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Thread: The Hunted {IC - M}

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    The loud sound of the siren even made him cringe. Even though it had been a couple of years since he was at the receiving end of that alarm, and the guards that accompanied said alarm. Let alone being called a traitor by the gifted that remain incarcerated in this hell hole. jHe is now the hunter, and an outcast among the rest of the gifted. He just wanted to help them but ended up becoming a slave to the will of the Asylum. Slowly making his way to the cell block since it was the only way to get to the main offices. Lucky for him the gifted we're already in the yard, so at least he won't have to hear them call him a traitor, or at least he hoped so.

    When he arrived on the floor above the yard he looked down at the gifted that had been forced into the yard for their 'Quality time’. He saw the hierarchy of the yard, and shuttered at the thought of having to be placed back in there. He was not the bottom of the food chain, but he wasn't the strongest. Especially after the scientists ran some of their experiments on him. “I will never go back there.” Gaius said under his breath as he caught the sight of someone in a beautiful black outfit walking among the gifted alongside the warden.

    Gaius’ gaze immediately settled on the young man as he was Instantly reminded of the man he loved. He smiled slightly as he remembered that night. It was about mid summer, and Gaius had just gotten a good paying job, and his own place. He had asked Connor out on a date to a very fancy restaurant. making reservations and everything he was Wearing a set of nice black pants with a flowing white shirt, and a black vest. Connor walked in with an outfit of black silk with red trim. It had a golden dragon embroidered on each of the sleeves. After their dinner Gaius gave Connor a gift. Inside the box was a set of keys to his new apartment. He asked if Connor would move in with him...

    Though the memory was broken by the sounds of one of the inmates calling him a traitor. The smile left his face as he looked at the brawny man, with long facial hair. Giving the man no credence he looked back to the person from the corporate office. He wondered why this man made him think of his old life. Of when he was actually happy and carefree. Looking away from the admin he began to walk down the long hall. He knew that he would be meeting the man soon enough, and having to deal with his prejidist. Especially since the higher ups like to meet all of the agents for one reason or another. Gaius began whistling a song that he has always sung to Connor when he was sad. The only thing that has kept him sane through everything he has gone through. The song echoed throughout the Asylum.

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    Droplets of blood spattered across the canvas of the boxing ring’s floor. The two figures within the ropes moved away from each other for a heartbeat and then together again in a quick succession of blows, both delivered and dodged. Blood spattered across the canvas again.

    “Defend yourself, Irish! Hands up!”


    The figures traded blows again, quick strikes and kicks, and then in a fluid motion, one leg swept under and took the legs out from under the other figure. The downed figure was quick on the rebound and rolled away, bouncing onto their feet again and circling the other like a predator. As they came around behind the still figure in the middle, they raced their back and was met with a sharp elbow to the diaphragm, winding them so much that they draped over the still figure’s shoulders and back as though they’d suddenly become a cloak.

    “Ow…” Came a small voice at Sloane’s ear.

    A girlish giggle bubbled from Sloane’s bloodied lips and she cracked a grin, which hurt, but so did everything else. The two young women doubled over with laughter and collapsed together, limbs entangling with one another on the raised platform in the middle of the industrial, otherwise minimalist gym.

    “Two weeks ago, I never would have been able to get you in the ring, and now you’re pulling sneaky little shit like that? Damn, red,” the Italian shook her head and beamed up at Sloane, then reached out to gently brush her thumb across her broken lip. “Let’s get you fixed up.”

    “Feck, Carina,” Sloane breathed, gently wincing as the other girl stood between her legs, holding her face with one hand while guiding a needle through her lip with the other.

    “Dio, red, stay still or your lip is going to be all cock-eyed,” the brunette snapped and Sloane all but pouted. The two had moved from the boxing ring to the kitchenette at the back of the building. The Irishwoman sat on the counter beside the sink and Carina between her legs for the best leverage when stitching her up. The first aid kit, in an old fish-tackle box, sat on the other side of Sloane’s hips, open and a mess, per Carina’s usual style of functioning. It wasn’t too long before Carina had finished, and in a few days to a week it would be just fine.

    “Can we get breakfast now?”

    “Take a shower.”

    Sloane rolled her eyes and watched as Carina walked away. The Italian was fierce and extroverted, bold, brash, and bossy. Sloane loved that. But she was also messy, forgetful, self-indulgent, impatient, and possessive. Sloane was still deciding how she felt about those traits. All together though, Carina had helped Sloane when she needed it most, and then welcomed her into her home.

