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Thread: The Recovery (post-apocolypse RP) [OOC]

  1. #11
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    as Enigma has said.

    also, take other social struggles.
    my character feels looked down upon by "norms" or normal people because of her mutations that only provide very little, like her heightened sense of hearing and smell.
    she has taken a lot of flack and has worked hard to get to where she is and isn't going to take a lot of crap.

    as for the cellphone, a way of communication like the long-ranged, HAM radios will be available, but cellphones will not. as for hacking, there is the possibility of some old tech still having some battery life, but very little.
    there would be little to no computers at this time.

    sorry, I may not have realized you have not caught on to the setting.
    forgive me for any rude behavior. but I still won't accept things until they are changed to fit. besides these few changes, I think you're character is fine.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

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  2. #12
    Member StarButterfly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
    I think if she's a genetic experiment to grow wings, then she could have waken up in an old lab inside a cryostasis tube. Everything has turned into a jungle around the lab. Roads are crumbling, buildings and landmarks are falling, etc. No signs of the people who kidnapped her so long ago. (If they did kidnap her - perhaps they cloned her, easier to work the genetic strains that way, then imprint her with false memories).

    I understand and im not trying to be difficult. Im trying to adjust my character to the setting and I really like the idea that @Enigma just wrote. she will have hands though. her wings are on her back. Is it okay if I use that? I hope I didn't get on your nerves too much~ Im thinking that her mutation could be er seeing. if that counts. She could see things from super far away but only if its still in range and not a whole another city or town...
    your one and only, magical princess from another dimension!!!!! who kicks friggen butt!

  3. #13
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    the wings on your back is fine.
    the sight I see as a "line of sight" thing, where you can see things at farther distances better than anyone else if it's not blocked by obstacles.

    these are fine. and I'm sorry if I was a little annoyed. I should have acted with a little more patience.
    thank you for your understanding and your hard work.

    please let me know when you are done with the changes. and don't hesitate to ask for help to make things better fit or work.

    on a side note, how you mention someone is by doing this
    with [] instead of ()
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

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  4. #14
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    you can also mention people by doing @name; - the semi-colon is needed.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  5. #15
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Name: Jalenyi is her birth name, Jenny is her civilized name

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Mutations: Accelerated growth, heightened senses, advanced strength, and moderately advanced speed and endurance

    Description: Jenny is a sight to behold. Standing at 7'5", she towers over most others. Her limbs ripple with muscles that could crush a man's skull. She is built like a tiger, massive in size. Her watchful eyes are dark brown. Her bronze skin is adorned with tattoos that seem tribal in nature. She wears her black hair in smaller braids that meet in the back into a larger braid. Scars decorate her arms, chest, legs, and neck. Her left eyebrow is split with a three-inch scar. Her clothes are simple, in shades of browns and greys. She follows a single rule when it comes to clothing: nothing you can't fight a bear in.

    Backstory: Jenny's tale is one of conquest and colonization. Her tribe was native to the Great Plains region of North America. They roamed the land, following the herds of beasts that grazed on the vast grasslands. They were nomadic in nature, with a vast oral history and a vibrant, glowing culture. They also regularly did raids on nearby settlements and were renowned for their prowess in battle. They were known as devils to locals, and traveling merchants would fear to cross them.

    By the time Jenny was born, society had started to bounce back. Raids became more dangerous because the townsfolk wouldn't cower in fear, but would fight back. As a rite of passage, when Jenny was 10, she joined a raid. She did well, earning her an honorable place amongst her tribe. Her newfound glory was short-lived, however. When she was 12, the townsfolk had decided that they had had enough. By then, they weren't a small village, they were a large township with a small militia. But that was all that was needed.

    The militia struck in the night, employing the same tactics her tribe had used. They killed indiscriminately, shooting down anything that moved. By the time dawn struck, all that remained of her tribe was smoking corpses and charred weapons. She and the rest of the survivors were forced into servitude, and by extension, civilization. She never kept the same master for long. The longest she'd stayed in one place was 8 months. After 9 years of hard labor, strict discipline, and re-education, she keeps two identities. One is her wild, tempestuous, tribal side and the other is her submissive, docile, "civilized" side.

    She was released from service on her 21st birthday. She joined the Recovery Force to escape from the civilized parts of the world (and herself, but she won't think about that). She eventually wants to return to her homeland, a romanticized, slightly fantastical version of her tribal life. She is slightly delusional about her past, but as can be expected of someone who has had their entire life ripped from them.

