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Thread: [M]Galactic Empires ::IC::

  1. #11
    RPAs White Knight
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    Taylor bowed her head respectfully as she was noticed by the Draconian Ambassador. "We have rebuilt our fleet since then, and there are some in the Military Conclave that wish for a more direct assault on the Lyran worlds, even if we just took over a couple of their smaller colony and mining worlds, of course I am not sure if they're plan is a sound one" she said. She listened to the Ambassador as he discussed the plans.
    Last edited by Fox Xalian; 05-17-2016 at 10:21 AM.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  2. #12
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "On whose authority is it for the Charabidians to take control of our world?!" A woman yelled from among a crowd of protesters. "Why should they decide how we should live our lives?!"

    The Crowd stood and the faced the military aboard one of the Charabidians relief ships. Demanding answers from any high ranking officials. The expressions were mostly frowns towards the Charabidians.

    Kel'Cyre marines and security officers stood in front of the crowd, creating a barricade between the angered crowd and the Kel'Cyre military who stood aside with the Charabidians. Vice Admiral Yinlynn watched as the voices of her people shouted with curses and foul languages. She looked upon Admiral Janessa who stood next to her. With her hands clasped behind her back her expression was stern and uncompromising. Yinlynn took a step forward and approached the crowd, standing in the center.

    "My people. I know you are all frightened of what has happened to you, to your families, to your homeworld. What happened was cruel and devastating. It has brought grief and sadness to us all. But as survivors who live to see another day, must also look upon to their rescuers with joy and thankful. We will not sway our neighbor heroes who aid our time of need. We will not look upon them with anger and frustration. Instead we will embrace them as they were one of our own. We will call them brothers in arms for it was they who had saved us from a disastrous occurrence. Our world took a price for what we had paid dearly for. Our culture shattered in thousands of pieces. But well not destroy our pride by patronizing those who shelter us. Remember who you are. Remember where you are from. Brothers and sisters of the Kel'Cyre. I ask of you to please, stand down with your violence. Admiral Janessa of the Charabidian will only act as Acting Ambassador for us all, and will help us in search of a new world. We may already have colonies expanded, but it is not enough. Please...look upon them for hope."

    She took a step aside and look towards Admiral Janessa and motioned a hand to her. "Please, look upon them for a new beginning."

    Janessa nodded, and stepped forward. She did not use the same flowing language of the Kel-Cyre Admiral, speaking simply and bluntly.

    “The Charabidian Enclaves have no designs on the sovereignty of the Kel-Cyre” she raised her hands in a placating motion, common to the Kel-Cyre and Terrans, but alien to her species. At the same time she dropped her shoulders and cocked her head to one side. This was a placating motion amongst her people.

    I am relaxed. You see my neck. I am no threat.

    “The administration is solely for the purpose of delivering aid, including food and medical relief. Once the regional councils are re-established, we will reduce our role to whatever they request. My cousin, Maric Daysun, was ambassador to the Kel-Cyre government, and as the highest ranked military officer present, it falls to me to provide a link from the Kel-Cyre people to the Royal clan.”

    Effective ruler of an alien world without a shot fired in anger. The Kel-Cyre homeworld was a limping victim, supported by whatever aid the Charabidians and Terrans could provide, and in a full state of war, that aid was still slow coming.

    “We also hope, in a few months, to be able to deploy radiation scrubber machines to the surface of Kel-Cyre. I know things are difficult now, but the galaxy is not blind to what has happened here. Help is coming. Please, be patient, and show the Lyrans that you have not broken under their assault. What they want us to do is be at each other throats. Lets show them we are better than that.”

    The remaining Kel'Cyre survivors mumbled with low whispers to each other. Then a male Kel'Cyre spoked aloud. "We are weak and vulnerable! Do you think you can officially take over our world when the this war is over just by saving our home?! Just because you would think we would owe you our lives?!" The Kel'Cyre crowd agreed with a simple shout. "And what about that Lyran woman?! We all had heard about what she had done! She exploited our weakness, and gave that information to the Lyre fleet! We demand justice!"

    Taionna Yinlynn quickly stepped forward with her hands raised up to calm the people. She worried for the half breed and what the rumors had been told around the survivors. Demanding justice for associating with a mad man of power.

    When the crowd started to become restless for answers, Taionna sighs softly and looked to her commanders. Whom nod and order the crowd to disperse. With the force of the Kel'Cyre military and aggressive motions. Vice Admiral Yinlynn lowers her head in disappointment. She begun to walk back towards the halls with her hands behind her back.

