"Tristan." Arabella spoke the name sweetly, it rolled off her tongue like she had said it a thousand times before. Only Christian and Arabella could get away with calling the Archbishop of Canterbury by his given name and have him eat it up. "So good to see you. Thank you for coming with such haste." The Queen at her finest. Tristan for his part made no eye contact with the Princess of Wales, instead he only focused on Arabella, behaving as though Alex was not even present. "For my Queen, I will always come when called." He spoke in response, his voice dripping with excitement, to be needed by the Royals was a pleasure like no other.
"How is His Majesty?" Naturally, Tristan was read into the situation and would be paying a visit for a brief blessing before leaving. He appeared concerned and perhaps he genuinely was. Arabella's face softened. "Christian is resting comfortably. His prognosis is very good." There wasn't even a trace of resentment in her tone. "He would be gladdened if you would pray over him."
Always the men first, never mind the fact he had been summoned because of Arabella and the baby which was resting comfortably swaddled in her arms. An afterthought. Clearing his throat the Archbishop finally took note of the child and smiled. "So this is our newest Prince." His eyes gazing over the child, but in truth, oogling over the Queen, a particular object of his fantasies.
"Henry." Arabella confirmed. "Second son of the King, heir to the throne of all England." She nodded her head softly and looked for a few moments at her sister, she felt badly that Alex was thrust into this situation. "Yes, someone suitable. Arthur is no good, not with that trollop he married. A whore ruins a man." The Archbishop's tone grew darker, dripping with his malcontent.
Arabella shot him quite a glance. "Tristan. Please. The Princess is right here, and we shall not speak ill of her." Arabella sighed deeply. "I am disappointed in you." Arabella was well aware that just the mere mention of disappointment would send the Archbishop spiraling downward and attempt to regain her good favor. He visibly began to sweat and Arabella couldn't help but smirk. "A...Oo... Of course your Majesty! I didn't mean to offend!" He was panicking and of course still made no acknowledgment or attempt to apologize to the Princess.
"I know my dear, but now you must apologize to the Princess, and I'd like to mean it." Arabella was toying with him and enjoying every moment of it. The Archbishop went white as a sheet but his desperation for approval and acceptance was overwhelmingly powerful. Tristan swallowed hard. "I.. I am... truly sorry, your Highness." He choked the words out like his throat had been dowsed with acid. "One should make eye contact with the one they've offended in their apology, my good great reverend." Arabella nodded and Tristan, now defeated turned to look at Alex, his face twisted and contorted as though she were some ghastly figure.
"I am sorry." He spoke the words while looking at her, and when he was done he quickly looked away and cleared his throat again, as though attempting to stop himself from vomiting, such was his hatred.
"See? All better." Arabella leaned back for a moment. "Now, I know you've spoken to Graves and likely some of my maids. Do you require anything further?" Arabella asked. The Archbishop, whose face had returned to normal smiled at the Queen, content he had been restored in her eyes. "I am certain that Prince Henry is the child naturally born to you on this day. I wish I could simply leave it at that, but you and... the Princess... must now swear to this upon the bible and all will be complete." Tristan said rather cheerfully, except for during that one part.