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Thread: The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God [M - Hannelorian x DuchessLivilla]

  1. #1011
    The Grey Lady
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    Arthur paused for a moment and reflected on his wife's sudden sadness before pulling her into a warm embrace. "I am sorry." He said softly almost cooing into her ear as he ran his hands along her back in reassurance. He too had recalled Dr. Thomas mentioning something about hormonal imbalance, but even so, or rather even without, it was a difficult topic of conversation and he hadn't meant to cause any discomfort. "We are many, many years away from having to worry about that for either of us." He was reassuring, at least as best he can be.

    "I merely meant to suggest that there is a time beyond our current troubles. An entire life that will be led and lived, and so much love between us and our children, and the children that are to come." He smiled softly and nodded before kissing the top of Alex's hand, retaking her hand and resuming their walk through the gardens. "I shall jest no more on the topic." Arthur tried, whenever possible to be as considerate as possible of Alexandra. It wasn't very often that she corrected him, or rather found an issue in something he had said. So in these moments he took a little more time.

    "And, we have to see what incredibly over the top and gaudy gifts your sister and my father have gotten for each other." Arthur chuckled slightly, his head tilting back toward the sky as he smiled and bit his lower lip at the thought, almost stifling himself. All of the pomp and circumstance was a little bit much, but one could never expect anything less from Bella and Christian. That was how the two of them operated. "To think that Alice is missing all of this. She'd probably run for the hills if she were still here." Alice and of course Thomas were regular thoughts of Arthur's, he had grown rather fond of the man and their friendship was a welcome one.


    Arabella had emerged from her bath and with the help of a maid, as Mercy had returned to her duties to the Princess of Wales while they remained at Windsor, was finally dressed. Arabella in a deep navy blue gown with black florals woven into the heavy skirt which billowed outward thanks to several layers of petticoats which had been designed for women carrying children. The short sleeves fell just off her shoulders, Arabella enjoying the freedom of a style she had once chided Alexandra for wearing, but in her state, it was more for her comfort than anything else. Though her arms were free of the dress fabric she as prescribed wore long white evening gloves of silk which rose up well past her elbows. The Queen's elegant blonde hair was done into a simple updo, pulling back into a neat bun, allowing tender tresses to hug her face freely. A diamond tiara adorning her head and plenty of diamonds on her neck and wrists with a handful of other precious stones to compliment her. Though no amount of fine fabrics or jewels truly contented Arabella when it came to her appearance, seeing nothing past her own sheer size.

    To anyone who looked Arabella was a vision of beauty, pregnant or not. Though the glow of pregnancy complimented her nicely. Always the more attractive of the sisters, one of the most attractive women in the country, though in a few seasons there would undoubtedly be some new belle of the ball. She was her own harshest critic, and as such Arabella was both unforgiving of herself and unrelenting at times. The Queen caught sight of herself in the mirror and rested her hands upon her belly, the fabric pulled neatly around it, rather showcasing it for the world. She supposed she looked fine enough.

    Arabella departed her room, taking note of Graves and another guard, she nodded her head before moving, the two men following a respectful distance behind. She moved with grace and dignity, and even to her shadows her destination was a surprise. The Queen taking a look at the King's guard outside his door, they bowed their heads before her and stood aside. With a gentle knock the Queen waited until she was called inside and slipped breezily through the opened the doors.

    The valets and footmen bowed before their Queen, stepping to the sides of the room to allow her to pass as she made her way through the enfilade toward the King's bedchamber where again she had knocked and waited to be granted entry. "You look very handsome." Arabella commented as she strode to her husband. She deftly took one of the jacket brushes out of the hand of his valet and raised it up brushing away anything upon his shoulders, though there was nothing to be brushed away. "And no one has let anything slip, I truly have no idea what you have in store tonight." The Queen said softly, her eyes seemed to beaming as though with pride. "I hope you'll forgive my absence. A rest and a hot both were necessary." And to be fucked by the Priest she was in love with. Hmm.

    "Besides I figured there were other affairs for you to attend to. Father Lennox has been making sure I am cognizant of the value of your time." Another flash of a brilliant smile. She could be charming, even to Christian. Handing the cloth brush back to the footmen, she raised her hands up then to adjust the King's collar before taking a step back. One had to remember that despite the ugliness of Christian's character, he was a dashing and handsome man. One who himself could be charming and doting. The two together were a beautiful couple, and to the nation they seemed perfect for one another. Exactly as Arabella had wanted it. "Here I was, wandering the hall when I thought, why show up to dinner on my own when I show up with the handsomest man in the world?" Arabella playfully shrugged her shoulders letting out something of a cutesy noise before offering the man her arm.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #1012
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    Alex was soon comforted; it did not take much, the couple being so in sync with each other that she was soon laughing softly into the chest of his greatcoat. She pulled back and grinned at him, "The children that are to come...yes," she shook her head, smiling, "I have ever intention, God willing, of filling every room of our home. It shall never be quiet. You shall never have a moment of peace from the calls of 'papa'. But not right this second," she winked.

    "Dr Thomas says six weeks or so before any...amusements of that kind," the Princess added, smiling mischievously. "Then, speaking of gifts, I shall try my utmost to be with child again before February is out...Though I cannot ensure the next one shall be gaudy nor gilded with gems as the gifts awaiting my sister are!"