    "If I can't stop them if they are going to keep demanding justice for the captain of the Octavian Maiden. I'll do what I can to prevent my people from interfering with this so called demand of justice. But for now I will have to transfer Captain Quentin under your command. What did your intelligence say about the unforeseen attack?"

    “Very little” Janessa cautiously admitted. “While we knew something was coming, something on this scale and ferocity was not even remotely considered. I think our spooks had expected a blitz on our border systems.” She watched the crowds disperse, and sighed. “and what they are saying now is not much more useful. Mostly its just panicked screaming.” She turned to face Yinlynn and shrugged. “I'll take Quentin of your hands. We need her alive, she's a valuable intelligence source. You should get some rest, and then get back to work trying to get some kind of government set up down there. These people need a leader, any leader, so make sure its a good one.”

    "The Librarians are searching through the archives and listing of families for the next of kin of Royalty. If we can not find either the Royalty or a Political Administrative, then the role of leading will be left to the military with the highest ranking. And I am the only one. I'll call in the Meteor Fly and Hammer Fall to evacuate more of my people off world and send them to the new settlements we found. Also I will need to ask of you to assist with the evacuation, escorting my people to their new homes. Using hospital ships and frigates." She stopped, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. Exhale slowly and opened her eyes. "I can't rest just yet, not with everything that has happened, my world buried in a sea of radiation and herding my people like animals to keep the peace." She looked to the Charabidian woman. "How do you do it? You seem...calm and more determined than I can ever imagine."

    Janessa nodded her head at the compliment. "I don't think I deserve your praise. If anything, you are holding together incredibly considering what has happened to your world. I lost family in the attack, friends, colleagues, even a few old lovers. But you, you have lost. . . nearly everything. I can't imagine how painful that is." She kept her eyes focused on the dispersing crowd, and her hands clasped tightly behind her back. "I'm just taking everything in as big chunks as I can manage. Day to day, task to task, minute to minute. And remembering that right now, billions of people are relying on me." She nodded. "My duty. That's what's keeping me here."

    "To be honest?" Yinlynn sighs as she gazed on the dispersing crowd as well. "I am crushed, humiliated, I would fall on my knees and cry for days for the lost of my homeworld and the death of my people, but I must stay on the path, I have to fight for what is right, for my people." She had noticed several security forces having trouble with one of the crowd members. She seen the guards throw down a civilian on the ground. A security enforcer placed his knee on his back and pulled his arms, pinning him to the ground. Yinlynn looks to the Admiral, "Please excuse me." She says and quickly moves to the struggled civilian.

    When she arrived closer, the security units quickly stood at attention. "What has this man done wrong?" She asked. "Ma'am, this civilian continues to spat on the Charabidians name and our own as well." She looked at the young Kel'Cyre male on the ground. She waved a hand, signaling the guard to step away. The Kel'Cyre male was surprised and slowly stood to his feet. "Are you afraid?" She asked. The Kel'Cyre male kept his head down, keeping his eyes on the ground. He slowly nodded to her question. The crowd turned to watch and observe her action, to see what she would do. Discipline? Exile? Execution?

    Instead of either those things. Yinlynn placed her hand on the young Kel'Cyre shoulder, and her other hand on the guard. She lowered her head with her eyes close and begun a chant, a prayer in the Kel'Cyre language. A language that was so rare around other species, it was difficult to translate. The guard, placed his hand on the young man, and the young man did the same, soon others hand joined by placed their hands on shoulders of others. Joining in the chant.

    Do not fear the grey lady
    the lady of tears she may be, but she does not bring sorrow
    Do not fear the shadowy silence
    those who are weary, forsaken, healing all

    Like glittering rain they are falling
    the silvery tears, shining like gems
    in her serious yet loving face
    the gleam in her light grey eyes sparkles

    The hour may come that you will meet her
    when all hope has abandoned you
    and her blessedness will fill you
    when your long journey has come to an end

    Oh queen of tears! Oh Lady wise!
    Living in the far hidden West
    at the eternal shore you renew hope
    for the coming of a new awakening

    When all returns to a halt
    the healing silence spreads
    in winter, her mantle covers everything
    the Grey Lady keeps watch

    Like glittering rain they are falling
    the silvery tears, shining like gems
    in her serious yet loving face
    the gleam in her light grey eyes sparkles

    Do not fear the grey lady
    the lady of tears she may be, but she does not bring sorrow
    Do not fear the shadowy silence
    those who are weary, forsaken, healing all


    “Its a horribly top heavy fleet.”

