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Thread: A 3-person Pokemon Adventure discussion form...

  1. #11
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    They don't. We just press on as if it's still 3 people... someone somewhere will catch on to what we're doing and somehow decide to jump in and join.

  2. #12
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    Doesn't Jeremy's group have a dating couple in it? That would probably be best for me as I speak romance a good bit. Also how many characters do I need to make? I'm sure I can play 3 characters totally fine then the occasional background characters.

    I'm still warming up to pokemon and trying to understand it to help us have the best experience we can have. So you may have to bare with me for a bit.

  3. #13
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRINCESS SARAH View Post
    Doesn't Jeremy's group have a dating couple in it? That would probably be best for me as I speak romance a good bit. Also how many characters do I need to make? I'm sure I can play 3 characters totally fine then the occasional background characters.

    I'm still warming up to pokemon and trying to understand it to help us have the best experience we can have. So you may have to bare with me for a bit.
    Jeremy is the one dating. He's same sex oriented. But then also is leaning a little to bi as he's a gay youth. The gay flavor of the lightfoot bree.

  4. #14
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    Okay, I think I'd want to try that. Um if I watched the show would it help me? Where could I watch it if it would?
    Also, how many characters do I need to make and what other info can you tell me about Jeremy's group?
    I promise I'm not trying to be difficult its just part of my condition to make sure I understand every little thing.

  5. #15
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Name: Lisa Pidgetta Lightfoot
    Gender: Female
    Race: Asian
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Good
    Age: 16
    Body Type: Lean
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 175lbs
    Complexion: light light tan
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Relationship Status: Single
    Personality: A Lover and a musical heart
    Mannerisms: Honest
    Likes: Friends, Music, People who tell the Truth, listening to the radio
    Dislikes: Drugs, Bloodshed, Bullies, People who waste her time with false alarms, Backstabbing double-crossers.

    Hometown: Metropolis, Kansas. Currently: Burbank, California.

    Pokemon: Crawdaunt- Female.
    Zebstrika- Female
    Drillbur- Male
    Roggenrola- Female
    Gothita- Female.
    Geodude- Male
    Scyther- Male
    Fletchling- Female
    Nidoran- Male And Female
    Machop- Male
    Electrabuzz- Male
    Magmar- Male
    Tyrogue- Male
    Oshawott- Male

    Lisa is the first born daughter to the Rising Star. She was born as being a rather optimistic sort of girl. Philosophical to a fault and very curious of the world. Looking at everything. She was believed to be rather athletic. But instead... she became a celeb like her mother.

    As she grew up to early childhood... She got into dancing and some singing as she was with a musical knack just as her mother had. She would sing in her sleep... One song that she sang was...

    "We're walking in the air
    We're floating in the moonlit sky
    The people far below are sleeping as we fly
    We're holding very tight
    I'm riding in the midnight blue
    I'm finding I can fly so high above with you
    Far across the world
    The villages go by like dreams
    The rivers and the hills
    The forests and the streams
    Children gaze open mouth
    Taken by surprise
    Nobody down below believes their eyes
    We're surffing in the air
    We're swimming in the frozen sky
    We're drifting over icy
    Mountain floating by
    Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep
    Arousing of a mighty monster from its sleep
    We're walking in the air
    We're floating in the midnight sky
    And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly"

    In her teen years... She's started to fall into a bit of a rough crowd and possibly started up a habit.

    Nicole Eunha Lightfoot
    Race: Human.
    Ethnicity: Asian-American
    Like: Dancing. Singing. Reading. Running and making people come together as one. Sweets and living life.
    Dislike: Drugs, Bullies, Thieves. Liars. Evil doers and dishonesty.Smoking.

    Her middle name is the name of the S.Korean Superstar Jung Eunbi Worldly known as Eunha. She's a member of Gfriend. And one of the godmothers of Macie's kids. Nicole is able to speak fluent Korean, Italian and Japanese. Plus french and spanish. Same goes for Lisa.

    Nicole's Pokemon:

    Pyroar- Male
    Druddigon- Female
    Roggenrola- Male
    Spearow- Female
    Geodude- Male
    Scyther- Male
    Fletchling- Female
    Nidoran- Male And Female

    Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot
    Age: 15
    Race: Asian-American
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Deity: God
    Size: Tall
    Bodytype: Athletic
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 190
    Complexion: Soft and angelic
    Hair: blonde or any color
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: Past Emotional Scars

    A young teen. Not too focused on the ways of the world due to how his family was always protecting him. Although... that's what one would usually believe. Think. What the real deal was that Jeremy was not just average. He was more. He was a coming out gay youth. A Gay youth who was also a developing drag kid. Drag Teen to be more exact. Plus not only that... he was also a celebrity. Known to the world as Passion Kiss. Of course that not only was it his celebrity singing stage name... but also his Drag Kid/Teen handle. Identity. That was his total bag. Complete bag. It was who he was... The complete part of what he was... Inside and out. What's more is that he also was believed to look like the Advocate Desmond Napoles.

