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Thread: The Sorting Hat (character submission thread)

  1. #11
    The Froggiest
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    EveningRain- you as a player are free to submit spells of your own creation without attaching them to a character, so long as they fit in the guidelines of the Spell Crafting thread. So yes, you can submit ideas for new spells

    @HaelKatrin- I'm fine with the bio you put in, but what is this blue police box thing you mentioned? I'm confused on that.

  2. #12
    HaelKatrin's Avatar
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    It's the TARDIS from Doctor who!

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  3. #13
    The Big Meme
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    Default Character Sheets

    Spoiler: Caryxander Mordushku 

    Spoiler: Percival 'Percy' Eggingsbaum 

    I hope these two are okay? I wasn't sure if we were writing our sorting up, so I put a summary in and if we are writing it up I'll remove it !
    Last edited by Death of Korzan; 02-18-2017 at 10:20 AM.

  4. #14
    My Son; My Sun.
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    @Juni; the TARDIS is her patronus' form - though it should be noted she obviously wouldn't know that in her first year.
    @Death of Korzan; They both look great to me! Accepted on my side, once you get Juni's ok you're good to go.

    Once your characters are accepted you can go ahead and make a plotting thread for them (you can make it however you want, there are some of mine and Juni's there you can see as examples, or you could just post their character sheet in a new thread, up to you.

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  5. #15
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    Awesome! I'm stoked for this! I was wondering, is there any chance there might be a revival of the Tri-Wizard tournament during our stays? ;oooo

    Also, how long are student years going to take? I'm super excited to go from first to final year

  6. #16
    My Son; My Sun.
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    We have discussed doing a House Tournament (would work better I think, since the majority of our students will be Hogwarts, and it allows more places for Hogwarts characters to participate)

    We'll put up a little explanation on how time will progress, but essentially the way I've thought will work best with people creating multiple IC's is

    RP will start at Term 1, September 2117 - since there's multiple IC's people can rp during any time frame in the first term. Same thing with the Wizarding World, anytime from September through December and up to the christmas holidays.

    As the main plot progresses we'll move to Term 2, after Christmas break, and then people can make IC's for any time period within that term, until we announce we're in term 3.

    Make sense? I'm not sure I explained it well

    But basically how long it takes to move through the terms, will depend on the progression of the main plot. I'd say (this is an estimate and some terms might take more or less time) maybe a month per term?

    You can also make older student characters, like that are already in 3rd year etc.

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  7. #17
    The Big Meme
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    Yeah that makes sense!

    Also I would but I really like the idea of carrying a character onwards from first year to last. My own little Harry Potter lmao

  8. #18
    The Froggiest
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    @ Korzan- regarding Cary- I really have to sort him into Slytherin, and here's why-

    1. Disdain for muggleborns, muggles, and muggle lovers. This is a HUGE portion of the population, and... honestly, Hufflepuffs are traditionally friendly folks who accept most everyone, unless they themselves have had a problem with someone.

    2. Prominent traits of a Slytherin are- resourcefulness, cunning, and ambition. All of which Cary possesses as primary traits, such that his ambition is a weakness/ flaw.

    To me, those just don't seem like a good Hufflepuff-ish combination. What are your thoughts G? I like the bio itself, and approve it, I just don't agree with the house you chose... :/

    As for Percival- No qualms whatsoever, fully accepted!

    @ Katrin- now that G explained to me exactly what it was, I approve. I don't believe Patronus's specifically have to be that of an animal, and if so? Eh, I'm willing to let that slide

  9. #19
    My Son; My Sun.
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    I get what you're saying about the choice of House. DK, do you wanna explain your reasoning for his house placement a bit more?

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  10. #20
    HaelKatrin's Avatar
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    I think a patronus is what that person sees as protection. Or is something incredibly important to the person. For example, Harry's is a stag. It's his father.

    For Katrin, she's got nothing. No one to protect her. Her escape has always been the crazy shows on TV. Especially a madman in a blue box. She's always prayed that one day, he'd come take her away. She's grown up watching him fight injustice and protect those who can't. It's shaped her.

    So, in actuality, her patronus isn't the TARDIS itself. It's the doctor. But, the TARDIS is what represents him. If you remember the.... 50th episode I think, when Bad Wolf says something like "listen, that wheezing groaning sound, brings hope. No matter how lost." And that's what she needs most of all.

    I also think that as she gets older and has more control of it, and learns to send messages via the patronus, like we saw in the seventh book, it won't be the TARDIS itself, but the war doctor sticking his head out and giving the message. But, that can be changed if need be. Lol.

    Also, I'm not sure what house she's in. I just stuck her in Slytherin because that's my house. So, if anyone has a suggestion, then I'll take it.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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