    East Harlem at night isn’t the best place to be if you don’t look like you fit in. Sloane had been easy prey for the gang on E 112th St that night, and Carina had come to her rescue. Then, when she learned that she had no where to go, there was no hesitation to the decision of bringing Sloane home. The bruises from that night were just about healed, only the darkest parts along her ribcage still visible, but there were other, newer bruises, too – considerably less serious, but still colorful across her pale skin.

    The hot water of the shower made fresh blood well from her lip and she only knew because it stung. Sloane stood under the hot water for too long, making her skin flame-red, but eventually she did the things one does to consider themselves bathed and clean before exiting. She dressed in Carina’s clothes that had been laid out for her and padded into the main living area, toweling the dampness out of her hair and frowning slightly at the music on the radio.

    “What’s this?” She tapped the screen of the large glass tablet and the cradle it was in shudders and she frowned. “Dumb thing… Hey Siri, what’s this song?”

    “Siri? Siri was discontinued when the iPhone X became obsolete and update – what? Was it 14? Girl,” Carina scoffed.

    “I forget,” Sloane blew it off and sat to pull her shoes on. “Breakfast?”

    “One track mind,” Carina grinned and shook her head.

    “Feed me, Seymour!”

    The Shop on 5th Ave was their destination. Across the street crouched the New York Public Library, and the cafe windows displayed the view well. The women grabbed a window table and ordered what appeared to be too much food for just the two of them.

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    Elfina tarried in her room for a moment, looking around the small and cluttered space with a rather more unplesant look than her usual scowl. She was one of the only Agent Guards that did not live on the grounds that had her own room. Most had to share a common area during their break times, either in the lounge or in the bunk area. It was a point of resentment for several of the more senior guards, but it was a perk for having a high ranking mother, and Elfina cared little for their petty gripes.

    It was going to be a long day. There facility was scheduled to have a visit by one of the higher ranking officials, one that would remain there for an ‘appropriate’ amount of time. Hence her current scowl. Her mother had left the facility for the duration of the visit. Or, as she suspected, because of it. It was something of little consequence, but something that made her mom actually reach out to her.

    There was a letter perched upon the various array of weapon prototype plans and tools upon her desk, with the her name written out in perfectly spaced letters, the paper perfectly white. She already knew what the contents of the letter would be. Don’t embarrass me. Be nice to our guest, and maybe you will actually be promoted this time. Clean your damn space. The whole thing made her head ache.

    With a methodical movement, Elfina would reach inside one of her pockets, pulling out a long cylinder of metal, which she quickly flipped open on one end to reveal several small pills. With a continued motion of practice, she popped a few of the pills into her mouth, swallowing them as she screwed her eyes shut in a grimace.


    The headache was gone a moment later. Better. She gave one last look around the room, surrendering to the fact that it would most certainly not be clean in the next few minutes. It wasn’t like the higher up was going to come into her room during the day; she had no reason to bother. She shrugged, before walking out into the hall.

    No one would guess the state of her room by seeing Elfina in her uniform. She always presented herself as impeccably clean and neat as the card her mother had sent. Everything looked to be to exact specifications, with none of the personal affects that many of the other guards took the liberty to include. At least, on the surface, she seemed to be to the exact code.

    The days schedule was for her to start by escorting the children out to the Yard. It was a rather easy job, as the children were mostly too frightened by what happened to the older Wards to rebel much. After she was finished with that, she was supposed to be assigned to the brown nosing duty with the Agent Admin.

    The job was supposed to go to her.

    Elfina stood at the end of the hall as the alarm made its raucous call, sounding as she knew it would. It was a terrible sound, like a thousand hellion birds screeching a final call of agony as their souls were peeled away in one torturous moment. The doors (twenty total, ten and ten a side) opened slowly, followed by the bleary complaints, sombre cries, and startled screams of the children within.


    “Get up! All of you!” Elfina said in commanding voice. “Report to the yard, wards.”

    There was little complaint by the children as they heard her voice. Many of them knew Elfina to be one of the few guards that didn’t take any sluggishness as means to rough them up, but had heard stories that she was not one to cross. Slowly they filed out from their rooms, lining up neatly at the end. There was one of the other wards, an older woman, that often watched the children in the Yard, who often came to fetch them all. As it was procedure, she would follow them all out, until there was none left in the hall.


