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Thread: KINGDOMCOME〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & DreamDragon101」

  1. #21
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    Partaking a bit in his appetizers, he mulled over the question proposed by the young John Mark. Perhaps Sylvester could see merit in him being trained by the Queen, but there are arts that must be taught to the boy that Arina, herself, is not privy to. So, with a soft smile, he gently clasped her hand saying, “While I believe it would be fun and informative, the boy must be taught by men of war. He must be ready to take up arms to protect his family from the violent and angry.” He remained poignant, unshaking in his logic. “Allow me to set the foundations, so that his training is undisturbed.”

    As dinner was served, Arina had arranged for Pola to play music for them on the harp. Sylvester remembered when he had spoken to the merchant that lent them such an exotic instrument. He was told that it hailed from beyond the Thin Waves, and was a prized possession of the Dune Kings. Such an heirloom became something of a pinpoint in this kingdom of theirs, but Sylvester barely made time for the art of music. Perhaps, Pola can teach him a couple of those songs so as to serenade his wife on quieter days. And with that point, Sylvester acknowledged the lovely music with an affirming smile and small claps when the music subsided.

    Although what captivated him most was that the last song was played by none other than Arina, herself. This took Sylvester a bit by surprise as he wasn’t expecting for her to be so imaginative as to have composed a piece all on her own. The allure of the melodies soothed his soul. This was further compounded by Arina’s showering of love. Kiss upon kiss was it all laid bare.

    But soon Sylvester was walking with his wife, and found her question to be a curious one. “I have not.” He was honest in this moment, “My family had harpists among them, but none were as in-tune with the music as you were. Are you sure you do not have some intrinsic link with this world?” He chuckled, keeping the question light-hearted.

    Well dear I am afraid to say this but I think….I am expecting a child.


    This was a heavy blow. Sylvester had figured that those wretched bandits had their way with her while in captivity. He refused to accept that as the reality, but unfortunately it turned out to be far more true than he wanted to believe. As a result, he held back so much anger that it only leaked out in clenched fists and gritted teeth.

    "I am sorry I have kept this from you for so long and could not tell you before today about it. I was just scared what you might have to say about it since it is not your child I am caring. Please forgive me for not telling you sooner dear and tell me you still love me even if this is not our child."

    Failure to say anything definitely cut his heart in a couple places, but this was still his wife. He wasn't going to abandon the heart of this kingdom. Those bandits were going to pay dearly for this severe transgression. However, for now he was going to assure her feelings. “My dear Arina, know that I won’t abandon you. I will not leave you to be fed on by the wolves, for you are beyond precious. You are the heart of this kingdom, the pride of its people! The children you sire will be titans, legends in their own right.”

    The rest of the night became a blur for Sylvester as he carried her off to bed, and the two found peace among the sheets. However, before the two actually slept, Arina made a promise that Sylvester could not deny saying, “My love, you will be able to study the blade up until you are unable to move due to you carrying our children.” He gave a soft chuckle at that and finally closed his eyes, taking in the night’s dreams.

    The next morning came with little fanfare, as Sylvester was aroused from his sleep by the cold winds of winter. Now Sylvester grew accustomed to such weather, but these winds had carried with them a sadness that was not present in all the mornings before. And as he gathered his wits, his eyes fell to the window where fair snowfall was seen. This lulled Sylvester back into sleep only really getting back up when his wife stirs.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 09-05-2024 at 09:14 PM.

  2. #22
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    As morning cam the next day Arina woke up and lifted her head off of Sylvester’s chest and looked up into his face “Sweetheart are you awake?” she whispered as she reached her hand up and brushed a stranded of his hair out of his eyes. Then seeing he was still sleeping she smiled as she sat up then coming up on to her knees next to him she places one of her hands on his chest and gently started to rub it. As she did that she started to hum the song she had played on the harp the night before.

    Now Arina loved the feel of her husbands exposed upper body and she knew he like it when she rubbed it like this. Then after a few minutes of doing this she stopped and started to laugh. “Oh Sylvester Woburm I love you so much and don’t you forget that. I also know you are good at pretending to be a sleep when you are really awake.” she said as she leans down and put’s both of her hands on either side of his head and then placing her lips up to his she starts to kiss him. She soon felt him put his arms around her and return a kiss to her.

