Once they were outside again, David playfully punched his friend. "So now what?. We're on our way to being famous. All we gotta do is wait.,"
Once they were outside again, David playfully punched his friend. "So now what?. We're on our way to being famous. All we gotta do is wait.,"
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Jimmy grinned and shoved him back playfully. "No man, we gotta make another video! We can't disappoint our viewers."
David laughed. "well, we got our video planned for tomorrow. You want to see if we can come up with some other ideas for today?"
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Jimmy bit his lips. "I mean, I know we are supposed to lie low, but this is way too much fun."
"Well, I suppose if it isn't too crazy we could do something."
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Jimmy looked at him. "We should play a prank on somebody! Oh, or steal something," he added with a slightly too confident grin.
David looked at him. "Steal something? Like what?" He asked cautiously.
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Jimmy shrugged. "I don't know, some candy or something."
David bit his lip. He wasn't so sure. It was one thing to steal to support themselves but another to just steal for a video. "I don't know, Jimmy. What if we get caught?"
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"We won't. Trust me," he said with a mischievous grin.