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Thread: [IC REBOOT] Calling All Creepsters! [PG-13]

  1. #11
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Emily had gone up stairs to where her apartment was at, gathering up supplies she didn't have down in her little 'lab' area in the basement. Raw meats from the freezer, changes of clothes, extra computer and laptop for netflix and chill, and the pistol she kept stowed away in a drawer amongst some other things like toothpaste and perfume. She was ready to just barricade herself down in the basement. Let all this chaos blow over. Maybe pop out a few times to scrounge for left over fleshy bits. For now though, it was all making sure she was all tucked away safely. Just to ignore everything going on around her hidey hole. Even if someone was crying out for help. That it was a child being attacked. Yes just... Ignore it....

    Which is why Emily was cursing herself as she walked over to the door, pistol in hand as she pushed it open just a bit. She didn't even have to bother risking it like she just did. People has already came to fix the problem that happened.... Like some witches... Distracting the creature with blood before setting it ablaze. She just stood there, watching this happen. "Oh fuck... Legionaires..." She continued to stare at the group, still looking quite like a human herself at the moment. Except for the bloody pocket where she had the hand stuffed and some blood near her mouth from shoving the finger into it. Not to mention she didn't smell living and she was someone the Legion knew about

    They'd probably eventually turn to her and instead of offering her services to help the child like the self made doctor she was,she just stepped back into her apartment building. "The Walker Clinic is closed please try again later." And with that she closed the door and turned the lock before she turned and ran down towards the basement stairs with her bag of stuff next to the door forgotten. She didn't want to be drawn into this if she could help it.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  2. #12

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    Ze’ev had been licking his wounds for a few minutes. Due to his outburst he had thankfully been left alone for a bit. He needed a longer time to heal, he had been stupid and sprinted during a long distance run. What he really needed to do was to find medicine or someone who could heal. If he could at least get stitched up he could continue the hunt for more witches.

    It was not until he heard someone yell about a child that he stood up. He took his headphones off and walked carefully towards where the person had yelled. To be honest it was probably a stupid idea to scream for help and draw in more enemies. Oh well…

    Ze’ev made his way through a few alleyways until he came up to seeing a young man who smelled funny but also had blood on him. A small child...well that solves that. A witch with a demon...he felt his blood boil. He could barely hold back his malice towards her until he took a few breaths.

    He calmed himself. Breath...easy...surprise can take her.

    Another one appeared out of the shadows and Ze’ev backpedaled immediately. Even at full power...two was asking a lot of him...the other burned the creature and Ze’ev realised one could use one of his minor weaknesses against him. This was not something he could handle at all in his current state.

    He waited in the shadows but figured it was already too late. He reeked of all sorts of blood and even then...he had witches blood on his hoodie. Maybe they would not notice?

    They began to question the man with weird smell. Well he was in a terrible position...he did not look injured though. Maybe...if they worked together...he shook his head. Still too much of a stretch.

    One person whom he had not noticed...damn his bloodlust...came out and mentioned that the clinic was close...was she stupid…? Wait clinic...weren’t those the things humans went to to heal? He smiled to himself. He needed a friend right now did he not?

    Ze’ev decided to step out of the shadows and come more so over to where the guy was. While Ze’ev was trying to even the odds imagining a standoff. Maybe the man would feel more comfortable if he thought he had someone on his side?

    Ze’ev lowered his hoodie to show his wolf ears and he swished his tail...maybe a little bit too excited. “Hello friend...I heard you howl. Is this child in danger?” He kept his eyes on the witches but attempted everything in his power to lower his bloodlust. He was a reverse Lycanthrope afterall. He could never fully get rid of it. Also he was injured a bit maybe that would lower hostility?
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  3. #13
    The bumbliest of bumbling bees
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    An ivory blade cut through equally pale skin as easily as butter. Blood. Why was it always blood with these sort of things. How come it was never... I don't know, Bone Marrow, or, muscle fibres or tears or something, whatever. Mind you, he couldn't talk much he supposed. A hand awkwardly rubbed against the cracked and dried blood in his beard, the movement uncomfortable and lumbering.

    The woman spoke sweet nothings to the creature. As if it were a lap-dog or a pet kitten. That thing had literally just been trying to murder a random innocent child, and here she was talking to it as if it was the sweetest little angel on gods given earth. What the hell was wrong with everyone that night.

    Oh christ there was another one now.