    She linked arms with him again as they walked once more, the frosted gravel crunching under their feet. "Oh, Alice...Yes, I so wish she was here, and yet I am also glad she is many hundreds of miles from any of this. I so long to speak to her though, get her advice and to hear all about her adventures. She asked, in the telegram, if I wanted her to come back but I couldn't ruin her honeymoon by saying yes. After all, there is time enough for that later. I cannot wait to show her the twins...She is so good with little Beatrix, after all."


    Christian turned to look at Bella when she swept in. He frowned, every so slightly as he took in her dress and jewellery but forced a smile. "Yes...yes, a surprise indeed..." he started then sighed, "Darling...This is a family dinner and evening. You are dressed as if it is a state occasion. Are you wearing every diamond you possess? By all means, dress as you please but this, as lovely as it is, hardly suggests simple family dinner with our loved ones. I may as well call the court back for a formal banquet in this case."

    He turned back to the mirror and adjusted his collar. Christian himself, who one imagined likely had very little idea of what a 'simple family dinner' looked like, was dressed in what to him was simple however. Highly polished shoes, black trousers with creases in the legs so sharp you could cut yourself on them, a crisp white shirt, red velvet waistcoat with his watch chain on display, and black jacket.

    Of course, it was like the King to have sent no word to his wife on what she was to wear and then to be annoyed when she had not done what he had imagined she would. It was like him as well to make such comments, which naturally would hurt however they were directed at, and for him to not even notice nor realise they would. He had an perfect way, on purpose or by accident -did it matter which really- of cutting anyone down and ruining anyone's mood.

    Bella had entered his rooms happy, feeling as if she could do anything...Two sentences later and that was gone. Christian smoothed his collar again and smiled, genuinely this time before he turned to the Queen, then frowned again, seeing her looking crestfallen. "What ever is the matter, my darling? Oh," he came over and kissed her cheek, "You must not take my words to heart. I know you cannot help it, dearest. You enjoy the trappings of Queenship, as you should. If you wish to be dressed like this for a simple dinner, then that is your right. After all," he winked, "What does a man know of fashion?"

    He took her arm and patted her hand, "Nothing. That's what. I know nothing of such things. You set the rule on that account, dear heart. Now let's go and have a walk around the galleries. We are a little early still and I am sure the Prince and Princess shall be doting on the children. We must not hasten them from their little ones. Besides, you can tell me all you have learned with Father Lennox while we do...I was just thinking," he added as they started walking, "I owe him a great debt for all he has done for you. We must give him a gift...What do you think he would like?"

    Christian, who suspected nothing at all, smiled happily, "He is a simple man I know but he deserves something. I thought perhaps a horse but I am not sure if he would think that too much...Some books, perhaps?"
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #1013
    The Grey Lady
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    Internally, Arabella was screaming, there was nothing she could do to please this man. And what made it worse was apparently she had forgotten to mind her face, and he could see that she was upset. Arabella shook her head. "I'm not upset my darling." Arabella's voice seemed genuine enough and accompanied by a signature smile would surely defuse the situation. "I do believe you are right and I have overdone myself." The Queen once more caught sight of herself in a mirror as the couple left the King's apartments to stroll through the galleries. Arabella had a plan.

    "I sometimes forget that amongst my family I have no need for all of the ornamentation." Arabella looked up at Christian knowingly. "Old habits seem to die hard. I shall have a talk with Father Lennox about it." In reality, Arabella dressed this way because she felt Christian would have wanted it. Clearly she was wrong. Christian preferred her in all of her finery, even when he took her, brutalized her. He wanted her in jewels, jewels that he afforded her with. But it was no matter. "A horse? I don't think he can even ride!" Arabella finally said when it came to the question regarding a gift for the priest, her lover.

    "Books is more like it, anything history, or if the Pope has any writings. You know of that world far more than I do." Arabella in fact, knew exactly what books she would have gotten for the man, but she was not supposed to hold that information. Not because of their illicit relationship but because she was not supposed to read. "Or perhaps a relic for the abbey or chapel." As if that were easy to come by but after all, Christian was the King. And she but a humble servant.

    As the two made their way down the corridor, Arabella raised a hand at the first female servant she found. A maid, Ingrid, who primarily cleaned the King's rooms when he was not present. "What timing you have, Ingrid." Arabella said softly. "Would you be so kind as to remove some of my finery?" Arabella had almost all of her jewelry removed, the tiara, the necklaces, a few bracelets, opting to keep a single bracelet which the King had given her for her birthday, if he even remembered, and the earrings she was wearing as she felt they were understated enough. It took only but a moment. She then resumed catching up with the King. "Father Lennox has done a great service to me indeed. I feel more understanding of God's love and wisdom and better aware of my position, even if I do falter from time to time. He ensures I am corrected and swiftly so, in order that I may please the Lord and my husband." Arabella kept her eyes on the King as she spoke, making sure he felt he commanded her full attention.

    "If know little of fashion, you know so much of God and Country, and it is your lead I shall follow. If it is too much, then it is too much. If anything I am grateful that you told me, so that I may do better in future." Every word sounded so sincere, and almost happy. But it was yet another set of lies. Arabella held onto the King's arm as they moved. "Speaking of the children, I wanted to thank you." Arabella was once again soft spoken, ever kind. "For quieting the court at the tableau, when they upset the children. I know Arthur and Alexandra were grateful as well." Arabella looked forward for a few minutes. "This entire holiday has been wonderful, and it is in large part thanks to you. I truly appreciate what you've done." Arabella was genuinely honest at that last part, it had been well and good, even if it would be shortly lived.

