David took another drag, getting used to the sensation of smoking. "Do you really want to go back?" He asked softly after a long period of silence.
David took another drag, getting used to the sensation of smoking. "Do you really want to go back?" He asked softly after a long period of silence.
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Jimmy kept looking out over the city, breathing calmly. The nicotine seemed to have mellowed him out a lot, as previously he'd have shut conversations like this down much earlier.
"I don't know. Eventually. I-" He looked down at his hands. "...I want a normal life."
David looked out at the city as Jimmy spoke. A normal life? That was something that he could never truly have. His parents tried but he couldn't truly do everything normal like the other kids. If he felt like his life wasn't normal, he definitely knew that Jimmy's wasn't normal either. He closed his eyes as he took another drag. As he thought about what a normal life would be like, he got a feeling, a very brief feeling, that Jimmy would get his wish. He opened his eyes again. "Maybe you will have a normal life. Parents who aren't assholes. Then we can do the baseball team together."
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Jimmy huffed a little. "What, get new parents? You can't just return them to the store for an exchange, you know."
"Yeah I know that. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking that this time away would maybe get your parents to appreciate you." He took another drag. The feeling that Jimmy's parents would be better wouldn't leave his mind.
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Jimmy laughed bitterly and shook his head. "It'll just make them mad."
David looked out again. That was also something he knew deep down. He would be okay returning home but he knew Jimmy's parents would not be as happy. He glanced at his friend. He knew of the bruises that he had hid for years. "Yeah, well, I guess you can dream."
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Jimmy bit his lips before taking another drag. "...I stopped doing that a while ago."
David exhaled the smoke slowly as he just digested that statement. It wasn't fair. Jimmy didn't deserve the parents he got. His parents didn't deserve him. "Yeah... I think I would too." was all he could think to say.
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Jimmy glanced at him and nodded slowly. The world was a shit place. So why should he care? Why should he not steal? Why should he not do other, worse things?