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Thread: [IC] Kingdom Hearts :: Shattered Remains [PG-13]

  1. #11
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Rafe wasn't sure how long he lay unconcious in that underground waterway, It could have been a night or longer, all he knew was that when he awoke his clothes were dampened from exposure to the water and humid air, what he also knew was the familiar sensation that awoke him. It was a primal fear warning him of danger. "Damn, hear already?" He thought as he pulled himself to his feet summoning his keyblade.

    However when the young warrior went out on the hunt he quickly discovered that he was late to the fight as he rounded a corner to a small road where two young women were standing one brandishing what appeared to be a Wand similar to the one Merlin used and the other a sword though somehow imbued with enough power to destroy a shadow.

    "How did you do that?"
    The girl with the wand asked.

    Rafe took a step forward as his keyblade vanished, he knew the creatures were drawn to them and it would be safer if he kept hidden till it was needed, no sense in disrupting the peace with more questions.
    "Her weapon is Imbued with light, or something of similar potency" Rafe answered for the warrior. "The more important question I have is how is she so familiar with them, the heartless shouldn't be that well known to most people, normally their first encounters are their last."

  2. #12
    Member DracoDeathtalon's Avatar
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    Vanigx stood up before looking around and opened his eyes. He noticed other people appearing and was extremely paranoid while glaring as he got out his keyblade known as Dark Bahamut before breathing heavily as he growled. “What the hell are you doing here? You have to stay away from me. My sins are too great.” He then rushed at them almost like he was trying to intimidate them.

  3. #13
    Krystalline Moon
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    Riazel awoke with a start as he quickly sat up quickly blinded by the powerful light that surrounded him. Closing his eyes quickly he slowly got used to the light as he slowly opened his eyes. The brightness was something he was not used to. When his eyes were able to see he looked around at the strange scenery. There was a bright light in the sky, and the buildings were so different from the city he was used too.

    In fact for some reason he awoke on one of the roofs of the city. Wyay from the people below. "How did I get here?" Raizel asked in a confused tone. The last thing he remembered was being electrocuted and his vision going black. He did feel a hand grab his but he didn't know if that hand was the one that brought him here.

    With everything around him he knew he was no longer in his home, but somewhere completely different. Event the amount of magical energy in the air was not nearly as strong as his home world. "Where am I?" He asked the wind since there was no one there. Looking around once more he tried to find someone walking around, but there was no one.on the streets. Yet something did catch his attention. A small black creature like the one that had come to his home so long ago was wondering the street. Though he decided to leave it alone since it wasn't doing anything.

    Walking to the other end of the roof he saw a man climb on top the roof adjacent to his. Deciding that this might be his best course of action he jumped from his roof to the other and walked up to the darker skinned man. "Do you happen to know where we are or what is going on?"

  4. #14
    Star of the Dawn
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    Ardeth did not expect the stranger who suddenly spoke up, but the trained Medjai warrior kept his composure and listened to the man’s question.

    “I know nothing about this place, but I’ve seen those creatures before.” Ardeth said, looking down at the patrolling Heartless. “They are searching for something. Stay on your guard.”

    The armored girl began saying something about balance and the 'blinding glare of light'. Ardeth continued to listen, not entirely understanding what she was getting at, but then another stranger began charging aggressively toward the group before the armored girl could continue. The blonde cast some sort of spell, and the armored girl drew her sword and continued her preaching, but now was not the time for speeches. Ardeth was too high up to stop the assailant, but he did begin to lower himself, likewise preparing to step in if necessary.


    “Heartless? You mean the yelloweyes?” Luna asked, casually pointing toward where the knight-like yelloweye had just gone off to.

    “He’s right though; no one’s ever had a chance to study a yelloweye up close before, much less tame one. You must be quite an extraordinary witch.”

    Luna’s admiration was set aside for the moment as someone suddenly charged at them as if to attack them. The silver hare vanished as Luna lifted her wand and stepped out of the stranger’s path.

    “Stupefy!” Luna said aloud, slashing her wand in front of her. A red light shot out of her wand at the attacker, and would instantly knock out anyone it hit.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 07-27-2019 at 08:47 PM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  5. #15
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Alinara frowned at the approach of another person as she was about to respond to Luna. However it wasn't for the interjection into the conversation, but more his insinuation that she was affiliated with the Light in a way. She looked at the two of them, shaking her head to gather her thoughts before answering. "I am familiar with them because they are part of the force that seeks to keep balance in a universe where the Light keeps cascading over planets and worlds, spreading further and further till there will be naught but the blinding glare of Light."

    She started to draw her blade as someone appeared, charging to attack them. She barely had the dark blade free before the girl had flung a spell out at him, although her gaze had flitted to the blade he had. "This is what the Light calls now to fight for her is it? Those that don't ask the questions and just charge in to fight? Those that just will follow the command of the Light because they believe it to be the good? The savior?" She kept her blade drawn, ready to step in and defend herself and the group if needed. "It is part of why I'm here. To give the story that keeps getting silenced."
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  6. #16
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    Vanigx yelled in pure rage before aiming for a devastatingly strong attack towards Alinara while using Dark Bahamut as he saw the spell and quickly dodged out of the way. “To atone for my dark sins, I fight for the light using an Eidolon’s inner darkness.” He then growled at her while heading in for the attack.
    Last edited by DracoDeathtalon; 07-28-2019 at 02:33 AM.

