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Thread: Into the Viper's Nest (Slytherin)

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    Tamara slowly pulled herself up from the floor, skittering slightly as she winced with a slightly sprained ankle. Lifting a hand, the Rosier girl ran her left hand across her lift cheekbone, where the skin had taken an elbow and split slightly, revealing a slightly blood-weeping wound upon her face. As Damara rose up to shout at the fat mudblood girl, Tamara raised her hand and placed it lightly on the furious girl. "Damara..." She spoke quietly - almost a whisper.

    The mudblood girl in her wheelchair slowly pushed her way up to the front, her wand stretched out before her. "Back away everyone!" She shouted, injecting power into a voice that found itself home in the frail, rather insignificant girl. "Leave her be - now." Looking past Damara's furious form, Tamara looked towards Michael and Douglas - who both looked perplexed, especially Douglas - for help. They were both hesitant, but they slowly approached to calm Damara, scorning the laughing Slytherin's with vicious eyes.

    The wheelchair bound girl turned her head sharply to look upon Damara, her voice filled with a confidence she clearly hadn't held before. "Follow me." She spoke, her assurance filling her voice to the point where even Tamara felt slightly convinced - though her blood still remained on Tamara's mind. "Prove to them - you are a girl, whether they believe it or not." Shifting slowly forwards, the girl turned her head slightly away from the quadruple - the two boys now standing ahead of Damara, nervous looks betraying themselves behind the furious eyes. "The castle knows, it will believe if you do." The wheelchair bound girl slowly - once more - made her ascent up the stairs, almost mirroring Cary's light steps up to his own dorm room.

    'Why didn't he stay to help?' Tamara found herself thinking. 'What's up with him?' Cary unnerved the Rosier girl slightly. She liked him - it was hard not to, the way that he spoke and looked - but she found herself nervous around him for some reason, as though he was reading her every time his eyes passed over her. Perhaps the others felt the same. 'I'll have to ask at some point.'

    "So, uh." Michael spoke up as the laughing began to slowly subside. "What happens now?"

  2. #12
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    "So, uh." Michael spoke up as the laughing began to slowly subside. "What happens now?"

    Damara’s eyes glazed over. Foggy emotions, strong and rigid. Between the nonsense of the lame girl, and all the heckling being thrown Damara’s way, she had disconnected. But when she came back to herself, Damara fluttered her eyes and seethingly leered at the wheelchair bound girl. The mudblood must be enjoying ridiculing her. Hogwarts had clearly established its judgment on the matter. It would not be the stare of Mordushku intensity, it would nonetheless express the contempt and pain buried in her. She felt like she was choking, a hand clutched to her throat lightly, holding at the union of her collarbones.

    “...I won’t forget this…” Damara whispered, burning the blonde hair cripple, and fat second year into memory. She loathed their proximity, their existence. The Liakos stared up to the boys, tears in her eyes. “I am going where you’re going” Damara whispered, staring down at her chest and finally letting go of the tears welling up in her otherwise perfected dolled up eyes.

    “But…” Douglas’s eyes were slightly glazed over with confusion, the boy having a complete lack of understanding on what exactly was going on. “You’re a girl? You look like one at least, ain’t never seen a boy look that pretty.” The Carrow scratched his head in disbelief, face twisting to show the emotion visually. Michael held his straight, regarding Damara with a similar look to Cary’s, though filled with far more concern and fury - angled at those now silent Housemates who surrounded the trio. With the girl in the wheelchair disappeared up the staircase, Michael turned to face the other students and grimaced.

    “Come on, they’ll have taken your luggage upstairs.”

    “It would be in the girls’ room. Unless..” Unless the teachers knew this would happen and indeed put her luggage in the boy’s dorms. Paranoia didn’t suit her thinking, it spiraled her into more quiet tears and she pulled away from Tamara who looked as confused as her other new friends felt. “I’m sorry Tamara...I wanted to be your friend…” Damara mumbled, glaring at Eloise and Ella. There was a dull pain in her right shin, and left hip. If she looked she was sure there were marks of damage. She carried herself with the dignity she could scrape up, past her new male friends, and gripped the railing of the boy’s dorms stairs. A deep breath filled her chest and she began her ascent up, exhaling, tears splotching the chest of her black outer robe.

