Wisp listened closely as Sharp spoke, letting the commander's words sink deeply into her mind as she went over the possibilities of each mission. She could see either work out well and to their advantage, but knocking some sense into a Spicy did have its own special attractions and she was sure she could coerce the bad boy into a) telling the princess he was so over her, or b) having him fall head over heels for the lovely lass, perhaps figuratively or actual, and confessing his love. She allowed herself a small smile at that one...picturing the poor boy falling face first into a pile of confectioner's candy. So sweet the revenge...and the cavities! But no, she was not about the sugar, salt was her flavor and she would have to rethink things.
Her painted face scrunched in thought, her lips pulling into a tight line as she considered the abandoned vessel off the tropical island. She feared for her pale skin in such bright light, but there was also the salt water to contemplate. She could swim, with a generous layer of sun screen to protect her, plus get some much needed quiet time. After all, how much activity would there be on a derelict ship. Yes, perhaps option two would be best.
Wisp looked to the other agents and as none of them were speaking up, she stood to address Sharp. "I would like to suggest "Savory Surprise" as our first objective if there are no arguments. I think our combined flavors will mix well aboard the Umami vessel and perhaps as a team we can discover her secrets."