    She was older. Nick could tell, even though she didn't look it. He didn't know how he could tell that she was mind you, but there was just that presence about her. Her magic confirmed his guess though. Her words fuzzed and crackled the air around him. All the hairs on his arms stood up on end and his skin prickled all over. Nick feebly tried to hide the shiver that shot through him. These ladies weren't like his Wicca pals from before. These gals meant business.

    Then the Imp burned. It skin melted and fizzled away, the sizzling sounds scratching and crackling through the air around them. It suddenly smelt very much of burnt pork. God. Why was it always death with these people.

    On his worse nights, when he couldn't tell the Bear from the Boy, the monster from the man it was the death and the violence that always eventually floated him down to a steady reality (despite how grotesque that might sound). For it was moments like this, that reminded him oh so much of what he absolutely hated about Magicals. Nothing could ever just be... good, with these people. Someone always ended up dead, or hurt, or something altogether much worse. Nobody ever escaped from magic in an ok state. Someway or the other, you always came out worse.

    I mean, good lord! This woman was actually rambling about Satan and shit. Nick had been a Catholic since he was at least six weeks old and even he had never verbally talked about Satan the way this broad was going on. God, these people... always so dramatic with everything.

    The older Witch approached the child, and once again Nick's instinct flared up before his mind could contest with it. For every step she took towards the child, Nick did too. But instinct works both ways. It made him step forwards yes, but it held him back too. This Witch was something different. Something strange and unknown. And despite all his efforts. Nick could not quiet the voice inside him that was afraid of that. However, when that child started to walk towards her, all hypnotised and trance-like and stuff, oh hell no.

    Nick walked briskly forwards. Arms pulled the child back. Back to him and normality. Back to him and a average life. Not to a world of this. He stared the witch down, something he hadn't dared do up until then. There'd been a silent state of self preservation within him that honestly, he hadn't fully been aware of. But now it was gone. He wasn't going to let her take this kid. A quiet moment dragged on for a small eternity, and he just kept staring at her, brows furrowing into a small knot.

    Then, he picked the child up into his arms.

    "Fuck off."

    He shook his head slowly.

    "You're not having him,"

    He had to pause a minute. Take a breath, steady himself.

    "He's nothing to do with any, of this. I won't let him be involved with it. I will not stand here and let that happen."

    He was honestly pretty surprised by his own confidence. Nick was no monster. No. He would never allow himself. But he'd never declared himself a saint either. So all this, would-be-hero and saving people business was a surprising change of pace for him. It was stressful as shit though, that was for sure.

    Dammit. That pesky blood on his shirt had got him into shit again. His eyes finally darted down and away, averting the Witch's gaze. With his free hand he clumsily tried to cover the stain with his over shirt. Shaking hands too stumbling too button the thing properly. Nick didn't move for a moment or so. His uneasy breaths the only sound to break the rigid silence that rested between them all.

    Then, slowly, he raised his head. He almost had to force his eyes to return her gaze once more. But he managed it. Looking the older witch dead straight in the eye, he slowly lifted his hand, and as purposefully as he could, simply said,

    "Fuck all y'all."

    And he was gone.

    Without a second thought. Without a second glance. Nick turned on his heel, and strode swiftly away from them all. His only intention was to get himself way from them, and the child away from harm. So caught up in this intent was he, that he walked smack bang into someone else.

    God. Everyone really was crawling out of the woodwork tonight huh.

    The action startled him and he jumped. Claws had to be mentally held back. He didn't wanna accidentally impale the child after he'd just gone out of his way to save it. The scent washed over him them. Familiar abut new all at the same time. So much alike, but still completely different? It was almost overwhelming. He had to steady himself to stop from faltering completely.

    This guy was a Were, like him. A were like him, but somehow not. Oh my god. Look at those ears, and that tail! Maybe Nick was luckier than he thought. What was this guy though. A different species maybe? Of bear? No no. He would have recognised that. Maybe he was a-


    He knew that smell.

    Bewildered curiosity swiftly changed to clear animosity. Whoever this guy was. Whatever he was. He'd just been killing and murdering like the rest of them. And he thought Nick was like him, had approached him like a member of the pack. Nick just shook his head slowly. He spat on the ground, mumbled "Fuck it," Under his breath, and then stormed past the fellow Were.

    Fuck him.
    Fuck those Witches.
    Fuck this night.
    Fuck all of it.

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

  4. #14
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    Aradia’s eyes shimmered with mirth as she watched the were take the child. Would he even know how to care for a child with his own condition clearly weighing on his mind already? No matter, her magic was already working to heal up any scrapes, bruises, puncture wounds, or any form of physical harm to the child. By the time the two of them were away the child would have forgotten everything that happened and have no clear mark of anything having happened at all. As the second were arrived on scene her silvery eyes flicked over to it and paused but only for a brief moment as the first were decided to continue his tirade. He believed she wished to embroil the child in the world of magic? Not a legionary then. He would know that she tended to stay out of their world had he been. Giving a soft shrug she called after him.