    Janessa nodded. “Point of Pride. No one wants to be seen to be outclassed by their neighbours.”

    “It runs hot as well.” Dalto griped. “So many energy weapon batteries. They'll be easy pickings at long range.”

    “Then they won't fight at long range.” Janessa calmly stated. “We'll kill the bastards at point blank range if required.”

    “If we can kill them at all.”

    The bridge of the Wrathful Hand was quiet, and frantic. The ship was coordinating not just dozens of capital ships preparing to jump, but the large logistical tail of bulk freighters and foundry ships. It was a vast undertaking, but Janessa hoped that it would get easier. The next five jumps would give them a chance to iron out the kinks in the command chain.

    “All Captains this is the Wrathful Hand. Prepare for Fleet Jump to Silesia 252 system on my mark.”

    Janessa clasped her hands behind her back, and braced.


    Across the fleet jump drives cycled up to full power, capacitors capable of lighting cities emptying in a heartbeat.


    Dozens of points of twisted gravity began to mar space infront of the fleet, points that snarled and tore at the fabric of the universe, expanding and growing at a rapacious pace to swallow the combined fleet and spit them out a galaxy away.


    As a nearly coordinated whole, the fleet lurched forwards, engines flaring.


    And they where gone.


    The Silesia 252 system was a hundred and fifty light years from Kel-Cyre, an ancient and bloated red giant orbited by radiation lashed gas giants, toxic dust clouds and the tortured fragments of old, dead worlds.

    A Charabidian scout ship had swept the system several times, but they had missed things. Space is big, and difficult to map. The newly arrived fleet appeared in a safe gravitic squall, and powered towards the automated recharge station waiting around the largest gas giant.

    As they did, the fleet fanned out to practice a full combat formation. Destroyers and frigates accelerated ahead as the dreadnoughts and battleships formed up into a solid fist of capital ships, with battlecruisers leading the way. Behind them, escorted by the carriers, came the logistical tail.

    Leading the Destroyer Pack, the Wolf Class Frigate Impressive was the first casualty. Missiles leapt from a nearby asteroid, split, and swarmed through the last minute point defences. They burrowed through armour, and on into crew compartments and ammunition bins. The Impressive listed, and then detonated.

    Across the fleet the alarm was raised immediately by sensor techs, defence management AI and the opening up of turrets. An ambush. More missiles, swarms of them, erupted from hidden silos on asteroids, torpedoes flaring from dust clouds and roaring into the heart of the fleet carrying deadly nuclear payloads.

    Looping in from around the stars gravity well, burning hot, came a squadron of six Lyran Frigates, honing in on the Carriers and logistical ships in the fleets tail. Rising from the gas giants gravity well was another squadron of six Frigates, bolstered by a pair of light cruisers. All the ships started opening fire with railguns and missiles, making long range speculative shots. Several battlecruisers in the van of the fleet took heavy hits.

    “Keep the logistics convoy together!” Janessa ordered. “Launch fighters!”

  3. #13
    Domina Noctis
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    The meeting ended though Quentin didn't leave. She waited until all the delegates were gone until the only people that remained were her, the two Charabidian guards and Taionia. She was glad the Elvannan hadn't left right after the meeting. She hadn't seen her since before the attacks. Before she knew the Lyrans were using her to sneak a virus into the servers. Quentin pushed the dossier she had been pretending to look at away and stood walking over to Taionia who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. She resisted the urge to reach out and stroke her cheek not knowing where the two of them stood. Quentin was being blamed for the attack and she didn't know if Taionia would believe her that she didn't know. "Admiral Yinlynn." She said, very formally. In the years they had known each other it was a rarity that Quentin was ever so formal, even when they had just met. She had always felt so at ease around Taionia but not now. "I'm sorry."

    Taionia places her elbows on the table and fold her hands together. Her thoughts were lost and it seem she was not herself since the attack. When she had noticed Quentin was coming near her, she kept her gaze at the hologram that displayed in the middle of the table. When she had heard her name and rank in a formal way, and an apology as well. She sighs after hearing Quentin's voice.

    "The Kel'Cyre, Terrans, and the Charabidians are still finding survivors. I should be helping as well, but I can't." She says. "I have to keep the peace between every species that are here...the tension of Admiral Janessa taking temporary command of the Kel'Cyre has brought anger and it would seem trust is becoming an issue." She looked to Quentin, "The people of Kel'Cyre still want your head on a pike and display of what happen to those who would cause such havoc's such as this. But I prevented that to happen." She gets up and walked to the woman with her hand on her cheek, gently caressing before returning her hand back to her side. "That is why I asked Admiral Janessa to take you into her protect you."

