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Thread: The New Teen Titans

  1. #11
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    Coyote reached the rooftop overlooking the landing zone. He cocked his head as Nightwing started giving orders. Having found himself left out he crouched on the edge overlooking the body. The lenses in the helmet shifted and the boy leapt towards him as Coyote’s facial muscles triggered the zoom.

    Ty started to recall everything he had heard about Wonder Woman and her dealings with the Olympians. The attire made Coyote think of Ares instantly, the sex was wrtong to be Athena. Of course the age was wrong for both. Unless of course something else was involved, which given the magical nature of the Olympians was possible.

    His thoughts were interrupted as the boy shifted stirring. The lenses reverted to normal and Coyote gave a quick scan of his immediate area. Keying his mic he spoke softly even though no one was within hearing distance. ”Times up boy scout.” Straightening Coyote turned looking for someplace that should be empty. He threw a salute to Raven as she stated her enjoyment in seeing the Titans, old and new, again. ”I believe there’s still construction on 5th, if necessary can you move a conflict there Raven?” He asked, thinking of limiting collateral as much as possible.

    ”On another note, anyone have Themyscira on speed dial?” He asked with a smirk in his voice.The joviality hiding the tension he felt as his eyes moved from the skyline to search for the quickest route down.
    Last edited by Dnafein; 04-26-2021 at 09:50 PM.
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    Hannya had just made it to the scene, her more petite body for once a benefit as she worked her way through the crowd. There were no excuse me, no please and thank yous. “Move.” She did, however, keep from shoving the nosey pedestrians out of the way. She finally made it to the landing site only to find some other weirdo in a suit alongside Screech. “Who-” He was giving orders. Hannya’s eyes narrowed. He knew her name, but more importantly, he thought he was someone special. “Excuse you. This-” Is a Titans matter. But before she could get the words out, Screech Owl was flying off, and Raven appeared.

    Great. So now the ex-Titan had shown up, there was someone Hannya didn’t know giving orders, Screech Owl didn’t have her back, and who knew where Coyote was. On his way, hopefully. She could count on him at least, right? But there was nothing for it in the meantime. Screech had fallen into line, so she had to as well. Besides, the man had a good point. They had to clear out the curious before it turned into a fight. Hannya turned her back to the stranger and looked out at the civilians. How was she supposed to get them to back up? Crowd control wasn’t their job. It was the police who usually did crowd control. Judging by the sirens in the distance, they would be there shortly. She looked to the stranger, clearly waiting for direction- Until Coyote showed up. She stood a little straighter, looking around for the familiar outline of her teammate.

    Fighting in a construction zone? Hannya would like nothing better. “You’re late, Coyote.” She teased. Screech Owl and herself had gotten there first. She had wholly disregarded the stranger’s orders, wasn’t even paying attention to what was happening with their fallen human meteor.

    -- -- -- -- -- --

    People of Jump City were of two categories. Some had sense and left hero work to the heroes. Others? They felt the need to get involved, most often trying to record a fight in hopes of a viral video. Gia fell in with the first group. She wasn’t a hero. And yet, Gia could feel curiosity pulling at her, begging her to work her way through the crowd so she could find out what had happened. She got herself up to her feet again and brushed the gravel from her hands.

    She wouldn’t give in to her curiosity. Gia backed away and started the other direction, her head down and bleeding hands in her pockets. She would be able to check the news from the safety of her apartment. These sorts of things were usually plastered on every channel.
    First, her life was an earthquake. Then she was the earthquake.
    In the end, when the earth quaked, she was steady.

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  3. #13
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    He knew she would show. Raven was dependable like that. She always had been. Even with the gravity of the current situation, Nightwing couldn’t quite keep himself from smiling at her arrival. It had been way too long since he had last seen her. Between life in Bludhaven and Gotham giving him more than he could handle, he hadn't exactly been around for, well, anyone. If it hadn’t been for the new Robin, he might still be in that dark downward spiral that had claimed him for the majority of his time away from Jump…

    “I agree….and...and it’s good to see you too…” He nodded softly before returning to the matter at hand. His attention went to Screech Owl as the young heroine gave her report. “Understood. Good work.” He gave a firm nod before turning to find Hannya already distracted. Raven was going to have to work with the girl on that.