    After a few minutes of kissing Arina pulled away and spoke. “When do you plan to start training John Mark in sword fighting? I ask because he really seems to want to do it.” she ask as she lay her head back on his chest and looked into his face as she waited for his answer.

    After Sylvester had answered her question they both lay there quietly for a few minutes. Then Arina spoke again. “Sylvester dear I have a surprise planed for you after we have our dinner tonight.” she said as she smiled up at him. “But right now I don’t know about you but I am a bit hungry so I think I will go head and get up and get ready to go to breakfast. Do you want to join me?” She said as she sat up and leans over and kissed him on the cheek.

    Then getting out of bed she made her way over to the dressing screen to change out of her nightgown into her morning dress. Then as she was dressing there was two knocks on the bedroom door. Arina smiled as she called out. “Come in.” The door then opened and in stepped Lyoka. “Good morning my King and Queen, I was just coming to see if you two were up and to see if the Queen needs my help.” She said as she curtsied.

    Arina smiled as she popped her head out from behind the dressing screen. “Ah yes, you are just in time to help me with my dress.” she said as she looked over at her servant. Lyoka smiled and walks over to the Queen. When Arina was done dressing Lyoka also helped her with her hair. Then when she was finished doing that she curtsied again and left the room.

    Arina than started to laugh when she saw Sylvester was already waiting for her. “I don’t know how you always seem to be ready and waiting for me each morning. I guess I will never know.” She said as she walked over to his side and placing a hand on his arm then smiling as she looked up into his face. “Dear let’s go on down to breakfast now because I am now eating for two not just by myself anymore.” She said as she gave a little laugh and nodded her head.

    As they ate Arina was quite for a few minutes. Then looking over at Sylvester she gave him a soft smile. “Sweetheart what do you have planned for today? I ask because I plan to do some sword fighting again and was wondering if you would watch me for a little bit and give me some tips.” She asked as one of the servants took her plate away.

    After they both finished eating Arina went and changed her clothes into some more for sword fighting then she made her way outside to look for Knight Matthew. When she found him she smiled. “Good morning Knight Matthew, Are you available to sword fight with me right now?” she asks as she noticed he was cleaning a sword. Matthew smiled and laughs. “Oh well hello Queen Arina. I see you have found me again. I would be glad to do that with you. Let me finish cleaning this sword and it will get mind out and we can do it.”

    When Knight Matthew was finished cleaning the sword he was working on he put it away and then getting his out he smiled at the Queen. “Alright Queen Arina see if you can beat me two times in a row, because you don’t have to worry about Knight James being here to take me away from you.” Matthew said. As Arina started to laugh at his funny comments she drew her sword. “Oh I will beat you alright you can’t win. Now draw your sword Knight Matthew and let’s begin this sword fight.

    Arina smiled when she saw Knight Matthew draw his sword. She knew she had to give it all she had and beat him no matter how hard it would be. She also wished Sylvester could have been there to see her doing this. But she drew her sword and the match began.

    As they were sword fighting little did they know that two bad guys were watching them near the edge of the woods.

    Now as Arina swung her sword towards Knight Matthew he jumped to the side. “Oh come on Queen Arina you can do better than that. Show me what you would do if I was to do attack you from this side.” he said as there two swords clanked together. Arina used all her strength to push him back, using her footing to ground her. “That is better now come at me again.” Matthew said. Arina then swept to the side quickly to try and hit him from the side but missed and almost lost her balances. When she had gotten her footing again she went right back to swing her sword and this time she got Knight Matthew as her sword attacked him in his side. Arina started to laugh. “Okay Knight Matthew you loss this match and I win it.” she said as she watched Knight Matthew go done on one knee in front of her.

    But before Knight Matthew could say anything one of the bad guys jumped out behind Arina with his sword. “Hey Knight fight with me if you lose the fight we will take you both as prisoners, but if you win you we will let both of you go free.” the man said.