    "I had feared you would be among those calling for my death." Quentin said, leaning into the caress and stealing a kiss to Taionia's palm before she pulled away. She wished that Taionia's touch had been longer but felt she didn't deserve it.

    She knew Taionia wasn't fond of politics yet the fact she was here instead of out helping her people showed how bad of a state Kel'Cyre was in. If she was here representing her people that meant there wasn't much left of the government. Quentin had been ignorant of the virus on the Octavian Maiden's systems yet she still felt she was to blame. So many were dead, the destruction vast, part of her felt the Kel'Cyre were right to blame her. If only she had been able to find the virus sooner or figure out a way to send a message faster perhaps all this could have been stopped. Quentin's fist clinched at her sides, she had never agreed with her people's methods but right now all she felt for the Lyrans was hate and anger. She had volunteered to lead a boarding party partly because it made sense she would know her way around a Lyran ship but mostly it was her hate that drove her.

    "I don't condone to violence, only peace." She replies softly. "When they demanded for your execution, I informed the people you had nothing to do with the invasion, but they still do not believe me. I had learned about the virus attack from the Charabidians, and thankfully with their support, they were able to push the Lyran fleet away from our planet." She sighs. "There will be a possibility I will have to lead our people." She didn't express her feelings about becoming the Queen of Kel'Cyre. But deep down, there was fear, hiding behind her heart.

    She looked at Taionia recalling a while back when she had told her she technically was in line for the throne but it was unlikely to ever happen yet now they were here and it was a possibility. Taionia was a good woman and would be a good leader, if anyone was able to get the Kel'Cyre through this it was her. Quentin moved behind her as a frown came to her face, if Taionia became queen they couldn't be together, even if she were cleared of any wrongdoing Taionia would be expected to take a Elvannan mate and produce an heir. She looked over to the Charabidian guards who at least we're pretending not to be watching them then turned back to Taionia before pulling the other woman back into a hug, "You've always been a queen to me." She said, gently tilting her head back and kissing her deeply. Let the guards report back about this she didn't care at the moment. If Janessa didn't know about them when she agreed to take her into custody she would now and Quentin didn't care. Right now all she wanted to do was comfort Taionia, knowing this might be the last time she would be able to.

    Yinlynn moaned softly as she felt the pressure of Quentin's lips touching hers and the gentle hug touching her body. Her eyes closed as she felt the wonderful pleasure of her kissing the woman she had loved. Yinlynn placed her hands on her arms as she continues to kiss Quentin and softly gasped as she pulled her lips away and breath slowly, her hand reaches up and touches her face. "And I will always be there to protect you." She says with a soft voice and a slight tremble.

    They broke the kiss and Quentin smiled at Taionia's words leaning into her caress before reaching up and taking her hands in her own. "You can't." Quentin said pulling back but not releasing her hands as she stared deeply into her blue eyes trying to memorize every detail, "What I mean is you shouldn't try to protect me. Taionia you need to distance yourself from me. Your people need you right now more than I do. The Kel'Cyre need a leader that can guide them through these dark times. I know that isn't what you want but believe me when I say you are that leader. You can be the hope that the Kel'Cyre need but not with me by your side. You don't have to condemn me like many others have but you can't be associated with me either. Any association with me will only hinder the good you can do. Don't worry about me, I'm a soldier I can get by on my own." She leaned back towards her pressing a chaste kiss to her lips then pulled away letting Taionia's fingers slide from hers as she started to walk toward the door. "Good bye my love."

    Quentin walked into the hallway being followed by the two guards she stopped just outside the door taking a deep breath trying not to look back into the meeting room where Taionia still was. She instead turned to the guards with her, “I'm sorry I don't know my way around think you can lead me back to my cell?”

    “Admiral has arranged other accommodations for you.” One of the guards said, taking a step ahead of her and leading the way. They walked for a while getting on an elevator then walking until they reached a section of the crew quarters. They stopped before a door and the guard put a code in on the panel, “Put your finger here to key it to you.” Quentin did as she was instructed, “Your things should be inside. Change if you want then I'm to take you to speak with your Captain.”

    She nodded and walked inside the room thinking it was small but still nice, no doubt junior officer quarters. She didn't except this, Taionia must have really pulled some strings to get this done. She smiled at the thought of the other woman but it quickly turned to a frown. She couldn't think about that anymore it was a part of her life that was over. The guard was right there were several boxes of her things inside. She opened one finding some of her clothes inside, she changed into one of her usual brown suits then walked back to the door.