    “Hey. Hannya. Focus.” He commanded sternly. His eyes darted back to the buildings around them. Again he couldn’t shake the thought that it looked like a warzone. The bar looked like it would hold up, but some of the structures closer to the crater looked unstable. If there were people in there…

    They needed to act fast. “These buildings could come down any minute. We need to make sure no one is trapped inside! Now! Hannya, you’re with me. Screech Owl, you go with Raven. Where’s Coyote?” He had never met that new Titan either, but he was at least familiar with the boy’s powers. They would come in handy if a fight broke out.
    A soft groan. Labored breaths. Loud noises. People shouting. High pitch ringing. Crystal blue eyes opened slowly. A louder groan.

    The boy in the crater staggered to his feet and collected his shield and spear. His gaze went to a group of strangers too close for his liking. Enemies…
    No sooner had Nightwing finished giving his marching orders than did an unfamiliar heavily accented voice shout over him. The Titan veteran spun on a heel. It was the boy. He had risen to his feet while they were talking. Dick couldn’t understand a single word that was said, but whatever it was, the kid didn’t sound happy. Even worse, the mysterious boy was climbing out of the crater with his weapon trained on the team.
    The boy in the armor advanced slowly. He was crouched and ready to pounce with his spear aimed straight at the masked man’s heart...

  4. #14
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    Raven did not move at first, instead crossing her legs in midair in her usual meditative position. There were way too many civilians here, and brute-forcing them out would only increase the risk of someone getting hurt. And so, as a first step, she sent out a quick telepathic broadcast to everyone in the area.

    “Attention; this is Raven. This area is not safe, and no, you will not gain superpowers if you stay. Leave this place now, and follow any instructions that I or another Titan give you. I repeat…”

    The civilians here were curious, but most of them weren’t stupid. As soon as Raven made her little announcement, most of them promptly began to file out of the area of their own accord, leaving only a few stragglers behind. Meanwhile, five large spiders suddenly appeared on the sides of some of the buildings, frightening the nearby civilians even more, but they did not attack but instead wove large webs to support the damaged buildings.

    With that done, Raven began to fly higher for a bird’s eye view of the evacuation, stopping only as she heard a shout from an unfamiliar voice.

    The boy in the crater was awake, and he was mad. He had his spear pointed directly at Nightwing, and he was shouting something in a foreign language that, given the apparent involvement of Zeus, Raven could only assume was Ancient Greek. If only Raven could make out more of what he was saying, especially since it looked like he was getting ready to attack.

    Serika reacted first, leaping from the lamppost and landing directly between Cruxos and Nightwing. Unlike most of the others, Serika could understand every word the boy was saying.

    “He wants to know who you are, and whether or not you are friend or foe.” Serika translated quickly.

    “That would depend on what business he has in this dimension.” Raven said, staying close by. The webs made by the five large spiders were doing a good job of holding the buildings in place, so Raven focused on the more immediate threat for now.

    With that, Serika turned toward the armored boy.

    “We could ask the same of you.” Serika said in the boy’s language. "What is your business here?”
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 08-15-2021 at 02:57 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  5. #15
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    Screech Owl nodded toward Nightwing. Crouching slightly, she launched from the ground into the sky. Her wings beat heavily, kicking up plenty of dust. What she wouldn’t give for a more stream-lined flight. Raven could simply hover into the air and Superman could lift off the ground as easily as walking, but her version of flight was messy. In any case, wings made it easy to corral civilians.