    Elfina counted ten heads, and she recalled each of their listed abilities, files ingrained into her mind as they were for all the wards. It was one of the many things that set her above the common guard. That, and she didn’t feel the need to act like a baboon trying to pretend it was the biggest primate by using punching as the primary form of communication. It was embarrassing. She had seen more menacing guards in b rated horror movies.

    It was a matter of following the procedure in place. As long as the rules were followed, there was no issue. Those that tested the rules, however…

    There was good reason people, ward and guard alike, knew not to cross her.

    The children left the hall with no protest at first, until one of the younger children-- no more than 6-- waddled toward her, eyes glistening. She recalled from this one’s file that she had been ripped from the arms of her family, and tended to cling to any adult they saw first. The power they had was minor-- being able to change the color of what they touched-- but an inconvenience if she had to deal with it affecting her routine.

    “Back off, Ward 4B0082,” Elfina said, her voice low, “I will only warn you once.”

    This was enough to make the child hesitate a moment, before the nanny ward, Elena, came bustling forward, giving a furious look to Elfina.

    “Indigo is just a child!” The woman said, putting herself in between the two. Instantly, the tearful girl clamped onto Elena’s leg, and the pants began to change to a deep blue. “If you are going to hit someone, hit me!”

    Elfina looked to the duo, and the several frightened looking children behind her, eyes frightened with expected onslaught of violence. She had no plans to act on her threat, but that was because she knew the child would fall into line. There was a moment of tense silence, before Elfina gestured forward. “I see no reason to. Get to the yard. Quietly.”

    And the rest of the walk proceeded in silence.


    The wards were settled into the yard now, falling into the usual groups. It seemed that these people, tainted as they were by their ‘gifts’, would still cling onto their illusions of society. Elfina observed them from afar, the scowl from the morning only becoming more severe as she watched the proceedings.

    The honored guest was already there, and being escorted by another guard-- not her. The other guard saw her watching from the floor above as he led the guest into the yard, and gave a seedy grin, before going back to simpering at the higher ups heals. Perhaps it was a relief that she wasn’t the one having to put on a show. But she had been instructed by her mother (in the letter she didn’t bother reading) to make a good impression, and maybe if she did do such a thing, her mother would actually--

    Her train of thought was interrupted by a rather shrill and annoying whistle from one of the passing Agents. Elfina tore her gaze away from the scene below, looking to see who was making the ruckus before seeing one of the other Agents. She recognized him instantly. Gaius, one of the few former wards they had on the force. Metal manipulation. Untrustworthy. Distance from her was about five steps. Trajectory seemed to be heading down one of the hallways. Unfortunately, there was no crime in whistling.

    “Annoying,” Elfina mumbled to herself, but she was quite aware it was loud enough for the other Agent to hear. She hoped it ruined his day, but then, he was already disliked by both sides. It was something they seemed to have in common, currently.

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  4. #14
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    The yard seemed to grow quiet when Connor entered with the warden and Connor’s assistant Jameson. The man was the go to to know anything about Connor, and Connor trusted him for he too was a gifted being, gifted with a genius level intellect and telepathy, though it wasn’t strong he could read the minds of others but that was the limit of his gifts. Connor took the young man under his wing, he was merely 19 years of age and followed Connor around everywhere, planning his days, making sure everything coincided. He barely looked anyone in the eye, and Connor had spoken to him about it several times. Never show weakness. That was beat into Connor the moment he learned he had a gift. Standing in front of the larger man, Connor showed no weakness while Jameson backed up slightly as if something was about to happen. The guards slowly closed in but Connor smirked and held up a hand making them stop.

    “Fiesty,” Connor replied to the girl whose name he did not know. Jameson quickly flipped through the files until he found her. Farrah Jameson spoke into Connor’s mind as he sighed. “Oh come now Farrah, I mean you no harm,” Connor began looking around the yard before returning his gaze to Silus. Silus spoke, telling him his name was of no important, and Connor’s smile slowly vanished. This man did not like authority, he could tell, and he knew he was an ally he needed on his side when the time came. Connor sighed and shook his head. Jameson quickly scanning the files again before producing a name. Silus. “I merely wish to know the names of the captive here. Some of you have exceeded my expectations, but some of you are merely dead weight, and this world could resume without dead weight, isn’t that right Silus?”