    Now Arina did not like the sounds of this and as she was about to turn and run the second bad guy grabbed her. “I don’t think you will be going anywhere now Queen Arina.” he said. Now when Knight Matthew saw the man grab Arina he stepped forward. “Alright I will fight you sir. Hang in there Queen Arina I won’t let them hunt you.” he said as he held out his sword to start the fight with the first bad guy. As Knight Matthew was fighting the bad guy the second bad guy grabbed Arina sword and pulled it out of her hand and throw it to the ground. “You won’t need this anymore Queen because your brave Knight will lose to my partner and you both will be taken way from here.” he said as he held both of Arina’s arms tightly. Now Arina did not like what the man had to say to her. “Oh let me good.” she said as she tried to pull away from him.

    Now Knight Matthew knew this was not going to be an easy match with this guy but he gave it all he had and fought him. The men’s swords clanked together for a long time but then Knight Matthew all of a sudden lost his footing and went down to the ground and the bad guy took his sword and quickly reach forward and shoved it into Knight Matthew right arm.

    Now when the sword went into Knight Matthew arm he screamed out in pain and grabbed his arm as he lay on the ground. When Arina saw this she also screamed but the guy who was holding her put his hand over her mouth and then started to pull her way into the woods. As Knight Matthew saw this he tried to get up but as he did the other bad guy grabbed him and pulled him up off of the ground and shouted at him. “Get up now you lost so you go with me.” He said as he started to push Knight Matthew into the woods. When the bad guys got to the woods they tied both Queen Arina and Knight Matthew up together and gaged them. Then taking them both to a boat that was nearby they put them in it and started rowing out into the water until they reach a small island.

    Well it just happen to be that John Mark had been out for a walk and when he saw the two swords laying in the grass he quickly ran over to them to pick them up but as he was he noticed a piece of paper laying on the ground not far from them. When saw it he ran over to it and pick it up. He then stood there looking at the paper for a minute then when he saw it had the Kings name on it he knew what he had to do next. He then took off ran back up to the castle to look for King Sylvester. Now when he got back into the castle he ran right into the King.

    “King Sylvester!!!” He said as he tried to get his breath. “I just found these two swords lying out in the grass and I also found this paper there and it has your name on it.” He said as he held out the paper for the King to see. When the King took the paper form him he watch as the he read it and started to wondered what it said. “What does the paper say? Is something wrong? Can I help you do something? ” he asked these questions as he looked at the King and waited for him to answer him.

    Now her is what the paper reads:

    “Ah, yes King Sylvester, I write you again to let you know I have once again kidnapped your wife Queen Arina and one of your Knights. The only way you will see them again is if you do several task for me and when you finish them you will then have to sword fight me to kill me to get your beautiful wife back. If you refuse to do what I ask I will take my sword and kill your wife. If you send someone else in your place to do the tasks and to fight me I will then kill your Knight and your wife. I will send you another note in three days to tell you what your tasks will be. Oh one last thing. Don’t try and come looking for your wife if you do I will make her life a lot harder for her.”

    Now as the day goes on and the dinner hour comes around Pola show up. But when she does not she that Arina is not with her husband she starts to worry about her. Now as Pola walks up to King Sylvester she curtsies first then smiles. “Good evening King Sylvester, I am here to help your wife give you your surprise. Yes, I am sure Arina has told you about it. But may I ask where Arina is at right now? I ask because your surprise will not happen if she is not here with you.” she said as she studied his face for a minute as she waits for him to answer her question.

  3. #23
    Giga Onion
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    The morning sun was warm, but Arina’s touch was, indeed, warmer for she had taken to caressing his chest. Although his ruse was revealed, he delighted in her playful nature, sharing her laughter. He expressed his love and passion through the endless kisses he gave and received. But just as their fun was set to take off, Arina posed a question that he only really pondered no more than a half day on.

    When do you plan to start training John Mark in sword fighting? I ask because he really seems to want to do it.

    “Within a fortnight,” he chose his words here, “The boy needs to know how to hold the sword before he wields it. Conditioning is in order.” He remembered when he was John’s age, hardening his body and mind to be able to hold the family’s prized blade.

    Sylvester dear, I have a surprise planned for you after we have our dinner tonight. But right now I don’t know about you but I am a bit hungry so I think I will go ahead and get up and get ready to go to breakfast. Do you want to join me?

    Sylvester nodded, agreeing to go with Arina to breakfast.