    After the niceties, Arabella did as asked and began to outline what she and Father Lennox had been working on. Which parts of the bible, what corollaries he was reading to her and concepts they had discussed. Naturally Arabella bent the truth a bit, hiding the nature of their discussions being far closer to Alex's views than the gospel as Christian knew it. Still she seemed a perfect little student.


    "Six weeks? I suppose I shall persevere!" Arthur offered in jest. While of course he longed for his wife's company in the most intimate of ways he would rather have her healthy and as such would do everything the Doctor demanded, to the letter. "As for the Duchess, she should be back soon no? Shortly after the new year?" Arthur wondered, at least that is what he recalled in his last letter to Thomas. "I know they are quite happy abroad. It will be hard for them to come home, but knowing there are little ones, it might make it a bit sweeter." Arthur mused as he thought on the subject for a few moments. "Besides, for all we know, she might be with child herself by now. I don't think Thomas could keep his hands off her. At least after he got over his nerves and shy demeanor."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  4. #1014
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    The King, like a child who had been appeased with a sherbet lemon, smiled when the Queen, at once, acquiesced to his demands. Naturally it was what he had wanted; had she replied that she had dressed like this because she liked it or some such, that would have led to further upset. It was a stark reminder of the difference between this Royal marriage and the one of the Prince. Nor even Arabella's first marriage.

    Richard would never have spoken to her like that. He trusted she knew best in such matters and she could have appeared in a sack and he would have praised her to the heavens.

    Her current husband smiled and patted her hand, "Oh do not dwell on it, my love. You are with child and ladies often forget things in this state. I shall not hold it against you." A joke, from anyone else, from someone in a normal, happy marriage...from the King it was a genuine comfort and a genuine risk that he might have!

    "You do look most beautiful though, you must wear this outfit next time the occasion calls for it. Or," he smiled, "The gift I gave you earlier. Match that with a gown, it will look beautiful. You must tell me if you need the Royal Jeweller to make a new tiara that matches the stones." He kissed her cheek gently before he looked at the paintings as they walked. In material things, he was nothing if not attentive...It was the emotional and genuine affection areas he lacked in.

    The King laughed, "Oh, he cannot ride? Oh dear...It is unseemly for a man not to be able to ride! Then again, I suppose such was not taught to him as a child nor as a young man...A shame though. Well he can always learn now. One never knows when one might need to ride, much like swimming! A man should ride and he should swim. Shoot too. How's about that for an idea, my love? Father Lennox is teaching you and I shall teach him manly pursuits!"

    He grinned, taken with the idea, as he was most new things before the novelty wore off. "I taught Arthur sometimes, you know," he added, as if he had been an indulgent father in this. Servants had taught Arthur. The King had appeared maybe once or twice out of every 100 lessons.

    The King surveyed Ingrid as they stopped, as a man might a cake he was not sure if he wished to eat or not. He did it quite openly without any subtly before he allowed his wife's words to take his attention from the girl. He retook Bella's arm once more and they strolled on, "He is a good man, Father Lennox. A devoted man of God. He is the only man I would trust with my precious jewel," Christian patted her hand. "I do believe he is as innocent as a man can be. You hear tales of lustful priests and so on..."

    He frowned, shaking his head, "Foulness indeed. I would have none of the other ones for you, my dear heart. You never know what goes on in those minds of theirs...Dirty fingernails too, fertile imaginations...No. I would have a young, innocent one, unknowing of the world and such things. Of course," he added, shaking his head, "You must tell me if he ever oversteps. Now he is in court, he may be corrupted by the sins around us. We, I know, are above such things but for all his virtues, Father Lennox is from the lower orders and they are always at risk of corruption."

    Christian beamed when the children came up though, any upsetting thoughts banished. "Oh, you need not tell me such. The court is unaccustomed to little ones and must learn how to behave. I will not have my little granddaughter made nervous and upset by those jabbering fools. Arthur knows I shall always do right by her." He made no mention of Alexander, nor for that matter his mother. It seemed any thaw in relations was only going to be so deep.

    "But yes, do tell me all about what you have been learning..."


    "Good," Alex smiled and nudged him playfully. "It shall fly by, I am sure. I shall keep you busy with all I can think of, and you shall have the parades and such for your men to focus on. As well as visits to the nursery."

    They started to make their way indoors to change and get ready for dinner, though at a leisurely pace. They had, after all, plenty of time and it being a family dinner...That surely meant they could leave off with the full panoply of clothing? For them at least. Alex knew full well the King would want Bella in her full regalia, not matter what! He would want her in diamonds and crown if she was only sewing in her drawing room, just in case she, for one moment, forgot she was the in his wife.

    "I am not sure on the exact date," she replied, "Then again, she did say they have not booked their return, it is only a vague suggestion. As you say, they are having a wonderful time and Thomas is in his element showing her the world. They may stay away longer still. There was talk of India but I think," she thought back, her memory quickly finding what she sought, "Yes, I think Thomas had decided that he would need to make that a special trip with far more preparations."

    Alex smiled fondly at the idea of Alice having a child too, "Yes...That would please them both I am sure. Though it may put pay to their travels so perhaps not yet. You know, I do not think I ever asked Alice if she wished for children...I mean what her real feelings on the topic were. You know all ladies parrot the same line when asked but surely some must actually not want them...if they had a choice, as some men do not. Perhaps Alice does not want them. In any event, they are happy now and that is all that matters. Children can always wait."

    She laughed, "Though not for me, it seems, if I am to live up to the jests of my sister, Alice herself, and the court, who claim I shall, being so in love and having bewitched my husband with desires, have fifteen. I cannot afford a moments waste!"

