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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Sounds like a plan," Donald agreed.

    Jeremy: *Voice-over* We have been through the MAW of the coming wave of Team Aqua. The team who was believed to have had Lisa and Nicole. And for a while they did. It was very hairy and very tense for everyone. When the big blowout happened between my sisters and me... i never thought that i'd be so thrilled to see them again because i was hurt. I was... however... the funny but sincere thing about family is that sometimes they will do things to make you mad... make you angry... make you come to the point where you end up just splitting and walking just in order to keep from saying things that you would come to regret. Things that once said... you'd never be able to take back. I never hated them... just was very angry and i knew they were the same way with me. But this part is very whimsical and hysterical... Ironic maybe. It took my concert and the fact that my... or my family's unknown now known son... my twin brother who's deemed as a wizard at technology... Knowing things we knew nothing about other than the usual... grab something technical and use it for what we needed... calling and or typing or perhaps gaming. That was all...
    Now with my family all together... besides the fact that the Rising Star is still under capture of Team Magma. And our stepfather/Father Randy... we were together and able to survive a Maw... We got ourselves into a safe spot and that was with the sole help of Darlene's uncle Sgt. Lerner. It was sweet knowing that after being away from the Service for a time or two... he still had that urge of Drill sergeant.

    "A flashback...

    Sgt. Lerner: *Drill Sergeanting the crew* Okay, Come on you Chuckleheads... Get your limp Limbs and sticks in gear... we got to Evac... Get to the Escape transport on the double... Move, Move, Move!

    The crew started moving...

    Sgt. Lerner: *Scoffs* You call that running? My dead uncle Laramie runs faster and he was a bit pudgy and plumb than a barrel of Wine and Crisp belgian beer! Now... Come on... Move those butts like your life had a meaning... Move it like you got a pair. MOVE MOVE MOVE!

    Lisa: *Calling back her pokemon* Pokemon... return. Let's get the hell outta here.

    Nicole: *Calling back her pokemon* Come on guys... Let's live to fight another day. The swarm is getting too brutal. A second wave nears. We won't make it through the second wave. Let's go while we can...

    Jeremy: Everybody... GO! RUN!"

    *Con't* Now it was a new beginning... or a path that lead right for Cleveland. The location of the first Gym... We still had a little ways to go. But now we had renewed hopes... Renewed ambition and were ready to roll on ahead. Of course we still had a problem. The terror of what Teams Aqua and Magma had in store for us. Where would they attack next and how? But for now... nothing mattered... We were getting closer than we ever had to Cleveland. Closer to the first Gym. This was the start of something grand... Just one thing got me. What surprises were there to be for us when we've arrived in Cleveland? Would Team Aqua and or Team Magma have something dastardly in store for us? If so... would we make it out in one piece? For now... our focus was Russellville. The last given checkpoint before Cleveland, Ohio.

    It was then... that in just moments they were on their way to Russellville to meet up with the Entire Entourage of Jeremy's. What would they find once there? There was only just one way to find out...

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    Donald was looking out the window as the group headed towards Russellville. "Does our entourage know where in Russellville our rendezvous point is?" he asked while looking over a paper map. He could barely find Russellville on the map as it was a village with a double-digit population along the Illinois-Indiana border on its way to being a ghost town. A part of him thought it was weird that they would pick such a place to meet up, but he was sure they had their reasons.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald was looking out the window as the group headed towards Russellville. "Does our entourage know where in Russellville our rendezvous point is?" he asked while looking over a paper map. He could barely find Russellville on the map as it was a village with a double-digit population along the Illinois-Indiana border on its way to being a ghost town. A part of him thought it was weird that they would pick such a place to meet up, but he was sure they had their reasons.
    Once they were to arrive in Russellville...

    Meryl: *With the rest of the Entourage; getting off their flying pokemon... An army of TalonFlames* Hey Passion Kiss, Rainbow Kiss. We are so relieved to see you guys in one piece. Especially with the terror of Team Magma and now Team Aqua starting to tighten the noose in their endeavors towards seeing preparations being made to ensure that the legendary pokemon get awoken. It's still a long road for them... but they're persisting on upping the ante.


    Sherbet: Yeah. Seriously. We also came across your two Illustrious fans... Jessie and James of the meager Team Rocket. They're heading onwards to Cleveland. Told us that they'd see you guys there. They also might have something of a bombshell for you, Jeremy. Something that flew their way... or rather dropped on them while they starting their way over to Caseyville where we were when they had to re-route and go to a different area as there was too much danger overhead in Caseyville's airspace. Something in the means of adoption and It's pretty trippy too.

    Jeremy: How so?


    Jared: You'll find out once you get there. You're not gonna believe it.


    Lydia: Even they didn't believe it and they're the ones who encountered it.