    Almost wincing as the girl rose up the stairs, the boys waited for the same grinding noise that came when she and Tamara walked up the stairs. Tamara herself still held her hand out, slightly lingering at the Greek girl’s words. She quite liked Damara, even if the idea of her confused the young 11 year old slightly. Michael turned to Douglas - who turned back to face his new friend - and shrugged. He hmmm’d and uhhh’d for a second, before turning to look back and forth from the stairs to Douglas once more. “Should we...should we follow?”

    Douglas, for the first time of the night was relatively headstrong in his words. Turning towards the stairs and beginning to walk quickly towards them, he replied. “Can’t leave a mate to find their bed alone can we?” The dim boy rushed up the stairs, feet hammering in a harsh contrast to Cary’s well placed ascent as he rushed after Damara. Michael turned back to Tamara and shrugged his shoulders, before racing after the two of them, leaving the rest of the Slytherin’s to begin conversation with each other about the whole situation.

    “Hey, you’re pretty fast up these stairs!” Douglas approached behind Damara, out of breath from his attempt to catch up. “What’s the rush mate, your bags not going to run away - Tamara’ll bring it over if the teachers left it in the girls dorms.” Douglas - now able to slow down - did so, taking his time to put one arm out in the air, sticking the palm of his hand against the back of his head so he could take a deep breath. “Guess we gotta go find Cary first eh? He’s probably halfway set up by now!” Out from one of the dark wood doors opened, marked by a well scribed ‘II’, Damara only had a second to guess it was the 2nd year common area for the 2nd year boys before she flinched and who was on the other side stepped out into the hallway.

    It was yet another face she saw at the feast, boy skin much like her own. The Irish/Iraqi boy stopped in his tracks. He stared at the crying girl and drew his head back, narrowing his eyes as if doubting himself.

    “You...can’t be here?” Malachi asked, his accent very English regardless of his mixed appearance. “You should go down stairs, I don’t know how you even got here? This is the wron-uh?” Damara covered her face at this point, buried in shame for a second time within the short duration of walking into the Slytherin pit. Malachi looked at Douglas, noticing how dopey looking he appeared and let his brown, hazel spec eyes stay on him. “Take her downstairs, what are you doing?” The older boy was still very confused, suspecting that this was a weird prank by the dopey one because he looked stupid enough to try and do something like this for entertainment.

    “Honestly mate.” Douglas responded. “I don’t really know what’s going on either - but apparently she’s a boy?” Douglas scratched his head once again as he went over the thought again. “You’ll have to speak to the Fifth Years though, they seemed to know what was going on.” Michael grabbed onto Douglas by the shoulder and pulled him away from Malachi.

    “Come on Damara - I think the First Year section is the door just after this.” The Anglo-African boy said. “We can get you unpacked, get in the room Cary is in before some of the others come upstairs and take all the beds.” Damara began walking, as she wiped her eyes with her sleeve some of her mascara smeared, a thin black blotchy line went from her eye sloppily. Her mind recalled Cary’s predatory stare.

    “ that a good idea?” Her question sounded vulnerable, yet cautious. Malachi tugged on his jacket, the neat folds pulling with the force. He seemed very indecisive and opted to remove himself from the situation by promptly walking around the first years to go downstairs.

    “I mean, there’s only one bunk room so unless you want to sleep on the floor then…” Michael trailed off as he looked up at the door and the golden ‘I’ that sat upon it - each of the doors being numbered by Roman Numerals. The door was already slightly open, and the sound of a wand and magic came spooling from the confines of the room beyond. Pressing the door open, Michael was greeted to the sight of Cary swinging his wand around, from his suitcase to a set of drawers next to a single bed on the far right side of the circular room. Windows - that held no curtains due to the depths they were situated at - were opened out towards the murky depths of the Lake - lined the wall, four of them dotting themselves identically around. The floor was composed of stone - though it was warm to the touch and inviting - whilst the fireplace was roaring with slightly dull green fire, not Portkey flame but simply to signify the colours of Salazar Slytherin’s prestigious House.

    At three corners - if you could call them that, what with the circular dimensions of the room - and the head of the room there was a comfortable looking oak bed, complete with made sheets and covers (though these could be replaced by a student’s own prefered bed-set. At the foot of the bed set a rather wide chest of drawers, complete with three draws - the top for underwear and socks, the middle of uniform and the bottom for Pajamas. Altogether, the room was rather spacious, and certainly felt homely.