    He is Gay. Plus has a soulmate named Sandy Westmoore. So... If you see Sandy and Jeremy kissing and the sort. That's why. They're gay. Gayer than a 3 dollar bill.

    Sandy Westmoore is a member of Jeremy's Entourage and close friend. Best friend and again SOULMATE. There is nothing straight about them. Nothing.

    They have friends of their own that they made while at camp the summer before the journey started... They're also part of his Entourage. So... Expect them from time to time at checkpoints.

    Jeremy's pokemon:

    Gurdurr- Male.
    Simisear- Male
    Excadrill- Female
    Roselia- Female
    Roggenrola- Male
    Gothorita- Female
    Alolan Geodude- Male
    Scyther- Male
    Fletchling- Female
    Nidoran- Male And Female
    Machop- Male
    Electrabuzz- Male
    Magmar- Male
    Tyrogue- Male
    Oshawott- Female

    Name: Curtis Bart Payne Allen
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Caring, Bubbly and very heartfelt
    Mannerisms: honest, punctual. timely
    Likes: Running, anything that goes fast.
    Age: 16
    Race: American
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Deity: God
    Size: Tall
    Bodytype: Athletic
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 190
    Complexion: Soft and bright
    Hair: blonde
    Eyes: Dark Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: None

    Name: Saphiroth C. C. Lightfoot
    Gender: Male
    A Recently coming out Singer and strong supportive brother to Jeremy, Lisa and Nicole.
    Name: Saphiroth Casey Cornelius Lightfoot
    Nicknames: Angelic Masterpiece
    Personality: Caring, Bubbly and very heartfelt
    Mannerisms: honest, punctual. timely
    Likes: Music, Singing, Dancing, Family, Listening to others sing.
    Dislikes: Beatniks, Thieves, Bullies, Drug Users, Head cases.
    Age: 17
    Race: Asian-American
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful good
    Deity: God
    Size: Tall
    Bodytype: Athletic
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 190
    Complexion: Soft and angelic
    Hair: Blue
    Eyes: Blue
    Handedness: Right
    Scars: None

    He was the teen who at a young age was with the features that looked as though they were carved by angels. He looked like a hot model too. However he wasn't. He was just an average teen or so to speak. He was also a singer. It truly came all out due to a summer at band camp. He was attending camp for that summer and from that... a kept silent talent was born and made a reality.

    He was a trainer too... He got his pokemon license a couple days before Jeremy and the two girls did. He traveled North a ways and then came down... and made it to Hwy 24 where it would take him right to Buckner. Not knowing it was where his brother and sisters were gonna be going. It was when he saw a patch of woods that looked rather thick and luscious and saw that it was getting late at night. He then made his way in through the woods with his trusty pokemon partner Panpour. He nicknamed him Aqua. It felt fitting for him and it was a water type pokemon... so it made sense. He only got to a certain point when he then saw a light flickering... it didn't look like trouble... but he was with defense. He treaded careful till suddenly he reached the opening and saw a group of trainers. He recognized them as his siblings...

    (That was how he entered)

    His only pokemon to date is Panpour.

    Name: Alice Neville
    Gender: Female
    "A Housekeeper to the Lightfoot family and a well cared part of the family"
    Nicknames: Witty Lady
    Race: Caucasian
    Class: Human
    Alignment: Lawful
    Age: 35
    Body Type: Slender
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 200
    Complexion: Radiant and fair
    Hair: Light Brown
    Eyes: Green
    Handedness: Right
    Relationship Status: Straight
    Personality: Feminine but burly
    Mannerisms: Helpful and at times witty
    Likes: Cooking, cleaning and tending to the family's needs.
    Dislikes: Liars, dishonesty, Heartaches

    Alice's Pokemon

    Remember those details were part of all the intel. But that's the basis of what you need to know of those characters... moreless.

    However... there's also Jeremy's entourage. Darlene Lerner. Sgt. Lerner. Sandy Westmoore... Anistar. They're part of it all as well.

  6. #16
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    So how many characters do I need and for which teams do I need to make them? Also it might help if I watch the show. What is it called and where can I go watch it?

  7. #17
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    The show is as it's called... Pokemon.

    And if you were to join my group RP... the main main one... You could possibly have made a character for joining Jessie's team. And then one for Jeremy's. However if you like... you could create a twin set of characters for you as your characters seek to join Jeremy's group.

  8. #18
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    Okay, could one of my characters be the soul mate of the guy in Jeremy's group?

  9. #19
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Like to who? All that's left really is either Saphiroth, Jeremy's Brother... or Curtis. a cousin of theirs... That's pretty much about all. Unless you can detect something better.

  10. #20
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    Okay..... I'm gonna be honest with you and try to be as nice as I can. I did feel really bad that you were having trouble trying to find someone to write with you. And I know you went through all of this trouble to get this set up for us. I'm so confused on this then I get it then I get confused again. I just don't think this will work out for us. Though you could probably message Danny Phantom. They are more into the phandom type stuff than me.... Again I really am sorry.....

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