    “Have it your way,” she sighed, “the child may be in better hands with you anyway. If you should require help however I do offer you my assistance free of any strings. You’ll know where to find me should you need it.”

    Turning her gaze back to the new were she let her gaze linger a bit longer. Clearly this creature was not the same as the man who just left.

    “As for you,” Aradia purred, “pray tell....what are you? You’re not like most of your kind. You seem....backwards? Not in a bad way mind you. Just the reverse of normal. Is that right?”

    She could feel the ill magic rolling off of the creature almost like oil- no, not oil blood. It was not unlike some magics she had performed herself in the name of trial and error. Much like she would never allow herself to perform again. Those types of magic were dangerous even for someone as well versed as her. They only lead to more damage than good and required a great sacrifice both to the one performing and the one being performed on. Whatever it was. It was wrong.

    “Whatever made you,” she said very quietly, “must have taken so much from you......I truly am sorry for what you’ve suffered.”

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    The man had come and running away quickly ran straight into him. He had flinched slightly from the impact. While he might have avoided or dodged consider he had been holding a child he almost thought the man was going to pawn him off to him or something telling them to escape. Curiosity turned to animosity and he stomped past him. Honestly, he was not entirely used to this but at the same time it happened often. Ever since the incident he did not really fit in anywhere but at the same point he also was outwardly aggressive. He did not do himself favors but others did not do him any either. It felt very similar to when he was a full wolf and he sort of enjoyed things this way. The only thing he was missing was a tight knit group to grow and protect. He smirked at that thought…he was a being of vengeance now, better not to drag anyone with him.

    When he was addressed by one of the magic castors his eyes narrowed slightly and his silvery tail swished back and forth. He turned his left ear a bit to hear from another direction. He was nervous about being ambushed and with all sorts of blood from witch to human on him he would probably need to smooth things over. He did not want to lose tabs on the two in front of him but he also did not want to confront them directly while he was tired and low on magic power. He was playing quite the dangerous game…

    Her voice was soft but full of wonder as to what he was. Normally people did not ask. Normally it was a scream or an attack. She did not seem to be taking as a hostile threat. Was it because he was slightly injured or…was it because she was so powerful he was not a threat. He needed to figure things out. Right now would be the time for such things. “Cursed from wolf to Lycan…the moon does not affect me as much but still in some ways. So I am new to…humanity…” His tail swished more aggressively at the humaniy comment. He was not normal…he should be a wolf and while he could take on that form…other wolves knew he was different. He could not migrate into either humanity nor the wolves. He was officially a being of the night who was trying to hunt down other beings of night. He really made enemies everywhere he goes.

    The fact that she mentioned that she was sorry something took much from him…how did she know? He felt his teeth clench a bit…

    Is she really the one? He could not sense magic or tell anything, well not until she casted a similar spell. She could tell by looking at him his situation. Once again either she knew or she could find the one. A light suddenly clicked in his head. He could use her to find the one…it would be both riskier and not as risky. For some reason he never thought to seek aid from a witch to find a witch. His mind…was not as fast as a humans. He cursed his primitive thoughts.

    “Your thanks are not needed, but the consideration is…wait…how you say.” He put a claw to his lips and looked off at a distant memory of a town he went to.

    “Thank you…is what I believe I am to say and I do mean it.”

    He shifted a bit and said, “You are offering assistance with no strings attached…I know it was for the child but might that also come to lonely hurt one such as myself?”

    He needed to push this one’s kindness. She may ask something of him but if they make it to bartering terms…maybe he can get what he needs. He gave a soft smile…whether it actually came across as nice or a wolfs grin…he was unsure. He had not perfected human expressions so well.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  6. #16
    heaven can't help me now
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    Disgusting parasite. Not that she was one to talk, but at least Lavinia was no coward. Rage boiled in her as she watched the little undead doctor close her doors to the scene outside. If she’d had the courage, the zombie could have helped the injured, the wounded, provided shelter in what most considered protected or at least taboo place to attack.

    Lavinia had found herself amidst the insanity as it descended on the city; she’d been walking home from another excellent performance of Hamilton when the words had displayed themselves across so many screens. The tension she’d felt in the night had made sense, then, and the darkness fell. And all the creatures like her in so many ways and unlike her in so many more unleashed their pent-up fury.

