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Thread: [M] Kill Field: War of Subjugation (IC)

  1. #11
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    While waiting for new orders, Joerg busied himself with firing back at the massed invaders outside the walls. Suddenly, he felt a light kick on his thigh guard which almost knocked him off balance. He turned to chew out whichever grunt wasn't watching where they were going in the middle of a warzone, but what he saw instead was Michael Rasputin himself towering over him. The greatest hero so far in Alliance history stood there, pointing at him.

    Joerg stood in silence as Michael promoted him on the spot and commanded him to accompany his trueborn cohort. It took him a bit before the starstruck awe faded away, but he immediately stood to attention and saluted as best as he can. "Yes sir! Honored, sir!" He wasted no time in leaving his battle station, making his way towards the trueborn squad gathering up in a formation. He adjusted the sling on his grenade launcher, double checked his grenades again, and fell into formation along with what seemed to be another grunt General Rasputin had dragged along, a female this time.

    The hunting party began marching through the streets, their heavy steps thumping in unison on the rain-slicked ground. The trueborns were chanting some sort of incantation or war cry, one that Joerg had never learned in his time in the military. Unable to join in, he simply matched the cadence of their marches and surveyed his immediate surroundings.

    For a brief moment, he was distracted by the trueborns themselves. Each one had armor distinct only to themselves. Various flairs, insignias, and extra armor pieces adorned each one. Joerg wryly smirked as he mentally counted how many uniform violations they'd have incurred if they were regulars. Yet another detail Joerg noticed was that pretty much every trueborn present were either as tall as him, or even taller. This notion surprised him. He was by no means a giant himself, but he always did have a bit of a height advantage over the average soldier. His gaze eventually locked onto the banner itself, and the girl carrying it. For a brief moment, Joerg became concerned with how she was going to defend herself while lugging around that big shoot me sign, but then he immediately remembered that she was a trueborn as well, and that banner held the mark of Michael Rasputin.

    Lastly, the gunner looked over to the other grunt who had been commanded to join them. Apart from the lighter loadout, she looked like any other regular soldier. Standard issue battle armor, assault rifle, nothing out of the ordinary. Nonetheless, she had also been given the honor of joining the hunting mission, and it would have been for a good reason.
    Last edited by Ma1chbox; 09-02-2018 at 02:59 AM.

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  2. #12
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    Ayka stared at Michael, and slowly stops start paying attention to Michael’s words, only thinking about the day that he came at “The Rock” with adoption papers, and only won question to join his team. She never asked why? Oke he had known her brother, Ayka quickly felt that she was getting kicked, and she was startled by that and directed her weapon at Michael head, and quickly puts her gun down “Sorry” and starts to follow Michael "prove myself?" she said surprised, and looks at him "Don't i do that enough! You still don’t trust me aren't you” she asked and looked her gun “And when do you trust me with a bigger gun? Give me a better gun and a little bit more trust Michael” and she looked towards Joerg.

    “"Yes sir! Honored, sir!" she heard Joerg say to Michael, and she rolls her eyes “Ow please give me a budget so i can throw up” she said softly hoping that Michael didn't hear her, she never understand why people praised him like this, oke he was a “Hero” but the sucking up to him made her sick, there where more heroes falling heroes, like her brother who was killed in front of her eyes by a Vrikan.

    __________________________________________________ ___________________

    Alicia looked at her master, who was preparing himself for the battle, she looked her own gun and to the other slaves who were afraid, for the fight for a moment she dwells into her own thoughts thinking of her hard training and the beating she looked around her, and sat down next to won of the Vrikan, smelling his disgusting odor, “Never heard of a shower” she mumbled knowing that if he heard her she will be punished, but she was used to it, because she is often too fast saying things, what she thinking.
    Last edited by Malyka; 09-02-2018 at 01:54 PM.
    “I won’t forgive you. I won’t forget you yet, but I’m going to leave you and move on.” – Hatori Chise

  3. #13
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    The sounds of explosions continued around him for quite some time until it stopped. He looked up and followed the rest to charge into the city. The massive wave of soldier overpowered the frontal defense. He followed close as the bullets continued whizzing by his head. Once he passed through the gates of the city. He took cover behind some walls and observed the situation ahead of them. "Something is odd." He said to himself. His head perked up when he started to hear a sudden marching. The sounds of a unison singing.

