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Thread: Halo: We Are ODST {IC}{M}

  1. #11
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Gunfire continued to exchange as the group took cover behind large dirt hills and such. Wolf checked her weapon once more and looked to her second in command. "Sergeant Lowe!" She shouted. "Statues report!" She kept her head low from being hit by sniper shots and wild fire.

    "Ma'am all Pods have been dropped. The rest are either missing or KIA." He looked around before turning his attention back to Wolf. "We're all ready to give it a push ma'am."

    "Good! Don't give in to this bastards." She got on her radio. "All troops push forward!" She ordered. Getting up from her position and rushed out of hiding with her weapon facing forward. Pulling the trigger and identified her targets before they hit the ground. Most of the smaller infantry died first as usual. But the bigger targets like the Elites and Brutes are still standing. She took cover again and looked for her squad. "Sergeant Major!" She called out on her radio.

    "We got tangos up ahead with turrets. I need you and a group of air troopers get behind them and take them out before they rip us apart!" She checked her corner again and see a few hairy apes running by. "And watch your back we got apes coming up to reinforce them. If you spot a hammer call it out!" She loaded a fresh clip to her weapon after popping out the emptied one.

    "Radio!" She hollered at the trooper. She leans forward grabbing him by the armor. "Stay close to me dammit! I need you on my six in case we need to call in a air strike." She lets go and turned around and looked over the edge of her cover. "Once those turrets are down push again we're almost to the Fort." She looked around one more time. "Spark you and the rest provide cover fire for Fletcher and the others...on my signal." She takes a tight grip on her weapon and takes in a deep breath. "Open fire!" She yelled and stood up firing at her targets.

  2. #12
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    When he peeked over the dunes, the intimidating sight of the covenant armada widened Radio's eyes. He quickly shifted back in cover and absent-mindedly stared at the dropzone behind them. When the LT grabbed his battle dress, it threw him out of his mindstate of indecisiveness.


    He got up from his prone and tailed the LT. As her command rang, he unleashed a barrage of rhythmic AR-fire at the covies' general direction. The remaining grunt cannon fodder cowered behind their kin's corpses, but they were little match for a heavy assault rifle. Blue blood and bullets alike splashed on their faces, and those who didn't get mortally wounded ran into the opposite direction, their triangular-shaped backs vulnerable to the rest of the ODSTs' projectiles.

    After he reloaded his primary, Talgott unslung his break-action grenade launcher and cleared the barricade of dead grunts by explosive resolution. In a chaotic display, body parts, thick blue goo and methane tanks flied through the air.

    Radio felt bad for those buggers - as he always had. He once wrote a ballad about the lower ranks of the covenant and the religious scam they were duped by. It all seemed so far off, until he joined the military himself. Now, these beacons of tragedy were his mortal enemies. If only it could be different...

  3. #13
    RPAs White Knight
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    Kelly listened to her orders and nodded, she turned to the few air assault soldiers that they had, 12 all told, making her number 13. Or number one in this case, since she got to lead them. Once covering fire was called she led her fellow AA troops around on the flanks.

    They quickly jetpacked up onto the Covenant-placed wall the turrets sat on, and they moved up. "Grenades on the first one!" Kelly shouted, firing at a Jackal who had been slow to turn and face them, hitting his square in the chest with a burst from her battle rifle. Grenades flew, landing near the first turret, exploding, killing the grunt inside it and badly damaging it. "One down, three to go" Kelly said, moving up with her soldiers. They cleared the next one quickly when a grunt with a fuel rod gun died and Kelly grabbed the weapon, unloading the last few shots onto the turret. She looked in the direction she would be pushing, her face went white. "Ma'am, we got at least one hammer! I repeat, at least one Brute with a hammer! And possible enemy armour further up!" she shouted over her radio. The air assault marksman looked through his scope. "I confirm, two Choppers coming our way, and at least one Wraith closer to the objective" he said. "This is going to be fun" Kelly said. "Commandeer the last two turrets, we can use them to cover our forces as they move up" Kelly ordered the troops she was leading. "Bounding overwatch, a classic armoured and artillery tactic, very nice" the team sniper said, picking off an Elite from the furthest turret, as the others cleared the closest one. "Yeah, my sister is a Marine armoured division commander, well she commands a squad of four Grizzly MBTs, I wonder if she'll be here today" Kelly said, as she climbed into the turret and turned it towards the Covenant forces. "Ma'am, we have the last two turrets secured and manned with friendlies, you are clear to move up" Kelly said over her radio.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  4. #14
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    Spark leaped forwards with the squad. Rapid firing his Battle Rifle as quick as he could. Quickly dropping a group of three grunts. When he took aim at a fourth he instantly fired off a round into it's back striking the oxygen tank. Instantly the grunt spun in circles as the oxygen canister released its pressure. Spark only laughed at this and took aim at another group.