    Her guards were waiting right outside and lead her to the room Maxwell was in. He stood as she walked, he was still wearing his uniform and like her looked like her had been here just as long as she had. The guards waited outside giving them some privacy or at least the appearance of it there were most likely cameras in the room. “I've heard what happened.” Maxwell said reaching out and giving her a hug. “It's amazing we are still alive. Judging by the look of you they don't plan on executing us.” He said letting go and sitting back down at the table.

    “No, at least not yet. We have Taionia to thank for that. She arranged for us to be transported to the Charabidians. The Kel'cyre still aren't to fond of us but their leaders know we weren't responsible. There are still people calling for our deaths so it seems we have a stay of execution at the moment.” Quentin said sitting down across from him. “I've agreed to help the Concert. The Warmaster has gone too far this time. The Concert is going to allow the Octavian's Maiden to be part of the fleet to recover the alien craft. There are conditions though, the ship will be under your command alone. I will be remaining here.”

    “Wise of the Concert. We don't appear to be the best choice of allies at the moment. You are right though Dominic has lost his mind.” Maxwell said, “What are your orders?”

    “Go back to the Maiden and follow the directions of the fleet. We can't let Dominic do this. It will destroy our people. I will do what I can from here.” Quentin said, standing and hugging the older man one more time before starting to leave but he stopped her.

    “Have you seen her?” Maxwell asked, he was a the sole member of the Octavian's Maiden who knew Quentin's relationship with Taionia was more then just a friendship. He didn't approve at first though not out of the prejudice common among Lyrans but for how difficult it would be for Quentin. Over time he had come to see how happy it made her and Taionia had started to grow on him.

    “I have, briefly but it's over Maxwell.” Quentin said moving to the door and turning to him holding her hand up to stop his reply. “By my choice. Taionia is head of what remains of the Kel'cyre fleet. It's better this way.” She didn't give him a chance to answer just left the room.


    The Octavian's Maiden came out of the jump moving into the position it was instructed to in the brief sent out to the fleet, it was on the out edge of the fleet. Still part of the fleet but far enough that if they betrayed the fleet they wouldn't be able to cause too much damage and could easily be taken care of. The Charabidians had cleaned their systems of the viruses and had assured him there were be no more breaches from the Lyran fleet with the new security patches they installed. Klein was sure they had also installed some sort of tracking software but his technicians had assured him they couldn't find anything. He stood on the bridge looking as the Lyran ships moved towards them. “Order all the port turrets to power up. Alternate the fire to keep from over heating.” Klein ordered as the crews went to work preparing the ship for battle. He hadn't expected to jump right into battle.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  4. #14
    RPAs White Knight
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    As they made the jump it was clear coordination would be challenged here, with the radioactivity reeking havoc with the communications. Taylor did her best to coordinate with the rest of the formation when the ambush happened, she jumped to action. "Battle stations, activate point defense systems! Spirit of Eracor and Spirit of Volarous, evasive maneuvers!" she ordered.

    The Spirit of Eracor moved downwards, going below the enemy ambush as a couple of missiles were taken out by the autocannons that made up the point defense systems. "If we hit that main asteroid we'll be able to take some of their missile launch tubes, and maybe cause some trouble for the Lyran fleet" one of the officers said. The captain nodded. "Spin up the drives, bring us in close to it" he said. Deep inside the ship the FTL core lit up, heat being generated bringing the battleship up close to the asteroid. "Open fire!" the captain ordered. The main guns fired, they turned the ship as they got closer to the asteroid, firing the right broadside cannons. On the left side of the ship the sensors picked up a Lyran light cruiser, just out of effective range of the guns. "Lucky bastard" the weapons officer growled.

    The Spirit of Volarous, on the other hand, was hit by a missile. "We're hit! Get the repair crew out there immediately!" the captain of that ship ordered. As her orders were carried out the sensors picked up more Lyran frigates. "New contacts captain, trying the flank the logistics fleet!" the comms officer said. "Once repairs are done bring us up to those enemies, we'll give them a taste of Alliance weapons" the captain responded.
    Last edited by Fox Xalian; 05-17-2016 at 10:23 AM.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  5. #15
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    Vice Admiral Taionna Yinlynn stood aboard the observation deck. She was breathing calmly after the meeting and the plans for the Purity's destruction. She ordered her fleet to stand by and follow the coordinates given by the Charabidians. The remaining fleet had fled with the Hammer Fall and Meteor Fire Fly. Her Captain approached behind her, clearing his throat and placing his hands behind his back. "Ma'am, all ships are reporting in, and are ready for warp." Yinlynn watched the planet once more before breaking her gaze from it's destruction. "Order all ships to go to warp Captain." She said softly. "Yes ma'am."

