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Thread: The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God [M - Hannelorian x DuchessLivilla]

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    "Tristan." Arabella spoke the name sweetly, it rolled off her tongue like she had said it a thousand times before. Only Christian and Arabella could get away with calling the Archbishop of Canterbury by his given name and have him eat it up. "So good to see you. Thank you for coming with such haste." The Queen at her finest. Tristan for his part made no eye contact with the Princess of Wales, instead he only focused on Arabella, behaving as though Alex was not even present. "For my Queen, I will always come when called." He spoke in response, his voice dripping with excitement, to be needed by the Royals was a pleasure like no other.

    "How is His Majesty?" Naturally, Tristan was read into the situation and would be paying a visit for a brief blessing before leaving. He appeared concerned and perhaps he genuinely was. Arabella's face softened. "Christian is resting comfortably. His prognosis is very good." There wasn't even a trace of resentment in her tone. "He would be gladdened if you would pray over him."

    Always the men first, never mind the fact he had been summoned because of Arabella and the baby which was resting comfortably swaddled in her arms. An afterthought. Clearing his throat the Archbishop finally took note of the child and smiled. "So this is our newest Prince." His eyes gazing over the child, but in truth, oogling over the Queen, a particular object of his fantasies.

    "Henry." Arabella confirmed. "Second son of the King, heir to the throne of all England." She nodded her head softly and looked for a few moments at her sister, she felt badly that Alex was thrust into this situation. "Yes, someone suitable. Arthur is no good, not with that trollop he married. A whore ruins a man." The Archbishop's tone grew darker, dripping with his malcontent.

    Arabella shot him quite a glance. "Tristan. Please. The Princess is right here, and we shall not speak ill of her." Arabella sighed deeply. "I am disappointed in you." Arabella was well aware that just the mere mention of disappointment would send the Archbishop spiraling downward and attempt to regain her good favor. He visibly began to sweat and Arabella couldn't help but smirk. "A...Oo... Of course your Majesty! I didn't mean to offend!" He was panicking and of course still made no acknowledgment or attempt to apologize to the Princess.

    "I know my dear, but now you must apologize to the Princess, and I'd like to mean it." Arabella was toying with him and enjoying every moment of it. The Archbishop went white as a sheet but his desperation for approval and acceptance was overwhelmingly powerful. Tristan swallowed hard. "I.. I am... truly sorry, your Highness." He choked the words out like his throat had been dowsed with acid. "One should make eye contact with the one they've offended in their apology, my good great reverend." Arabella nodded and Tristan, now defeated turned to look at Alex, his face twisted and contorted as though she were some ghastly figure.

    "I am sorry." He spoke the words while looking at her, and when he was done he quickly looked away and cleared his throat again, as though attempting to stop himself from vomiting, such was his hatred.

    "See? All better." Arabella leaned back for a moment. "Now, I know you've spoken to Graves and likely some of my maids. Do you require anything further?" Arabella asked. The Archbishop, whose face had returned to normal smiled at the Queen, content he had been restored in her eyes. "I am certain that Prince Henry is the child naturally born to you on this day. I wish I could simply leave it at that, but you and... the Princess... must now swear to this upon the bible and all will be complete." Tristan said rather cheerfully, except for during that one part.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    The Princess watched this little display and heard the insults leveled at her. She once again prayed the lecherous man before he would survive to see the day change. Beyond hatred of her, it was disgusting to have him insult the Prince and the very nature of Royalty. She stared at him, her face expressionless, her eyes smoldering, as he stammered out his apology though she made no reply.

    Why bother? Bella was in control and it would do nothing anyway. Still, she longed to get a dig in. It was something to be called a whore and a trollop though when you had gone to your wedding night an innocent, and had only slept with one man, that being your husband, as the church ordained.

    And, she thought, the Queen he worships as a living saint is more a sinner in that regard...Funny, indeed.

    "Of course," was all she said in reply to the order of swearing. "I shall swear whatever His Grace wishes."