    Brandon: So... We got a whole bunch of items for you. More Ultra Balls. Net Balls. A couple of Electirizer, Electrium-Z Dragonium-Z, Fightinium-Z, Firium-Z, Flyinium Z, and Groundium-Z. Not to forget some Grassium-Z, Ghostium-Z and Icium-Z Not to mention some things to help the pokemon who can Mega-Evolve to do that.

    Maisie lee (Multi-color Delight)

    Maisie lee (Multi-color Delight): There are also a bunch more Pokeballs, A couple or so Masterballs.


    Sophie-Rose: There's said to be a storm coming this way within the hour. Supposedly it's gonna be a Thunderstorm.


    Rosie-Cherry: There's not many places or a safe workable spot for shelter from that. So... You might want to get going soon.

    Sandy: That might be a good idea. It is getting pretty chilly out. Not to forget that it's nighttime.

    Cilan: *Curious* So... where do we go to get out from here?

    The preparations were now in order to help them make onwards to Cleveland... But what was it that awaited Jeremy? What were his entourage getting at?

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    "With all due respect, Brandon," Donald replied, "These Z-Crystals are single-use only unless the person, A: acquires a Z-Ring; B: knows the movements to activate their power; and is undertaking or has undertaken the island challenge in our newest state."

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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "With all due respect, Brandon," Donald replied, "These Z-Crystals are single-use only unless the person, A: acquires a Z-Ring; B: knows the movements to activate their power; and is undertaking or has undertaken the island challenge in our newest state."
    Brandon: Hold on there... You can use the items. Here's why:

    Meryl: The Z-rings as you call them are waiting for you in Cleveland. Along with the big bombshell for Jeremy. We got someone there who's gonna be accompanying the crew from there on... they're gonna be with the Z-rings. Not to forget a bunch of mega Rings and Mega Bracelets. They're there and are waiting for you all.

    Lydia: So... don't go blowing the panic bells yet on being unable to use the Z-Crystals. or the Mega stones. You'll be able.

    Jeremy: How do you guys find all this stuff?

    Rosie-Cherry: One guess... It's called: We Scavenge. We scavenge and look around. We even do some fine errands that help us out in the acquiring of the sole items.

    Maisie-Lee: We're always busy. Plus we know what it's like to get in sight of the two evil teams. They're gonna be tough to crunch down. Going out there and being the best in the league... you have to be at your very best. It's a hard climb and it gets harder as you press further on.

    Sandy: You got that right.

    Suddenly Camerupt came out...

    Camerupt: *Smiles* Hey there, boys and gals... Nice seeing you guys around again.

    Sherbet: *Landing a buddy punch to Camerupts side* Hey dude. How's it shakin' Nova? You're looking pretty energetic. Antsy too...

    Camerupt: Eh... I was just resting a bit. But i needed it. I was pretty exhausted from all the shots of letting out what i am like when i get violently angry. It took a lot outta me. It ain't easy keeping that all contained. You got to train yourself very hard and strictly just to be sure it's kept in check.

    Sophia-Rose: We hear that.

    They get to chatting a little more before starting to make the excursion to the start of the path which would take them over to the straight line to Cleveland...

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    Donald was impressed with their dedication and knew any edge against Teams Aqua and Magma would be beneficial. On hearing about their scavenging of Mega Rings and their keystones he realized that he had only one Pokémon that would gain such power and it was not ready to use it yet having just evolved to its middle state. He checked his Pokédex app about what said Pokémon would be like in its Mega form. "Mega Metagross, the Iron Leg Pokémon. Its intellect surpasses its previous level, resulting in battles so cruel, they’ll make you want to cover your eyes. When it knows it can’t win, it digs the claws on its legs into its opponent and starts the countdown to a big explosion."

    On the approach to Cleveland he felt confident of his chances of obtaining his first badge after the battle he and the others had with Team Aqua's forces resulted in several of his Pokémon evolving.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald was impressed with their dedication and knew any edge against Teams Aqua and Magma would be beneficial. On hearing about their scavenging of Mega Rings and their keystones he realized that he had only one Pokémon that would gain such power and it was not ready to use it yet having just evolved to its middle state. He checked his Pokédex app about what said Pokémon would be like in its Mega form. "Mega Metagross, the Iron Leg Pokémon. Its intellect surpasses its previous level, resulting in battles so cruel, they’ll make you want to cover your eyes. When it knows it can’t win, it digs the claws on its legs into its opponent and starts the countdown to a big explosion."

    On the approach to Cleveland he felt confident of his chances of obtaining his first badge after the battle he and the others had with Team Aqua's forces resulted in several of his Pokémon evolving.
    They were not there yet and it would be some time before they would get there as they had to make it to the point that began the last thrust of travel leading to Cleveland. It took two days to get to the point that would lead a straight line over to Cleveland as they had to take a day to recharge and reassess their bearings and get things all put together again. But once they made it to the point where it was a beeline to Cleveland...