    His motions were quick as he cleared the groups providing as much cover fire as he could. Quickly he had emptied two mags leaving him with only two more. When the turrets were clear he made his way to group back up with everyone. Coming over the communicator he listened to the calls coming across. "Choppers are a pain, we got the sniper should take them out easily." He spoke and then focused his sights on the brute with the hammer his hand going to his side. "Hey, things get too spicy I got something for the hammer. Sword can counter it as long as I'm careful enough." He said and continued to scan the area.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  5. #15
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    As one of the choppers flew past Fletcher's dozen jumpers and jumped the elevated wall, it nicked one of them and slung him along its double wheel. When the chopper bumped back on the ground and turned, the horrifically wounded ODST got flung off into a ditch.

    The LT and Talgott were now right in its wrecking path, as the pair tried to hike it up to the captured turrets. The Brute biker activated the chopper's thrusts, blasting off at the two coverless ODSTs.

    Talgo could only just dodge it. As the murdermachine came around, he reached for his break-action grenade launcher and slid in an EMP-charge.


    Talgo's okay-ish shot left the chopper sputtering for power. Its driver seemed very confused.
    "Aagh! Blasted machines!"
    The Brute biker, who wore some sort of thin flight cap and wielded a Spiker, got off from his chopper and fired but a few oversized spiker-rounds before getting one-tapped by another ODST's auto-mag.

  6. #16
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    "Jumpers got the jump on them boys! Let's move!" She said over radio and pushed herself up the hill. She stopped to meet up with Spark. After hearing reports of incoming Choppers and a Brute with a hammer. She even listened to the soldier about using a sword in the fight. She scoffed and looked up ahead. "You'll be smashed before you even get a slice!" She heard something in the sky and looked up to see something falling fast. She used her visor to get a closer look and noticed it was a Pod, but it wasn't theirs.


    The Sangheili ship took it share of enemy fire as it returned it in favor. In the hanger bay area multiple Phantoms were being loaded with soldiers and supplies. However there was another group that waited in a different area.

    Tytan 'Vurumai stepped forward among his troops. Looking at each one in the eye before looking down on the Grunts who were seem to fight each other for a second before standing at attention. He growled softly at them for a second. Turning his attention back at the others he looked over his shoulder to see more troops moving around.

    "We once hold the Rings as sacred." He finally spoke, "Considering them to be our glorious salvation. That was a dream." He started moving back and forth in front of the group. "That dream died when the Prophets had betrayed us when we discovered the truth. A truth that had saved our lives and countless others. We stopped that hairy bastard who called himself a Chieftain. Who followed the Prophets blindly. We stopped the Rings from releasing a dangerous and deadly weapon. And we stopped the Flood from wiping out our colonies." He stopped and looked at the group with determination. "And we will stop the Covenant from reaching their goals!" He reached for his duel swords and activated them. The swords nearly touched the ground as he unleashed the energy. "We will kill every last one of these bastards before they reach the icon!" Others cheered and growled at the same time. "To your Pods!" He ordered.

    He walked to his Pod and looked inside to examine it. He takes in a deep breathe and finally steps inside. The Pod closed like a coffin and he placed his arms on his chest. Then he felt a sudden jerk. He could feel his body moving but he couldn't see where he was heading. The Pod system already placed a location for him to land including his troops.