    It was a good thing she’d visited the blood bank earlier that day. Otherwise, the scent of fresh human blood that now tainted the night air may have urged her hunger to overcome her carefully earned composure, but for now, she was fine.

    Some foolish half-turned were charged her from the darkness of an alley and she tore its lower jaw off while she cast it an indignant, insulted little look.

    “In the future it may better serve you to use your sense of smell before choosing your prey,” she offered, her tone calm but still holding the slight tone of someone who has just been insulted. Her svelt figure then dissolved into mist and she moved through the streets silently and unnoticed that way. Many who she thought to save were beyond it and the several times she tried she seemed to startle the mortals more than she’d meant to.

    “Go home,” she urged them. “Or find shelter in someone’s home. Many of these things cannot do you harm there – those that can are easier to kill than the ones who must stay outside.”

    They’d fled with her words ringing in their ears and she slipped into the mist again.

    That was how she’d come upon the scene with the child, the weres, the witches. Lavinia, too, had heard the man’s call about helping the child but she hadn’t been as quick to respond as the witches. Instead, her form came together high above them on one of the fire escapes; she gripped the cold railing with her hands and watched. She may have been the only one to see the little zombie open the door of the apartments, pistol in hand, and her vision blurred with rage at the exhibited cowardice. Her eyes cleared and focused, finding the street address marked on the building and making a mental note.

    One of the two witches, the one who’d arrived on the heels of the first, spoke their spell aloud and turned the vampire-imp to ash with one word. It sent a chill down her spine. She imagined it’d take significantly more power to do such a thing to someone such as herself, but all the same, Lavinia didn’t like it. The were moving toward the child at the same time the witch did was an interesting little display, but the were protectively taking the child in his arms made her swell with pride. She didn’t know him, she didn’t know the witch, but weres were known for being close knit and good with child-rearing and it amused Lavinia to see him so boldly defying the intent of the witch.

    At the sound of a scream in the other direction, Lavinia turned her head so quickly that it made her Gibson Girl coif tremble and just like that she was off again, mist in the night air. Her feet touched ground again as four paws. Her ashy blond coat was thick, coarse and her heckles were up as she bared fang at the trio of ghouls who’d cornered a mother and her baby – they seemed to have fled their home by their appearance and Lavinia broke the ghoul’s advance on them.

    They paused, looking from one to the other and Lavinia took the advantage and lunged at the one on the left. Her wolf may have been mistaken as a hybrid or husky by the common, untrained eye, but she was unmistakably deadly in her movements. The first ghoul fell and she planted her four paws on it’s chest as she leapt into the air at the second, bouncing off it and knocking it to the ground as she changed direction toward the one that’d appeared to be the leader, knocking it back too and pinning it to the floor under her.

    “You will cease,” she growled, though the words were garbled in the wolf’s mouth.

    The ghoul looked up at her, confused and it seemed distracted by its friend’s blood dripping off her snout. Slowly, she moved off it and circled around to her spot between them and the woman and baby. The two ghouls gathered themselves and then looked to their friend’s carcass, chittered at each other, and then drug it away. The wolf glanced back at the woman and then padded behind a dumpster to reclaim her human form.

    “You need to go home,” she told her as she came around the dumpster; she lifted the hem of her skirt as she stepped over the trail of blood leading away from the scene.

    “I-I can’t. It’s not safe,” the woman said and the babe in her arms screamed. Lavinia winced but moved closer, looking to the mother for a moment who gave her a pleading look.

    “Quiet, little one,” she stroked her cool fingers across the babe’s forehead and it looked up at her with teary eyes, quick to fall under her gentle suggestion. “You can cry again when it is safe but now you put yourself and your mother in danger.”

    It wasn’t as much Lavinia’s words as the intent behind her gaze, but the mother seemed all right with it, somehow. In fact, though a coping tactic it may have been, she even quipped, “Wow, do you do babysitting?”

    Lavinia cast her a smile but other shrieks in the night pulled them back to the situation at hand.

    “Do you have anywhere to go nearby? A friend, neighbor?”

    “I don’t know who I can trust.”

    “A church, then,” Lavinia decided and there was one close by, she knew – she actively avoided it, usually.

