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Thread: DAYS AFTER〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & MidKnight」

  1. #71
    Giga Onion
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    The military humvee tore through the inner-city streets of Atlanta, as fire rained down all around them. The entire scene, alone, would cause any rookie to incur PTSD, but this was nothing for Darius. In fact, he had white-knuckled the steering wheel and was cutting corners like he was F1 driver. And Darius barely drives as is.

    The team was on a timer. They only had a handful of minutes to clear the outer-city limits. Why? Because driving through molten hellfire was bad for public health. So FEB command was capable of giving them a window of time to drive through charred streets.

    Thus, Darius kicked the vehicle into gear as he cut around a corner. "Jade, get that gun spinning," he shouted over squad-radio, "Everyone else prepare for tag-alongs!"

    Christy: And here I thought we weren't going to have to fight our way there!

    Rodriguez: Ha! You say that every time, and every time it gets worse. Let's see how bad it is this time!

    The vehicle tore through yet another intersection before coming upon what appeared to be a group of M-killers loitering around in the next intersection. Darius accelerated and shouted, "BRACE!" Everyone in the vehicle pressed themselves up against the interior as it bowling-pinned several of the M-killers.

    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 09-16-2024 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #72
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Jade quickly reached for a rag in her pocket and made a mask, tying it around her head to cover her nose and mouth from the firey smoke. She could see how bad the situation was getting and how intense it was, though it made it feel like home for her. Jade's ears perked up when she heard Darius on the radio.

    "You don't have to tell me twice!!" She said with a smile. She pressed one button to start the spin and kept her grip on it. When she sees the group, she pressed the fire trigger. The mini-gun started shooting rapidly at her targets. She braced for impact when she heard Darius shout and also he didn't slow down when they rammed into the group. She noticed a few were on the hood, as they climbed up, they made themselves easy targets. Jade pelted them with bullets before falling off the vehicle. She looked up ahead and sees more M Killers. "HEY RODRIGUEZ!!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR MEAT?!" She yelled with a smile. "ROAD KILLED OR RIDDLED WITH BULLETS?!" She pressed the trigger again and the mini-gun fired off rounds at her targets, she started screaming but also sounded like laughing.

  3. #73
    Giga Onion
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    As Jade was spraying and engaging the M-Killers with pure killing intent, Darius kept the vehicle steady. He took a quick glance at his watch, and saw they were running out of time. But, he didn't allow that to stop him. Instead, he kept his foot pressed down on the gas as much as humanly possible and leaned in.

    He was tight on his corners, being nearly inches from every single wall he zipped past. All the while the fog of M-Killers got thick, turning the already rough terrain into a nightmare.

    Again, this didn't stop Darius as he took every precaution he had to insure that the vehicle wasn't going to flip as M-Killer viscera splashes onto the windshield.

    Eventually, however, they came upon the final stretch of road. Thankfully, the fires of destruction did not stretch out this far yet. So they still might have thirty, or so, extra seconds before the firebombs reach their position. Thus, Darius shouted over comms, "We're on home stretch people! Lock-in, we're about to get a whole lot more turbulence!"

    He, then, spotted, overhead, the dark shapes of bombers flying into the city's airspace. Rodriguez and Christy start taking potshots at on coming M-Killers trying to keep the way clear for the vic to maintain speed.

    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 09-25-2024 at 10:26 PM.

  4. #74
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Jade continued to laugh insanely as she kept her finger on the trigger, bullets spraying into her targets as they continued to drive at a very high speed. She leans with the turret as the Humvee tossed and turned around the corners of each building.

    She saw one of the M-Killers jumped on the hood but couldn't stay latched. The M-Killer flew over the roof and flies into Jade and turret. Jade managed to flip the body over her and sees the M-Killer latching on the rear, she spat out and wiped her face quickly as she noticed it was blood. "HEY!!!" She yelled and turns the turret to the rear, "THAT FREAKING HURT!!!!" The mini-gun starts up again and fires on the M-Killer, riddling it with bullets before it finally lets go of the Humvee.

    She immediately learns forward and vomits. She quickly recovered and wipes her mouth. "Holy fuck that tasted ugly!!!"

    "We're home straight people! Lock-in, we're about to get a whole lot more turbulence!"

    She looked over her shoulder and sees the M-Killers getting in the way again, she quickly turns the turret and starts up the barrel, once she had the mini-gun in sight, she pressed the trigger. The sound of the mini-gun sounded like a chainsaw. She focused her fire in the center in front of the Humvee, her eyes caught the stealth bombers flying towards their direction. "Uuuh Darius?" She said over the comms, "I don't mean to rush you or anything but...CAN YOU FUCKING STEP ON IT!!!!"

  5. #75
    Giga Onion
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    Darius' eyes trained up and spotted the bombers beginning their strafing runs. Times up.

    "Shit," was all that was uttered as he forced the gas pedal down as hard as he physically can.

    In that same second, a firebomb dropped nearby and lit an entire building ablaze. The heat swept their way through the city streets straight to them giving the entire team a hot warning as to what's to come. But, Darius was going to beat the odds.

    To do this, he used some the side streets to skirt several firebombs that had been posed as obstacles. After gaining some distance from the first several seconds of oncoming inferno, he shouted to Jade to fire forward.

    As she did, Darius drove the vic straight through a glass wall that contained a mall on the other side. The entire team found themselves crashing through a central plaza, but it did not end here. The Captain hit the handbrake on the car and, whipped around to reorient their escape.

    Thus, Darius kicked off again seeing the inferno was right on their tale. The vehicle narrowly missed several pieces of architecture and furniture that would've slowed them down. And, eventually, the team flew out the other end of the mall as Jade continued her chaingun volley.

    The vic landed out in a deforested field before correcting, and veering off onto their destination. "You can't say I'm not a bad driver."

    Rodriguez: Bullshit Captain! You totally had no idea what the fuck you were doing there!

    Darius let out a small chuckle at that, realizing that Rodriguez was never a fan of his driving.

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