    And as he accepted another loving smooch upon him, he had set about to get his own dress in order. He wasted no time, already having his today’s fashion marked out. Today was to be the day that the official announcement of the Tithe was to be had. So, Sylvester was going to look his best to ease the anxiety that was stirring within the kingdom.

    A laughter came that returned him to reality. He smiled and laughed along with himself saying, “It is always good to be punctual, my love. Especially, when it is a day as important as this.” Afterwhich, he escorted her to breakfast.

    When they took their seats in the dining hall and had begun eating, Arina was quiet at first but then asked what he had on his itinerary for the day. He told her, plainly, that with Tithe around the corner he’ll be holding a final security meeting with his constituents to do one final check-in. After that, the rest of his day will be spent sending and receiving orders from parties sent out on their respective missions. “It’ll be a boring affair, but one that is necessary. As for watching your bout, I will be preoccupied with other things to watch. However I understand that the one you will train with is a seasoned sword in his own right.”

    He wished he could be there to watch his wife spar, but he will not deny his kingly duties. As such he promptly finished his meal, kissed his wife goodbye, and made way for the throne room.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    When he arrived there, they were all waiting for him.

    Grand Duke Goffe, Strange, Foss, Father Ross, and Warmaster Yarrick were all gathered around the throne. Each man was prepared to give their full statements, which went something like this.

    “Greetings again my King, Tithe is almost upon us and I’ve come to tell you that we’ve been able to eke out a surplus on food stores so long as we maintain our current heading,” Grand Duke Goffe opened by saying.

    Sylvester simply nodded to this, with the next man stepping forward.

    “My King,” Grand Duke Foss started, “I have nothing to report. All is well with our finances due to your swift response to those brigands. As such my only piece is this, with their numbers thinned we might have a chance at reclaiming lost roads. Which will increase our merchant’s wealth.”

    “We’ve already begun sweeping those roads,” Sylvester said, seemingly having already thought of. “So far, our parties haven’t found much outside the occasional abandoned camp off the side of our main roads. I’m doing everything I can to ensure we don’t have anyone interfere with this Tithe.”

    Warmaster Yarrick added by saying, “My town captains have all been reporting strange behavior and events, which means we don’t have much time.”

    Grand Duke Foss accepted this and stepped back.

    Father Ross stepped forward after that and said, “Those that can not feed and heat themselves through the coming winter months have been migrated to the Church. The clergy has also gone ahead and made separate preparations for combating the Moonmen should they get close to the building.”

    Sylvester made no motion to object, but merely decided to watch Father Ross a little more closely.

    “The people thank you greatly for checking in with them my King, they were moved by your words and actions,” Grand Duke Strange said, finally stepping forward. “They wonder, though, about their homes. Will the Moonmen gobble up their homes like the beasts that roam our wilderness, or do homes simply not concern them? That is what the people are most concerned for at this present time.”

    The King of Britannia said with a firm voice, “These Moonmen do not concern themselves with the earthly possession of you and I. Instead, they will seek to occupy your body for that is sufficient enough a home for such abominable creatures.”

    Father Ross gave an expression of deep concern at this. He too was familiar with the stories.

    “But if we stick to what we agreed to, then such a fate will not befall our people.” Sylvester made sure to emphasize this as Moonmen were rumored to attack without proper provocation.
    Father Ross, understanding the gravity of it, accepted this and stepped back into place.

    Sylvester sat back and said, “With that, I wish everyone a merry Tithe. Let us all persevere through the worst.”

    Those present bowed before their king, filtering out thereafter This left Sylvester to travel alone to the courier’s room where the messenger crows cawed absentmindedly.

    Here Sylvester spoke to the man tending to the birds, asking if any important messages came in. He was told no, and from there ordered the man to bring any messages to him in his study. If he wasn’t able, then he can have Lyoka do it in the man’s stead.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    Time elapsed, and Sylvester was deep into some reading and strategizing when John Mark came running into his study. The boy had two swords in his hands, and a note with his name on it. He recognized the swords to be Arina’s practice blade, and Sir Matthew’s knight blade. This wasn’t ideal.

    He then read the note.

    Word for word, sentence per sentence.