    Connor smirked and placed a firm hand on Silus’s shoulder, patting him as if the man was beneath him. He turned and looked at Andrew and shook his head. “Decay, clearly they’ve spent too much time studying decay. Warden, how long has he been in here?”

    “Sir, I…”

    “Long enough it seems. Things are going to change around here, starting with the usefulness of these freaks. Any who we no longer need, we dispose of, UNDERSTOOD?”

    “Ye…yes sir,” the warden said as if wondering if that was too harsh. Connor’s eyes slowly scanned the yard and he watched the faces of those gathered. Jameson looked at Connor his eyes questioning the order he’d just given. “Run all executions by me beforehand, I need to make sure it is done correctly.” Connor’s eyes finally fell on Bakari and Echo and he moved over to them. Their earlier episode did not go unnoticed. The girl’s visions had proven quite useful to the Agency which is why she still lived, but Bakari had no purpose and Connor moved over to him with a gentle smile, a smile that hid the venomous smirk that soon replaced it.

    “I’ve heard of you troublemaker. Bakari right? The man who can move the sand, and you the one known as Echo, how your gift has become beneficial to the Agency. Clearly keeping you here was the right choice, but rest assured anymore stunts and your punishment will be handled by me.”

    “You? You’re just a little man, what could you possibly do?” A burly man spoke up causing Connor to slowly turn to face him. He raised an eyebrow and Jameson stepped back knowing what the results would be. He’d seen it before. It was always bloody, always brutal.

    “Is that so? And you are going to stop me is that right?”

    “I could crush you,” the man replied but the warden had heard enough and signaled the guards.

    “Stand down,” Connor said his eyes narrowing on the one known as Crunch. “Clearly this one is vocal and brave, but I shall show you what we do to individuals who think they are brave.”

    It happened so fast. Connor had moved his hand so swiftly and no one had caught sight of it but Jameson and maybe those with a trained eye, but the kunai screamed through the air and dug into the man’s throat. Shock filled the yard as Connor moved over to the man who was gripping his neck trying to rip the kunai out. “You are more brawn than brains, it’s the only thing keeping you alive. Pull it out and you will bleed to death. Either way your days here are over.” Connor struck the man in the neck jamming the kunai further in severing it and promptly ending the man’s life. He watched as the man slumped down and ceased his gagging.

    “Does anyone else have anything to say? Now is your time? No? Guards remove the dead weight.” Connor ripped the kunai out of the man’s throat and closed his eyes. He’d killed one of his own. This had not been the first time. While undercover in front of others he was no longer the freedom fighting Connor, he was the ruthless administrator that did his job regardless. Connor's ears picked up on something as he looked around the yard. Whistling. Someone was whistling and as he opened his mouth to speak he stopped. The tone was familiar, too familiar. He was sent back in time and the name began to slowly form in his mind. His eye had closed as he hummed along with the whistle but realized what he was doing and stopped immediately. Gaius was here. Was he an inmate? Where was he? It had been so long since he last saw him, and the thought of seeing him again caused a chill to run down his spine. Gaius had abandoned him, left him without a word and the anger that he left still raged within Connor, but things could not go back to the way they were then, back then he felt safe, but now he felt the constant need to keep up appearances and show his value to the Agency. He was needed for the greater good and all the gifted in this forsaken place would be free when the time was right.

    "I give you an option to those whose time is limited here. Join the Agency, join us and hunt down your own kind, or die, the choice is yours."
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 06-21-2018 at 12:57 AM.
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    John lit the screen of his phone up and unlocked it as he panned over the image of a girl with a bloody looking face. Clearly she was in a fight from what looked to be a boxing nature. John hadn't seen the girl in at least a month and only assumed she had just gotten back to this current time period. After staring at the picture he gave a nod in confirmation. "Finally found you." He spoke and clicked off the screen. To him it was a strange matter as he never even saw her in any relation to a boxing match but a lot can change when you can jump time and space itself and switch to whatever you wanted however long you wanted. For all he know, he hadn't seen the girl in a month but in reality the two hadn't met in over a year.