    As they returned inside the castle and started to make their way to their rooms, she asked, "What do you think is expected tonight? The King has said over and over it is to be a simple family dinner...Simple for us and simple for him is very different." The Wales's, when dining alone, were known to do so in a style that would shock...Arthur in his dressing gown and slippers, Alex in a nightgown and wrapper.

    "We can hardly go like that," she added, with a smirk. "I do believe the King would shoot us on the carpet without a thought. But if we arrive in full battle dress, as it were, we shall cause issue too...Hmm...A suit and waistcoat, for you maybe? As much as I love seeing you in your uniform...He would only think it a provocation... And for myself...a plainer dress with limited jewellery...But not so plain as a day dress for at home...I shall go through what I have and hopefully chose correctly."

    She sighed as they entered their rooms, "I cannot wait to return home and not have this pressure. No one taking any notice of what we do or say or wear. Oh," a thought occurred to her, "I should have asked what colour Bella was to would not do to clash...Mercy, Mary?" She called and parted from Arthur, leaving him to find his valet and get changed. A man's dress, even in these circumstances was always far easier to chose!

    Alex came into her room, going briefly to the children and smiling to find them both asleep. They had been fed before her walk and thus would be fine for now. She would excuse herself during dinner to attend to them. "Ah, Mercy," she smiled, seeing Bella's maid sewing in the corner with her own. "Have you seen the Queen this evening? What colour was she intending to wear? I would not wish to clash with her."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    The Grey Lady
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    "I do believe Father Lennox would be greatly honored if you were to teach him anything. Who better to learn from than the King?" Arabella commented, the notion of lustful priests and Anthony overstepping his bounds. If only the man knew that just a couple of hours ago that the very same priest had laid with his wife and quite possibly given her the first orgasm she had had since the death of her late husband. It was all amusing but Arabella was careful not to indulge in such thoughts in case she let something slip on her face. "There is only one lustful priest in this house and that is your confessor my darling. The way he chases Daphne through the kitchens. My God." Arabella rolled her eyes but it was true.

    The man was practically insatiable and while it was unclear if Daphne, a kitchen maid in particular had indulged in this particular fantasy was unclear and quite honestly Arabella preferred not to know. "As for the children, I do so enjoy seeing you with the little Victoria. You light up when you're around her." Arabella was pushing her own pain aside and deciding to embrace her husband and meet him where he was. If he only wished to discussed Victoria, than so would she. She too would make no mention of her sister, Arthur or Alexander. "While I can't be certain that I am carrying a boy, though I do hope for that more than anything..." Arabella thought on her next words carefully. "Will you take me back into your bed to try for a daughter? I think having one of your own would be the greatest gift I could ever give you." Arabella was blunt, and while the thought of actually sleeping with her own husband was something repugnant... Arabella could not deny that there was something about Victoria that clicked with him, and if there was some possibility Christian won this eventual war, a daughter might soften him. Oddly enough despite being in the relative open, the King and Queen were alone.

    A guard was always one corridor ahead, and for the most part would ensure it was clear before the King and Queen would enter it, and then the guard would advance to the next one. It was of course, only when those such as Ingrid were departing rooms that they could encounter the Royal couple. This protocol was largely in place when the two were together. Arabella had made it clear that when she was alone, with her guards of course, no one needed to curtail their movements to an inconvenience on her account.

    It was killing her, to know she had a daughter, and Christian would have disposed of Beatrix if Arabella had not taken action. And now he was an entirely different person around Victoria. It had been anger she felt in the beginning. Pure, white hot anger. That had subsided and all that was left was a great pain and sadness. If the war was won and Christian the victor, the only chance of her ever having a daughter was if Christian gave her one. After all, she would need to ensure she was bedding her husband if she continued to bed her priest and lover, on the chance she fell pregnant, now knowing that at least a little like her sister, she seemed to be able to do so rather quickly.


    "I cannot imagine that Alice does not want children." Arthur confessed. He knew that some women did not want this, and while he accepted that, as women should have control over their own bodies, he did not understand why anyone would not want children. "And you know that Alice and Bella aren't joking, right?" Arthur asked somewhat seriously, somewhat playfully. "When they say you'll be a mother of fifteen, they know you would gladly take as many children as God gives us, and lord knows you don't mind the trying." Arthur was always himself around Alex. The two of them could spoke honestly with one another, openly and it was refreshing. Though always easier when the two were alone, at least while at Windsor. At Marlborough there was always that same sense of freedom and most importantly trust amongst everyone who worked there serving the family.

    Mercy appeared seemingly out of nowhere when her name was invoked, having just returned of course from attending the last few needs of the Queen. "Her Majesty is dressed in a deep shade of navy this evening. And the King is in an evening suit. I believe though I have not seen it." Mercy responded practically, and then for a moment hesitated wondering if she would be betraying her Queen in the process. But then again, Arabella had asked Mercy to do anything and everything for the Wales' while they were in residence at Windsor.

    "Your Royal Highness, I must caution you ever so slightly if you'll allow me." Mercy added and stepped forward. "I passed Ingrid, another maid in the servants corridor on my way here. Apparently the King was displeased at Her Majesty's level of jewelry this evening. He preferred her to be understated if you understand my meaning." Mercy was being polite. She knew she could trust Alexandra, but she didn't entirely feel comfortable speaking her mind in the same way she would if she was with her own mistress.

