third to their crew. And if it had been a boy, Arabella would have been relegated to nothingness in the much the same way Alexandra had. It always seemed to be complicated. Family dynamics were often difficult and in their lives there wasn't much else that could have made them worse off.

    "If you expect us to argue with your mother." Arabella began as she gave Christian a knowing but entirely playful look. She was damn good at playing the part. "Of course she was right, whether you believe it or not." Arabella shook her head and offered a bit of a laugh. "After all, it isn't just anyone who gets to be God's anointed representative. That inherently makes you at least a little bit more perfect than the rest of us." Arabella didn't believe any of it either, but while they were all playing happy family it seemed appropriate to indulge him, at least a little bit.

    The Queen moved to rest her hand on top of Christian's as it fell to her stomach. Her cheeks glowing a warm red when he kissed her. Yes, she could even will herself to blush when she desired. "I think the two of you fixing up that old play fort come the warmer months is a brilliant idea. Don't you, Alex?" Arabella turned her attention toward her sister, a bright smile still on her face despite everything that had happened and all of the information she had just learned. "Arthur darling, are you excited for a sibling? I'm sure you never thought this would happen." Arabella commented as she ate another small bit from her plate, Christian having given her more food.

    Did I ever imagine that my father would force my mother to an early death, only to remarry a woman nearly half his age, who happens to be the once notoriously cruel older sister of my beloved and have my father's child that he can raise to take my position? Why ever would I have thought of all that. Of course Arthur said none of that. Though he desperately wished he could have. "I admit I never thought God would grace me with a sibling, but I also never thought God would grace me with a wonderful wife and two beautiful children." Arthur smiled at Alex warmly. "I suppose I'll have to learn from Arabella and Alex." Arthur did not in fact wish to learn from that, but it seemed the right thing to say. Arabella was for most of her life, rather monstrous in behavior toward her sister. "Or Alex and Vicki as they grow." There, a more positive example of a relationship that as yet had not been tainted.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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