'Want' was a strong word. Regina raised an eyebrow, curious as to the meaning behind that phrase. It was quickly followed up with a desire to simply...do things with her. Spend time. Just as they had been doing. Regina wanted to point that out, but ultimately decided against the idea, instead simply letting the words hang in the air for a moment. After an extended pause, Regina figured out what she wanted to say. "I want to spend time with you." It was just a repeat of what Anke had said to her, but it was an affirmation all the same. An affirmation that she returned the feeling, and wanted to find a way to express that to her. Perhaps it wasn't the most emotional way to do so, but Regina still wasn't quite there yet. She needed to do things the Regina way, the way she was slowly beginning to learn. How to open up, to show emotion. If expressions weren't working, then words would do. For now, at least.

Regina had never bowled before, at least to her memory. Such activity fit into the 'recreation' category that Regina had simply never entertained, on the grounds that it was a waste of time and energy to do so. Any benefits to going to the bowling alley were lost on her, as the motions involved and unique type of precision necessary to knock over the pins did not translate well to sniping or any field activity. Now, of course, she had the reason she lacked before. If Anke wanted it, she would go. Perhaps there could be some 'fun'. Maybe just the idea of being with Anke was enough to make anything they did together enjoyable. That was what 'dating' was about, right? As far as she knew, from what she had observed and what Anke had told her, this was what couples were supposed to do. Even if something wasn't inherently fun on its own, fun could be found in someone else being there. Especially if it was someone you cared about.

As Regina considered just how she might go about having fun at the alley, Anke spoke up about the dress Regina had of hers. She had figured perhaps Anke simply wanted it back, but her request had Regina stopping short as she moved to her dresser to grab a set of appropriate clothes for herself. "You want...my sweatpants?" ...why? Anke was well aware of her very specific modifications to her clothes; she had to, even if she hadn't said as much. Her clothes were made to show off her off-putting and menacing metallic limbs, to show her coworkers and enemies alike that she was different, something to be feared. This obviously never scared Anke, of course, but to the point of wanting such clothes for herself? "I'm not sure I can recommend them to anyone else...they offer absolutely no protection from the elements." She could have also just as easily mentioned the amount of skin they exposed, but Regina knew by now that was a non-factor to Anke, whose nudity in her own room was proof enough of this fact.

Still, she knew Anke was insistent, and if her clothes would make her happy, then Regina was not going to say no. "You're sure you don't want something like a bra?" Something that would at least be normal for her to wear? Regina had a hunch it was a pointless question to ask, though. She dug through her dresser, producing two pairs of sweatpants: One for her, one for Anke. She handed one pair to her girlfriend, unfolding her own pair and looking at it quietly. They were cut a few inches below the waistline on the right leg, offering just enough decency to be acceptable for someone like her to wear in public without worry. But for Anke...wouldn't she look just a little ridiculous only covering one leg? Regina worried quietly as she glanced back to Anke, a blush covering her face as she thought about the idea of changing in front of her. Exposing herself to her...

After a long pause and a quiet sigh, Regina decided on a compromise, one that would at least keep her own fears at bay while perhaps giving Anke something she'd enjoy. She turned away, slowly and nervously lifting her shirt over her head, exposing her scars once again. Regina grit her teeth; she couldn't see Anke looking, so it was like nobody was, right? She repeated this anomaly to herself again and again as she quickly found another shirt to wear, hastily throwing it on and breathing a sigh of relief. Next came her pants, quickly discarded to the floor, revealing a plain, military green pain of undergarments as Regina hastily moved to throw her sweatpants on. Her wardrobe shift complete, Regina turned back to Anke, her expression neutral as always, as though she hadn't just exposed herself to her girlfriend and quietly willed the butterflies in her stomach to stop fluttering. "I'm ready when you are. Though I do not believe I have any particular skill set in bowling, I will give my best attempt. If that is what you want." She knew Anke would say 'I just want us to have fun', but determining that 'fun' was becoming a game of trial and error for Regina. One she'd messed up on a few times. Hopefully she became better at this than she could be at bowling.