    Arthur rolled his eyes and nodded. "Thank you, Mercy." He commended her and and honestly was grateful for that information. "It appears you were right." Arthur said to his wife knowingly. "However I have never known him to ask Bella or any woman to wear less jewelry. He can't get enough of it normally." Arthur sighed, his father was as always completely and entirely unpredictable. "Let us finish preparing and be off." He concluded.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    The King blinked and suddenly stopped when she accused his confessor of chasing the maid. This could have gone either way...anger at the Queen or anger at the girl. Instead, surprising perhaps even himself Christian chewed his lip then said, "Yes. I had heard of that...I...I thought it rather amusing but now I find I am changed on such matters. Having the little one here...I cannot help but think I would not want her chased by an old man if she was in such a position. Nor unable to refuse for fear of punishment."

    He nodded half to himself, "I shall have him remove and replaced. And Daphne shall receive an extra £5 on top of her wages for her troubles." A kitchen maid in royal service normally earned around £15 a year, and received her meals and uniforms on top of that, so an extra £5 was nothing to be sneezed at...especially from the King who was not known to be generous to his 'inferiors'.

    Christian smiled and retook his wife's hand, "Thank you for reminding me of it. I wish to do better in that regard." He thought of her words as he walked, mulling over all the options. "Perhaps one day...I wish to see things settled first. And besides, there is no surety. You might have a second son and those can be tricky in Royal families...Though also by that token a spare is also useful. Hmm. Well we shall leave the matter for now anyway. You have some weeks yet...The Princess of Wales was not to have the babe until January was she not, and they arrived early, so you are behind her...we thus have time yet to consider anyway."

    He paused at a portrait of some long forgotten woman and gazed at it for a few moments before he said gently, "My love, one of the gifts for Arthur tonight might be painful for you but I do not wish for you to be concerned. As you no doubt know, it is traditional for a prince to receive a duchy upon his marriage. I did not give Arthur one because I was annoyed at his foolish choice but I cannot hold off now he has children. I would be thought meanspirited. Arthur has made no mention of it nor do I think he will. He seems perfectly content..."

    The King paused again and sighed, clearly concerned for her reaction but wishing to do it now rather than later. "I have invested him with the Duchy of Suffolk. As you know it reverted to the crown upon Richard's death...there being no male heir. But," he added, squeezing her hand, "When civil war comes, as it must, we shall win and the duchy shall be ours again...And we can give it to our second son if we have one or some such. You must think of it as...leasing the duchy."


    "Oh I know they are not jesting," she laughed softly, "Still I also know they do not think it shall come true...eight or nine maybe. I am mildly determined to prove them wrong. We are off to a good start with two at once!"

    She turned and smiled, nodding to Mercy to speak freely then frowned as she did so. "Really?" Alex glanced at Arthur. "Strange...He always wants Bella to look her Queenly best. Then again, perhaps he just wishes for a simple dinner. Odd though. Why not send word before?" She shook her head, annoyed for her sister. "He let her get ready, to please him, then likely put her down when she did not. When all he had to do was sent her a message. One cannot win with the man."

    She shook her head again and started to remove her cloak and gloves, Mary coming forward to unbutton her dress. "Mercy, can you look out a gown for me, something not blue," she added, "Red or green, maybe for the festive season. Suitable for dinner but not too grand. If the Queen is to be simple, I cannot outshine her, not that I wish to anyway. For jewels...The pearl necklace only, with the single pearl drops for my ears."

    Alexandra stood, arms out, staring pensively into the fire on the other side of the room as Mary unbuttoned the back of her dress and helped her out of it. She shivered a little and moved towards said fire, rubbing her arms as she stood in just her chemise, corset and stockings. She heard Mercy return, a gown in her arms and turned. "Ah, perfect," Alex smiled, "You have an eye for detail, child," she added, complimenting the young woman's choice.

    The gown was a light spring green colour with darker green trim at the hem, at the bodice and edges of the small puffed sleeves. embroidered sprigs over the fabric gave it a simple, homely feel with still being expensive with silk and lace. Hopefully it would suit the King's ideas and be thought pastoral and such. Then again, as she had said, one never knew with that man.

    She stepped into the gown and turned, allowing Mary to button this one up. Her hair was already fairly simply styled for the bonnet while she and Arthur were walking but she had Mercy touch it up and add a green ribbon and a sprig of flowers at the back. With the pearl necklace and earrings, she hoped she looked suitable. Not that she was too worried, the King would hardly give her a second glance most likely. She could appear naked and he might not notice. Still, best not to rock the boat. She had the children to think of now.

    As amusing as baiting the King was, there were bigger things at stake.

    Once dressed, she thanked her maids and then rang the bell to bring one of the royal maids to the room. While she waited for that, she moved to the cradles and smiled at her sleeping children. "My little angles," she crooned softly, "Mama has to go soon but I'll be back...And Auntie Mary and Mercy will be here..."

    She smiled to herself. She knew full well they couldn't understand a word but she enjoyed speaking to them. As she rose again, the maid she had called arrived and bowed, "Ah, thank you," Alex said, smiling kindly, "Could you bring meals for the guards, my maids and my husband's man while we are away?

    "Of course, your Royal Highness," the young woman nodded, "The Queen has graciously ordered that the servants be given a Christmas feast with goose and figgy pudding. I'll make sure to have cook send up plenty for your people." She bowed.

    "Thank you, child, that will be lovely," she dismissed her and headed through the drawing room to Arthur's suit, not that he slept there of course, but it contained his dressing room and the room for his manservant. She found her husband nearly ready, standing in his trousers, shirt and suspenders, looking as handsome as any man could.

