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Thread: Shipwrecked - (DreamDragon X P.K.) PG - 13 (IC)

  1. #11
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    Lucy stumbled at the rocking of the shop, latching onto the wall as she tried to keep her balance she was close to a set of stairs, she could hear the outside clearly. Maybe she should head back, it sounded like a storm had really caught up with them, and there was no way she was going to find Michel like this. in fact she wasn't sure she could make it back to her room. Damn this was bad. Should she wait here and wait for help? She knew she should but her pride made it really hard for her to do that. She pushed herself to stand and turned around. She'd gone straight all she would have to do was go back the way she had come, but then what? she would have to feel every room's number on the way there.

    She made her way over to one side of the hall before she reached up and started feeling a door marker. Suddenly the ship shuddered sending lucy hard to the ground. "What the hell!" she could feel the ship tip and her milky eyes winded. The storm outside, she could hear the waves smashing against the haul of the ship, the wind was howling. Was this a storm!? or a hurricane! that's when she felt the icy touch of the water and her eyes widened as the roar of the water rushing up through the hall behind her filled her ears.

    Michel tried to calm down as he pulled out his wallet and fumbled with the cards in it before he found his sisters pictuer to show to MaryAnna what she looked like. He moved out into the hall and looked both ways. but there was only one way she could have gone and it wasn't the way they had come from. He waved to MaryAnna and pointed down the hall indicating that he was going that way before he started down the hall at a sprint.

    The ship felt like it was rocking more, but he couldn't hear anything. the world was dead silent to him. but he could feel it, the ship was shuddering against the storm. He stumbled as the ship shuddered sending him to his hands and knees. It wasn't long after water washed through the hallways and caught him up before dragging him tot eh edge of the ship. Michel frantically looked for something to hold into and finely managed to latch into a door frame before being ripped away, but it was just enough for him to be left on the wet carpet in the hallway before he scrambled to his feet. Lucy?! where was lucy?! He felt like his chest was going to burst open with worry as she realized how far he'd been dragged. He rushed out of the hall and latched into the rails as he felt the ship shudder again, threatening to throw him over the side and he tried to see through the rain. She couldn't be out there, he prayed that she wasn't as he held tightly to the rail against the wind. And that's when the sirens started.
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    MaryAnna watched as Michael took out his wallet and pulled out a picture of his sister. MaryAnna then signed to him. " your sister looks like she is a sweet sister do you love her?" Then she nods her head as Michael waved his hand for her to follow. She quickly signs back that she was going to check on Albert and then join him afterwards.

    As she walked to go to her room she feels the ship start to lean to the right some this was not good. MaryAnna then moved a little faster to get to Albert. When she reached the room she heard sirens start. Then coming up to his side and placing her hand on him she said. " I know you are not feeling good but we need to move out of here and get into the upper deck for something is happening to this ship." she said as she looked around the room to see if there was any life vest that they could put on. then spotting two vest hanging in a closet in the back of the room she grabs them in helps Albert get into his first and then she puts it on herself. After she had put her on she pulls Albert arm around her neck and helps him stand up. Albert moons as he stands up but leans on MaryAnna ad they started to leave the room. As they step out of their room water starts to rush by them and knocking both of them off of their feet and onto the hall. Still holding on to each other the water then pushes both of them down the hall. MaryAnna screams as she tries to grab the railing but the water was pushing them too fast. Albert hangs on to MaryAnna and closes his eyes as both of them are swept over the railing and into the cold water with one big splash.

    When MaryAnna come up from under the water she starts looking for Albert. When she sees him he is laying nearby her not moving. " Albert!" she screams as she swims over to him. "Can you hear me?" Albert finally comes to and is coughing up water as he dose. "MaryAnna... at? he say weakly as he looks around for her. MaryAnna places a hand on him and whispers "I am right here. next to you." she said as she starts to shiver. "What just happen to us?" he says as he grabs her hand.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 08-01-2019 at 02:01 AM.

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    Michel could only gaze at the waves with wide eyes, frozen to the spot as he searched the waves in vain until the ship shuddered losing his grip. Seeing the storm he could only imagen what it sounded like but he only had moments to wounder before another wave smashed into the ship, watching rushing over him and dragging him over the railing and into the deep. He struggled to the surface but found it hard to keep his head above water. Lucy! if Lucy was here then she would surly drown! the thought was horrifying as he struggled to keep his head above water and look for any sign of his sister. all the while drifting further and further from the ship. He didn't know how long but finely his limbs gave out and water filled his lungs. and before long what little light there was, was gone.

    Lucy couldn't find up from down, the water had turned her about and confused her sense of direction. Her struggles to find the open air was in vain and she to soon tired out. She was dead, the rushing of the waves in her ears, the sound of the ocean... this was how she'd die.

    Hours later, as morning came and the storm had calmed. debri floated on the water, remnants of the ship and the people on it. Luggage, pieces of the ship... and even bodies dotted the now calm waters. and began to wash ashore small islands how far from where the ship sank? it was hard to say.