    He could only assume she picked up something from the early 1900's long before gifted got into boxing. But that was only an assumption as he really didn't know much of this girl aside from her being able to jump time. They'd spoken a few times but that was more heated words then anything. John pulled up his contacts and dialed in the number that sent the photo. He was sure they had more information by now. "John? Yea man glad you called me. I saw her up there! I was just working out and then she walked in with some chick. Should have seen her go man. I don't know how you've even come close to catching her before." There was a pause as John simply listened, the Agent was sure John wasn't in the mood for conversation. "But that's aside from the point dude. The two were beating the shit out of each other and then just bursted into laughter and collapsed on the floor." John grumbled to himself clearly getting annoyed. He really wasn't in the mood to talk and wished the agent would just get to the point. "Alright I get it, girls being girls. Get on with it. What else you got?" There was another short pause before the man continued once more. "Sorry dude, don't know whats going on with you but damn." "Erick. The point....." "Oh right! Right sorry. I followed them as soon as they left. Went to a home and I sat out there for a good hour at least before they left. Meet me at the Public Library. The big one with the statues and stuff?" "Yea I know, I'm not to far from there I'll be there soon."

    John pulled the phone away before Erick could say another thing and abruptly hung up on the man. He didn't care what else he was going to say, John had the information he needed and would hopefully have his catch today. He hated this girl. He couldn't stand her as she had always caused trouble for him. His mine processed the previous encounter as he glared. Last time she had come into the time period for a short time. It took him forever to find her but he was way to late. Just before he could snatch her up she poofed right before his eyes jumping into another period.

    The more John thought about it the more annoyed he got with everything. Not only had she evaded him and caused trouble but that was the time where he was laying on the ground for a good hour or two from the shocks from his bracelet. Much like a taser it dropped him right to the ground. Wonderful component and he had wished he could remove it but they kept it there for 'safety' purposes. He knew it was more of a "know your place." Thing rather then anything else. He could zap any power and get away using it so this was a safe guard so he didn't escape.

    While he had never wanted to, John knew he could escape. It just took the right people to do so. He was happy catching other gifted and that's just how it was. This situation with Deirdre was the most annoying if anything. He lost everything but the chance to catch her. The Agency told him that he was to focus on the girl and not come back until she was caught. He had no access to any building aside from his home. And could only hunt the girl until she was brought in. He would receive a full on reinstatement of his position when it was over and he couldn't be happier when the day came.

    Just over the course of his own thoughts, he had finally reached the Library. Right in the front stood a man wearing a black suit and tie. Had he really taken the time to change if he was out doing a work out? Catching sight of John, the man quickly approached him looking around carefully. "John! Bout' time you showed up. Where you been at man." John gave him a look and shook his head. Erick pointed across the street to a window booth where the girl and her friend sat. They had just received food which made things all the better for John. His expression quickly changed to a happy one. "Thanks man, you've been a big help. She's distracted with food right now, so I should be able to slip in and just touch her. Easy in easy out. She's done for."

    The man felt like a kid in a candy store as he focused on her. This was her alright, now all that was left was to bring her in. He adjusted the Titanium bracelet on his wrist and made his way across the street. Today would be the day where he proved himself to be worth something. He could finally get his spot back and go back to hunting real gifted. Not this girl who was a problem causer. Upon opening the door he looked down to his left hand clenching it with a smile. Being sure not to touch another individual. He would lose it if he zapped someone elses power. It would leave this entire encounter pointless. As he slipped in he felt a cold chill run up his spine. This was the moment. He was in the cafe and ready to catch his target.
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    Hearing a familiar voice telling him his whistling was annoying Gaius stopped walking as he knew who it was just by her voice. Turning to the voice he saw Elfina looking at him with a disgusted look on her face. He stopped whistling just long enough to give her a big smile. Knowing that it would get under her skin. He then began the tune once more, making his way down the hall and to the front doors. He was sure that soon he would be called in to meet the man from corporate office. Besides he wasn’t allowed off premises without permission.

    Opening the doors to leave the containment area he stopped his tune and closed his eyes for a moment. He just wanted to be alone with this thoughts. Though that little bit of peace was not going to be awarded to him. He could hear his voice being called from behind him, and it was the voice of that annoying woman that had been assigned to him. Ignoring her till she reached him, and smacked him in the back of the head with the files that were in her hand.

    “Listen freak, when I call out to you you'd had better answer. Because next time I will site you for disciplinary action. Do you hear me!”

    “What choice do I have?”

    “You don’t. Now we have gotten some information from one of our informants. They say they have a location on Subject 554237. The water freak was seen last entering the International Library. We are being sent out to correct your last mistake involving him, and bring him into the Asylum. Our research department is wanting to get their hands on him.”