    As Raven took the higher portion of the sky, she swept nearer the ground, harrying her wings around the more stubborn civilians. Content with her work, she joined Raven higher up. She could feel and hear her own heart beating like a jackrabbit. She was in awe of the former Teen Titan, one of her personal heroes along with Starfire and Black Canary. A shout drew her attention away from Raven and back down to the ground. The Greek kid had gotten up, but even more alarming was his wicked-looking spear, leveled at Nightwing.

    “Oh, shoot!” She faltered in the air a bit, shocked. Her thoughts scattered like marbles as she frantically tried to come up with a plan. She could see another figure approaching from the darkness, swinging about like an acrobat. She positioned herself between Stabby and Nightwing and began to translate. Still though, she didn’t like the spear. A plan quickly formulated and she nodded to herself.

    Turning quickly, she tucked her wings back and dove toward the armored boy. As she drew near, she swung her legs forward and extended her talons through the sheathes in her boots. Her wings went wide as she extended at the bottom of the swoop… and plucked the spear from his hands. Almost immediately things went wrong. With a slight hum, the spear hit the ground as if magnetized. Screech Owl yelped as she was dragged off course. She pulled back her talons at the last moment to save them from being pulverized. She spun backward to face the boy, doing her best to hover.

    “Crap…” she muttered, eyes narrowing as she prepared to take off again.
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  6. #16
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    He shifted towards the edge of the nearest alley, thinking a wall to wall parkour descent might be easiest. And froze mid step as a group of crawled around a nearby building. His eyes narrowed as he studied them. Hw turned to see if anyone else was looking at them, and saw the woman land between Nightwing and the stranger. Before he could ask what was being said Birdie decided she was going to disarm the stranger.

    It went about as well as he expected. Unfortunately that meant it went poorly. Coyote growled into the mic. "If you'd be so kind Raven, could you wrap up the stranger and move him to the previously mentioned empty construction site should he even breath hostilty?"

    Coyote crouched and had to again reconsider the options. Hopefully they can move hostile activity someplace empty. If girl stranger can keep boy stranger talking and hostility can be avoided that'd be unnecessary and introductions would be appropriate. A voice in the back of his head, the one he called paranoia whispered about finding another translator. He hated listening to that voice, this time however it made some sense.
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    Hannya whipped around as Nightwing said her name, her eyes narrowing. She was focused. No one was in danger, the boy wasn’t even awake yet. What was important was making sure her whole team was present and everyone was on the same page. Raven hovered in the air and Luka flinched as her voice echoed in her head. Why did she have to do that? The police would have handled it-

    Of course, the police couldn’t do much for the falling buildings. Not that the Titans, as they were, could do much either. Luka was thankful that her mask hid the look of surprise as she really looked around for the first time. The falling kid had caused a lot of damage. They needed to get everyone out, and they needed to move quickly. The look of surprise quickly became horror.

    Nope. Nope, nope, nope. NOPE.


    Her skin was crawling. They were larger than life, and way too close for comfort. Any distance was too close for comfort. Again the stranger and the boy were forgotten as Luka took an involuntary step back. That the wicked things seemed to be helping was lost on the young Titan. She missed the shout, the spear aimed at the blue stranger’s heart, the translator jumping in to help- She was tracking the spiders, praying that they came no closer.

    Until Screech Owl cursed.

    That got Luka’s attention like a shot had gone off. She spun on heel, taking in the new situation. The boy was awake, Screech was far too close for comfort, there was yet another strenger, and Coyote was asking for Raven to once again move the fight. There was no joy at the prospect this time.

    Luka slowly started working her way towards the side, hoping to work her way out of the boy’s vision. Her fighting style would do nothing against his armor if it was as thick as it looked. She could, however, provide a distraction. Just visible through her mask, her eyes turned a blood red color.

    She almost dropped to her knees. Once again Luka was forced to freeze. There were so many people, too many emotions blurring into each other. Determination, fear, pain- Someone must have gotten hurt. Luka bit down on her tongue hard, her eyes narrowing as she focused in on the now spear-less stranger.