    Michel coughed, gasping as he spat up water and rolled on his side clutching at the sand in a panic. the world was silent but the brightness had him momentarily blind before he manged to push himself to his hands and knees gasping to fill his water logged lungs. He looked around the unfamiliar beach water lapping at his lower half. Where was he? was he dead? that couldn't be his throat was raw from the talk water and he felt so heavy and tired. was he... actually alive? He stumbled to his feet, turning to look at the ocean and all the scattered pieces that were there. Lucy... where was Lucy?! in the back of his mind he hopped that MaryAnna and her cousin where safe but Lucy needed him the most. He started scrambling down the beach, frantically looking for his sister.

    Lucy groaned her head ached and her throat was raw from the salt water. Water lapped around her body, her body was floating in a small pool her head had come to rest against some rocks. she could make out the sound of lapping waves, seagulls. but her head hurt to much for her to focus. She tried to sit up but winced, her side hurt, she must have hit the rail as she was dragged out of the ship.
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    As the dark clouds covered the sky and the waves crashed up against Albert and MaryAnna neither of them could see where they were being tossed about to. One of the waves was so big it pulled Albert under the water when he came back up for air he was coughing as he choked on the salty water. But once he could breathe again he called out for MaryAnna. But he could not make out any sound from her. Had she been pushed away from him somehow he did not know but he just laid there in the cold water with nothing to do but wonder if MaryAnna was alright. A few hours passed by and he started to get sleepy and as he relaxed his body he soon fell asleep. MaryAnna had been also pulled under the water but it had knocked her out so she just floated on top of the water not moving at all.

    As morning comes and the sun beats down on the still water and the seagulls fly above the water like nothing had happened the night before but something did happen for the water was full of dead bodies, other trash and what was left of the ship all were floating in the water.

    Albert's eyes pop open and he lifts his head up and starts to looks around to see where was he was at. Then he remember that he was floating around in the water the other night and now he must of been washed up on a beach somewhere. After a few minutes of laying on the beach he starts to get up but he stops when he feels something on his leg. Looking down he sees seaweed wrapped around his left leg then reaching down he pulls it off "Yuck that is disgusting." he says as he throws it away from him and then continuous getting up. Now where was MaryAnna he thought to himself as he started walking along the beach.

    Mean while MaryAnna was unconscious and was floating face down in the water not moving at all. Near her floated a few pieces of the ship and some luggage that belonged to someone else. Her body floats a little ways down the beach from where Albert was at.

    As Albert still walks around the beach taking in everything around him. He sees a coconut tree in the distance and a few old looking shacks that no one had lived in for awhile. Then he stops walking when he sees someone floating in the water in front of him. "Could that be MaryAnna body." he said out loud as he started running towards the body in the water. When he gets to it he jumps in the water and grabs the person and when he sees it was MaryAnna he starts pulling her onto the beach. "MaryAnna can you hear me." he says loudly but when she did not answer him he panicked for a minute then he remember that he had taken CPR in one of his classes in college courses. Getting down next to her side he starts breathing into her mouth and then pushing on her chest for a few minutes then he sits back and looks at her as he was about to continue doing it he jumps as MaryAnna starts to cough and spit up water and gasp for air then when she is able to breathe again she opens her eyes and looks up at Albert and tries to say his name. " I....I at?" she says with a whisper. Albert smiled at her "We were washed up on a island in the middle of no where." he said as he took her hand in his.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 08-07-2019 at 02:20 AM.

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    Michel searched the beach, he wasn't sure how long he'd searched, running one way down the beach, peering at the floating debris and bodies hopping that none of them where Lucy. He stumbled into the sand and set for a moment on his hands and knees panting. His wide eyes glancing around in the hopes that he'd see Lucy, somewhere, well and alive! But nothing. He pushed himself up and continued running down the beach.

    It seemed liked forever before he saw someone, actually two people. and upon closer inspection they were familier to! Albert and MaryAnna! he felt some relief at seeing them well but it was overtaken by his fear and worry for Lucy. He scrambled over to them stumbling in the sand until he was close enough to collapse beside them. His not pad and pen where noticeably gone as he made a quick check for them, which left only his ASL to communicate, and from past experience Albert didn't know it. He frantically tried signing but had to stop tensing and relaxing his hands for a moment trying to calm down some. MaryAnna looked like she was just coming to, and he hated to bother when she was just recovering but Lucy was still missing! He tried making hand signs slower so she could understand.

    "I'm happy to see your alive! but Lucy is still missing!" He signed trembling.

    Lucy slowly rolled over, groaning as she did starting to get to her hands and knees as she felt around. where was the land? she paused to listen hopping that the sound of the lapping water could help lead her.
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    MaryAnna laughed "Who would have noon we would end up on a empty Island like this one. I am glad we are together. Have you seen Michael or his sister yet? " she asked as she sat up slowly. Albert smiled I am glad we are together to." Then shaking his head he said. "No, I am afraid I have not seen either of them yet. But when you can get up we can start looking for them." He said as he started to stand up. MaryAnna nods her head and as she was about to say something she saw someone out of the corner of her eye running towards them. Turning her head she smiled. "Oh there is Michael now." she said as she saw him beginning to sign to her. but she noticed he stopped so she signed back to him. "Take your time." Then smiling again when he finally signed something. MaryAnna nods her head and signed back to him "Okay we can help you. But let me tell Albert what you signed to me so we are all on the same page. Are you okay your not hurt are you?" Then she turned towards Albert and told him everything that Michael had told her. Albert nods his head "Okay we can do that. Are you sure you're ready to get up and start walking MaryAnna?" he said ad he held out a hand to help her up. MaryAnna smiled "I think I will be fine if it starts to get to much for me I will let you know." Then turning to Michael she signed back to him. Okay are you ready to started looking for your sister now?" she said as she stud up and looked at him.