  7. #17
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Rafe grit his teethe and stepped between Vagnix and Alinara summoning his own keyblade and countered the berserker. Given the warriors loss of footing after dodging Luna's spell Rafe found it easy enough to get in past his guard and drive the pommel of his keyblade into the warriors stomach winding him and giving the three of them some moments to defend themselves.

    In the lull the attach bought them Rafe took a ready stance facing Vanigx. "You're not wrong about that storyteller" He said referring to Alinara. "Long time ago I was party to an event that destroyed my home and my friends. But it's not the darkness or the light that I hold responsible, there's an individual pulling the strings. If you're mission is to stop another keyblade war, or anyone else from disrupting the world order, you've found an ally, we're not all like this nutcase."
    His attention shifted to Vanigx aftwerward. "You'll find no redemption in randomly attaching innocents. You claim to be a danger to those around you and yet you choose to attach rather than flee to isolation. You're perpetuating your own sins, Leave now in peace if that is what you want, but raise your blade again and I'll cut you down hear and now, ending your suffering."

  8. #18
    Krystalline Moon
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    Raizel was content with the strange man’s answer as he looked to the strange black creatures that had attacked him in his own world. He also saw the fight that was happening right in the ally that was below them. The dark-skinned man made his way down to street level. Though Raizel just looked over the edge wondering what all this commotion was about. Yet at the same time he began to think about his predicament.

    Granted this wasn’t his home, and the magical energies in this world were quite a bit lower than there. However, he could make this his home, and escape permanently from the fate that awaited him back in his home world. He could be free here without having to fight. To live a normal life. Giving a light sigh he stepped off the building and used a simple floating spell to lower himself to the street.

    Looking into the eyes of everyone gathered he seemed a little off put. Nothing about them screamed that he needed to get involved. “Well this is a merry band that seems to be handling themselves.” Raizel said as he began to slowly walk past the man that charged at the small group that had gathered. Stopping beside him and staring at the man with his lavender eyes Raizel just smirked. “Light and Darkness are one and the same. One cannot exist without the other.”

  9. #19
    Star of the Dawn
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    Luna could scarcely believe her luck. She'd only been here for a few minutes, and already there was a small group of friends gathering around her. Even the rage-filled stranger didn't seem all bad. That, and all this discussion about the nature of light and darkness was really quite fascinating. The armored girl seemed to think light was dangerous, and perhaps it could be sometimes, but not always. Then along came another wizard who contributed his own thoughts to the discussion, saying that light and darkness were the same and that they depended on each other, and Luna's eyes lit up slightly.

    "I was asked a riddle earlier today. When are light and darkness the same?" Luna said almost casually, as if she was already good friends with all of these people. "The correct answer was 'when the darkness is brought into the light and becomes one with it'. What do each of you make of this?" She asked with a soft smile, genuinely interested in what they each thought of this riddle, especially the armored girl given her apparent fear of the light.

    Ardeth stood slightly apart from the group, keeping a close eye on the aggressive man and deciding not to get dragged into all this talk about light and darkness. It was easy to get lost in such thoughts, and Ardeth needed to stay focused, especially now. And if that meant keeping quiet while this group had their talk, then so be it.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  10. #20
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    Her feet stopped short when seeing a shadowy figure shift passed her on the ground. "It can't be.... A-are they here too," Mina murmured to herself in disbelief. It seemed like there will be danger around every corner of her journey, even this new world must already be infested with the same creatures that attacked and took some innocent lives from her home world. She could feel her emotions welling up within her, a mixture of fear, anger, and sadness thinking of those lost to darkness. Wilhelmina took a moment taking a deep breath reminding herself that she intends to save her land and other effected by those creatures if she could. With the help of her teachings Wilhelmina calmed her mind and shook away the thoughts for the time being, there were more important things to focus on.

    With that she could her the commotion of fighting nearby, Mina's instincts kicked in and her feet quickly jogged over to the area. The group was quite diverse with slight tension in the air as she took in each person. They seemed to be talking about light and darkness, but not everyone seemed to have agreeing points of view. Wilhelmina slowly approached the group feeling a little unease as she spoke to the man that stood quietly from the group letting out a soft sigh to release the tension from her body.

    Wilhelmina cleared her throat to alert him to her presence before speaking just in case he didn't notice her. "Excuse me for bothering you, but I was wondering if you happen to know what's going on? Are you all the people chosen by light...?" Mina asked trailing off for a moment, "My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself before speaking. I'm Wilhelmina. I'd appreciate if you don't mind answering some questions so I could possibly get my bearings." She smiled gently feeling a little nervous talking to a stranger, but he did feel the most approachable especially with him being a bit way from the group.

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