    She then had a thought at said, smiling sweetly, "His Grace should also speak to His Highness the Prince of Wales, about the baptism of our little ones. Given the great cost and the arrival of Prince Henry sometime early, it might be suitable to combine a cermony for all three infants...if His Grace and the Prince agree? I know the King had a grand ceremony in mind, thinking so fondly as he does of Princess Victoria, and then another for his own arrival...but the money saved could be a great relief to the poor, I am sure. Of course," she added, smiling again, "If the King wishes it so still, then two it must be."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #1123
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    The Archbishop twisted uncomfortably as Alexandra spoke to him. Who was she to suggest such a venture? To speak for her husband? To speak for the King? To suggest something of her own accord. Arabella remained silent for a few moments before nodding. "The children shall have the baptism that their fathers command." Her head turning slowly to her sister, to only smile and her eyes said everything her words could not. She would be honored if their children could be baptized together.

    "Her Majesty is quite right, it will be as your husbands decide. I will oblige His Majesty's wishes." The Archbishop gave something of a smile, he was clearly growing more exhausted by the minute when it came to Alex. He withdrew a small but ornately decorated bible from within his sleeve. The black leather cover bore threads of gold. Rising to his feet he walked slowly over the Queen and in an unprecedented action he knelt before her, taking the knee to show his subservience to her. With his head bowed he presented the Bible to the Queen.

    "Alexandra darling." Arabella passed the baby to her sister and placed her right hand upon the bible before her. "Majesty, do you swear and affirm that the child born today is that of your flesh and the King's blood?" Arabella did not pause to think she simply spoke two simple words. "I do." The Queen taking her child once more from her sister, so that she in turn might swear the same thing.

    There was something comforting in holding her son, and reluctance to ever let go. She had already lost one child, she would be damned if she lost another. "I do not mean to rush you, Tristan. But it has been a terribly long day and we are all in need of rest." Arabella had enough of the dog and pony show. She knew that Alex needed rest, as did she. "Of course Majesty." He turned his attentions to Alexandra and held the bible out, his hand shaking as he did so.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    "It's a wonder the old fool doesn't fall upon his knees and declare his love for her, as knights used to do for their Queens," Alex thought cooly. It was all she could do not to actually laugh when he suddenly was on his knees before the Queen, holding out the bible for her to swear upon.

    She took the baby and smiled down at him, letting him hold her finger as his mother swore he was the true son of the King. There was no doubt, of course, on that swore with little Henry. Any future arrivals though...that could go either way. She then returned the Prince to Bella and moved forward, hiding her smirk behind a mask of bland innocent, all the while watching the man's growing unease. She did so enjoy causing that in these fools.

    "I am more like my sister than I hoped," she thought. "Once, she enjoyed causing pain and torment, and now I relish the same in my enemies."

    She placed her hand on the rich leather surface of the bible, watching Tristan's face all the while while he watched her hand, as if expecting it to burn or blister through it's glove or some such as she touched the Holy Word. Nothing happened, of course. She couldn't help but smle at that and gazed calmly at the Archbishop, waitihng for him to speak was his right, of course.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  5. #1125
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    Graves blinked and stared at Mary, the Princess' maid in silence for a few moments. Never once had any maid in the service of the King or Queen had offered him tea and an invitation into the Queen's bedroom while she was not present. Was this normal for the Wales' he wondered. Greatly conflicted he lurched forward and stepped into the room, his eyes darting around, as though he had never truly taken a chance to look at anything within. "Thank you, ma'am." Graves said softly as he took a seat, a wave of absolute discomfort washing over him.

    Staring at the tea cup provided he smiled. "I am not... usually treated in this manner." Graves confided. Graves not a poorly treated man, no, he enjoyed many perks as the personal guard of the Queen, he was given a special, coveted position amongst the staff to generally come and go as he pleases, eat before others and the like. He was trusted, and enjoyed a certain grace from the Queen that few others did. But even here the servants did not interact outside of their groups. Maids remained with maids, footmen with footmen, guards with guards and so on and so forth. Even during their meals they all kept to their own tables.

    "You must be rather shocked at how things are then... compared to what I imagine is a very different mood at Marlborough." Graves felt a certain difficulty in speaking his mind, but he was in his own way attempting to relate.