    “Wingardium Leviosa.” The boy span his wind once more from his suitcase, twisting it in the air to gradually lift the clothing item - a set of socks in a ball - into the air and slowly into the oak drawers. “I was wondering when you’d decide to get up here.” The boy didn’t look up, busying himself with his unpacking as he continued to spirit more of his clothes out of his suitcase. The one boy who hadn’t been accepted into the group, an average looking growing english lad with messy tossed brown locks looked up. His own efforts to file clothes were manually, but he turned over his shoulder to look at the sound he had been denying - a crying girl. It was not by choice he picked the furthest bed, the furthest from Caryxander. His eyes shot wide.

    “Why is she here? Are you okay?” He asked, feeling as if he was supposed to since she was crying. Damara loathed the dirtyblood for being yet another person to point out the starkly obvious. When she stepped inside she stood stiff, her shaking pink teardrop gems rocking back and forth from earlobes.

    “Shut up” Damara commanded, finally hitting a point where she would not allow more buffoonery to continue insulting her. The boy felt her stare, and mixed with the rather high degree of confusion, shivered and went back to meekly putting away his own clothes for his academic year at Hogwarts. The Liakos shied from Cary, shrugging off her robes and sitting on the bed second furthest from the brunette. The bed didn’t creak much with her small form and she was using her revealed gray sleeve to clean her jaw while she pulled up her right leg. Tugging down the gray wool sock, there existed a large bruise with a small cut. She winched, frowning to herself. The rejected boy turned his head again from his corner to look at Damara.

    It didn’t take him but a second to realize as she was doing this the ruffled black of her skirt was pulled back by her raised knee, giving him a vantage point his eyes naturally drew to with a blush. Cary felt an air of amusement about the whole situation. ‘How could I be so stupid?’ He thought to himself, regarding the conversation he had had with Damara earlier, about her ‘family member’ Diadoros. He had never heard of a ‘Damara’ then, and now he knew exactly why. Damara had been a fiction, but now the whole situation was very, very real. Dragging a set of pajama bottoms through the air with his wand, Cary suddenly dropped them in between himself and Damara. Turning around to look at the fallen bottoms, the boy looked up and at Damara, smiling at her knowingly - though not necessarily predatorily - and gestured to the fallen clothes.

    “Damara, would you hand that to me please?” The Grecian girl eyed Cary with suspicion, still wanting to have him as the friend who bantered with her at first meeting. She stood up, her skirt falling back to place and the left out boy swallowed, hurrying his task of laying out his pajamas. She sighed, pushing back her coiled bangs behind her ear and picking it up.

    As she bent over, the boy yet again took another peak of her legs. Yet none of this was noticed by the watery eyed girl when she finally picked them up. What kind of act was this from Cary? What was he trying to prove? There was nothing else to gain. Staring at the four boys here, Damara cleared her throat, tears stopping, and going over to the tallest boy to hand him his clothes. There was mistrust, and there was the draw to look at his eyes regardless. Her face was turned partially, eyes peering up into his with hesitation not shown of her boastful persona.

    “Here.” She said curtly, blood from her small cut started to trickle down to her receded knee-high sock.

    Cary reached out with his freehand, grabbing delicately at the pajama bottoms, hand slightly touching at Damara’s own, darker skin. The boy paused as he drew the clothes away from her grasp, smiling at her once more. “You were Diadoros Liakos, and now you are Damara Liakos.” Taking the pajamas from her and putting them manually into his drawer, the boy turned back to face Damara, a more serious look filling his face. “I like you Damara - but don’t ever lie to me again.”

    “LIE!?” Damara hissed, drawing back at first mention of the old name. The pain she endured this summer, the torture and confusion she faced. She was genuine. “You are insulting me Cary and I’ve had enough of that today.” She said directly up to him, again stepping back. How casually his eyes pierced when no emotion had to fill them. The potency of his hue was almost vile to the soul if one was in a vulnerable state - and she was. He had knowledge he shouldn’t have. “Don’t say that name again”

    “I don’t intend to, Damara” Cary spoke. “I was hoping we could put this behind us - honesty is key to every friendship my father says.” Cary turned away from the girl, his cold maturity filling his voice as he continued to unload more of his clothes into the Chest of Drawers. The two boys - who had also begun to put their things away - turned towards the pair as Damara hissed at Cary, eyes filled with a slight concern for their new friends.

