Name: Holly Post
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Animal or Supernatural Power/Type: The ability to mentally harm someone without the need for contact, just focus. She rarely uses it, unless she feels unsafe, or uncontrollable at the time. She also can mentally communicate with anyone she desires, if she makes eye-contact. She can feel everything anyone thinks, feels, or wishes. So, if someone was sad, part of her would be telling her she is sad. Or if someone wishes they could die, she will suddenly feel their desire. So, mainly her Supernatural power is mentally enhanced. But along with her amazing powers, she is also very good at problem solving, anything requiring stealth, and social abilities.
Side: The Pard (If it's okay.)
Weapons: Her supernatuarl power, (Obviously,) and a long, silver sword, that she carries in a sheath belt. She hangs the shelth loosly around her waist. The sword only responses to her, unless she mentally gives it to someone else. When she fights, her sword is practicly unbeatable if they truly connect before the fight. The sword understands her, and she understands it.
Clothes: Skinny jeans that complement her, and a natural color shirt that fits her slim, skinny body. She never wears anything to flashy.
Body Description: She is very slim and skinnier than an average 17 year old girl. She beleives its because so many girls wish to be skinnier, and she ended up following their dreams. She is very beautiful, whichs works in her advantage during battle.
Weakness: The light blinds her, and she can't break into the walls of someone who perposely blocks her out. She can easily be decieved by someone who truly puts their mind to it.
Brief Bio: She wasn't actually born with her powers, she was given them to her by her grandmother, before she was murdered. She wandered, and wandered until she stumbled upon the Pard. She has never had a "best friends" or a relationship of anykind, other than what her and her sword have. She still is curious about what she was made for, and why her powers were given to her.
Reason for being in The Pard or Pack: She is angry at the Pack for killing her grandmother, and she beleives in good.