    Alexandra leant on the door frame and grinned coyly as she watched him fiddling with his cufflinks. His manservant, brushing his jacket, glanced at her, blushed and coughed softly, drawing his master's attention to the arrival of his wife. "Oh, you need not have bothered, Cousins," Alex quipped, smiling, "He knew I was here. He was making a show of it for me, I am sure," she teased.

    "Ah...Yes, Ma'am," Cousins replied, chuckling shyly.

    "I've ordered supper to be sent up for everyone and you are all free to do as you wish this evening while we are gone. My ladies shall stay and look after the children but you may go to the servants hall, if you like. I am sure the Prince will not mind...I shall help him with his clothes when we return."

    The man blushed again. "O-of course, Ma'am. Yes...Lovely," he added, smiling. He laid down the Prince's jacket, bowed, and slipped from the room. He made a show of 'tidying' the immaculate bedroom beyond, as if to make it clear he was in no way spying of the royal couple.

    Alex grinned and pushed off the door frame, closing the door behind her and leaning against it, watching her husband as he smirked back at her. "I would say, Your Highness," she teased, "That you are dressed enough without the jacket or waistcoat. In fact," she walked to him and ran a hand down his shirt, then back up, undoing the buttons at his throat, "I would say you do not need to be so tightly buttoned either."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    The excuses to avoid intimacy with his wife, Arabella expected. And while she was in part almost relieved by his rather stand offish attitude, and the thought of avoiding him in that way, it could make things dangerous for her in other ways. If Anthony ever got her pregnant, or if the King simply felt that she had produced and heir and could be disposed of. But that was all relatively small in comparison to the bomb Christian had dropped upon her. Arabella physically stopped in her tracks when he finally revealed that he had already invested Arthur with Suffolk, even if he had not known it yet. A part of her wondered if he had asked for it. Just another dagger in her heart.

    "Suffolk?" Arabella repeated as though she were in shock, the look on her face fully evident, there was no time to hide it at all. "Forgive me." Arabella said softly as she looked at Christian, her anger was washing over her. "I had not expected that, and so... my emotion has gotten the best of me." Arabella's emotions were raging and in this moment she had been rather honest, though she severely curtailed the extent of her display once a moment had passed.

    "I would be lying if I said the thought did not upset me." Again Arabella opted for honesty. And then she would lie, at least, to the extent she felt she would be believed. "It's just... Suffolk was my home, I redesigned that entire estate. And now Alexandra is going to ruin it. She will sleep in what was once my bed, in my rooms, and defile the very thing I worked so hard on." Arabella was in fact, incredibly proud of Suffolk. She turned it into a destination, she turned it into the proper stately home it was. She knew every last detail, every last secret of that house. In reality, she was naturally upset because it was her home with Richard, it was where Richard was buried. It cut her deeply. She did all she had done there for Richard.

    "I never considered that when I lost Suffolk, that it would be given to her." Arabella looked to the ground for a moment and exhaled deeply. "You must forgive your feeble wife. I am not responding as a proper Christian woman should. I understand why you must do this, and it is currently one of precious few estate in Crown's portfolio that is fitting for the Prince of Wales. And as such, I respect your decision and will as you suggest, view it as nothing more than a lease on a property that is better served by one of our children, Christian." Arabella looked the part, her anger actually served her well here. "Let her burn it to the ground if it means her foolish jealousy of me will end."

    Arabella wrapped her arms around Christian and leaned into him, holding him closely to her, her breath slowly calming, slowing. Her immediate rage subsiding. "I have no need for memories and fantasies of such an estate. I have Buckingham, I have Windsor and so much more at my disposal. Estates and lands that truly worthy of a Queen. I have a proper husband." Arabella shook her head as she looked up at him, resting her chin on his chest. "Tell me you'll forgive me my petty sins?"

    Arabella would eventually come to realize she had acted out of anger and spoken out of it as well. That in reality, Alexandra would respect what had been her home, and Arthur would not do anything to jeopardize that. Alexandra loved her, and would never hurt her. Neither Alexandra nor Arthur likely wanted this, and when they found out, Arabella knew that Alexandra would feel pain on her sister's behalf. But one did not say no to Christian, not like this anyway.


    Arthur arrived with Alexandra at the private dining room which had been reserved for their meal. "They haven't arrived yet." Arthur commented off handedly, entirely unaware of what turmoil his father had just unleashed upon Arabella. He had been grateful that Alex had appropriately adjusted his attire, and he had to admit he did feel a little more relaxed. "I wonder what we'll be surprised with tonight." He said softly as she escorted Alex to the dining table, pulling her chair out for her and allowing her to sit. At this point he need not worry about guessing the preferred seats when it just the four of them, these things tended to be exactly as they had been in years past.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    The King chuckled and said, with blunt comfort, "Oh my dear, I would not worry. Their current home of Marlborough is far grander and far more suited to the Prince. They shall likely never even visit the house. He shall have the income from the estates but that is about all it shall be to them. And soon enough it shall be back in our hands and I shall gift it to you when the war is done," he cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her gently. "He shall not even go by Duke of Suffolk, my darling. He would have, had he not been Prince of Wales, but that is above the duchy, so you will not even hear it be mentioned."

    "Do not trouble yourself about it all, alright? You have lost nothing. Why, you have not asked after the place since you left. Nor visited. I did not think it overly mattered...especially as they shall ignore it I am sure. Now," he released her and checked his pocket watch, "Let us proceed to dinner, shall we and speak no more of it. You need only smile when he opens the scroll after dinner and make some pretty speech and then it shall be done."