    “Hey guys, no need to start arguing with each other.” Michael muttered. “Nothing changes, you’re still a Liakos, and still good conversation.” The Anglo-African boy smiled at Damara.

    “Yeah!” Douglas chimed in. “‘Sides, you look dead like a girl! Wouldn’t believe you were actually a bloke - you’ll have to tell me some of the more cool stuff they do in Greece, cause my parents have never told me anything as mad as that!”

    “Yes Damara, you’ll have to tell us all about Greece - but first; I assume we’re still going to Charms together?” Cary sat up, finally finishing his packing to look back at Damara, who still remained squared up to him, no doubt tense from Cary’s mentioning of her old name.

    Damara pressed her lips together, praying silently to Ares to restrain her anger. She looked over to her bed where her wand lay on top of her robes, glowing through veil of crystal and waiting for her. Then she looked down at her leg, figuring out that her bloodstained sock wasn’t the only thing disorderly about her appearance. Her makeup was probably also not well, which was useless to think about since her luggage was in the girls’ dorm. At least the staff of Hogwarts knew respect, even if the castle itself shafted her.

    Damara pridefully raised her nose, displaying her elegant neck in motion. “We are Hogwarts students, I came here to be educated - not partake in these stupid problems” She finally cut off her suffering, burying it under purpose and ego. Keeping herself regal she sat back down at her bed and resumed staring at her wound while she debate on how to take care of it giving her circumstances. This time she noticed from the corner of her eye the reject boy move. Their eyes met, only after his had to draw up. Damara followed down, realizing it was leading to her crotch and her brows flared up.

    “Ah!” the boy shouted, one of Damara’s shoes bounced off his head and fell to the ground. Damara was quickly rushing to undo her other shoe to toss at him.

    The three boys watched Damara race to take off her shoe with confusion, having not seen the peeping tom in action. “Uh.” Cary spoke, perplexed for the first time since arriving at the school. “’s, it’s cool - you don’t have to throw shoes at the mudblood.”

    “Yeah.” Douglas spoke, shovelling some bertie botts beans he had brought into the school into his mouth. “Water under the bridge and all that.” Damara tossed the second shoe slapping the boy’s face, leaving a dirty print on his cheek and this time when his squealed his young voice cracked.

    “I’m sorry!” He cried.

    “He was staring up my skirt!” Damara spat verbally at the boy, calming herself when she looked at her friends, letting them hear her explanation.

    “Oh…” Douglas muttered, before looking towards the ceiling with thinking eyes - no doubt trying to work out what the geography of ‘under Damara skirt’ was like. ‘A boy who looks like a girl but is apparently a boy…’ Filled his mind. Michael and Cary on the other hand turned their hard eyes upon the other First Year.

    “He won’t do it again.” Cary muttered. Michael nodded to agree, still holding the mudblood’s eyes.

    “I don’t think he’d want to.” The messy haired brunette cast his eyes down in shame.

    “You shouldn’t be here anyways” He retorted under his breath, hiding himself against his dresser he had almost finished. Damara reached for a pillow and chucked it at the back of his head.

    “Give that back and my shoes, now” she bossed around with a toss back of her hair and crossing a leg in expectation.

    Cary sighed as Damara reverted to her seemingly calmer, more regal mannerisms. Lifting off his top, Hogwarts robe and trousers to slip on a set of navy blue pajamas, the young, pale boy clambered into bed, pulling the covers over the top of himself. “I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow for Charms then.” The Mordushku boy settled into his bed, sighing with comfort as the long day ended for him. The mudblood worked his way to pick up the pillow and set it lazily at the side of Damara’s bed, also her shoes where dropped hard.