    He gripped on his weapon tight and looked over the corner searching for the marching sound. He reached for one of his flash bangs and pulled the pin. He takes in a deep breathe and tossed the little can around the corner. The can clacked on the ground as it moved and in seconds a bright flash filled the street. He leans out and aims with his finger on the trigger. Shooting round by round he growled at each shot he made.

  4. #14
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    The building Aklato and Auth are sniping from is pinpointed, but exact location is unknown.

    Michael's team is five blocks away from Karak's.

    Veesei's company is faced with an alliance chokepoint, fortified with tanks and IFVs. It is no longer protected by alliance anti-air fortifications.

    Alicia's company is still fighting in the trenches.

    Heavy rain is falling, and thunder rolls multiple times a minute.
    "Striker 1, this is Overlord. We've breached their lines. Still fighting in the trenches in some areas, but be advised that the fighting may come to your AO soon. How copy? Over."

    Karak looked down the street. A dozen human soldiers and an LARV were fortifying an intersection. "Copy Overlord, fighting may come to our AO. Thanks for the heads-up. Out." He looked back to his squad, "Let's move."

    The spurs closed in, their enemies unaware of the approaching threat. Though Karak didn't speak their language, he heard them shouting orders to one another. "Jackson! Get your ass on that gun now!" A human immediately moved to take position on the LARV's machine gun.

    The sounds of combat were audible, some sounds closer than others. They needed to act fast. Karak scanned for officers. Upon spotting one, made a mental note of his position. "Get grenades on that LAV, on my mark." he ordered as he took hold of a grenade.

    He pulled the pin, he heard his team do the same. "Mark!" he said, and threw. All four landed near the LAV, and the spurs spread out so that they couldn't all be killed at once if their luck turned.

    The grenades exploded, flipping the LAV on its side. The defenders scrambled to cover, unsure of where exactly the attack had come from. It would cost them even more when the spurs opened fire from four different positions.

    As Karak retrieved the officer's tags, Auth shouted into the radio, "Position compromised! Aborting sniping mission! Requesting rally point!"

    "Auth, regroup with us if you can! We're to the east of your position at an intersection with a destroyed LAV. Unsure how long we'll be able to stay here."

    Set by Karma

  5. #15
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    They were walking through the city, on guard when Michael and two others in the Terran Trueborns stiffened up. "Gunfire, explosions. Its the Vrikans." He smiles. "The game's afoot! Forward unto victory, men! Doubletime, Tally Ho!" And with that the Trueborns went full speed. They were like Greyhounds, with the speed the Trueborns, lead by Michael were moving. It was difficult for the regular humans to keep up with, yet none of the Trueborns seemed to be tired or breathing hard at all.

    Yet, even with their speed, they maintained perfect timing, and kept in formation, with their heads on a swivel and their weapons at the ready. "Stay alert, they could come from anywhere." Said Michael, getting serious. His blood bounded in his brain, the scent of death and smoke flowing through his nose. His blood was high, he could taste the horrid stench of Vrikan sweat on his tongue. Perhaps they were afraid, or just waiting. Who knew.

    Finally, they arrived at the scene.

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  6. #16
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    The rains grew heavier as the squad marched deeper into the city. The sound of thunder was plentiful as it seemed to herald the trueborns' ominous chanting. Joerg had settled in the formation fairly well and was able to match the marching pace step for step. Absentmindedly, he had also began to very silently hum a few parts of the chant that he seemed to have picked up on. He would normally have felt slightly nervous or even purely numb inside before a mission, but this time, he felt invigorated, almost invincible even.

    Suddenly, Joerg heard Michael raise his voice above the chant and give an order. "The game's afoot! Forward unto victory, men! Doubletime, Tally Ho!" Upon hearing that, the trueborns broke into a sprint. Joerg did the same, but it was clear that the trueborns were nothing short of superhuman. Try as he may, he found himself weighed down by his gear as he slowly broke formation, falling further and further behind. He shot a look at the only other regular human in the squad, the other grunt, almost as if to say something between the lines of "Are you seeing this?" and "What do we do now?" The gunner looked back ahead at the sprinting trueborns and shook his head. Under his breath, he mumbled. "Rear guard it is, then."