    Gaius was not in the mood for his new partner to make an appearance. He had just had to deal with watching what had happened in the yard, from the unknown admin. Let alone the fact that they have been accusing him of letting that gifted go.

    Grabbing the file from her hands, and making his way out of the Asylum. He didn’t want to catch this Gifted, but he had no choice if he wanted to keep what little freedom he had gotten. The only thing he could hope was that the said gifted was no longer at the library when they get there.

    Getting in the riders side of the car as his new partner caught up to him getting in the car. Putting the keys in the ignition she looked over at Gaius. Anger in her eyes and body language.

    “Do that to me again…”

    "You have too many rules. I am not going to treat you with kid gloves. So, get off of your high horse and lets get this over with. The sooner I don’t have to see your face the better.”

    “Well That goes for both of us.”

    Starting the engine to the car she pulled out of the driveway and made her way to the library. She didn’t want to be with him, but there was nothing she could do about the matter. Maybe after this she could ask for a transfer.



    As the meeting began the leader of The Order too his position and began to speak. The inspirational speech he gave about their plans received chears from all of the members of the order. The time was coming for them to make their move, and Nero was ready for the invitation, but he hasn't gotten all of the information he was needing for them to be able to free their kin from the whole facility.

    Nero motioned for Angelo to stand and give the report of what he had learned about the Agency, and the lack of information he had. Angelo knew everything he did, and that would never change. Nero wasn’t one to talk in front of people even if they were gifted. Angelo stood up, and looked to the leader as he began to speak.

    “Nero my master has been able to infiltrate the Asylums computer system thanks to Dianna. She has been able to become a part of the nursing staff and has access to the meds that are given to our kind to sedate their powers. We have found the blueprints to the Asylum, and have that information for you to look over. Though we have found a way to infiltrate the building, we have yet to find a way to access the restricted area and the ability to free our brethren that are there. Though, we should be able to find this information soon.”

    Angelo said as he sat down from his report, and looked over at Nero. They young man shook his head in a positive manner. Now they just needed to see what their leader will do with this information.



    Dianna was one of the many nurses that the Asylum employs to take care of the gifted, and she was incharge of giving meds to at least ten to fifteen different Gifted through the day. Putting her cart together she set out the meds, and made quite a few notes. It was time for her to make her rounds, and also make contact with Angel. Since she had been captured and imprisoned in this god forsaken place.

    After administering pills to almost everyone on her list, she moved over to Angel, and looked at her with a smile. Angel wouldn’t know who she was just yet well other than the person that was assigned to give Angel her meds.

    “Ms.Velasca-Ramirez. It is time to take your meds.”

    The nurse said as she prepared the cup with the pill. She then bent down onto her level and looked her in the eyes as she handed her the pill. Though as she did so she began to speak.

    “The time is coming to rid this world of the filth that inherits it.”

    This was part one of a vocal identifier of members of The Order. Hopefully Angel would reply with the second half. There was something she was needing to give her, but her identity needed to be confirmed.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 06-21-2018 at 08:07 PM.

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    Angel stayed where she was at scanning the area. If it wasn't for that stupid Agent with the power sucking ability she would still be out on the streets, showing all of the regs that gifted were truly gifted. She would be doing everything in her power to show the world that Gifted would soon rule over all. She just had to wait for her time. The Order would soon break her out of this place. They still cared didn't they? Or she assumed they did. Angel was sure she could possibly recruit a few more here to join her cause but that would have to wait.

    Burying her head into her legs she left herself to think. She wanted out and she would find a way out but she wasn't quite sure how yet. After a few moments, Angel heard footsteps and the sound of wheels rolling on the hard floor. Looking up she glanced to the Nurse who called to her. Oh right, the pill. She loved the pills. They were great and tasted all so terrible. With a sigh she stared at the lady. "Yea yea the pills I know...." She hated the pills and hated the taste even more.

    When the nurse passed her the pills she looked at the cup examining them closely. She never could remember which ones were which. Some days were dummy pills, just for the sake of testing her abilities. Those were the days when they loved to piss her off the most. Others were just days where her powers just went completely dead. Like a dead battery that hadn't been used in 20+ years. Those were the ones that made her sick and puke the day away while hating the world all together.