    “No. Lay them neatly, a pillow goes on a bed” Damara hadn’t taken her eyes off of the lowest of them here. The Liakos looked over her shoulder at once at Cary, swallowing hard as he lay in his bed so undisturbed by her presence here. She had sleepover with friends who where boys, so nothing was different - yet it was all different at the same time. It was a paradox. The first year boy complied, putting her pillow on her bed and, as she pointed, her shoes at the end of her bed. At this point Damara pulled off her socks and tied the dirtied one around her wound. This was barbaric, she couldn’t even change clothes or clean up her makeup. Damara sighed, rubbing at the side of her face with a palm. “Goodnight” She said, too dressed to sleep under sheets but hesitant which way to face herself with the pervert on one side and the guy friends at the other. She decided to lay on her right side, which was sore, but she’d deal with it. Her resting face was directed at her companions, making sure her skirt was tucked in between her thighs on the front and back to let no one stare.

    This couldn’t be her existence here at Hogwarts, not for seven years.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 09-09-2017 at 07:07 AM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  3. #13
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    The first years having all departed the commonroom now, and the spectacle over, the rest of their house was retreating back to their former positions. Ella had turned back to her conversation with Arna, and though they joined in on the gossip for a short time, their conversation quickly became focused on a greater concern; the loss of several team-mates who had graduated the year before.

    "I think that hat's gone daft, stuck up in Medina's office all year. They're a sorry bunch, for the most part. The Mordushku boy might be an asset, though," Ella was saying in a dry tone. "I just hope there's a few decent flyers in there. Merlin knows we need it, a Keeper, Chaser and a Beater down."

    "Maybe the boy will be an asset too, then," Arna responded, cruel amusement in her tone. "He might be stronger than he looks; that'd be enough to confuse the Hufflepuffs, at any rate."

    Ella chuckled, looking thoughtful. "If the bites anything like the bark, you could be onto something. The broken girl has a bit of sass about her, too; shame she can't sit on a broom."

    "What's with that, anyway? Why haven't they taken her to Mungo's? It's a bit sick, really, to just leave her like that."

    Ella shrugged disinterestedly, smoothing her robes as she stood. "I'm off to bed. Medina wants to see me about something in the morning."

    She made her way up the stairs, two second years ahead of her. Peigi's pudgy fingers clutched Eloise's slender arm, the two a contrasting pair as they walked ahead of her, gossiping about the excitement of Damara's non-entrance to the girls' dorm. "They could have killed me," Eloise was saying dramatically, and Ella snorted derisively.

    "Really, Eloise, you fell on them. Lucky it wasn't you, Mcfee - someone might have been crushed." The girls' fell silent, quickening their pace to the top of the stairs, where they lingered - Ella guessed they were hoping for a peek at the wheelchair-bound girl, or to drill the other first year for more information on the oddity that was now residing in the boys' dormitory.

    It mattered little to Ella; the only thing on her mind now was the bottle of firewhiskey tucked into the chest at the end of her bed.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    Katrin was the first to reach the first year dorm room. She knew the strange girl hadn't even attempted to follow her. This, and how the others had treated her, was upsetting. Upsetting enough, one would think she should have been in Hufflepuff.

    maybe I should be. . .

    No, here she was wrong. The real reason she was mad went beyond the spite in their actions. The bullying. She didn't care about being bullied. And, if someone allowed themselves to be bullied, as she had on occasion, then they deserved it. No, she was angry. Because these snakes were stupid.

    "You really shouldn't have done that." She said as they all entered the room.

    Her back was to them. Facing her dresser as she put away her clothes, and unpacked her trunk. Besides, they she wouldn't show them the respect of looking at them. "You're all idiots. She's from a powerful wizard family. Even I know that." Finally, she turned. Anger clear in her eyes as they flashed with a fire she rarely showed. "Don't you think maybe, just MAYBE, YOU COULD USE HER AS AN ALLY?!" She raised her voice at this.

    She stops, shaking her head, and pulling her chair up to the side of her bed. Continuing, but not looking at them. "You need allies. Each and every one of you. None of us can do this on our own. You should know this. Especially being in this house. At the very least, show her some kind of respect. If nothing else. She'll be the ally you want later."

    After that little speech, she climbed into the bed. She sat on the edge, watching them, waiting to see their reactions to her words. Though, honestly, she doubted they'd even care.

    After all, she was a mudblood. A broken mudblood. Without any parents. Why the bloody hell would they listen to her?
    Last edited by HaelKatrin; 09-17-2017 at 02:57 AM.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

  5. #15
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    by Haelkatrin, Death of Korzan, Minkasha & G.