    Specialty: Ranger/Fighter

    Gear: A hunting knife, an S & W Model 500, an MK 17 SCAR-H, a canteen, and a battleax. In her backpack, she keeps extra clothes, a needle and thread for repairing clothes, extra ammo, a few days worth of rations, and a repair and cleaning kit for her ax.

    Her ax is something very special to her. After she was released, she began working immediately. What money she didn't use on essentials went towards her project. She spent two years working, buying supplies, and making the ax. The ax isn't a great ax, but it isn't poorly made, either. It has a long oak branch for the handle, with a soft leather wrapping where you grip it. The head of the ax is large and heavy, perfect for splitting skulls or taking off limbs. The steel isn't quality, but it was "enchanted" by smelting the iron with animal bones, creating crude steel.

    Her ax is her prized possession. When she made it, she was forging it with the souls of her long-dead tribe. At least, in her mind. The ax is somewhat of a talisman for her. She considers it to be very spiritually important, perhaps sacred. The ax is a good luck charm to her, and there's a small divot in the wood at the top of the leather wrapping that is rubbed clean of varnish. She rubs the spot when she feels nervous, and it brings her comfort.
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  6. #16
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    I think it's a great character, but I'm a little worried about your mutations being a little much.
    I can understand the strength, speed, and endurance being connected to your increased height. but I feel the strength and hight can be marginally decreased, but only by a little. stronger than the average man to be sure. but maybe not enough to crush a man's skull, and you would still tower over people at 7 feet, but I'm not going to force you that low.
    that's about the only thing I have for your physical traits.
    I would like you to refer to my character. I'm smaller, and only have wolf ears and tail that offer a better sense of hearing and smell. of course, I didn't think to add other physical enhancements. which I probably will now, but only marginally.
    the only other concern I'm trying to get to is how far your heightened senses go?
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #17
    Member StarButterfly's Avatar
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    I fixed her up. I hope this is better

    name: Ikanu or Ika for short

    age: 19 (looks 4 years older)

    gender: female

    mutations: she has bird wings and very good eye-sight. she can fly and she has hollow bones, can read minds that are in three times her wingspan but no farther, she also has air sacs in addition to her lungs and they are located under her lungs.
    She needs a lot to eat every day. 10000 calories a day if she can get it

    description: Ikanu has pinkish hair with orange and brown streaks. her bones are hollow. her wings are 13 ft or longer. she's very curious and listens horribly. she can take a lot of o pain without screaming and she is very claustrophobic.

    backstory: Ikanu or Ika, woke up in some kind of old looking laboratory filled with broken machines, tile, glass, dust, rats, and all sorts of bugs. except, they didn't look like normal. some had extra limbs and heads, others had weird looking bodies. She went over to one of the machines that didn't look as beat up from the other and put her hand close to it. sparks flew and she jumped back. the machine turned on. the picture was grainy, blurry, pixilated, broken, and blacken white. Parts cut out and the audio was fuzzy. She looked at the bright lights and watched as it mesmerized her. She saw scientists taking broken bottles filled with strange liquid and mix them around. she saw them out a girl inside a large, dirty shower looking thing and they took notes, they also put a bird in the same one and left them there.. she saw them run away and leave the place, forgetting to turn something off. then she the body of a girl, in the same corner that she was on before. she looked nothing like the first one. there was something different. she had... wings. Ika watched the images and sound break up and fade away with the one conclusion that she was the second girl. that day, she had a white, wet, dirty hospital dress that was sort of springy as it opened up at the bottom. She went and looked in the shower looking thing and there was no sign of anyone. no bird remains or human remains. She went outside to see the world looking different. there were broken buildings, overgrown trees, oversized animals, and it all scared Ika. She took a step outside as sharp rocks stabbed into her feet and huge leaves blocked her view. Then she opened up her wings and jumped up in the air, spreading them farther and farther until the were as far as they could go, then she caught flight, and flew away from where she first was, not remembering a single thing, she air was cloudy with dust and smoke and it was hard to breathe. she left wanting to know who she was, what she was and what was going on.

    specialty: She can fly pretty fast and see well but she doesn't know anything except for fighting moves, styles.

    gear: She picked up 20 shards of glass in the laboratory when she woke up and put them in a little sack. she didn't know what they were so she wanted to find out. she had nothing else except for her dress and her self and dirt in her hair.
    your one and only, magical princess from another dimension!!!!! who kicks friggen butt!