    Finally, in the distance, he saw the trueborns slow to a halt and take positions. It seemed enemy contact was now at hand. Joerg had finally caught up with the squad after a good few seconds, crouching and aiming his weapon down the road.

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  7. #17
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    Veesei continued opening fire with his fellow soldiers. Spraying bullets at both walls and humans as they faced again'st each other. He hissed several times when the wall next to him burst into chunks. Hiding behind cover to shake the feeling from being almost shot at was nerve wrecking. He pushed to the other side to find someone who was in command. But the field was a mess with rubble and dead bodies. He took cover once more with another soldier and growled. "Who is in command?!" He asked with a raised voice. The other soldier was suddenly shot in the head and fell on his back. The bullet entry had smoke coming out and soon the ground was covered with blood.

    He growled in frustration and reloaded his weapon. The sounds of gunfire around him continued but then he felt the ground shaking below him. He looked at some of the small rocks shaking from the vibration. It was a moment of confusion until he peeked over his cover and seen what looked like heavy units were inbound to his position. He growled again and looked to his fellow soldiers. "Tanks!!!" He shouted.

  8. #18
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    Following Veesei, was the best thing she could do now, and she looked around her and starts to shoot and when he asked who was in command she looked around her seeing how a soldier was shot in the head, she immediately looked away, and starts to mumble something, and than looked Veesei "M... Master I think that soldier was the commander" she said to him hoping he will not shoot her for talking to him.

    She looked up to the tanks "We can never defeat that! I mean.." and she paused for a second, and looked at a dead soldier, and take his heavy gun "Never mind I have a better gun now" not thinking is it was a good idea, that she took a heavier gun, than her slave gun.

    Ayka looked Micheal, and then at her gun for a second "If this is over I deserve an upgrade of my gun and some rum" she complaint, and then looked over the field seeing some death slaves of the enemy's "Can't believe the have slaves"
    “I won’t forgive you. I won’t forget you yet, but I’m going to leave you and move on.” – Hatori Chise

  9. #19
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    0243 Hours.

    On the frontlines...

    Infantry on all sides scrambled for cover as the tanks came up to their positions. UEG soldiers poured fire onto any nearby imperial positions, while the claymores attacked oncoming imperial armor and infantry who were further away. A few imperial AT soldiers manage to get shots off despite heavy suppressive fire, but ultimately the claymore tanks held their ground.

    To Veesei, one soldier called out, "Soldier! Lieutenant Frekaas! I've got command here! I've radioed for air support! Grab that laser designator," Frekaas pointed to the soldier who'd just been shot, "Paint those tanks!" he ordered, then pointed at Alicia, "You!" a burst of machine gun fire peppering the area he was taking cover at interrupted him, and he reflexively ducked lower, "Cover him!"

    Deeper in the city...

    The spurs had set up a position in front of an office building while they waited for their snipers. Barely a minute passed before a team of humans arrived in front of their position. Leading them was the highest priority HVT the council had ever marked for assassination.

    "Auth," Karak whispered, "Are you still in that building?"
    "Yes my lord! Currently facing your way, almost to the stairs." Auth answered.
    "Belay that. Rasputin's here. We haven't engaged yet. I need you and the slave to eliminate him. Now."
    "It will be done, my lord."

    Auth slowed to a halt and put his arm out to signal for Aklato to do the same. The windows facing where they'd be shooting didn't open, so Auth and Aklato smashed them out with the butts of their rifles. Once they had an opening, they immediately began sighting in and searching for their objective.

    "They're likely cloaked, everyone, thermal vision on." Michael said, and at a thought, the other TTs helmets switched to thermals, and the night lit up. "Pandarax, Mitchelson, left flank, Donahoue, Stalgram, right, everyone else, Center!" Michael barked, as the kill team advanced, two each forming pincers and the rest moving forward, the horns keeping them suppressed as the wedge in the center advanced..

    "Target in my sights," Auth announced, "Aklato?"
    "Hostile with the banner is blocking my shot," the skrata answered.
    "Aim high and shoot through her."

    Karak was laying with his back against a concrete barrier, a small fire burning a few feet behind him. He looked up over his hiding place. Three were unwittingly advancing on him.