    Peigi snorted, the comments of her weight rolled off her plump body. But no one wanted to be in the way of the Slytherin Prefect for too long. Both blondes, Peigi the fake one, got to the top of the stairs and were delighted to the cripple's shooting.

    "Oh hehe" Peigi tagged her best friend with a welcoming tap on her shoulder. The look on her face lit up, ready to listen in more. Peigi was the master of this. Simultaneously casting she guided her and Eloise to the wall beside the year one dorm door. "Alohomora", her magic she learned with enough control to open the door just a sliver to allow the words it barred to spill out. The spell casing rosewood wand was tucked back into her robes. For a big girl she was crafty. Peigi and Eloise caught the tail end of the cripple's talking - looking for some sort of 'sisterhood' with the other first years. Peigi guessed sharply that the girl they were talking about was Damara. How funny. This was house Slytherin, respect was earned - not given! "How much do you want to bet none of the girls care what she think?" Peigi whispered to the robed girl next to her.

    There was silence in the room. She sighed to herself, ignoring the creaking of the door.

    No doubt, someone trying to be sneaky. She thought to herself. Eavesdropping. Not at all surprising, after all she had made quite a scene downstairs.

    Besides, everyone wants a look at the mudblood cripple. She actually didn't mind the term. Not that she'd actually tell anyone. That was her secret. Let them think they had power over her. Let them waste their words.

    She sighs to herself again, and looks around. "No, we're Slytherin. Snakes. We don't just give respect to anyone. We're not Hufflepuff." She said the name almost mocking. Just like any proud Slytherin would. "But. We all respect the powerful wizarding families. They demand respect. Do they not? Wasn't the blacks, at one time, a well respected house? Or the Malfoys? Yes, they fell. But, up until that moment, they demanded respect simply for their name.

    If nothing else, Damara deserves that same respect. For her family, if nothing more. Even if she did not, do you truly wish to fight every battle yourself? Do you think so high of yourself that you will gain respect and power all on your own?! Even the dark Lord knew when to bestow respect on his allies! If he needed allies, do you think yourself better than he? Already?! As I said earlier. YOU'RE ALL BLOODY MORONS!!!!"

    She shakes her head again. Clearly angry.

    Eloise shared a conspiratorial giggle with her friend, looking delighted at the new girls' continued outburst. "Poor thing," she said, more than a hint of mockery in her tone, "she'll shout herself blue in there, if nobody says anything back. We should step in."

    With that, she pushed the door wide, stepping forward to lean against the doorframe, her arms crossed. "You talk big, for a first year. You seem to know a lot about Wizarding families - whose yours then? Edlund, hmmm," the girl tilted her prim face, feigning thoughtfulness. "Never heard of them. Sounds like a Muggle name, doesn't it, Peigi?"

    Peigi's entrance after Eloise was always sacrificial. The beautiful blonde was first, coming in the second young girl showed the signs of not growing into a well ripened flower of womanhood. Yet when called Peigi didn't skip a beat, sliding in with a cool glide on the back of her school shoes there was a smile of sinful delight. Mcfee flicked her wrist and tapped her nose, holding down the finger as she mockingly thought. "No, nope, haven't heard the name at all! El, look at these girls. I think I see what she sees, they are all bloody morons" she teasingly repeated Katrin's words, "Who is going to ally with a no-name who insults everyone she meets? Seems a little silly when you think about it that way huh?"

    Peigi's description of the other girls seemed accurate, given their reactions to Edlunds' rant; the two who had been separate from the events so far seemed to be trying to blend into the furniture; silent in their corners of the room.

    Katrin looks up, not at all started when the door opened. Finally decided to confront the curious thing, have we? She thought to herself. She wasn't at all bothered by the questions. She meets their eyes, not turning away or flinching at the questions meant to sting.

    "I have no family. For all you know, I could very well be a Black. or a Malfoy. Or any number of great houses. What you believe on the matter doesn't matter to me at all. As for what you've all been wondering, there is nothing they can do for me. I will always be the broken mudblood you assume I am. But think on this. Magic can fix everything. Everything but curses caused by magic. Especially powerful ones. Take that how you wish. The best healers could not cure me. So, what did it in the first place?" She asked rather pointedly at Eloise, the eavesdropper.

    "Regardless. You know I am right. Everyone needs allies. After all, would you be friends with Peigi if you didn't think she could benefit you in some way? Be truthful now. She'd be as much a scorn to you, as I am.