    As Angel prepped herself to take the pills she paused hearing the nurse speak with her. Where had she heard that phrase? She knew she'd heard it quite a few times but could never respond correctly. Yet what was the worst that could happen. Angel was sure that was something from her days with The Order. "The time is coming to rid this world of the filth that inherits it.......And to." She paused for a moment in thought but continued. "And to bestow Order back to the world?" She responded questionably and gave a nod at the end. She wasn't completely sure but that had to be it right?

    The girl shrugged after a moment and popped the pills into er mouth taking a quick swallow on them. She did her best not to taste them as they went down but that had failed quite terribly. She could feel them drag her throat and the flavor just erupting in her mouth. She was positive that the pills were coated in a pile of dog shit before given to them.

    Angel leaned over and covered her mouth coughing cringing at the taste. The pills would surely take effect soon but at least she wasn't letting her stomach out all over the ground. When she recollected herself she looked back to the nurse her eyes heavy with the sickness she felt inside. And tho the pills had taken effect she could still feel the spark inside her body from the electricity flowing inside. Clearly this was one of the dummy pills which allowed her to keep some of her energy.
    Last edited by Kiro Akira; 06-21-2018 at 09:21 PM.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

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    The aura in the yard quickly changed after the man's display.

    The body, which had blood still leaking from the wound, was picked up and carried away by some guards. If anyone had been watching, they would have seen two guards try and pick up the body, but fail, before three more joined them. It took five guards total to the move the body out of the yard and into the building. No one seemed to notice of course. A silence echoed through the air that was so heavy that if a mouse had run by everyone would have been able to hear it.

    "I give you an option to those whose time is limited here. Join the Agency, join us and hunt down your own kind, or die, the choice is yours."

    Automatically the brunette girl was on the feet and standing in-between Silus and Andrew. Her brain struggled to process the words. Either join the Agency, or die. As if everyone had just finished processing the chatter began to pick-up. Some of the more desperate prisoners were talking about joining the Agency, but the two surrounding Farrah did not saying anything. A concerned gaze flipped back and forth between her wheelchair-bound friend and the Native American. Silence.

    "Well fuck that," Farrah said, turning a sharply to face that man who started this madness, "I'd rather die. It just means I'd be able to come back and haunt your ass." As soon those words came out of her mouth were others who echoed the same thoughts. It appeared that there were some for and some against. The aura in the yard shifted again. Tension. Some of the prisoners were beginning to raise their voices at one another. Tension continued to build. It felt like someone had shaken a soda bottle and was quickly opening it while watching the bubbles fizz up. If this continued, something would happen. Something bad.

    "This could get bad..,"
    Farrah mumbled under her breath, worried eyes glancing around. The brunette even watched while Elena gathered the kids and began to take them out of harms way. Some were crying while other stared wide eyed at the individual would had killed a man before their eyes.

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    “That’ll be $13.50.”

    “Damn,” Eve whispered to herself. She pulled a leather wallet out of her back pocket and rummaged through the dirty, crumped ones she had stashed. There was definitely not enough in there.

    Taking a deep breath, she looked at the acne ridden cashier and gave him a honey sweet smile.

    “Thank you so much,” she grinned. “Keep the change.” She placed a crumpled one in his hands and grabbed her things. He locked eyes with her for a moment before looking down at the money.

    “Sweet. Thanks!” The cashier gave her a smile that revealed multi colored braces and yellowed teeth. He stuck the dollar in the till and pulled out $6.50 in change, which he promptly pocketed.

    Idiot, she thought, turning her back to him. The cashier was bumbling on about getting a big tip right before he went home and what an exciting way to end the day, blah blah blah.

    How mundane. Having a normal life seemed so... petty. And, though she’d never admit it, slightly enviable. She wished that she could look forward to going home and resting or hanging out with friends like most people her age. Evelyn took a seat beside the entrance. The next table over had two girls, an Italian and one ginger looking one that had a serious pile of food in front of them.


    She gingerly pulled out a blueberry muffin and berry filled scone. Evelyn stared out the window at two giant stone lions that guarded a library entrance.

    Hm. Seemed like a nice place... or at least a place where people with nice things would go. A man in a black suit was making his way away from the library. He looked like he had a bit of cash on him... or at least a few credit cards. Maybe she’d check it out after her breakfast. She sighed and looked down at her “meal.” She should have ordered more and tricked the cashier into thinking she gave him a fifty instead... but that would have been a little suspicious. Oh well.