    The Archbishop cleared his throat and did not so much as look at Alex as he spoke his next words. "Royal Highness, do you swear and affirm that the child born today is that of the Queen's flesh and the King's blood?" He was perhaps not even sure if he had waited her response before swiftly snatching the Bible back and casting it aside, he would leave it here for the servants to clean up and adopt a new one surely.

    Once Alex had affirmed, Arabella nodded. "There. Thank God we're done with that nonsense." The Queen chuckled and rose with the baby in her arm. "Now, I hate to be a spoil sport, but I must take my leave of you both. I am going to see Christian." Arabella glanced at her sister, having sensed that she would like a private moment with the Archbishop. "Alex, stop worrying, Mercy is just outside, she'll help me along the way." Really all Arabella wanted to do was sleep, but that would come in good time.

    Slowly the Queen left the room, the door being sealed behind her. With the help of Mercy she made her way through the corridors and into the King's rooms. She stopped shortly before the the guards outside his door. "No one enters without my permission save for his doctors or the Prince. No one." They nodded, bowed, and then opened the doors and allowed her through. Even Arabella wouldn't restrict a son visiting his father. Stepping through the chambers and to his bedroom, where she slipped inside and made her way over to his bed.

    "Little one, this is your father." Arabella spoke softly, rocking the baby and then leaning over to show him the broken figure of Christian laying in his bed unconscious, but looking somewhat peaceful. "He is the King, a most important man." Arabella smirked as Henry made an assortment of small noises. "But none in your life shall ever be more important than me, your mother. And no one in my life shall be more important than you, my darling boy." Arabella did not forget her daughter, but she wondered if when all this was said and done it wouldn't be less confusing for Alex to remain the girls' mother, no matter how much that hurt.

    Arabella moved quietly around the bed and lay atop it, beside Christian, her son resting now against her chest. "I wish I could tell you that he'll love you, but even if he doesn't he will always be your father, and I will have more than enough love to spare."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  6. #1126
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    Mary smiled kindly and handed the guard a plate with a large scone on it, complete with jam and clotted cream -a luxury indeed even for royal servants!- before she took her seat beside the babies. The other maids were apart, all looking rather exhausted and stunned by all that had occured.

    "Only a little," she agreed, nodding, "Households are normally reflections of their owners, I think, and my mistress and the Prince are informal in most matters. Naturally I understand things must be different here, informality here would be a gross insult, I am sure. I hope you are not offended by this? I merely wished to thank you on my mistress's behalf...and, well, you must be as in need of refreshment as we are!"

    She smiled again and sipped her tea then set it down when the new Princess started to fuss a little. Mary gently lifted her from her cradle and held her close, smiling down at the baby, who looked more like Queen Elizabeth by the day it seemed, with her downy hair, the exact strawberry-blonde colour as the late Queen.

    "Do you have children, Mr Graves?" Mary asked, glancing at him with a smile. "They are such a delight and gift. I do fear these two little ones shall never have their feet on the ground, so much fuss is made of them and all wish to hold them."


    As the door closed, Alexandra rose gracefully to her feet and fixed the Archbishop, who looked horrified at the idea of being alone, with a cool stare. She slowly walked towards him, delighting in the fact he back up, and up, and up, until he was forced into a chair with a soft noise of protest.

    The Princess lean in and rested both her hands on either armrest, trapping the man entirely where she wnated him. "Now, Your Grace, we must have some words. I am deeply disgusting by your behaviour to one of the Royal family. I am the Prince of Wales's wife, therefore a part of and a relfection of him...And insult to me is an insult to him, and by extentsion the King...Now, the King hates me, you are safe enough on that and nothing I say shall doom you there...Though you might think of the future..."

    She fell silent a moment and stared at him, holding up a finger when he went to speak, "Do not speak. I have heard enough from you. Now...Speak of me or mine again, and I shall destroy you. The King may hate me but he loves my daughter, more than words can say. All I need to is change those insults to me and say you said them about Victoria and you shall be in the tower before you can look round."

    Alex smiled, that same, unsettling smile she could put on when needed. It was arrogance, as Bridget had said, but it suited her station well enough. "Something like... 'Princess Victoria shall turn out a trollop as her mother' or similar. The King would take it very ill, I assure you. He may be indisposed right now, but the lie shall keep, I promise you. Now, do you understand me? Keep your insults of my husband and myself in that withered old head of yours, or I shall take great pleasure in destroying you. I shall not even feel an ounce of guilt over it..."