    The Pod started to shake suddenly and after seconds had passed he felt a hard thud. His Pod latch popped off and he finally jumped out to see a battle that had already taken place. He looked to see humans taking fire and shooting back at their targets. The Pods landed perfectly in front of the human soldiers. Tytan growled as he spotted a Brute with a hammer. "He's mine!" He reached for his swords and charged at the Brute.

    The Brute charged at Tytan and soon the two clashed. He side stepped allowing the Hammer to swing down and hit the ground. A pile of dirt flied up in his face but that didn't stop him from swinging his sword to his side and made a cut. He smelled a burned patch of hair for a moment and managed to get behind the Brute. He jumped quickly with one sword dug into his back and the other struck hard into the back of the Brutes head. The body fell heavily and Tytan stood there with a straight back. He looked to the humans and growled softly.

    "Hurry humans. If you die today then it is a good day to die!"

    The LT laughed a little. "Spoken like a ODST." She said. She looked to Radio and checked her gun. "Call the ship and check in on the statues for air support."

  7. #17
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    "Call the ship and check in on the statues for air support."

    Radio took a while to bewonder the Elite Zealot. He'd seen a fair share of its kin, but this one looked far more dangerous. As often before, he snapped out of it just in time to answer his CO.

    "Yes ma'am!"

    He crouched down against a supporting pillar of the captured covie wall and began to turn the notches on his backpack.

    "Ground to Strident, repeat, ground-to-Strident, break!"

    "This is Kappa-four, requesting air support at grid kilo-zero-four-alpha, over?"
    "Repeat, request air support at grid kilo-zero-four, confirm! We've got enemy armor inbound, out!"


    A bit earlier in the secluded section of the sangheili ship, another smaller vessel was hanging in place over the hangar. This vessel was the Burden of Impotence, R'Kahn 'Severee's yacht. The Sangheili sage overlooked the operation below through a curved window when his trustee, Veras Mu'Denai, came up behind him.

    "Shipmaster! The Field Marshal is ready to commence the assault!"
    "We have readied a phantom and are awaiting deployment!"

    R'Kahn turned and gently placed his three-fingered hand on his subordinate's shoulder.

    "Go, brother. Lead our kin into victory."

    The lesser elite, who wore a decorated wine-red battle cuirrass, looked confused.
    "Will you not come with us, brother?"

    "No. The 'Vurumai will sack the Burden and spend their spoils with basic instinct!"
    R'Kahn paused and turned back to his window.
    "I will join you after the battle, when our sovereignty is secured."

    Veras made a brief bow. Though puzzled on the sage's distrust for their allies, R'Kahn saw things he often didn't. Though he may beat his leader in the ring, he had never outsmarted him. He left the Burden of Impotence through its central gravity lift and landed next to a silver-tinted phantom, filled with high-ranking grunts and unique elites.

    By now, the silver phantom was speeding towards the battlefield, following the trails of 'Vurumai's drop-pods. When in range, it unleashed a barrage of plasma on the covenant opposition, relieving the ODST's for a moment. As it drifted dangerously close to the ground, blowing dust, a total of six distinct elites jumped out of the sides one-by-one, while a squad of grunts utilized the central grav lift to land more safely.

    The grunts were led by a white grunt ultra, a rare sight. Dab-dab wielded a plasma rifle, much like the rest of his grunts, save for his green-colored gunner, who packed a fuel rod cannon. Together, the five of them comically jogged towards the ODST's position, fulfilling their supportive role.

    Meanwhile, the six elites began slaying. Veras unsheated his energy sword and got tailed by three elite bodyguards armed with carbines and dual plasma rifles while the two remaining elites disappeared into active camouflage and readied their beam rifles for covert operations.