    No better. Anger. One of the easiest for her to identify. That was burning hot, her own heart racing with it. Confusion, she knew that one too. It made her head swimmy, not a great combination with the others. Then there was- Her stomach dropped, her hands got sweaty. Fear. He was afraid. Wasn’t hard to guess why.

    Pissed, confused, and scared. Her eyes snapped back to their normal brown, though that didn’t stop the lingering effects of his emotions. “Screech, get out of there nice and slow..."
    Last edited by Markov; 09-07-2021 at 04:50 PM.
    First, her life was an earthquake. Then she was the earthquake.
    In the end, when the earth quaked, she was steady.

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  8. #18
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    Nightwing splayed his hands for the boy and resisted the urge to palm his face. Between Hannya’s glare and her getting distracted again, he was already tempted to give up on the undisciplined Titan. His eyes went to the buildings that had drawn the child’s attention. Spiders. Giant spiders.

    ‘Great…’ As if they didn’t already have enough to deal with. At least they appeared to be...helping? The arachnids spun their webs to stabilize the buildings before they could crumble. There was no more time to give the creatures any thoughts. There was a spear aimed at his heart and a new player entering the fray. The elder Titan gave them both his attention.

    “He wants to know who you are, and whether or not you are friend or foe.”

    Nightwing could ask the same of this new girl. Her skin was practically corpse-white, and her eyes were as red as any ruby. Curiouser still, she apparently spoke the boy’s language. Was she with him, or was she acting on her own? If the spearman was responsible for the lightning, was she responsible for the spiders? He flicked his eyes to Raven for a moment as she said what he was thinking. Then, the mystery girl was relaying their words back to the boy in the armor. The former Boy Wonder didn’t like it. Trusting a total stranger to help deal with a threat was far from ideal…

    The boy tilted his head and studied the girl in black and red while she spoke. Chalky skin and bloody Other Worlder. But why was she here? Tensions had been rising between their two realms. Was she another enemy? His eyes narrowed into focus. He wouldn’t be defeated by this simple ambush.

    “Screech Owl, don’t---” But it was too late. Nightwing muttered a curse. Now the stand-off would turn into a fight for sure.

    “I…” Before he managed another word, he felt something pull at his spear. He should’ve known that she was just a decoy. His head snapped to the aggressor only to find a harpy stealing his weapon. Other Worlders *and* harpies? The armored warrior was no longer certain that he was in the mortal realm. Fear strengthened its grip on his heart. It was either attack or die. He refused to die.

    With no hesitation, he hurled his shield in the air directly at the harpy and lunged for his spear without bothering to see if the projectile connected with its target. It did. The flying Titan was hit square in the stomach and would surely have the breath knocked out of her as a result. The boy grasped his spear.

    “Screech Owl!” Nightwing muttered another curse and sprang into action by trying to cut the enemy off from the rest of the team. He slid in front of the armored boy to block him and struck with both escrima sticks.

    The soldier parried the blows with the long shaft of his spear and retaliated with a strong push kick that sent Nightwing flying back several yards. The hero hit the ground and rolled to a stop before rising to a knee.

    ‘He’s strong…’ the crimefighter thought to himself.

    The Titans’ foe made a beeline for his shield which lay not far from where the harpy had landed. Retreat and regroup. Retreat and regroup.

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    Scaled jaws snapped the femur in half. The sound of the bone cracking was followed by the scraping of the razor-like teeth working to scrape the marrow out of the middle. The noise interrupted the almost eerie silence of the ill-lit room in the Titan Tower. Save for the bone munching, there wasn’t much available for the average senses of sight or hearing. The only sources of light were a few turquoise crystals jutting from the jagged stones that emitted a dim glow and a pair of luminescent irises of the same color. No clocks ticked, no electrical devices emitted their low hum, the rocky walls glistened with humidity, but no water dripped.

    There was another loud crack as the creature worked its way down the behemoth leg bone followed by what could only be described as a soft purr as the process was repeated and a forked tongue lapped up some of the now-exposed marrow.