  8. #18
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    I see you changed your name as well.
    the character should be an interesting story point.

    I accept
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  9. #19
    Member StarButterfly's Avatar
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    your one and only, magical princess from another dimension!!!!! who kicks friggen butt!

  10. #20
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Name: Jalenyi is her birth name, Jenny is her civilized name

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Mutations: Accelerated growth, a slightly heightened sense of sight and hearing, advanced strength, and moderately advanced speed and endurance. Her eyesight is 40/20, meaning she sees the amount of detail at 40 feet that most people see at 20 feet. Her hearing is a vestige of her tribe, who had to adapt to a dangerous landscape. While most can hear from 20 to 20,000 Hz, she can hear things as low as 5 Hz.

    Description: Jenny is a sight to behold. Standing at 7'2", she towers over most others. Her limbs ripple with muscles that could break bones. She is built like a tiger, massive in size. Her watchful eyes are dark brown. Her ears are bat-like, perfect for picking up sounds. Her bronze skin is adorned with tattoos that seem tribal in nature. She wears her black hair in smaller braids that meet in the back into a larger braid. Scars decorate her arms, chest, legs, and neck. Her left eyebrow is split with a three-inch scar. Her clothes are simple, in shades of browns and greys. She follows a single rule when it comes to clothing: nothing you can't fight a bear in.

    Backstory: Jenny's tale is one of conquest and colonization. Her tribe was native to the Great Plains region of North America. They roamed the land, following the herds of beasts that grazed on the vast grasslands. They were nomadic in nature, with a vast oral history and a vibrant, glowing culture. They also regularly did raids on nearby settlements and were renowned for their prowess in battle. They were known as devils to locals, and traveling merchants would fear to cross them.

    By the time Jenny was born, society had started to bounce back. Raids became more dangerous because the townsfolk wouldn't cower in fear, but would fight back. As a rite of passage, when Jenny was 10, she joined a raid. She did well, earning her an honorable place amongst her tribe. Her newfound glory was short-lived, however. When she was 12, the townsfolk had decided that they had had enough. By then, they weren't a small village, they were a large township with a small militia. But that was all that was needed.

    The militia struck in the night, employing the same tactics her tribe had used. They killed indiscriminately, shooting down anything that moved. By the time dawn struck, all that remained of her tribe was smoking corpses and charred weapons. She and the rest of the survivors were forced into servitude, and by extension, civilization. She never kept the same master for long. The longest she'd stayed in one place was 8 months. After 9 years of hard labor, strict discipline, and re-education, she keeps two identities. One is her wild, tempestuous, tribal side and the other is her submissive, docile, "civilized" side.

    She was released from service on her 21st birthday. She joined the Recovery Force to escape from the civilized parts of the world (and herself, but she won't think about that). She eventually wants to return to her homeland, a romanticized, slightly fantastical version of her tribal life. She is slightly delusional about her past, but as can be expected of someone who has had their entire life ripped from them.

    Specialty: Ranger/Fighter

    Gear: A hunting knife, an S & W Model 500, an MK 17 SCAR-H, a canteen, and a battleax. In her backpack, she keeps extra clothes, a needle and thread for repairing clothes, extra ammo, a few days worth of rations, and a repair and cleaning kit for her ax.

    Her ax is something very special to her. After she was released, she began working immediately. What money she didn't use on essentials went towards her project. She spent two years working, buying supplies, and making the ax. The ax isn't a great ax, but it isn't poorly made, either. It has a long oak branch for the handle, with a soft leather wrapping where you grip it. The head of the ax is large and heavy, perfect for splitting skulls or taking off limbs. The steel isn't quality, but it was "enchanted" by smelting the iron with animal bones, creating crude steel.

    Her ax is her prized possession. When she made it, she was forging it with the souls of her long-dead tribe. At least, in her mind. The ax is somewhat of a talisman for her. She considers it to be very spiritually important, perhaps sacred. The ax is a good luck charm to her, and there's a small divot in the wood at the top of the leather wrapping that is rubbed clean of varnish. She rubs the spot when she feels nervous, and it brings her comfort.

    Is this better? I specified her senses and changed her height and strength. My idea for this character was someone who could wrestle a bear, hence the strength.
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