  8. #18
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    "Strident copies, Kappa 4, Shortsword bombers inbound on requested coordinates"

    Above the battlefield three Shortswords, fully loaded with conventional high-yield bombs flew towards their target, a squadron of Wasps flying around them to clear the air of Covenant fighters. "Thunder 1-1 to the rest of Thunder Squadron, we are approaching the target, prepare to drop on my mark" the lead bomber pilot said. "3...2...1...Mark!" he said a few seconds later. "Let the thunder roll!" the pilot of Thunder 1-2 said. The bomb bay doors of all three bombers opened up, releasing 50 bombs each onto the attacking Covenant forces, the enemy armour taking the brunt of the first strike. "Thunder 1-1, bombing run complete, confirming multiple hostile casualties". "Thunder 1-3 copies, confirmed enemy armour and the majority of enemy soldiers are gone" the pilot of the third bomber said.

    "Strident copies, return home" "Kappa 4, you are clear to move up when you are ready, the Wasps will be on station to provide top cover for the remainder of your forces, continue mission so we can drop reinforcements, Strident out"


    Kelly watched as the bombers did their job, she could've sworn she recognized one of the Wasps escorting the bombers. She then turned her attention back to the battle, firing at the remaining Covenant forces as the rest of her squad moved up. "Ma'am, shall we keep the turrets manned or do asset denial?" she asked Wolf when she got on top of the wall with them. Nearby the ODST AA sniper and a Sanghelii sniper were having a friendly sniper competition is seemed.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  9. #19
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    Spark frowned when denied the chance to use his blade. He was sure he could take the brute but knew the captain was right. "Fine. I'll let them handle it." He then fell back into line with the group providing as much cover fire as he could. He took down a few groups and even managed to snag a kill from one of the snipers causing him to laugh. "Sorry mate my kill." He said over the allied communication.

    When the air strike was called Spark had been almost certain that their was brief silence before all hell let loose. Dropping to what seemed like a endless bombing. Spark stood beside Kelly and gave a long whistle. "Well they're dead. Think any of them survived?" He asked before looking at her from behind his helmet.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  10. #20
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    Default A J'Von/Dna production.

    Once the troops were near the base Wolf and her took cover behind some trees nearby. "Radio!" She called out and walked over to the officer and turned him around completely. Utilizing his radio to contact the Fort nearby. She turned some knobs to certain channels only high ranking officers know about. The wobbling and feedback noises finally became silent. She took the mic and pressed firmly. "Whiskey Outpost, Whiskey Outpost. This is Kappa Four confirming contact over." She waited for a moment. "Whiskey Outpost, Whiskey Outpost. This is Kappa Four confirming contact over." She waited again to hear somebody's voice.

    "Whiskey Outpost, you're confirmed." A voice responded. "Now go kill something. We're a little busy."

    She looked at the empty field and then her attention returned to the radio. A voice. Someone had responded. "Whiskey Outpost, Kappa Four. This is Liutenant Wolf of Delta Squad. I have incoming reinforcements enroute to your position. What is the status of your situation?"

    "We're doing jusattackm Kappa Four." The voice responded. "Only thing to complain about is the weather; After all it's only raining FUCKING ALIENS. If you are bringing reinforcements then stop talking about it and do it."

    "Identify yourself and give me a goddamn statues report of your situation!" She raised her voice. "I say again...This is Liutenant Wolf." She paused. "You better give us some damn good Intel or I could just leave your ass to the Covey's and head straight to the science facility."

    "Well Liutenant, our status is complicated. We are under attack and our reinforcements are threatening to move somewhere else. And I'm stuck on a radio with a lippy el tee instead of pulling the trigger." The voice replied. "I happen to be classified and the best intel I can give you is the war with the Covenant ended a few years ago. Try not to fuck up our peace treaty."

    "There is no goddamn peace treaty with the Covenant!" She snapped. "When I ask for a statues report I expect the strength of the Covenant forces on your position. How many are still alive in your unit." She raised her voice again. "Vehicles, Air, Infantry and maybe a Prophet. If you expect me to save your ass tell me what I need to know!"

    "Peace treaty, alliance, whatever the fuck you want to call it." The voice sounded annoyed. "If you want specific strengths then contact your fucking intelligence officer. He'll have better information then the guy your keeping pinned to this fucking radio. What makes you think you can information on my unit when I'm classified.

    Either follow your orders or clear the fucking channel. Either way, I don't." The voice finished. "Whiskey Outpost clear. Time to kill s-" The line crackled
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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