    The ship hummed with power and soon the engines started to light up for warp. Once the coordinates were placed and set, the ship begun it's advance.

    It felt like minutes when it was seconds they had arrived. Vice Admiral Yinlynn and her fleet arrived with the others in time for a ambush which was set for them. Missiles missing her ship by inches and enemy fire power shot from asteroids. "Vice Admiral, the Lyran's are using the asteroid field as a distraction. Our navigation systems are becoming a little static and we are flying blind for the moment."

    "Clear it as best as you can, order our Carriers to send out squadrons to battle the Lyran fighters and support our allies." She turned to the command deck and looked among her crew. "Call on our ships and form up into a defensive perimeter as a cluster. Battle ships, intercept every missile that is fired from the enemy ship, we can not let a single one hit any of ships in the fleet." She crew listened to her orders and did their best to carry them out. The ships within her command formed a defensive position, surrounding the dreadnought like a shield. "All!" The ordered yelled through the command communication link.

    The Draconia ship arrived behind the Charabidian. Once in the open with two other ships behind the Dragon Fang. Draconia warships, one battle cruiser and one carrier. They remained behind the Dragon Fang as they approached the ambush.

    "Ship Master, multiple targets! It's a ambush!" The pilot called out. Tharos looked at the Ship Master who took a step forward. "Target the enemy with our primary weapons and open fire." The deep voice Ship Master was raspy, and yet hollow. "Order the Wings of Fire to open fire on the light vessels, and our carrier to deploy bombers and heavy fighters." Tharos said from behind. "Of course, Ambassador." The Ship Master replied as they watched their cannons fired on the enemy.

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    Vincent calmly left the meeting and made his way back to the fleet. Now that a course of action was decided it would be best to forget about his prejudice and just carry out his mission.

    “Nadia, Adams, keep tight to the fleet. We don’t have the firepower to match the big guys here but we can still help with the escorts.”

    “Understood” They both replied as they boarded their ships.

    Vincent held his breath for the first jump, if anyone was even a hair off it could get ugly for everyone following the vanguard. Luckily they made it through the jump ok, as they popped in, alarms and proximity sensors starting going off across the ship.

    “Sir, I got 6 frigates moving to intercept from around the asteroid, looks like the Spirit of Eracor is moving to attack the asteroid missile launch sites.” Adams yelled.

    “Very good, Nadia launch fighters and let’s move on those frigates, I want 2 squadrons as a shield from those missiles at all times. Adams, follow me in.” Vincent barked over the private channel.

    Switching to the fleet channel he broadcasted. “To the Fleet, I’m moving to intercept the frigates coming around the back, Spirit of Eracor If you need assistance holler, I have 2 squadrons on standby.”

    “Helm, move us to intercept the frigates. Weapons, I want you holding fire until you have a clear shot, this radiation is going to affect the sensors on our missiles so don’t count on them to hit.” Vincent strapped himself in just as a lucky missile got through. “Report.”

    “Sir, Minor hit to the left deflector, bounced into space. Down to 85% strength.”

    “Noted, send out a general warning for everybody to give us room, don’t want any stray shots bouncing into friendlies.” Vincent sent that last out over the fleet broadcast as well. “Helm, ETA for arrival at the frigates. Sensors, Report on the Western Quasar and Vorpal Fog positions.”

    “ETA of roughly 2 minutes to the frigates sir.”

    “Captain Adams is 200 meters behind and below us sir, holding steady. Captain Nadia is staying tight with the bulk of the fleet.”

    “Weapons range in roughly 1 minute sir, holding fire.”

    His crew responded like a well-oiled machine and Vincent let himself get a small smile. So far so good with the fleet movements. Now to hope that the enemy didn’t have any more tricks up their sleeves.
    Spoiler: Signature 

  7. #17
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    "Ma'am all ships are nearly here, but if they are not warned of the ambush, I'm afraid all ships would be crushed by the asteroid field." Said the Captain who looked at the navigational charts.

    Yinlynn watched the battle as the missiles were intercepted by enemy ships and countered attack as quick as possible. She remained calm despite the situation of the battle. Her ships were in position, but were also in a flaw of the fleet formation. The light cruiser ships remained with the heavy cruisers, and the battle ships at the front lines to continue to counter the missiles with forward lasers and heavy turrets. Yinlynn placed a hand on the deck rail and takes in a deep breath.