    Lavinia and the woman moved quickly, so quickly that one turn down the street met her with the sight of a man carrying a child – both of whom she recognized from not too much earlier. Her heart lighted and she tugged on the mother’s hand gently as they came up behind him; Lavinia reached a hand out to catch Nick’s shoulder lightly and garner his attention.


    ideas? . Hogwarts . WTRT: Side Roads
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  7. #17
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    And just like that, tonight had officially gone from bad to downright messed up. Diana had the imp-vamp secure long enough to get the kid out of the way, but an elder witch whom Diana didn’t recognize was having none of it, and the imp-vamp was now literally toast. That suited Diana just fine; she would’ve been more than happy to do the same if not for the Legions’ strict house rules on other Legionnaires’ minions. No, what really irked her was the would-be hero’s complete lack of gratitude. No thank-you, no nod of acknowledgement... just a blunt ‘fuck-you’ before taking off. The kid would still be a human chew toy without their help, and that was the thanks they got?!

    Still, despite her better judgment, Diana knew a novice like him wouldn’t last much longer now that the Legions were out hunting. So now that everyone was going their own way, she sealed up the cut to her hand and cleaned it off, then took to her broom and flew off again, maintaining as much altitude as possible to keep hidden while still staying close enough to ground level to keep an eye out for the hero.

    Whether or not anyone followed was of little concern to her. She wasn’t breaking any rules by tailing the hero, and the only one who might be interested enough to follow her - Yuu - might even be willing to let her slide anyway just to see how this turns out.

    Either way, it was going to be a looong night.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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    Aradia chuckled lightly as the hybrid, for he was more that than a true were, attempted to figure out human semantics. She could understand where it would get confusing. Human languages had only gotten more and more complex in the last few hundred years. When he asked for her assistance her eyebrows peaked curiously.

    “The offer may stand depending on the request,” she purred, “I certainly can’t give too much away for free, but should terms be required, I can be trusted to be fair.”

    Flicking her eyes toward the younger witch as she fled she said nothing but grimaced at the girls back. So much for respecting one’s elders. Not even so much as a thank you. Shrugging she returned her gaze to the hybrid once more. The bloody aura that surrounded him seemed to almost seep from his pores and it almost made her own skin crawl as it reached out and brushed against her own aura. She could remember the amount of cleansing it had taken to rid her aura of such ill magics. It wasn’t easy, but at the very least it wasn’t too painful.

    “Well then,” she sighed, “what would you have of me then? And what shall I call you? If we are to be business partners it’s best we have some name to use.”

    Her eyes roamed the hybrid’s form and she couldn’t help but think it somehow familiar, but not quite placeable. Peculiar, in all her long years she had never forgotten a face. Brushing it off in her mind she returned to musing over the hybrid’s aura again. It was certainly larger than what the ritual required to make him would need, but that could be easily explained by the deaths of a few magic using creatures. They would likely have caused a certain overwhelming burst of energy or power. It would be interesting to see first hand.

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    heaven can't help me now
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    Default BumblingBee & rabbit co-post

    Nick was not an elegant man on his best of days. So weaving through a crowd of this sheer size, while also trying to keep hold of a hysterical child was no mean achievement for him. Most of the other fellow Magicals were leaving him alone, but he was becoming increasingly aware that it was rather tricky to look threatening and imposing with a small infant tucked into your chest. The man routinely cooed soft nothings at the kid, trying his hardest to think of a place where it would be safe. He was no parent. Hell, his sister wasn’t even that younger than him really. Nick had no clue whatsoever as to what to do truth be told.

    Instinct and natural aggression had forced him into taking the child into his custody. But now that those feelings had dampered, Nick was left with an unknowing confusion that made everything quite a bit trickier. Every now and then he’d attempt to stop what he guessed were mortals and fob the kid onto them but none of them were really having it. God he didn't want this kid anymore. He wanted to run, run to the woods again or go check on his family or just, something. Something that wasn’t here. Something far, far away.

    These thoughts of something else had managed to distract him. The man was well away within his own head. So much so that he didn’t notice that, a) the child was now bawling loudly, or b) there was now a woman approaching him quite rapidly from behind. She caught up to him, touched his shoulder and Nick’s spirit nearly left his body. He truly leapt out of his skin, child catapulted into the air while Nick, after three lanking lolloping strides, crashed into the ground.

    Lavinia screamed. It was as much at the man jumping and tumbling forward as it was that the child was now airborne. She darted forward, faster than nature would typically allow any mortal, and caught the boy. The blond quickly looked down at the man she was now standing over - long, ivory velvet skirt pulled tight against her legs with her stance, one foot near his head the other in the empty space below the crook of his armpit.

    “I didn’t mean to scare you!” Her brow was knit in concern and she hurriedly stepped away, the mother with her babe in her arms coming to her side as she placed the child on the ground. The mother took his hand in hers and spoke softly to him to quiet him. The young woman extended her hand to the man on the ground in a gesture, hoping to assist him with getting up.

