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Thread: The Mystic Isles [IC]

  1. #11
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    “Ha! Willie would have better odds bleeding gold from a stone at that point.” Revon responded with a hearty chuckle, clasping the boy on the shoulder. Wille had never once honestly mentioned to him getting a wife or even a lover, best that he could remember. Even now though, the thought did tease him. How would Revon even settle with a woman, with his life of theft and debauchery. The woman would have to be able to put up with more than enough of his own problems, even more whatever she might bring with her. He wasn’t a stranger to a womans touch, but very little had been the same throughout his time in the guild.

    “Besides, the man has better uses for me than taking a knee.” Revon joked as he entered the main area, eyes already scanning for potential targets and problem makers. It was a habit he would not pass up any time soon. He had already spotted Willie, and the sudden two woman by him. A rather alluring elf, more than likely a noble woman by the way she carried herself. More than likely a mage by the pouch tucked at her side, just barely visible through the opening in her cloak. The redhead besides her was another alluring visual, half elf as far as he could guess, though he didn’t have much to go one. Maybe the boy had been right? Smirking to himself, Revon pulled out one of his coins as he led closer and flicked it into the air, letting glint past the two women before landing into the mans cup of offering.

    “Trying to wed me off already then old man?” Revon spoke up as he joined the group, one hand on his hips as he looked to the old man. He sized the two women up quickly, letting his eyes move over them briefly before turning back to Blind Willie.

    “Or is this to be some escort missive a baron has paid you for?” He asked him, a hint of amusement in his tone.

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

  2. #12
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Well, it was a pleasent surprise when the woman spoke to her so companionably. Normally elves just gave her a blank look and moved on. talking was another matter, since they tried to leave a conversation as soon as they could. Maybe this one wouldn't be so bad.

    Then this man, though she didn't like admiting to herself, wasn't bad looking at all if arogant as he walked past flipping a coin.
    Then the man spoke of being married off or escorting to a baron. Yeah, arogent.
    And his eyes looked over her and she felt a small shiver ran down her spine before he continued to look around the area.
    This guy was trouble.

    She adjusted the guitar strapped to her back with her right hand as her left grabbed at the scabard of her sabre.
    She was thankful she was able to dress in breaches as she pleased instead of being forced into skirts by her sisters. She'd need mobility.
    But she only wanted the air of being ready. she didn't really want to draw her blade right now.

    She tried to stay calm, but she didn't like the suggestion of being married to a man.
    "You'd need to speak with my father," she said levely, "Sadly I don't think he'll approve, nor is he in any condition to see anyone right now."
    Yeah, it was a lie, her father was well, but her father being sick is what helped her get extra coin in her purse. Some of the softer men were a bit more giving to a pretty face and a sad story.
    "Now, unless you have something else you'd want to descuss with me, I have songs to play, coin to earn, and a sick father to take care of."
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 04-04-2021 at 02:27 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #13
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    "Is that a raven I hear? Such unpleasant noise. Perhaps we should have named you 'bat', since you spend most of your nights out," Blind Willie retorted to Revon, but with a smile.

    "My lady," he added, turning his head towards Kearian, "Please forgive the boy, I honestly do not know where he gets these ideas. No, this is about a job, one that would see you well paid for your efforts. Indeed, money to send home to your ailing father. To prove my intentions...."

    He produced a silver shilling.

    "Take this coin while you listen to my proposal," he offered. "'Raven' will get his later to make sure he stays to hear everything."

    "There is another I invited to hear this, they have not arrived yet. In short, I'm looking for people who can help recover a stolen object, for which you will be handsomely rewarded - minus, of course, my small cut of the profits, which buys you a lot of support."
    Last edited by Enigma; 04-04-2021 at 03:11 PM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  4. #14
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    Belladonna cocked her head curiously, then nodded. With one big sweep of her arm, she tumbled her wares back into their sacks. She hefted them over her shoulder, pushing through the crowd toward the little girl. Once she was beside her, she gestured for the girl to lead the way.

    “ I've been asked to bring you to The Father, he's down by the fountain." She pointed down the wide road, then frowned up at her, a question on the tip of her tongue.

    "Do you know him?"

    “Not particularly. I don’t spend much time in town.”
    <a href= target=_blank></a>

  5. #15
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    Wynzara noted the gaze of the human male who approached the assembly and softly muttered in Ijián, “Ceadúnaithe.”
    Spoiler: ONLY for those who speak Ijián 

    When she’d first arrived in Harrow’s Gate, she’d have looked at the man like he was a cockroach if he’d spoken in such a manner, and she’d have made a disparaging comment to boot, but she’d learned to moderate her responses in her years here. While a stinging retort might feel good for the moment, it created problems with people over the long run. So she smiled ruefully at the rogue and said, “Well, sir, I afraid I am for all intents and purposes married to my magic. It takes study, discipline, and time to master, and I came rather later than I would have liked to its sweet embrace. How should I call you? I am Wynzara.” Her slightly odd way of asking made it clear she didn’t quite have full mastery of the language yet, although her meaning was clear enough.

    Then glancing at the half-Elf, she added, “And you? How should I call you? If we are to work together, a good place to start is knowing how you wish to be called.”