    Eve turned her brown eyes back toward the menu. Below it, the cashier seemed to be arguing with his manager. Something about missing money and a shorted till for the second time this week. She turned her head back towards the street to hide a smile. At least she picked a good target. After eating the muffin, she stuffed the scone back into its bag and put it in her backpack. It would be a great dessert after she went fishing. She was willing to bet there were more than a couple other library patrons as sharply dressed as the suited guy.

    She pushed her chair out and decided to stand and turn in one fluid motion, accidentally bumping into a guy who had just entered the cafe.

    “Shit,” Evelyn slipped out, a little too loudly. She had her tea in one hand while the other reached out instinctively and grabbed the man so she wouldn’t fall over. She ignored all the eyes she could feel on her.

    “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” she blurted, making eye contact with him and quickly pulling her hand away. He was white and certainly not bad looking at all. His long brown hair and cool colored eyes gave him a deep look. She found herself looking into his eyes and she felt like she knew him... she was sure she didn’t, but it felt like she could see loneliness in his eyes. For a moment she wondered if he could see it in hers.

    Evelyn was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a strange sensation wash over her, like she was suddenly tired. What the hell? The feeling reminded her of when she used her powers a little more than she should have, but different. She didn’t feel the same pressure in her temples as when she overdid it, she just felt... a bit weary.

    It was probably that nasty fucking muffin and the sugary tea, she thought. That’s what she got for not eating a proper breakfast.

    “Oh.” She realized she’d been staring for a few moments. “Well, nice to bump into you,” she joked, not letting her voice reflect the tiredness she felt. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck stood up. Something was wrong. Abort abort abort, her brain told her. Gotta get the fuck out of here. He was standing in the way of the main entrance. There were two emergency exits in the building.

    “See you around,” she said smoothly. It sounded like something someone would say to a friend before they parted ways. Except in this instance she hoped she never saw him again. There was just a weird vibe he gave off and she didn’t like it. All she had to do was get out and she’d be home free.

  10. #20
    Archmage of RPA
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    Just as John had entered the building he was ready. Things were going great! The setting was perfect, he didn't touch a single person, he was moments away from his 'prize' and would be finished with this in a short time. He was filled with excitement and was doing his best not to show it and hop around like a fool. Locking eyes with the section the two girls were sitting at he muttered. "Mine now...." But the pride was short lived.

    Before John could take another step, his hand still on the door, a girl tripped into him grabbing his hand to steady herself and not completely face plant the ground. All was well but it went south from there. His mind instantly felt a rush of the new found ability. Images in his head to the basics of the way things worked flooded as he gained a distant gaze for a long thirty seconds. His skin crawled with his new found ability and as he snapped back to it the girl was looking to him.

    Where had he gone wrong? He was so careful. And yet he failed. Questioning his luck and why things were always going so terrible for him. He wouldn't get his proper job back, he wouldn't get the girl and he wouldn't have anything. His eyes quickly locked with the girl who bumped into him and then suddenly apologized. She's.....Sorry? Had she even realized what she had just done? Ruined everything for the mission and for him.

    His gaze locked into her eyes as he glared right back into them. He was clearly angry. "What have you done?!" He questioned quickly and quite loudly. Anyone in the area would clearly hear him but he honestly didn't care at that moment. She ruined it all and in his mind she probably didn't even care. Yet with the locking of their eyes and his basic understanding of the powers. He instantly squinted and pushed his mind onto hers.

    The room around them soon flickered with lights. While he wasn't sure what her greatest fear was but she was a girl right? And one thing he'd learned from girls was they hated bugs and spiders. Spiders was his plan as the panels on the ceiling shifted while dozens of spiders began crawling out from them. Each varying in size and shape. Each one dropping from a web on it's own heading for the girl. The lights flickered again and with each flicker they seemed to be moving closer to her. He let the mind play out as they would crawl across her skin, not doing anything but crawl yet his plan had been to scare her.

    This was nothing but her ability playing out and John could feel a slight pressure push at the back of his head clearly from the ability being used. Yet he ignored it and left her to the hallucination. He could make this work. He could make the two hallucinate and deal with the headaches later. Maybe he would still be able to pull this off. 'Just fucking great. Are you serious?! I had her! I was going to do it! Was going to have everything back and some stupid ass little......' His mind trailed off feeling the anger still building up. If he had it timed right in his mind. He had 28 minutes left of the power and had to take full on advantage of it.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

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