    Sylvester’s face spoke of anger. They had his wife, again. However, this time they want him to jump through hoops like an animal. And if he didn’t, they’d kill her and Sir Matthew. These goons have trapped him, and at the worst possible time as well.

    “At your strength you will only hurt yourself boy,” he answered little John with all manner of restraint. “These affairs are for me alone, they do not concern you.”

    He had Lyoka, who had stopped by to give him nightly tea, escort the boy out while he, himself, went to dinner alone. He needed to think about how he was going to overcome this. And while at dinner, Pola came around asking where Arina had gone. “She was taken,” he flatly said, eating his fill, “They have your Queen held in captivity.”

    And upon saying that he added, “Before you speak rashly, we cannot act out of turn yet. It is still too early. For now, I want you to spread the word to my knights to meet me in the war room after dinner. Do not spread this word to others outside of them. If you do so, there will be harsh penalties.” Sylvester’s face had a look of pure determination, and a hint of contempt.

    Once the word went out, some forty or so swords gathered in the war room.

    Sylvester, standing at the head of this group of men, held up both swords saying, “Tonight. We gather because your Queen has been kidnapped, removed from her home while her guard was down,” he hoisted Sir Matthew’s blade high, “In addition to your Queen, one of your own was taken. He had put up a fight, but it wasn’t enough to keep your Queen from harm. As such, they’re gone. I come to you tonight to tell you one thing, we will get her back. We will do this gently, playing into their hands until they reveal themselves. Then, and only then, is when we will strike. To strike a moment too early or too late will not only result in the death of your Queen, but in the death of our kingdom. For now, my swords, go about your duties. I will call upon you when the time comes.”

    The King surveyed the faces before him and said, “Dismissed.”

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    As Arina and Knight Matthew were loaded into a boat Arina started to cry. She knew what these men had done to her the last time she was kidnapped and she hoped they would not repeat it again. Now as the two men rowed the boat neither of them knew that Knight Matthew had been working to untie the ropes around his hands. As he did it he looked over at Arina and nodded his head. Arina eyes grew wide when she saw what he was doing. After Matthew had gotten his hands free he reached over to Arina and started to untie her hands but just as he was about to finish one of the bad guys turned around and looked at them. “Well what do we have here? Do I see our Knight is untied and is working on the queen’s ropes as well?” he said as he reached over and slapped Matthew on the face. “We will deal with him later on.” The second man said.

    When the boat had finally reached the small island the two men jumped out of the boat and tied it down. Then one of the men went back in and grabbed Queen Arina by the arm and lead her out of the boat. Now Matthew was also ordered to get out but when he stepped out the bad guy quickly grabbed him and tided his hands back up and then leads him up to the camp. When the four of them reached the camp the two men took them into a small cave and then pushed them into a cage where both of them were untied and left there as the men locked the cage door and left them along.

    Now when they were both alone Matthew finally spoke. “Oh Queen Arina I am so sorry this…” But he stopped when he saw her raise her hand. “Matthew there is no need to apologize for what has just happened you did not know this was going to take place. I do believe Sylvester will do everything he can to find us.” Arina said as she took Matthew’s in hers and gently squeezed it. “Oh Matthew and as long as we are together in this cage please just call me Arina and drop Queen.” She said as she smiled at him. Matthew nodded his head back at her. “Alright Arina as long as we are together in this cage I promise I will take care of you and yes, Sylvester will find us he is a good man.” he said as he returned a smile to her.

    After three hours had gone by the two bad guys returned by instead of bring food for them to eat they came in and one of the men grabbed Arina by the arm and pulled her up. “Come with us Queen.” he said as he held her very tight. Now Matthew did not like how the man was treating the Queen so he got up and said. “No wait take me instead of the queen.” he said as he walked over to Arina’s side. But the man laughed “Why should we take you the Queen is the only one who can answer our questions.” he said as she started to pull Arina over to the door way. But Matthew would not take that answer instead he stepped in front of the door way to block them. When this happens the man holding the queen pulled a knife out of his pocket and pulled Arina into his arms and held the knife up to her neck. “Move Knight or I will kill the Queen right now in front of you.” he said as he looked at Matthew. Now when Arina felt the knife go to her neck her eyes grew wide. “Matthew please do as he says. I will be alright.” Arina said as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