    He patted her hand then drew her on, clearly not wishing to dwell on this. He was never overly skilled at dealing with the emotions of ladies. He did not even appear to notice he had, in his 'comfort' managed to insult her and her former home by calling it less grand than the Prince's current residence. This was true, of course, Marlborough having been a Royal residence and benefiting from far bigger parklands and indeed far more liberal incomes than the Duke had attained...But still, Arabella had worked marvels at Suffolk and it was something of a slap in the face to hear him say so little of it.

    The King swept her down the corridors until they reached the smaller dining room. The guards bowed and opened the doors, revealing the Wales, Alex seated, Arthur standing just behind her, admiring the portrait above the fireplace. It was a landscape of Windsor great park, showing a hunting scene.

    As the coupled entered, Alexandra rose and came around to curtsy to the couple, "Merry Christmas, your Majesties," she said, smiling.

    Christian smiled back and, to everyone's shock, released his wife's hand to place his own on Alex's shoulders. He bent his head and kissed her cheeks in greeting, "Ah, dear daughter...May I call you that, Princess? I feel it suitable. Daughter-in-Law is a bit much." He chuckled, "And Arthur lad," he shook his son's hand. "I feel ten years younger I must admit. It is so lovely to have us all here, a family Christmas together, is it not?" He asked, to no one in particular.

    While he was talking to Arthur, Alex moved to her sister and squeezed her hand, leaning in to kiss her cheek and to whisper gently, "Are you alright?"
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    Once again Christian had managed to insult his wife. And once again, his wife had to push her anger aside. In Arabella's mind she rationalized that Christian was right in a sense, Marlborough was a royal household, it was in many ways superior. The title of Prince of Wales was always going to be superior to that of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough. But none of that eased the pain of knowing her house, the house she shared with one of the great loves of her life was taken away from her because she was a woman. It was taken away from her because her late husband could not give her any sons. And now he downplayed her achievements, her accomplishments. But that was nothing new.

    Arabella only smiled and nodded and proceeded to the dining room. She had her instructions, when the scroll was read all she needed to do was smile. So Arabella would smile because doing so would be the path of least resistance, it would be the thing that spared her of her husband's wrath. But truthfully, Arabella could not wait for the moment where she would retire for the evening and simply be allowed to fall to pieces. Arabella's anger, she now knew was not directed at her sister, despite her harsh comments at the time. Alexandra would protect Arabella's legacy. Even if it was a legacy that had caused Alex an incredible amount of pain. And simply knowing she inflicted that pain upon her own sister was yet another dagger that struck her, of her own creation.

    Then of course, there was the matter of Christian suddenly changing how he was referring to Alexandra, and for a brief moment it seemed like sweet relief. He was showing kindness in the only way he knew how. Arabella knew how difficult it was for him and yet he was making an effort and perhaps that was the greater saving grace, the thing that would allow her to momentarily put aside her feelings, her fears, her resentment. If Arabella had been a poorer wife to Richard, if she had been anything less than perfection, if she had been anything less than beautiful, if she had never accomplished all she had at Suffolk and at court as the stand in for an absent and allegedly deceased Queen, Arabella would have been spared the King's attention. The notion that she was too good was now plaguing her. But she had no choice but to continue to be too good in order to keep herself safe.

    Arabella embraced her sister as expected, and when the question came to her, her eyes drifted to Christian and seeing him distracted she whispered back upon a return kiss upon the cheek, "You're about to inherit Suffolk. And both of us need to look thrilled." Her tone was not pained, but she knew Alexandra would understand. Arabella kept the smile pasted on her face. In fact, it was the greatest testament to the relationship between the two sisters. Despite their past, Alexandra could read Arabella like a book. There was no look that was ever missed, nothing misinterpreted. It could be the smallest thing, the briefest moment where something slipped and Alexandra would catch it. Alexandra was always the emotionally intelligent sister.

    Arabella covered up the whispered comment in a false laugh and a gentle pat on the shoulder as if Alex had just said the funniest thing she had ever heard. "Merry Christmas my darling." Arabella said softly as she moved to take her seat. Arthur was chatting away with his father.

    "I am glad you can finally call her a daughter." Arthur seemed bowled over, overwhelmed even by this sudden turn in kindness. This was all he had ever wanted, for his father to be welcoming and accepting of his wife. And now he was calling her a daughter? What more could he possibly want? His family was finally all getting along and it was easy enough to forget that the other shoe would drop at any moment. "I too am so glad that we are able to be together on this holiday. It is a beautiful time of year, and we honor the good Lord by celebrating his name, his birth and his gifts to the world."

    Arthur was at the end of the day, a deeply religious man, his religion and his relationship with God was different from that of his father. It was more akin to the views of his wife, the two were kindred spirits in such matters (or in every matter really). But for the time being they could all embrace the spirit of the holiday and celebrate as a family.

    "Indeed it is a blessing from the Lord that all of us are healthy, happy and able to celebrate as a family." Arabella added to the group as Arthur helped push her chair in.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Alexandra blinked. This was not something she had thought of as happening. Of course she and Arthur knew full well he should have received such on his marriage but as they were perfectly content with their life and their income was not ungenerous -set down by parliament and therefore not subject to whatever the King wished- neither had particularly cared that the Prince was snubbed in this regard.

    This seemed to come out of nowhere. Why now? Was it because of the children? That was a possibility. Would the King have been pressed to give it now because Arthur had a son, and thus was doing it before he was nudged to? Alex reckoned that above anything else, the King was banking that this was a loan of a Duchy that he would get back when he 'won' the coming war.