    "Auth, do you have a shot?" Karak inquired.
    "HVT is lined up, my lord. Aklato's shot is blocked by the enemy flag bearer, however."
    "Take it, and then engage secondaries."

    Auth squeezed the trigger, with Aklato mere fractions of a second behind him, her rifle firing at just the right time to make the two shots seem like a long, foreboding wail.

    The first Shot impacted Alice's shield harmlessly . The second impacted Alice in the cheek, and dug a groove through her face. "Sniper!" Alice said, dropping to her knees behind her shield, in the direction of the shots.

    "Suppressing fire!" Michael barks, and two of the center Trueborns crouch behind rubble, and begin opening fire.

    Michael then opened a channel to control on his subvocal commlink. "Control, I need a precision drone strike at this location." He gives the coordinates. "Small package, quadrotor, this floor." He continues, and is given an affirmative. Back at base, a kill-drone is launched from a catapult, and began heading toward the site.

    The advancing Trueborns take cover, and several add to the suppressing fire.

    "Dammit!" Auth spat as he worked the bolt on his banshee, "Keep firing!"

    One of the terran rounds impacted close to Aklato's head. The stress of knowing who her primary target was and the near-death experience flooded her brain with a mix of signals that ultimately caused her to shift her aim to the terran rifleman she suspected had almost killed her.

    Auth didn't notice Aklato's improper targeting, instead focusing still on scoring a kill-shot on Michael.
    Screech! ... Screech!
    And his magazine was dry. As he retreated from the window to reload, he saw the incoming drone in the corner of his eye. The humans had called in additional support!

    "Shit!" he exclaimed under his breath, "Run!" he barked at Aklato, "Run! Get to the stairs!" And without checking to see that she followed, made off for the exit as fast as his legs could carry him.

    When Aklato turned to see what was the matter with Auth, she too caught a glimpse of the approaching drone. She withdrew her rifle from her window and started sprinting after Auth. The stairs were all the way at the end of the hallway, and the weight of the situation made the hall seem quite long.


    The surprise attack from the snipers had no lethal effect, much to the disappointment of all the spurs. However, it did distract most of them. "Engage hostiles that aren't suppressing our snipers!" Karak ordered.

    From inside the building, a shotgun blasted, accompanied by bursts from a vampire. To Karak's side, his closest squad mate (by proximity) also opened fire with a vampire. Before joining in the fight himself, Karak opened a com channel, "Striker 1-actual to Overlord, we are currently engaged with a priority-one HVT, requesting immediate close air support. I say again, requesting immediate close air support!"

    "Roger that Striker 1, be advised your area is not free of alliance anti-air defenses and our resources are starting to strain, you get one run. Mark target with orange smoke. Out."

    Karak took one of his smoke grenades and set the color, pulled the pin, and threw it. "Everyone get back! Get cover!" he said into the squad channel. He stood up, sprayed a few rounds in the general direction of his enemies, and retreated into an alley.

    "Striker 1, this is Smoky, eyes on your smoke, we're coming in for attack run, danger close. Hold on to your teeth down the- Missile lock! Evade! Evade!"
    Last edited by Blazing Falcons; 10-14-2018 at 04:11 AM.

    Set by Karma

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    From their battle lines, the squad had shifted to a pincer-like formation. Two teams of trueborns split to the left and right, while Joerg stayed in the center with the rest. The tall windows loomed over the small squad as they walked, and every window felt like an eye watching them.

    Joerg's fears were suddenly realized as two enemy rounds zipped towards the squad's center, hitting the flagbearer twice. The first shot bounced off her armor, but the second one caught her right in the face. Despite her wounds, she seemed completely unfazed. As she dropped to her knees, so did Joerg, while two other trueborns joined the flanks and began suppressive fire. The gunner took a moment to sight down whichever window the rest of the squad was shooting at since he didn't have thermal optics.

    Once he had a good idea of where to shoot, he hopped a few steps backwards and stood slightly. In one wide sweeping motion, he slung his LMG down under his left arm and replaced it with the 40mm grenade launcher hanging from his back. He stabled his crouch and looked down the sights, taking a deep breath, then began opening fire along with the other trueborns. Using the explosive power of his sidearm, he began to cut away chunks of the wall, hoping to expose the attackers.
    Last edited by Ma1chbox; 10-15-2018 at 03:20 AM.

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