    When Matthew heard her speak he nodded his head and stepped out of the door way. But when he did that the other bad guy grabbed Matthew arm and pushed him up against the cage bars. “Okay Knight you asks for it now.” he said as he tied Matthew hands up then he pushed him to the ground and kicked him in the stomach and slapped him in the face a few times. Then pulling Matthew up onto his feet again he then pushed him up against the side of the cage and held him there. “Now look Knight you are asking for a fight if you do that again. Do you understand me?” He said as he spited in Matthews face then letting him go he walked out of the cage and slammed the gate behind him.

    Now when this was happing to Matthew the other bad guy quickly took Queen Arina out of the cage and took her into another cave nearby and sat her into a chair and tied her to it. Then stepping back he stood there looking at her. “Well we meet again Queen Arina and you think you are going to win this time? Well think again because you may not leave this cave alive if you don’t do some talking for me and tell me some important information I need to know.” he said as he lean down and spit in her face and started to laugh. Now when Arina heard him say this she nodded her head. “Alright go head and ask me but you won’t be getting any information out of me no matter how much you try.” she said as she turned her head away from him. After she said that the man stated to shake his head. “Alright if that is the way you are going to be then make it hard for yourself.” he said as he walked to the other side of the cave and stood there for a minute then walking back over to her he studied her closely. “Queen Arina tell me what plans does your husband have to find our hideout? “ he asked as he took her head in his hands and started to run his fingers along the side of her face.

    After he asks that Arina spoke right away. “I will not answer that question.” Arina said. Well her answer did not make the bad guy one bit happy. But instead of saying anything at first he just took his hand and slapped Arina very hard across the face. “No I order you to tell me now.” the man said. Arina said nothing but shook her head. This made the man even madder and he slapped her across the face three more times. “Okay I will ask you one more time and if you still won’t answer me then I will be doing something you will not like. So tell me what plans does your husband have to find our hideout?” Now Arina said nothing but just sat there looking straight ahead. But just as the man was about to slap her again his partner walked into the cave. “Ah yes, Partner I am so glad you have come I seem to be having some trouble with the Queen not wanting to answer my question, see if you can get her to talk for you while I go get something.” he said as he walked past him and out of the cave. Now the second bad guy walked over to Arina and before he even spoke he slapped her face five times. As he did that it made Arina cried out. But all the man did when she cried out was laugh and slap her again. By the time the other bad guy had returned to the cave Arina had tears running down her face. “Ah, I see you have gotten her to cry but has she spoken yet?” He asks as he walked back over to her. His partner then shook his head. “Nope not a word at all has been spoken to me.” Then the first bad guy shook his head. “Okay then I must do something I did not want to do to you to make you talk.” he said as he nods his head to his partner. “Partner I need your help with something. Go around behind her and put both of your hands on both sides of her head and help me hold her head still.” he said as he watched him move in place.

    Now when Arina felt him put his hands on her head she started to fight him and shake her head. But the next thing caught her off guard. “Okay Queen Arina you have refused to talk to use so you will have to drink this.” he said as he held up a bottle in front of her face. But what he did not tell her was what was in the bottle because it was some kind of drug that would make her really sick after she drank it. When Arina saw the bottle in his hand her eyes grew wide and she finally spoke. “I told you I will not answer your question and I mean what I said.” She said as she watches the man closely waiting to see what he might do next.

    But he did not say anything to her but instead he opened the bottle up that he held in his hand and then reaching forward he pinched Arina’s nose very hard which made her open her mouth. Then he surprised Arina as he pushed the bottle into her mouth and started to pour what was in to her mouth. As he did that he took his fingers off of her nose and screamed out at her. ”Drink it now Queen Arina.” he said as he pushed her head back so she would drink the fluid. As it went down her throat she started to chock on it but it did not stop him from pouring it into her mouth even more. When the bottle was half empty he took it out of her mouth and looked at her. “Are you ready to answer my question now?” he asks as her looked at her. But Queen Arina closed her eyes and did not say a word. This made the bad guy shake his head and as he did that he pushed the bottle back into her mouth but this time he held the bottle there until it was completely empty. Then taking the bottle out of her mouth he slapped her face a few more times. When he had finished slapping her he nodded to his head to her. “Okay, Queen Arina I am finished with you for now. By the way you will not be getting anything to eat or drink until you are willing to talk to use.” he said as he looks at her. Then turning to look at his partner he said. “Alright partner I am done with her you may take her back to the cage so she can suffer for a little while.” He said as he nodded his head to him.