    She glanced up and saw another child leading a woman toward them, one of her kin, unless Wynzara missed her guess, although the Elf’s manner of dressing strongly suggested she wasn’t from anywhere Wynzara was familiar with. She decided the woman was still a bit too far off to speak to, so she turned her attention back to learning the names of the half-Elf and the human.
    Last edited by tbgg; 04-05-2021 at 02:41 AM.

  6. #16
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "The names Eleace," she said, "and it's a..." she thought for a moment. This was probably the nicest elf she's met so far. "A real pleasure making your acquaintance."

    She thought for a moment on the Iljian word she muttered before hand. It was hard to make out, but she thought she could figure out what she said.

    She glanced over at the other elf approaching them with another child. Well, she just hoped that she was as nice as this one.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #17
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    "Now, now," chided Blind Willie gently, "Let's not bicker among ourselves yet. Revon's has other skills, like picking locks - he should prove handy. However, knowing this lot as I do, there will be other defenses which Revon cannot beat alone. It'll take you all to carry this off."

    "That is, assuming our last arrives soon and you all accept my proposal," he sighs. "Time is a factor here, so we need you on the road tomorrow morning, or it may be too late." Assuming it wasn't too late now.

    "I can supply a wagon and a driver, all above board, of course, and some rations that should last you all a week," Willie added. "I'll even spring for the charter, but you'll have to find something on the moors to act as a distraction. If everything goes well, they will never know it's gone until you're a good distance away."
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  8. #18
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    Bickering? thought Wynzara in puzzlement. What in the world is the old man talking about?. Still, even with all her time in Harrow’s Gate, it wasn’t uncommon for human sensibilities to differ from her Elven ones. She wished it were possible to privately ask the old man what he meant.

    Addressing the Blind Willy’s other comments, she told him, “On behalf of my Master, I accept. I’m not sure offhand about causing a diversion on the moors, unless an Elf dancing or playing music might be considered such, but I do have a trick or two up my sleeve for delaying individuals who might wish to stop us.” She smiled in satisfaction at the thought that the hard work she’d put into learning her first spells might bear fruit.

    “Also, I own a horse. Do you think it makes sense for me to ride her with your wagon for this task? I’ve not traveled to the moors before and am not really sure what to expect.” She didn’t like the feeling of not knowing, or perhaps more accurately, of exposing her lack of knowledge before others. But for her horse’s sake, she’d do it. “If there’s a chance of her injuring a leg, I’d rather leave her where she is.”
    Last edited by tbgg; 05-08-2021 at 07:02 PM.

  9. #19
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "I'm sorry, defenses? His skills are lock picking?" She started, "and this charter wouldn't happen to be for bringing in beasts, is it? Look, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to accept this 'job offer' until I know what the hell is going on. I'm not going to blindly risk my neck for some people I don't know, especially when I have someone back home that needs me."
    She decided it would be a good time to put on some of the water works and let herself shed a tear or two with a few sniffles.

    Well, she had her suspicions about the job already. The guy said he knew the group, but she was unsure if the man meant this group he was forming right before her eyes, or the one that they were supposed to do something with. And considering that they had a thief in their party makes it sound like they may be trying to steal something. This is almost fully confirmed with Blind Willie's last sentence "... they will never know it's gone until you're a good distance away."

    She had to admit, if all this was true, the pay better be good. And what sweet little girl wouldn't do anything to get the money she needed to save her dad from illness.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #20
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    "Of course, the wagon can be transport for all. The moors can be very tricky," Blind Willie told Winzara, then turned to listen to Eleace's complaint.

    "My dear," he sighed, "I'd much rather we discussed this when we were all gathered, but so be it. In Killinghall, a village just to the north are a number of manors. One of them belongs to a wealthy family who I've run into before. What they desire most in this world is power and influence."

    Blind Willie sighed, leaning back grimly. "And to get it, they are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill to get it. The man who stole the artifact from our client? No doubt he was expecting to be rewarded quite handsomely for what he was offering - instead, we found him quite dead in the moors, everything of possible value stripped off him. There wasn't a single bite mark, so it wasn't goblins. But we did find an impression on his face - whoever hit him was wearing the signet ring of their house, and they broke his jaw rather than pay him a single copper."

    "What could be worth a man's life you might ask? Well, they have a daughter," he shrugged. "They, like so many, hope to marry her off to the Duke's eldest son and thereby grow in stature. She is growing into a fair beauty, I'm told, but there are other daughters with bigger dowries."

    "So really their only choice is to offer the Duke something no one else can," he said flatly. "With all the fighting on the continent, there's little opportunity here for glory for those left behind due to family obligations. I assure you, the one thing the Duke's son wants is a title, and he's willing to go to grave lengths to get it. And what could be greater than that of 'dragon-slayer'?"

    "Our client's property was a dragon's egg. Blacksmiths in town have been given a job to build for that family a large iron cage. I can tell you their intent is to present the duke's son with a caged baby dragon for him to stab at between the bars, posing little risk to himself."

    "Now do you understand why I am asking this of all of you?"
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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