    Out of nowhere, a boom sounded far off in the distance followed by the subtle shake of the surrounding environment; the noise and the movement both muted as though contained in a bubble. The teeth hovered around the next bite of the femur for a moment before dropping the osseous matter completely. Dry scales rustled over one another as the quadruped stood and there was an audible sigh before the creature stepped forward, going from four legs to two as the form became humanoid.

    Just one night off. That was all he had needed. Raven had agreed to let him skip the nightly rounds in order to eat. Properly eat, not the weird snacking thing that the other Titans did. But based on whatever had caused a mini-earthquake, it sounded like Luka, Coyote, and Screech Owl had found something to blow up.

    Could they handle it on their own? He mused for a second over the amount of paperwork he’d be stuck with if he let them face potential death without even spectating...and immediately walked through a small opening between the stones in front of him.

    ☆ ☆ ☆

    Nostrils flared as the masked figure took in the night air from the roof of the Titan Tower. He could smell the ozone, but there was something else, something almost familiar. From this vantage point, he could see the crater and ruined infrastructure. People were running away from the scene, but he was too far away to hear their individual screams. They looked like ants from here.
    Stepping back into the shadows, he disappeared, only to suddenly manifest in the shadows of a warehouse across from his original location.

    ☆ ☆ ☆

    Aquamarine eyes peered out from the pitch-black shadow of a collapsed building, intently watching the scene through the mess of the fleeing crowd. Through the smell of the debris, sweat, and fear, there was that almost familiar scent again.

    Was that…ichor?

    The realization hit him right as he saw what had created the crater - a young human in traditional Hellenic armor had his spear trained on some faces that he recognized and others he didn’t.

    A fucking Olympian. Luka had taught him that expletive. He liked the way it rolled off the tongue, even mentally.

    He should have just stayed in. This was going to mean paperwork either way.

    Watching a few large spiders bob and weave through the crowd, a ghost of a smile touched his lips as he saw Luka also take notice of the arachnids.

    'Afraid of a few extra legs? You have seen worse monsters.' He pushed his words into her mind, the fact that he was enjoying her panic wasn’t lost in his tone.

    A familiar-looking hero seemed to be trying to reason with the boy. He remembered the figure from studying past Titans. Nightbird? Nightbat? Something like that. Then a new figure somersaulted between the Olympian and old hero, responding to the armor-clad boy in what could only be Ancient Greek. The crowd had all but completely dispersed, leaving only a few hysterical citizens to scramble on their own...but he was still too far to hear the conversation. The inconvenience of hindered senses in this meat suit was something he would never get used to.

    Should he check in with the team and let them know he was there? More than likely, yes.
    But it appeared as though the situation was somewhat under cont- his deliberation was cut off as Screech Owl dove at the Olympian, aiming for his weapon.

    Mortals, he mentally shrugged as he leaned back against the shadow-covered brick behind him. Who was he to interrupt the show?


    Koriand’r circled around Jump City, taking in the aerial view of the disturbance below. A crater marred the grid pattern of the streets and a few nearby buildings had collapsed from the initial impact. She moved closer, her glowing eyes and flaming hair providing a wild contrast against the darkening sky behind her.

    There was no longer unusual weather activity, but instead of the starship or monster she had expected to come crawling out of the hole...was a boy. A boy with a long weapon and full-body armor, but a boy nonetheless.

    Lifting her wrist to her face, she touched the side of the sleek metal communication device.

    "Currently assessing situation. Will communicate if action is needed." A low-pitched blip sounded, signifying that her communication had been received.

    A single standing streetlight flickered to her left, making a desperate buzzing as it tried to fulfill its purpose despite being cracked and bent at a 45º angle. Starfire floated beside the broken apparatus.

    By now the crowd had evacuated. The last few civilians left were heeding Raven’s instructions and frantically moving out of the area. Looking at her old friend, it momentarily felt like no time had they were back in the old days. The feeling made her hands emit an even stronger glow as she momentarily closed her eyes and beamed at Raven.