    Do you truly think Damara won't be any kind of benefit? Have you seen that monster she brought as a pet?! Would you honestly like that thing angry with you?" At the end of this last question, she looked to each person in the room. As if asking the same.

    Would you like Khon after you?

    "I don't care if you want to be friends with me, allies with me, or simply want to ignore me. Whatever. I wasn't talking about myself. If you'd been actually listening, you'd realize I was talking about the girl you all bullied as she tried to go into the dorms. Trust me. You'll want her on your side."

    "Stop talking about her." Tamara spoke, having remained quiet and reserved since her friend was commanded into the boys room. She felt a sense of admiration at Michael and Douglas for taking the strange matter so seriously - even Douglas, with all his idiotic tendencies had taken the situation in stride - and had, instead of joining the conversation, kept her head down to pack her clothes away. "There's no reason to bring her name up at all. We get your point." Tamara's words were coated in Venom, like a true snake, and as she turned her eyes the other girls could see scorn laying underneath them, simmering like liquid death.

    "Oh, I'm a poor mudblood who no one likes, but you should all be friends with me because I might be useful." Tamara now turned completely from her drawers, her suitcases almost empty - her silence having given the girl all the concentration she had needed to fill the drawers fast. "Damara is from a prestigious line, an ancient line going all the way back to the Muggle Kingdoms of Greece. They have existed longer than some of the Sacred Twenty-Eight."

    "There's no question of whether or not she will be a useful friend to have." Tamara now returned to her chest of drawers, her voice softening slightly as a sad streak ran through her - the girl having been excited for late night laughing and discussing with the Greek girl.
    "But you've got it wrong if you think that just because we are in Slytherin you can only like someone with use. My father told me that in Slytherin you have to command respect before you can attain friendship - perhaps you'd have been told that as well, if you had any parents to do so."

    Katrin turned her attention straight to Tamara. Her eyes almost holding a sadness. A deep sadness that seemed to reach to her very core. As if allowing a single glimpse into the soul and the burden inside the young girl. That one look speaking greater volume than any words she could have said. She sighs and shakes her head. "Those who were cruel enough to laugh at your friend tonight do not care. They see her, and anyone else who is different, as less than themselves. I've known their type my whole life, Tamara. If only it were as simple as it should be. Everyone should have respect, simply for being in this house. Or do we all believe the sorting hat is wrong?" With this last, her voice was soft. Still filled with sadness. She turned her gaze to each girl there. Looking into their eyes. A glance that seemed to pierce their very souls. One could imagine she'd seen a great deal for her young years. One could feel a great wisdom in them. Whether they believed that feeling or not.

    She sighs again and shakes her head. Pulling her legs up onto the bed. The action more to let her words sink in, than anything else.

    Once settled onto the bed, her eyes turned toward Peigi, once more with the same sadness. As if, all the anger had left her. As if she'd simply resigned herself.

    "We both heard the way everyone spoke of you at the great Hall. You're like me. You brush it off and continue on. You've managed to make friends in this house. Despite being different. Despite the way they treat you."

    She turns again to Eloise. "You've become her friend. Despite my question, I refuse to believe you are that cold. As to only befriend her because of how helpful she can be. No. The way you two are, you are true friends. Something that is rare."

    Then, she takes in the whole room, shaking her head again. "Slytherin commands respect. It always has. It's always been known for ambition. Cunning. Leadership. Do those traits really have to align with only respecting those who are useful, or like you? Write me off all you wish. I'm used to it. I know who I an. I an Katrin Edlund. A family name that does not exist. In the muggle world nor hear. Edlund. A great writer from a great story. I am proud of who I am." She takes another moment, before continuing. "But that girl in there?" She points vaguely toward the direction of the boys' dorm. "Doesn't. She's scared. She's lonely. All she wants is one person to accept her. Respect her at the least.

    What I saw tonight, in the Commons? Make me embarrassed to be Slytherin. No, you don't all have to be friends right away. I don't expect that. But, she could use a little kindness. Perhaps I did choose the wrong House. Or, perhaps, I didn't expect such coldness from this one. Perhaps that is my mistake.