    Woah. This gal was fast. For a moment or two, Nick just kinda lay there, staring. Not quite knowing what else to do with himself, or how to really react to what had just happened exactly. I mean just… Wow. She was cute.

    He gave his head a little shake, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand while he used to other to accept the notion of help speedy gonzales had offered him. God he hoped his palms weren’t sweaty. The man was still shaky on his feet. Wobbling too and fro for a moment before fully regaining his composure.

    “Ummm. Thank you, Miss? Mada- Ma’am…?”

    Nick didn't really get called Sir very often, so he figured Ma’am was about the best thing to say back. God he hoped she didn’t find that offensive. Nick tried to focus on something, but he was finding it difficult. The Mortal woman looked flustered. Out of breath and trembling. He frowned softly,

    “Are you guys ok? Do you need help? Cause I can help if you need it?”

    The mother nodded a little but her eyes were raking the shadows and their surroundings, worried something else was going to manifest and attack them.

    “I was taking them to the church - the safest place I could think of until dawn…” Lavinia’s eyes drifted down the street in the direction of the church. It was eerily quiet where they stood on the city street, though she could hear things in the distance.

    Nick scoffed and batted himself on the head. Lavinia hid a smile at his gentle self-flagellation. Of course, the church! Why hadn’t he thought of that? If there’s one thing evil Magicals can’t stand, it’s gratuitous god-mongering.

    Nick nodded his head as he stepped forward. With a silent gesture, he offered to carry the child once more. The woman looked like she needed to conserve what energy she could truth be told. The mother let him and Lavinia watched him. Turning to face the other, he offered his free hand to her, along with a genuine, perhaps a little subdued,grin.

    “I’m Nick. I might come across as a little grizzly, but don’t worry. I don’t bite.”

    Lavinia blinked at Nick’s offered hand and then registered what he’d meant with it and she slipped her hand into his, shaking a little too eagerly as she said, “Yes of course! I am Lavinia.”

    Together they started toward the church. It wasn’t too long before she could spy the bell tower peeking over the roofs.

    He almost did something when she hesitated. But then she slipped his hand into his and it was like being punched in the chest. He doubled over a little, hopefully unnoticeably. Ok this was, weird. He’d been standing next to her for at least five minutes or so now. Literally a inch or so away, and yet all that time, there’d been absolutely nothing. And yet, when she touched him. The scent had come rushing over him all at once, almost like a tsunami or something. She smelt like a dog. A wolf. She was… a wolf?

    Nick gave his head a shake, trying to throw the feeling off of him. God. Couldn’t get a break tonight, that was for sure. She’d told him her name, but through the smells and the confusion, things got muddled. Nick was at the rear of their little group, yet he needed something clarifying. But god could he remember her name right.

    “Latinio- La-lavinda… Vin-Vinnie..?”

    His voice was laced with uncertainty.

    She heard him stumble over her name and she turned to walk backward and look at him, the fabric of her ivory skirt in hand as she went.

    “La-vin-ee-ah,” she watched his face as he struggled with it but then gave a little twitch of her shoulder. No one in all her years had given her a nickname.

    “Vinnie works,” she told him. Her eyes then darted away from him as her eats picked up the clamor of something that sounded rather large nearby. Her eyes then moved over to the mother and then to Nick as she quickened her pace and said, “Let’s hurry.”

    It wasn’t too long before the red doors to the old church greeted them. A few steps lead from the city’s sidewalk up to the doors and she gently ushered the mother and babe up them.

    “You’ll look after him, too?” Lavinia watched as Nick put the child down and he darted up the stairs toward the church. The mother nodded and held her baby a little tighter.

    “Yes, we’ll see what we can do in the morning, I suppose, though if every night is going to be like this…” She shivered and then turned to go inside the church. Just before she opened the door, she turned back to Nick and Lavinia and cast them a smile.

    “I’m not sure what you are or what is going to come of any of us now, but… Thank you,” she told them and then went inside.

    Lavinia turned to Nick with a little smile which then shifted to a soft look of concern. She said, “I saw, you know. What you did for that child. It was no small thing, standing up to Legionaries in that way.”

    Was she blushing? She’d bowed her head to look at the palms of her hands as she spoke, but color tinted the uppermost parts of her cheeks. Maybe it was the cold.

    “You may not have made friends of them,” she reminded him and her green eyes darted up to meet his, brow furrowing just a little.