    She stepped back and surveyed the pathetic creature, the same smirk on her lips. "And before you flee, you might also stop your lecherous looks at my sister. She is your Queen, nothing more, nothing less. Your eyes follow her as if she was a prize in a shop window. It is unseemly for a man of your position, nevermind age, to lust as you do."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  7. #1127
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    Graves took the scone in his hand and began to eat it slowly, listening all the while to Mary who explained the differences in households being little more than reflections of their owners. "I am certainly not offended by an act of kindness." Graves spoke with a smile on his face as he continued to much away slowly on the scone and sip his tea, enjoying the brief moment of respite even if it was entirely foreign to him.

    "Her Majesty." Graves began "is a kind mistress, but as one would expect a woman of her position is terribly formal at all times." This of course would be of no surprise to Mary or really anyone. Even as a Duchess, Arabella ran her household in a strict formal manner. The King was another matter entirely, opting to do as he pleased which was often a mix of formality and debauchery depending on the day or even hour in question.

    "I have no children, nor a wife." Graves answered simply, his entire life was spent in service and he seldom considered what he wanted as a person. Though of course he, like any other man, had taken note of several of the maids, beautiful and eye catching in their own ways. "Please, call me Oliver." He remarked as he watched the children.

    Tristan, the Archbishop of Canterbury found himself held hostage by the Princess of Wales. She had trapped him and then she began to lecture him. No, not simply a lecture but a series of threats, an act undignified and unbecoming of a woman. He squirmed in his chair as she chastised him and spoke her ugly words, he was more certain now than ever that this woman was an agent of the devil himself.

    "How dare you threaten me!" He protested once she had backed away, standing to his full height his face had turned red with anger and embarrassment. "I am a man of the cloth and you are no more than an insubordinate little whore." He let his venom spill, his anger was palpable. "Do you truly believe that the King would believe your lies over my word?" In truth, he did not want to find out. That was a bridge too far, a risk he could not take. "Wicked woman." Tristan clutched at the cross around his neck, holding it firmly.

    "To think you are the Queen's own sister. That you share her blood." He sneered at her, nose upturned like the pompous and arrogant ass that he was. "She is a saint and you are so vile and wretched. How is it possible? Hmm?" He slowly began to back his way toward the door to the room, staring at the Princess, shaking in fear of her. "Destroy me if you wish but I will go to the grave knowing the truth of who and what you are and I will shout it from the rooftops before I meet the headsman's blade on Tower green." His hands fumbled behind him reaching for the door knob.

    "You have your victory for now, but when the time is right, I will strike exactly as you have struck. Enjoy your peace while it lasts." Tristan quickly escaped the room, firing off every prayer he could think of for his own protection.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Mary smiled, delighted that Mr Graves had a softer side. She had been a little worried he was all stone and ice! Not that she would have thought badly of him for it, he was a man of duty and honour and that often left little room for anything else.

    "Oliver," she nodded, smiling again. "And you may call me Mary, if you like." She glanced down at Victoria again, who had caught hold of the ribbon on Mary's bodice and was tugging it. "I am the same in such matters...though I am young enough that I trust, if God calls me to such, I shall be blessed. It is so nice for the Queen and the Princess that their children are so close in age, just a week or so apart. They shall never want for playmates and cousins!"

    She laughed softly and stroked little Vicky's hair, "Though...I doubt that shall ever be the case. The way the Prince and Princess look at one another, they love each other so completely...I am sure there shall be further...results within the next year!"

    In the Queen's household, this might have been verging on gossip about the Queen's marriage, which was strictly forbidden -other people's marriages were fair game of course- but it was clear that the Princess did not censure her maids in that way, given the ease at which Mary spoke. Besides, this topic in particular had done the rounds on all levels of society and was hardly new.

    Everyone spoke of the rather 'strange' affection that seemed to be between the Prince and his wife. To a court accustomed to arranged marriages and political unions with no emotions what so ever, it was highly strange to see a couple who were so clearly and perfectly in love...And one that displayed their emotions in public! They did not appear able to hide it. Little looks, a hand touch, the brush fingers...