    She nodded to her sister and smiled as if nothing had occurred. "You look beautiful, sister," she said gently, squeezing her hand. "Understated and simple," she added, loud enough for the King to hear, "Though of course nothing can outshine you in full splendour." She shot a look at her sister, the two women understanding that each knew what had gone on.

    The King turned slightly and chuckled, "Ah yes, indeed, nothing can but we both felt that simple would do tonight. In any case, the Queen need not weigh herself down with all her finery in her condition when it is just us."

    As Arthur seated Bella, Christian was rather obliged to help Alex and did so without any comments. He was, it seemed, content today to play the gentleman. He took his seat next to his wife and kissed her cheek. "I thought," he said, smiling, "That we would serve ourselves, like a normal family, tonight. I've told the staff to bring all the dishes and we shall do it ourselves!" he chuckled, as if this was all new to him, which is largely was. Such simple things were a novelty to the King who had been waited on hand and foot since birth.

    He reach over and rang the little bell and within a second, the doors opened and servants started coming in, each carrying a dish, fresh and hot from the dumb-waiter, to be laid on the table. They removed the silver domes with a flourish to reveal all manner of delights from goose and suckling pig, to cutlets, roasted vegetables, potatoes roasted in goose fat and so after dish after dish, and all for four people. Of course, any leftovers would be passed on to the servants and guards and then on again to the poor until finally scraps would go to the kennels but still, it was an obscene amount.

    That was the point though and had been since Royal was enacted. A King had to have that display and show of his power and wealth. And largely Christian gave no thought to any possible waste. It did not enter his mind to think of it. Why would it? What concern of his was it?

    He grinned proudly at the display then stood up and picked up the knife with which to carve the goose, as a good paterfamilias. The servants bowed and withdrew as he did so. The King paused and looked around at them all, "I just wish to say how thankful I am to have my family here with me. All of us together and united as one. It warms this old man's heart," he chuckled. "We've had our troubles but let us put them all aside and move on, as a family, united together."

    Christian started to carve the goose, doing it quite well actually. He grinned again and looked up, smiling boyishly, "I have been taking secret lessons with Mr Kemp, our good butler, on how to carve properly." That image was rather amusing to think of. The King earnestly watching the butler carving, trying himself, making a mistake, doing it again.

    One could imagine Mr Kemp being baffled, then rather scared at the idea of teaching his sovereign...Christian was not an easy man in that regard and did not take instruction well. Had his mother been alive she could have told numerous tales of him as a boy, which to her were amusing shows of his confidence but to most listening would have been concerning red flags about the man said boy was to become.

    He dished out the slices of goose to the guests, naturally saving the best for his Queen. He fairly doted on her in that moment, serving her all the dishes himself and not allowing her to lift a finger. He then sat down and led the party in saying grace before they all began to eat, and to talk and tell tales and have a fine old time.

    Really, it was enjoyable in the truest sense. Even if it may have been an act. Christian felt relaxed and happy. He joined in easily and made no snide comments to anyone.

    "I remember that time," he said, laughing as he poured more wine for everyone, "we had a state banquet...Oh...some twenty years now, 1844 or 1845 must have been. You know how they are done, dear," he added, sitting back down, "In the grand gallery, long, long table, say 100 people or more depending. Anyway," he chuckled, "I cannot for the life of me remember who was visiting...Some worthy or other, and Arthur was not more than four or so, maybe five. Naturally he was too young to be at the dinner and he was supposed to be having supper with nanny."

    The King laughed, shaking his head, "Well I am giving a speech, a fine of, I must add! Ah! That was it, it must have been some diplomats from Italy because there was an interpreter, so there was a delay between my words and his, so there comes a pause in the talking while, a little further down the table, what I have is relayed to the visitors." He laughed again, wiping away a tear of mirth from his eye, "And suddenly we hear muffled giggles coming from somewhere. We all look around, frowning. I glanced down at Elizabeth, she was seated next to the then Duchess of Manchester and the two of them often found amusements...But no, they looked as baffled as the rest of us."

    Christian smiled then. It was extremely rare he ever said that name, and rarely smiled after it, "So I shake my head and carry on. I get two sentences out maybe, those same of platitudes we always spout on such occasions, when again, in a pause, we hear giggles then a sneeze then a thump from under the table, jolting several glasses, and a whine. I push back the chair and look under to see Arthur, crouching under the table in his long-nightshirt, rubbing his head from where he's cracked it off the table. He sees me, looked horrified and freezes like a deer on the hunt!"

    The King slapped the table and laughed and laughed, "Well I pull him out and dust him off, and he's standing there, too small to even see the table. I'm standing looking at him, wondering what to do, everyone is silent, looking unsure," he chuckled, clearly missing the fact that in this tale...everyone, his son included, was likely terrified of what he'd do!

    "Well the wife of the diplomat, Italian, like her husband, stands up and hurries over. You know how they love children there, and she makes a great fuss of Arthur, stroking his hair and murmuring things, and she looks up at me and asks, the interpreter hurrying after her, "is it the English custom to keep children under tables?" It broke any tension and we all roared with laughter. The notion! That it might be a custom of ours!"

    Christian smiled over at his son and shook his head. "Nanny was called, her having been searching all over for him! And he was sent back to his room with some pudding from the table and no more was said. Apparently, he told me the next day, all contrite upon my study carpet, that he'd sneaked in hiding behind the skirts of the ladies and ducked under the table to hear what goes on. I was so impressed I did not have the heart to punish him. I admit, I do find myself tempted to check under tables even now for stray princelings!"
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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