    Snapping her attention back to what was happening on the ground, she hovered closer, trying to recognize anyone else in the scene in front of her, but only seeing unfamiliar faces. Except one.


    Kori’s virid eyes soaked in the details of the figure before her. Even with the mask, he looked older. Had she given any more thought about it, she would have realized that the observation was a ridiculously obvious one - over a decade had passed - but seeing him in any other way than was preserved in her memory, forced the feelings of Rekma to resurface. The unexpected influx of negative emotions caused her to falter, her glow momentarily imitating the street light next to her.

    X’hal help her. Her emotions had not affected her so strongly in years and this was not the place or the time for such displays of weakness. With a steadying inhale, the hero pushed the longing, the pain, and the betrayal she felt down into her ninth stomach. She would deal with that later. Or not...

    Prioritizing the matter at hand, Kori realized she did not want to act without checking in - something she had not had to worry about in quite a long time. The gold-skinned being quickly closed the fifty-meter distance between herself and Raven.

    "Greetings, Raven!" Her voice was barely above a whisper and she offered a quick glance at her comrade before retraining her eyes on the interaction below. Despite the uncertainty of the situation, Starfire resisted the urge to launch herself at her previous teammate and take up her personal space with what the humans called a ‘bear hug’. She had never witnessed bears hugging, but they must be very affectionate creatures to have an embrace named after them.

    "How can I help? Is the small armored one our enemy?" The princess was clearly hoping that was not the case, but she had been wrong before.

    Out of nowhere, a large owl-esque body dove at the armor-clad boy, snatching away his weapon. Despite how the situation had been appearing to deescalate, the opposite was now true. Judging by the reactions of the others, they knew this being. The familiarity probably meant she was on the same team as Raven and Nightwing, but Starfire couldn’t help but want to protect the boy. Despite his current aggression, she recognized the fear and determination in his eyes. That had been her in her past life here on Earth. The alien had arrived on this planet afraid for her life and ready to fight any that moved.
    Last edited by kirita; 10-28-2021 at 03:22 AM.

  10. #20
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    It didn’t take a royal ambassador to realize that the flying bird-girl’s stunt had seriously ruined any chance at further negotiation. Serika let slip a word unbecoming of a princess and, in her annoyance, she flung a net of webs at the downed bird-girl to keep her out of their way. Nevertheless, it soon sank in that she was now in the presence of the so-called 'Titans' that she and her sisters had been sent to observe. Now was as good a time as any to try to make a good impression on them, especially since Zeus had apparently just tried to do exactly that.

    With that in mind, Serika started to move to counterattack, now that the Hellenic one was fighting back. One of the Titans had been sent flying with a well-placed kick, but a black aura engulfed the Hellenic boy and lifted him off the ground, so Serika fired a stream of webs to try to ensnare his spear as well, lest he try to throw the thing at someone. By all accounts, neither side meant any harm, so the best course of action right now was to try to stop the fighting.

    "I seriously hope not," Raven said in response to Starfire, still putting all her concentration into keeping the warrior in midair, "but he may not give us much of a choice. We need to take this somewhere else."

    The construction site Coyote had mentioned seemed like as good a place as any to move this fight to, so Raven was just about to create a portal there, when another set of new arrivals began to approach the scene. The giant spiders had finished their work and seemingly disappeared, but upon closer inspection, they had actually shape-shifted into white-skinned, red-eyed women not unlike the girl who'd tried to act as a translator earlier. Raven could only assume that they were with her, but that wasn't enough to definitively prove whose side they were all on, so Raven remained as cautious as ever.

    But then a sudden jolt of pain coursed through Raven, causing her to curl up on herself in midair, sparks of what looked like black lightning jolting around her. The black aura over the boy dissipated almost instantly, dropping him and forming similar jolts of black lightning around him as well.

    "What's going on?!"

    Raven never got to voice her question aloud, as she lost all concentration and dropped out of her levitation, hurtling toward the ground below.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 11-08-2021 at 04:09 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

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