    Radio: *Playing Music; As Lord Arnold* Howl to the might of the Rising Lights. The Lightfoot dreams as we play you another great # from the Rising lights... the Rising Start's first born daughter Lisa Lightfoot... Jamming to her hit #: "Midnight Sky" Back in its heyday... it was a tune sung by an artist that in the start of her leaning prime planned her stardom... as teen idol Hannah Montana. But then matured into someone who would at times grab something explicit. But coming with hits like "Wrecking Ball" Here's Lisa Lightfoot and her hit #: "Midnight Sky" Here and now on the very station that gets it rolling hot with the best tunes to land right on your doorstep and flushed right at your heart... MRHAP Metropolis 98.7. The Station that never ends with delivering the hot and the jamming tunes for one and all...Daily... Nightly and without limit.

    The Radio plays...

    "Lisa: *Singing* "La-la, la-la, la
    Yeah, it's been a long night and the mirror's tellin' me to go home (home)
    But it's been a long time since I felt this good on my own
    Uh, lotta years went by with my hands tied up in your ropes
    Forever and ever, no more

    The midnight sky is the road I'm takin'
    Head high up in the clouds

    I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
    Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you
    See my lips on her mouth, everybody's talking now, baby
    Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
    That I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you (loved by you)

    La-la, la-la, la
    She got her hair pulled back 'cause the sweat's drippin' off of her face (her face)
    Said it ain't so bad if I wanna make a couple mistakes
    You should know right now that I never stay put in one place
    Forever and ever, no more (no more)

    The midnight sky is the road I'm takin'
    Head high up in the clouds

    I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
    Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you
    See my lips on her mouth, everybody's talking now, baby
    Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
    That I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you (by you)

    I don't hide blurry eyes like you
    Like you

    I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you (by you)
    Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, you know
    I don't need to be loved by you
    See his hands on my waist, thought you'd never be replaced, baby
    Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
    That I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no
    I don't need to be loved by you, yeah

    La-la, la-la, la
    You know it's true
    You know it's true
    (Loved by you)"

    Jeremy: *looking ahead* Hwy 42. Here we go. Everyone... March. This is the beeline to Cleveland. The final stretch. everyone... CHARGE! TO CLEVELAND! *Running in anticipation and with heavy excitement*

    Cleveland... Cleveland... Cleveland... CLEVELAND, OHIO... HOOOO!

    This was it. This was the last stretch. They were about to have it all pay off. After all the traveling... all the walking and battling. Plus a couple tournaments and a one-on-one match against Maxie. It now came to this... this point. The straight line to Cleveland. What were they gonna do once there? What was it that awaited them? Can't wait to see what would come next. Wow!

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    Donald joined in the final sprint to Cleveland. He was excited to see what battling in a Pokémon gym is like.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald joined in the final sprint to Cleveland. He was excited to see what battling in a Pokémon gym is like.
    As they made the sprint to Cleveland...

    Music began...

    Saphiroth: *Starting off; Singing* "I was a highwayman
    Along the coach roads I did ride
    With sword and pistol by my side
    Many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade
    Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade
    The bastards hung me in the spring of '25
    But I am still alive

    Curtis: *Singing*
    I was a sailor
    I was born upon the tide
    With the sea I did abide
    I sailed a schooner 'round the Horn to Mexico
    I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a blow
    And when the yards broke off they said that I got killed
    But I am living still

    Sandy: *SInging*
    I was a dam builder
    Across the river deep and wide
    Where steel and water did collide
    A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado
    I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below
    They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
    But I am still around

    All 4: I'll always be around, and around and around
    And around and around and around and around

    Jeremy: *Singing*
    I'll fly a starship
    Across the Universe divide
    And when I reach the other side
    I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can
    Perhaps I may become a highwayman again
    Or I may simply be a single drop of rain
    But I will remain

    All 4: *Singing*
    And I'll come back again, and again
    And again and again and again and again
    And again...

    Within just under a couple hours...

    Now Entering:



    Jeremy: We made it... *Looking at the crew* Get a good wide look. This. This is Cleveland. We're HERE AT LAST!

    Lisa: This is awesome. I can't believe we made it. The long road... leading here... It's finally OVER.

    It was now on to scouring the city for where the Gym was. Not knowing that it was gonna be within City Hall. And it was in front of the City Hall Building where Jeremy was to get a big bombshell... Well... this is gonna get rather interesting. Do we hear the rum tums of the theme to "I Dream of Jeannie"?

    Surprises were bound to be had... soon.

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    "Porygon-Z search for the local gym's location," Donald commanded.
    "Searching…" Porygon replied, searching the web for the Cleveland Gym's location, "Location c-c-c-c-confirmed: Cleveland City Hall. Setting c-c-c-c-course…"

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