    "All Kel'Cyre ships, form up into a counter attack position, battleships, remain on the front lines to continue to intercept enemy missiles, Kel'Cyre fighters, engage with the Lyran fighters, keep those fighters off of the fleet."

    After ordering her own fleet, she opened a channel to the rest.

    "Attention all ship Captains, this is Vice Admiral Taionna Yinlynn, form a defensible perimeter around the arrival zone, and stay in position. The enemy knows this asteroid field, which is why they had set up the ambush. Fire on the asteroids as well, give those big rocks a push so we can flush out the enemy ships and crush their hulls. The remaining allied fleet arriving will have time to react for their next move, we'll give them room to find a defensible position."

    She closed the channel and looked to her Captain. "Activate all heavy weapons on the asteroids, push those rocks into enemy ships and when they come out, open fire until they burst into flames."

    The Captain nodded and saluted. "As you command ma'am."

    Her communications officer stood up from her seat. "Vice Admiral, we received a message from one of the refugee centers, a librarian of the archives." She walked over to the Admiral with a data pad and hands it over. Taionna read the message and sighs, "Thank you lieutenant, return to your post."

    She sighs and looks at the data pad once more before returning her attention back to the battle. "Open fire on those targets, what class are they?"

    "Ma'am, three cruisers, one heavy, two light."

    "Fire the secondary cannons on that heavy and missile fire on the light cruisers, use the turrets to intercept any missile attack, mainly most of the triple barrel gun turrets, I don't want any of those missiles ripping my ship apart."

    She looked to her command console and located the Wrathful Hand. She sent a message to the ship's Admiral. 'We need to talk after the battle.'

  8. #18
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    On-board the Spirit of Redmont Taylor had noticed something and gave an order. "Use the FTL drive to bring us below the Dawn of Light, Hannah launch or redirect Squadron 2 to support, it looks like one the the Lyran frigates is trying to strike at Admiral Yinlynn's ship, as stupid a move as that is" she said. Once they reached the location Hannah looked up at Taylor. "Squadron 2 has launched and is moving to fire" she said. Taylor nodded and hailed the Dawn of Light. "Dawn of Light this is 1st Lieutenant Taylor Redmont onboard the Spirit of Redmont, we've moved to intercept a Lyran frigate's attempt to strike your ship from below, we're on station to provide support" she said.

    The Spirit of Volarous had finished it's repairs and blinked to back up the Terran mercenary ships. "Fire at point blank range on the last Lyran frigate in this group, sandwich them between us and the Terrans" the captain said. The FTL drive spun up and, just like the Eracor did earlier, they appeared right behind the Lyran frigates, opening fire almost immediately.
    Last edited by Fox Xalian; 05-17-2016 at 10:13 AM.

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  9. #19
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "In coming message from the Kel-Cyre flagship"

    Janessa was watching as the fleet turned its guns on asteroids, creating fields of debris and shrapnel that warded of the attack run of the two frigate groups. They were now breaking off, hounded by heavier fire, and leaving four of their compatriots burning in space.

    "I'll take it." Janessa nodded to her Flag Captain Dalto Rylee, and walked over to a communication panel. So far, the battle was going acceptably. The terran frigate vanguard had lost two ships, but they had killed four in return. With the attack on the fleet broken, she now started to plan how to dispatch pursuit elements and what ships to send to keep the Lyrans from rallying and trying another ambush as they recharged around the station.

    The message was a simple encoded text message, which made her frown.

    'We need to talk after the battle.'

    "Interesting. What does she. . . "

    "The two UWA battleships just fired up their jump drives!"

    Janessa spun on her heel.

    "Spirits! Tell them to stand down! If they attempt to jump this close to the star. . . . "

    The entire fleet, every ship, was buffeted in a shock wave before she could finish.


    Jumping near a star is a bad idea. In the middle of combat, its horribly dangerous. In an asteroid field, its suicide. In the gravity well of a gas super giant, around the corona of a red star, washed with radiation, under constant missile fire, in a dense debris field, its rank stupidity of the highest order.

    The Spirit of Eracor began to die horribly. Its jump drive, overtaxed from the recent jump in system, and battered by waves of competing gravity, held open a stable jump point that allowed it to pass through and reposition, but not without terrible cost. The strain caused the drive to rupture and explode, dumping huge quantities of lethal radiation into the ship. Its crew began to cook alive like a ration pack in a microwave, burnt to blackened ash on the deck plates as the radiation slowly seeped up from the reactor deck and destroyed every living thing aboard it could reach. Secondary fires burst into life, and the crew began a desperate struggle to survive against an invisible, unstoppable enemy that slowly worked its way through deck plates, bulkheads and environmental sealing.