    Perhaps, we really do only get to know others if they can be useful to us. Either way, you'll want to get to know that girl. Whether because you'll find her useful, or because you wish to be kind. You'll have to figure that out yourself."

    Tamara remained silent, this lecture clearly being aimed at the others - as she had thought no different of her young friend when she was forced into the boys dorms. However, as she turned back to finish up her packing, she opened her mouth and softly hissed. "All of those people who laughed at us - we'll get them one day. Even you Peigi." Now remaining silent, the girl closed the latches on her bag and laid down upon her bed, staring out of the window beside her and into the dark green murky waters of the Hogwarts Lake.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    by Minkasha & G

    Eloise's expression suggested boredom, though the girls' speech had been powerful enough to keep her silent throughout. She watched the exchange between her and Tamara as though it were playing out on one of the televisions Muggles loved so much. She hadn't reacted much to the accusation that she was friends with Peigi for personal gain - her best friends' sharp eyes and sharper tongue had been what had appealed to her; that, and the way she deferred to Eloise. Having Peigi on her good side had meant avoiding being the target of the rumours the other girl loved to spread, at first; but after a year of companionship any relationship grows deeper. When Katrin backtracked, attributing their friendship as something true, Eloise raised an eyebrow.

    "Well, you're obviously observant; I'll give you that. You seem to know so much about us, for someone on your first night. What would you know of our friendship? Anyway, I'm tired of listening to your speech. Some of us have better things to do."

    Whether it was from genuine boredom, or that the second year couldn't think of any further retaliation was for the first year to assess. Honestly, Eloise just preferred being flattered to being shouted at - and gossip was more fun when she and Peigi could do it without harassment. Turning, she reached for Peigi's arm again, pulling her friend away toward their own dorm.

    "Come on, Peigi. My mother will have left a care package in my things, let's go." The brag of sweet treats that the second years would be returning to, rather than the uncomfortable tension in the first year dorm, was of course spoken loud enough for the rest to hear. Peigi tagged along, giving one last glance at the first year girls till she closed the door behind her in a jokingly polite manner.

    Smiling, Peigi followed behind Eloise in the green decorated hallway til they entered the second year dorm. The young witch didn't have much patience to let Eloise get to the promised sweets before letting free her newest scheme. "It's time. I think the cripple needs to find love and maybe she'll calm down some"

    El clapped her hands together gleefully, grinning at her friend. "Peigi, you're a genius. She wants an ally, after all. You can give her one - isn't she lucky to have Cupid watching over her?!" she referred to the other blonde by the nickname she'd earned in their first year. She made herself comfortable on her bed, pulling the curtains wide before she sat to make room for Peigi.

    "Well, matchmaker - whose the lucky guy?!" A delightful wink and shimmy of Peigi's shoulders imitated little wings that fluttered her over to Eloise's bed, sitting beside her to begin whispering her imaginings to her.

    "There is a first year boy with the ugly glasses and blonde hair. He went into Hufflepuff, remember. Percy? I think he would be a wonderful fit for her!"

    Eloise giggled, her teeth showing white in the dim light of the dormitory. "Hmm, now we just have to wait till they're together, this is going to be the best!"

    The girls chatted happily, scheming together about the best time to catch the two first years, perfectly content with the idea of manipulating their emotions. After all, Peigi had helped people find love before. They didn't call her Cupid for nothing.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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    Katrin watches the girls leave sadly. Knowing there wasn't anything she could do to make them understand. They all needed each other. At least with some level of respect. What happened tonight, shouldn't happen. But, they didn't understand. And they didn't care. As for Damara, as much as she wanted to help. She knew she couldn't. After all, hadn't she been there herself? On the outside? Different? The girl would have to find her own strength to stand up to them.

    No, she'd go back to her original plan. Simply ignoring them. She could leave them alone. Maybe they'd listen eventually. Or not. That didn't matter. She didn't care enough. "They'll understand eventually. When they're on the other side of things. . ." She mused aloud.

    Yes. They'd understand. If they ever ended up on the outside.

    She too lay down in her bed. Pulling the covers up. She goes to sleep, thinking about this new world she was in. Surprised at how alike it was to what she already knew.

    The more things change, the more they're the same. this thought was her last as she drifted off to sleep
    Last edited by HaelKatrin; 09-19-2017 at 07:34 AM.

    What is an Angel, without her Wings?

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