    Then the other bad guy nodded and started to untie Arina form the chair. When he finished doing that he picked her up and throws her over his shoulder and carried her back to the other cave. When getting there he started to laugh. “Knight I have your Queen with me and I am ready to leave her with you now.” he said as he dropped Arina onto the floor in front of Matthew. Then turning he left the cage and slammed the gate behind him. After he had left them Matthew turned and look at Arina and what he saw made him mad. Then falling onto his knees next to her he took her head carefully into his lap and started to talk to her. “Oh Arina what did they do to you?” But Arina could not answer him because her face was so beat up it hurt her to talk. All she could do was look up into his face and cry.

    It was not long before Arina had fallen asleep but she was not a sleep for very long until she woke up and started to moan. But before Matthew could ask her what was wrong Arina sat up and moved away from him quickly and as she did she started to get sick. Now when Matthew saw this he then knew what the men had done to her. He got up and went over to her side and putting his hand on her back he started to rub it as he whispered to her softly. “That’s a girl let it all out and you will feel better soon.” he said as he kept rubbing her back.

    Now after an hour had gone by Arina was too weak from being sick that she could not lay down. So Matthew took her into his arms and picked her up and carried her over to the corner of the cage and then sitting her down on the ground he then sat down next to her and taking her head into his lap as he gently started to rub her head. “Arina just close your eyes and rest now and you will be okay.” he said as he looked down into her face. Now it did not take Arina long until she had fallen asleep and slept peacefully for the rest of the day. Now a day had gone by and Arina had been sleeping most of the time. But when she was awake she hardly moved or even said a word. Now this worried Matthew and he knew he had to do something but what he did not know.

    Then as the sun was setting that night the two bad guys finally came back into the cage to get Arina. But when they saw her just lying there doing nothing they both just laughed. Now when Matthew saw this he frowned. “Look what you two have done to her she needs some help or we will lose her.” he said as he looked back down at Arina. Then one of the bad guys spoke. “This is all her fault if she had only talk and answered our question she would not be like this now.” he said as he frowned down at her. Matthew started to shake his head. “Well don’t just stand there get me some water so I can clean her up some.” he said as he held his hand out. But both the men stood there shaking their heads. “There is nothing we can do until she answers our question we ask her.” Then the two men turned and walked out of the cage.

    Now the two men were not done with Arina. But one of the bad guys knew he must sit down and write the next letter to King Sylvester. Here is what the letter said.

    “King Sylvester it is now time for you to complete a task I have for you. You are to leave me two hundred pounds of gold, ten blankets and three hundred pounds of food near the edge of the woods next to the castle. You will then get another letter that will tell you where the location of the place you are to meet me at for us to be able to fight each other. But you better not take very long to respond to the task because your lovely wife is not doing well.”

    Now when the bad guy had finished writing the letter he then had a massager boy deliver the letter to the castle.

    Now when John Mark heard what King Sylvester said to him he nodded his head and turned sadly and walked out of the room. But he knew something was going on because he did find two swords and he knew one belonged to Queen Arina. So he was not going to give up now but try and find out what was going on. Even if it means he has to talk to his mother about it. So making his way back to the bedrooms he looked for his mother. When finding her he went right to telling her about the swords he had found and he also told her what the King had told him.

    Now when Rhana heard her son telling her about the two swords he had found she shook her head. “Well son I will try and talk to the King about this. Just try and stay out of trouble until I do it.” she said as she kisses him on the cheek. Then Rhana made her way to find the King to talk to him. When finding King she told him that John Mark had spoken to her about him founding two swords. Then she said “King Sylvester I have not seen Arina today and was worried about her. Where is she at? She told me the other night that she was with child and I would like to talk more with her about it.” Rhana asked as she put her hand on his arm and looked at him with a worried look on her face.

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