    Nick waved to his original kid as he disappeared into the church. The kid didn’t wave back, but that was ok. He smiled back at Vinnie too, in an equally shy-unsure fashion. And that’s when she gave him… a compliment?

    He shuffled from foot to foot awkwardly, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck. She was wrong though. Well, he thought so anyway. It was a small thing, just helping that kid. He could have walked away just as easily. But then again, he didn’t, he supposed. Ugh. I don't know. It was a weird thing to think back on for him. Despite it only happening a few minutes ago, the whole scene felt fuzzy and blurry to him. He couldn’t quite remember it properly, things had happened so quickly.

    She had a point with that last bit though. Nick scoffed.

    “Pfft. Yeah… you got that one right.”

    He sighed, hand fidgeting routinely at his side. He shrugged and grinned lazily at Lavinia,

    “My lady beckons me,”

    With a heavy effort, Nick slouched down onto the ground, and perched upon one of the church steps. He hunched over on himself in an attempt to shelter his lighter from the breeze that whistled through the air. His words came out as a mumble when he spoke, pushed past his cig awkwardly,

    “So if you don’t mind me asking, What are you exactly? Because if you’ll pardon me Miss,”

    He glanced at her over his shoulder, a smug cheeky grin failing to hide itself on his face,

    “You smell, well, weird.”

    Existential dread gripped Lavinia’s core. The embarrassment rooted with such a blunt statement and the adorable way he’d asked what she was was beyond what she could keep her calm about. If she’d had a soul, it probably would have fled her body. Instead, blush from below the chiffon collar of her blouse flooded up her porcelain throat and face and she turned her face just slightly away in an effort to hide it. It wasn’t often one caught her off her guard like this; perhaps it was the chaos of the night or perhaps it was him.

    “S-smell… Weird…” She whispered, stammering in her soft accent, though the words were heavy with trepidation.

    Perhaps, she considered, the were at the beginning of the attack this evening was confused by her scent as well. Was something wrong with her? Was is someonething she ate? Lavinia always acquired sustenance from the blood bank, so how could something have been tainted? She pushed the thoughts aside for now. It took a few moments to collect herself, but finally the blond ran a few fingers through her hair, pushing back some stray strands, and turned back to him.

    “I am vampire,” she said, though it wasn’t a bold statement. It was the same way someone else might say, “I am late” or “I am Canadian” or “I wear glasses.”

    … Ok. Had anticipated a reaction. Still didn’t expect the one he got, but hey ho, what the heck. Nick felt bad honestly. He’d asked what he thought was a simple question. Clearly she was a magical, and hopefully she’d figured out he was too (I mean he practically spelled it out for her in that pick up line… Oh god. Maybe that was a bad opener in hindsight). So he was just making conversation. The question was a casual one in his opinion. Yet here she was, redder than a herring.

    He stumbled up to his feet, rising quicker than he thought he was going to. Oh. Ohhh. OH!

    “A vampire?!”

    He wasn’t even trying to hide his emotions anymore at this point honestly. He took a single step back. Just the one. You could see the thoughts ticking over in his head. Eyes practically glazed over in concentration. And then finally. After a decent minute of silent consideration. Nick spoke,

    “Woah,” And then that stupid idiot grinned. “I’ve never met a Vampire before… Woah. Oh wait! How old are you?”

    She was afraid he was going to turn away from her as he had the witches. The step back didn’t help and then he finally spoke. And asked her how old she was. Her mouth dropped open in what her mother would have called a very undignified manner and if she could have turned a deeper shade of red in the process of blushing she would have, but she was at capacity.

    “One! Does not! Ask a lady! Her age!” She snapped at him pointedly. She huffed, “Rude!”

    Nicks eyes widened, and he shrank back in obvious unease. He’d gone from taking long lazy drags from his cig, to puff puff puffing away at it faster than a steam engine. Eyes darted hither and thither and what he really wanted to say came out as an incomprehensible mumble and barrage of murmured apologies.

    “I’m-i’m so so so-sorry. Oh god. I um- I’m sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that- to say that at all! Actually. I er…”

    He coughed, though it sounded forced.

    “I um. I never really liked Buffy I guess so er… you’re safe from me at least,”

    That last part had been an attempt at humour, although he didn’t know how well placed the joke was in hindsight and consideration of their current situation.

    “Buffy…?” It took a moment for the modern pop culture reference to sink in but it did eventually and she sputtered a giggle.

    “With the way that show treated the supernatural, none of us should have liked it,” she said and then looked up to the church and it’s heavy red doors and the bell tower that rose into the night. She looked contemplative and then her eyes drifted back to Nick.

