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Thread: [M]Trinity High school for Vampires {IC} {Jevan+Argon Jaden}

  1. #151
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    Shailoh snickered. "Idiot." He murmured, sitting up and giving Xavier one last affectionate nuzzle before tugging him out of the bed. He could almost hear Emmet pacing outside, and true enough, his red eyes glared sharply as Shailoh, he believed he had a cut.

    "Obviously." He said before using his powers to freeze them into place. "What were you two idiots thinking?!" He growled, before turning on Shailoh, who would've looked away if he could. "And you!! You overstepped your limits! AGAIN!" He scolded, releasing his hold on them before sniffing and giving them a glare. "Explain yourselves." He said.

    Aster, on the other hand, purred and smothered himself on his mate. "Looks like Em was really worried, Right Eskel?" He stated, watching the fuming redheaded vampire wait for his answers.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  2. #152
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    "You guys said we should be getting along." Xavier explained as he looked at Emmett, then to Vladimir. "So we decided to walk in the woods and take a nice little breather." He sighs softly. "Isn't that what you guys wanted?" He asked with a curious face.

    Vladimir blinked a couple times before folding his arms. "Still, you two should have told us that you were going out." He shifted his body towards Emmett, his hand reached to his. "I think they had a point." He spoke softly. "We do wanted them to get along and now..." He looked at the two, they seemed closer then ever. " they seem to care about each other." Vladimir looked to Eskel for another approval.

    Eskel watched as the show had begun. But when Vladimir had his saying, but looked to his direction for another. "Emmett has the right to be angry. But Vladimir and Xavier are right about their...previous history." His eyes moved towards the frozen couple. His hand still combing through his mates hair.

    Eskel stood up from the chair and felt his mate climbing on him. "But still, Shailoh." He looked at the small vampire. "You ought to know your limits again'st those who are stronger then you. Otherwise you would have been food for that Feral." Then his mind changed. "Speaking of Feral, what happened to that thing anyways?" He asked looking at Vladimir.

    "Ferals are usually torn apart by normal beings, or those who know how to handle Ferals." His placed his finger to his lip, figuring out how that works. "Vincent was the one who took on that Feral, and by the look of it. The Feral put up a fight again'st Vincent." He hummed a bit, "Vincent usually can destroy them in seconds." Then folded his arms. "I have no clue if Vincent destroyed it or now." Now he grew worried.

  3. #153
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    Shailoh looked away before shrugging carelessly, realizing that Emmet had released them. "I didn't realize I went past my limit by a mile. Didn't notice it until I was out cold." He said, flinching when Emmet glared at him once more. He understood the worry, of course, and it wasn't unfounded given the many times he has overdone himself in the past.

    "It was probably rendered deaf, should be easier to kill." Emmet offered, with Aster nodding along as they stared at Shailoh. It was obvious that the brunette was very uncomfortable about his lack of knowing his upper limit all the time. With another sigh the redhead shook his head.

    "Does this mean we'd have to stay indoors for the next twenty-four hours?" Aster piped in, seemingly unhappy about not being allowed outside, if the sad pout was anything to go by.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  4. #154
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Vladimir shook his head towards Aster's question about the outdoor activities. "No, it was just one Feral." He looked towards Xavier and Shailoh and sighs softly. "Next time. just let someone know before you take off again."

    Xavier nodded as she tugged Shailoh's elbow and reached for his hand, clenching with his fingers and lead him to another room.

    Eskel looked up with a eyebrow raised up. "Well, guess they really getting along." He said as the two left the room. He looked at Aster and poked the side of his body. "Come on, if we wanna go for a run. Best we do it now." He smiled. Standing up from the seat and looked at Emmett, "I vote we put a tracking device on him." He joked, patting the male on the shoulder before heading to his room to find his jogging clothing.

    After the vacation, the group returned to the Trinity High School as anew. Xavier and Shailoh had learned to work their differences, though Shailoh is the more dominance of the two. Xavier finally accepted Shailoh as his new mate, and did his best to keep his mate happy for as long as he can. The two even attended the same college after Trinity High School and soon lived together.

    Vladimir and Emmett are still together after their days of High School and College, Vladimir still keeps getting hit on by other vampires due to his ability to hide his scent. But Emmett however kept the wolves at bay, showing who is with who. Vladimir returned to his family with Emmett, whom was welcomed after a certain time of assessing Vladimir's relationship with Emmett, his sister however teased the mate right away as if she was treating him like family.

    Eskel returned to see his father with Aster, though still have to wait for thousands of years to take over as the next Lord of his family. Surprised about Aster's height, Eskel's father expected someone to be taller then Eskel. He was approved right away. Though he frowned upon seeing Aster riding on Eskel's shoulder's like a child.

    Trinity High School had seen many days of drama and horror's. But it still had it's charm of bringing certain people together in hard times. But after years had passed, and new students attending and graduating, the school had expected more occurences to happen.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 08-20-2017 at 03:21 AM.

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