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    Michel nodded eagerly as she signed back, staggering back to his feet before he signed motioning to one side of the beach signing that he would go that way and that perhaps they should both go the other way. He didn't wait to long to see what they decided before he started off at a job down the beach, searching fervently for his lost sister, praying that she was alive, praying that was unharmed, and praying that she'd washed up up shore like they had.

    Lucy slowly turned around on her hands and knees. the water appeared to be getting deeper this way, so she might have better luck feeling her way in the other direction. She hated this! one wrong move and she could fall right back into deep water and then she'd surly drown.
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    MaryAnna smiled as she took our kids hand and stood up. "Hold on." she said for she was a little light-headed at first. "Okay I am alright now which way should we go first?"
    she asked as she looked around. Albert laughed "Well Michael went down the right side let's go to the left side and look. They both started looking and moving things in the water and on land.

    An hour goes by and neither of them were able to find Lucy. But just as MaryAnna was about to call it a day she looked up and her mouth drops open for she saw something moving a little ways up the beach. Then jumping up she takes off running and calls over her shoulder to Albert. "I think I may have found her." Albert jumped up from where he was sitting at and started running after her. "Are you sure it is her?" he called out. But MaryAnna did not hear his question for she had already gotten too far ahead of him to hear him.

    As MaryAnna got closer to what she thought was Lucy she called out. "Lucy is that you over there? If so don't move any more for you are about to go back into the water again." she said as she ran up to her side. Then gently placing a hand on the girls arm she helped her out of the water. "Are you okay Lucy?" she asked as she looked at her. Yes, she did recognize her from the picture Michael had shown her. as MaryAnna asked that Albert came running up to her out of breath. "Is she okay?" MaryAnna laughed "Oh Albert I just got her out of the water and she has not answer me yet. Why don't you be patient." he smiled when she told him that. Well I will go find Michael and bring him back here. Wait here for me to come back." he said as he turned to go look for Michael.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 08-24-2019 at 07:08 PM.

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    Lucy cocked her head as she heard a voice, it had been hours, maybe even days since she felt like she'd heard someone else voice. Strangely enough thought it was a voice she didn't recognize and a voice that knew here name. "Oh please tell me I'm not dead." she growled as she heard the person splashing closer to her before taking her arm to lead her back to shore, which she'd been trying to find on her own. Before she could answer the feminine voice a new, deeper male voice called out asking if she was alright. "I'm fine." she grumbled. How she perked up as they mentioned Micheal.

    "Michel? He's here? It he okay?!" she demand, Curse her useless eyes as she reached out to stop this Albert but missed him as she stumbled in the sand nearly face planting. She bit her lip in frustration. She was wet, cold, her side hurt and now she was stuck with two people she didn't know. "where are we?" She asked cocking her head in the direction of the girl beside her.

    Meanwhile Michel had run down the beach, searching desperately for any sign of Lucy. Not sure if he should be relieved that she wasn't among the bodies floating in the sea or even more concerned that he would never know her fate.
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    MaryAnna smiled when she heard Lucy save something "Oh no you are not dead but just really wet and confused." she said with a little laugh and she looked Albert and as she was going to answer his question she heard Lucy speak up and say she was fine. "There you go you got your answer Albert." she said as she looked back at the girl and then spoke about Michael. MaryAnna then nodding her head as she then heard the girls asked about her brother. Then laughing as she saw Lucy fall flat on her face. "Hey be careful or you will hurt yourself and yes Michael is okay he is out looking for you right now. Lucy you are talking to my cousin Albert and I am MaryAnna." she said if she helped the girl up. "Your brother told me all about you so I know you are blind." she said as she looked up at Albert and then told him to go and find Michael and bring him here.

    As Albert started to go MaryAnna heard Lucy asked where they were at. "Well from what I can see we are on a beach out in the middle of nowhere it has a lot of trees and a few old Huts that no one lives in anymore but that is about all I have seen. But when Albert comes back with Michael we can all start to look for a place to have shelter for the night. So how long have you been blind for? she asked as she looked around the beach.

    Albert started looking around for Michael as he did he came across a few banana trees. Hey I think I am going to pick some of these bananas and take them back to the other two. he thought to his self. So climbing the tree Albert picked some of the bananas.Then he continue looking for Michael. It took him another few minutes until he finaly found Michael. Running up the boy Albert gave him a big smile and tried to motion to Michael to follow him. Of course he felt a little funny when he did that because he knew the boy would be confused. Then he turned around and started to run back hoping Michael would get the idea and run with him.

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