    “You’re were, right? A, um,” she thought back a moment. “Grizzly?”

    He sighed and then forced a grin on to his face.

    “Yup. That’s me. A brutish bear.”

    She blinked and furrowed her brow a little, but said nothing.

    He took a very, very long drag. So long in fact it finished the cigarette. Stubbing it into the brick wall of the church, a clear sooty mark now scraped into the brickwork. Sighing, he pushed himself away slowly from the building and began to casually saunter back down the path towards the street. It still sounded pretty hellish out there. He looked to the girl,

    “What are you going to do now? Do you have like ummm, family...still? Here? Or.. I dunno, friends or something, I dunno?”

    He felt awkward asking her anything. She must have been so smart, I mean, she certainly looked it. And there he was, asking her childish questions like this.

    It was something of a reflex that she fell into step beside him. She gave her head a gentle shake at his question and peered down at her hands, one hand’s fingers laced together with the other’s as she walked.

    “No, nothing like that,” she said. “I’m on my own here. There are few of my kind that live the way I do, so that in and of itself is isolating.”

    Vinnie put her palms together and glanced at him curiously as she said, “You?”

    For a moment or two, he didn’t answer her question. Nick was just looking at her, thinking to himself. This woman must have gone through so much of her life alone, and he had blundered asking a question like that. He shook his head, both in response to her query and to rid himself of distractions.

    “Nah. They’re all back in Washington. ‘Cept for Paz- my sister. She’s somewhere in Wisconsin last I heard.”

    Suddenly his paced slowed, only by a half-step or so, as a thought dawned on his. A slow lazy grin spread across his face, and playfully, he gave her shoulder a small shove.

    “Maybe we’ll have to just band together and make a pack of our own. Stick together, form a team, I dunno,” Nick said.

    The blond furrowed her brow thoughtfully at the proposition, it’s underlying implications missed by her all together and she slowly started to nod.

    “You know, that’s not a terrible idea. We don’t have Ultra-Force - that’s why the Legionaries have grown as bold to attack like this,” she gestured into the night in a little motion and continued, “There’s safety in numbers, that’s a concept as old as time.”

    The gears were moving on this subject, that much was clear, her hands pressing her palms together now, the ivory and blue ruffles of her blouse sleeves along her wrists bouncing softly with her movement and the strides she took while walking. An amused little expression came across her features before she smiled and asked,

    “Do you have a cave we’re going back to, or…?”

    Nick proceeded to then walk into a lamppost. It was rather fair to say, that that particular comment had indeed, caught him off guard. He swore and cursed, raising his hands to cover what he had no doubt would become a lovely little bump on his forehead. Crap, she was still right there. He was meant to be a deadly predator, a vicious hunter, killer of men. And she’d just seen him walk into a lamppost. Nick laughed awkwardly, hopefully that would break the tension nicely.


    He looked at her for a solid minute. She held his gaze. Her mouth hung open, astonished.

    “Tell no-one. Please.”

    She’d raised her hands in surprise and they hung in the air cautiously - she didn’t want to grab him, for fear of his reaction to that.

    “Are you ok?” She breathed the words, taking a slow step a little bit closer to him.

    He looked down at her.

    “Yeah. I think I’ll live,”

    His smile turned small, and just a little bit shy.

    “Um, I have a room that I’m renting from a friend, we’ll hide out there for a bit? Maybe just, ride this wave out until it all calms down for a bit?”

    “How millennial of you,” Vinnie teased and nodded, and they were off. She subtly made sure he didn’t walk into any more lamp posts and they kept a keen eye out as they went; the city was still teaming with Legionnaires; of that, she was sure.

    ideas? . Hogwarts . WTRT: Side Roads
    my life is still a mess pm me if you want to check in
    vote for RPA

  10. #20
    The Shadow's Embrace
    Heson Shadowbane's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    In the embrace of shadows
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    Emily had been hiding in the basement for what seemed forever. She was nervously chewing upon the hand she had, having expected people to bust down the doors to come after her. After the long wait and hearing nothing breaking down the doors she finally decided to go back up the steps to the empty lobby. No one had busted inside or undid the lock on the door. So with a timid stepping she made her way over to the door and unlocked it, feeling the unlocked building would draw less suspicion, and then made her way back to her dropped baggage.

    She began to drag it back to her basement as she chewed away upon another finger. If she could get fat, she would've gotten worried that she was munching away instead of saving the food for later. Down the steps she began to pull the bag, nervous glances going up to the lobby doors as she hoped that no one would come in. She didn't want to have to break into a run to get away.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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