    As Alex had once over heard at a ball as she passed, it was very much discussed as a thing of amusement and bafflement.

    "I do believe she is actually in love with him."

    "Her own husband? What a selfish woman!"

    "To have such a love as that," Mary continued, smiling, "It is a rare gift and I hope one day I find even half of that."

    It was clear the young woman was a romantic at heart, the type who would, if it had been allowed and such books were even allowed to be written, would spend her free time reading two crown romances and such.


    Alexandra watched him go, smirking still. She felt no fear from him. She was innocent of his charges, as God well knew, and it would matter little if she died...She had committed no great sin. "He'll believe it," she said, to the empty room. The King was a vindictive man and it would suit him to take out his wrath on another.

    She took great pleasure in the look of utter terror on the old fool's face. Whatever he said, he would be haunted by her from now on. He hated her, he feared her, and he would dream of her. She hoped he never slept well again.

    "I wonder what would happen had fate made it the reverse and Bella was the Princess and I the Queen now...Arabella is more vindictive than I...Or maybe not, as I am learning," she pondered, sitting down for a second and letting her head rest back on the chairback.

    She debated whether or not to tell Arthur of what the Archbishop had said, and her reply...They shared almost everything but...She knew her husband well and he would wish to defend her. He was already in a dangerous postion, even more so right now, and it would not do to cause issues there. It was better if the ire was directed at her alone.
    Last edited by DuchessLivilla; 02-10-2025 at 11:04 PM.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  9. #1129
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    Graves was an extraordinarily serious man, and was often quite reserved, not only around his mistress but around his comrades as well. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am..." Graves paused for a moment catching himself. "Mary." It seemed odd to say her proper name. There were so few people he treated in his regard. Certainly not outside of the Royal Guard who were amongst his closest friends. He listened to the wistful way Mary spoke about her own fate, and the love of the Wales' as a couple.

    "My brothers and I were very close, I suppose I am grateful that the new Prince will have cousins to pass his time with." Graves did not pretend to understand the nature of the Royal family, or how they existed together. The tensions between the two couples were high, despite the relative peace that seemed to have settled. "They do love each other. They show it so openly." Graves was not attempting to make commentary but rather agreeing with the assertion Mary made. It was similar with his own parents, so he recognized it rather immediately.

    He sipped his tea and smiled as he watched Mary with the children. She would be a wonderful mother he thought. She seemed so natural at it. "You will find love. It would seem a waste that someone as lovely as you, and as adept at caring for children not find it." Graves looked toward the floor, his cheeks flushed with color. "Though I must tell you... to be careful not to make such comments around Her Majesty's maids. To say as you suggest, implies that the Queen is not similarly in love, or have further children." Graves swallowed hard. "I know that is not your intention, but these things are seen as gossip."

    Oliver looked back at Mary, smiling softly and returning to watching her with the children. All the while the Queen lay beside her husband, falling asleep beside him, the baby having being placed by mother into a cradle beside the bed, similarly to the one that had been brought into her room. The exhaustion finally having caught up with her.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Mary smiled when he said her name. It sounded right on his lips. She noted to that he blushed and she hastily looked down at the baby, her cheeks pinking a little. "You had brothers?" She smiled, "I wish I had had siblings but it was not to be. I am glad to hear you had such. A gift indeed."

    The maid blushed properly this time at the compliment. She had never had one before, from a man anyway. Still, she listened to his gentle warning and nodded, "Yes...I understand, of course, my apologies. I am sure the Queen is most in love with the King, as she should be, and shall be blessed with many of his children...God willing."

    Victoria had fallen asleep in her arms so she gently replace her in her cradle and picked up Alexander instead. The little boy blinked sleepily up at her and sucked on his fingers. "It's funny though, is it not?" Mary said, gazing down at him, "That I might be holding the future King...Of course, we cannot know the future but it's strange indeed to be holding a possible heir to such things. Such a tiny thing with so great a destiny already."

    Mary was not to know, naturally, that if Bridget was indeed a seer...that was not his future. The little one in her arms would never wear the crown...but...a brother would.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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