    The Spirit of Volarous was suddenly crippled. Her drive kept the jump point open long enough for her to enter, but at the same time it sucked in a mega tons of debris and a half dozen active ship-killer missiles. Like a cocktail shaken at a bar, this deadly mix of warship, munition and debris was shaken and stirred. Missiles tore open the Volarous flanks, and meteorites, accelerated by the effects of subspace to faster than light speed, tore through decks and crew quarters. One rock slammed into the jump section and crushed it. No longer able to project the unique gravity field that created the wormhole tunnel, the unique subspace construct collapsed inwards in the blink of an eye. Everything in the wormhole, rocks, missiles, ship, crew, was blended and crushed. It re-entered reality as a hulk, rocks and still active missiles buried in decks, sometimes merged together, crew smeared by waves of gravity or horribly fused with decks, still alive and screaming in agony. The blast wave from the collapsing wormhole washed over the allied fleet and their Lyran attackers, destroying munitions and swatting fighters, overloading EM fields designed to keep debris away from hulls. Like a fire blown out by a hurricane, the fight came to a sudden, confused end.


    Janessa hauled herself back to her feet.

    "Damage report!"

    "Hull breaches of decks 3, 6 and 8! Fires on Turret A, but under control!" Dalto was bleeding from a gash on her head after being knocked from her feet into a terminal. Janessa felt a spike of pain from her left arm, and realised it was broken. They had been the closest ship to the blast, and she expected they had taken the heaviest damage.

    "The rest of the fleet is reporting. Most have suffered some light damage. The Lyrans are making good their escape."

    Janessa thumped her good fist into the communication console.

    "What the hell were they thinking?" She shook her head. "Send an order to the Dragonoids. Get them to board and secure that station, with whoever else wants to donate marines. And send a boarding team to the Spirit of Redmont. I want a personal discussion with that lackwit Taylor Redmont."
    Last edited by dakkagor; 05-16-2016 at 11:27 AM.

  10. #20
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    Admiral Vincent watched as the Spirit of Volarous suddenly disappeared from his scanners. They wouldn't be that..... "CREW BRACE FOR IMPACT" He screamed just as a Jump Point appeared to his left. His ship and Duncan's were both slammed with the primary shockwave of the ship re-entering normal space, then slammed even harder as missiles and explosions from God knows what damage hit them both.

    Over the sound of alarms Vincent pulled himself back into his chair. "Fleet Report!"

    "Not good Admiral, heavy damage to the forward weapon systems, decks 4,7,12-15 are open to space, and I can't seem to reach anyone from engineering." Duncan replied

    "All good here Admiral, minor damage and lost 5 squadrons of bombers." Nadia chirped in.

    "Sir, we have breaches on decks 9-13, and both our EMP guns are offline. Half the point defenses are damaged or broken, and I also can't reach anyone with internal-ship comms." Weapons called out.

    "Ok, use the old microwave signals and head for the repair station. Tell the flagship that we are out of commission for a bit." "Comms, I want a chat with whoever is left from that damn ship The Volarous. Almost killed me and my fleet with that stunt."

    “Nadia, cover me and Adams, offer your ships to help hunt down the rest of the Lyrans as well.”

    An explosion rocked the ship and Vincent turned and swore. “SIR, Breach in Engine 3. Leaking radiation. Hull breach in engineering.”

    “Evacuate the deck until the repairs are finished. Can’t lose people to the nanites. Get the bulkheads sealed and rad-shots for everyone below deck 36.” Vincent replied

    “Sir, lost fleet comms. The other engines are overheating.”

    “Damnit, kill power to all engines, tell engineering I need at least the engines or the Lyrans are going to rip us apart. Forgot the weapons and projectors for now.”

    Vincent chewed his lip nervously as he waited, he hated losing crew, especially to somebody else.

    “Sir, Engineering is finally back, all decks sealed and we have close range comms back up.” His new temp engineering head replied.


    ”Yeah, hello back, we are fine, conserving power until we hit the station. Lost an engine and leaking radiation.”

    ”Okay, I have 4 squadrons covering you and Duncan, haul ass to the station.”

    ”Understood Ma’am” Vincent cut the comms and went about getting his ship to the station in one piece. It was going to be a long trip if this is how the engagements would end up.
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