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Thread: KINGDOMCOME〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & DreamDragon101」

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    A Steel Hand that Rules in the Night

    Sylvester dear had you planned along to have those seven Knights come along with us when we went on our carriage ride today?

    As he went about putting together his attire for the night, he turned to see that his lady had awoken. He only smiled and nodded, "Yes my love, they were an assurance. We live through dangerous times. Times where our own territory has an air of danger to it." He despised thinking about it, but it was a truth that he had to face. The bandits had kidnapped his wife, and had done unspeakable things to her. There was no-way in the forgotten times he was going to let that happen again.

    Arina spoke of endless love to Sylvester. He smiled deeply and said, "My love your assurance will forever be sweet honey to me." He then nodded, taking her by the arm and guiding her to the dining hall. But they stop, and she gets in front to take both his hands into her's. She stared into his eyes, longer than most. And in those few scant minutes, Sylvester saw a vibrant galaxy in his wife's eyes. It was a magnificant soul to be hold.

    You know dear not many people are able to hold eye contact with you for that long like I just did.

    The gentle pats and the laugh were enough to break him from his trance. She was right.

    That was something that fascinated him. It was a trait that went beyond her normal demeanor. So he couldn't help but display eager curosity.

    Okay that’s enough staring in each other’s eyes now let’s go to dinner now.

    Her laughter was infectious, and soon he was laughing along with her. Her playfulness eventually forced Sylvester to scoop her up, and carry her the rest of the way. Once there, he placed her down on her feet. She gave him soft, but quick, kiss.

    You need to scoop me up like that more often, I enjoyed you doing that to me.

    He took a mental note of that, and only affirmed it with a firm nod. The two took their seats at the table, and dinner was served.

    During dinner, Sylvester had taken glances at his wife and noticed that she was deep in contemplation. This worried him slightly, but it didn't really prove to be of alarm at the moment. So he had let it go, but something more pressing came up. As he was finishing his second plate, a servant had stepped in to tell Sylvester something. The message had caused a foul look to crawl onto his face, but it then hardened when he realized he was still at the dining table. Thus he looked to his wife and nodded, "If you excuse, there's a quick matter I have to attend to before coming to bed." He left before any objection was made.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    Sylvester was standing a few hallways away from the dining room.

    He was talking to Lancelot who appeared to be tired, but had no real injuries. He asked, "What were you able to find out through your torture?" Sylvester had a darkness over his eyes.

    Lancelot said, without even flinching, "Their hideout is on the northwestern edge of our territory. In fact they lay just within our borders."

    "Good," Sylvester nodded, "This will keep the prying eyes of the other kingdoms away. How long do you think it will take to muster up enough men to conquer their hideout?"

    Lancelot rubbed his chin for a moment as he took into account what he was told and said, "I wager I'd need at least a week's time, maybe a fortnight."

    Sylvester sighed, "I was fearful of that."

    Lancelot looked confused for a moment, but then realized what he meant.

    "You're more needed here than against those bandits. So prepare for that siege, but do not focus on preparation. Your main task is the protection of the citizenry." Sylvester looked over Lancelot as he held a deathly serious expression on his face.

    "Yes my King," he knelt down to one knee before Syvlester.

    He laid a hand on the mans shoulder and nodded affirmly before stepping away from the plated warrior. "We have a long tithe ahead of us, let us pray we see the morning dew."

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    Eventually, he arrived at the bedroom. He had climbed into bed and was waiting for her. She joined him, and was absolutely silly with him. Her sillines only made him smile and laugh as she snuggled in close. But the conversation took a turn when she found herself comfortable in his arms.

    Sylvester I never did get to tell you the names I had thought of for our children I would like to have. First for a boy’s names I came up with three. The first one I thought of was Akile Woburn, then Kumar Woburn, and the lastly Rolan Woburn. Now for girls I thought of four names. The first name was Kyra Woburn, then Talia Woburn, then Alima Woburn and the last one was Mila Woburn. Oh and I do like the name you thought of for a little boy but you never did tell me one for a girl. Now what do you think of the names I thought of dear?

    He really put his mind back to when he gave a name for a little boy, and kept in line with what he had in mind. "Well, Talia Woburn would be the name I would give for a little girl. Rolan Woburn is strongest to me. The other two boy names are names that I would keep in the backpocket in the case you come to bear that many children." He laughed mischeviously, effectively teasing her.

    After talking some more, Arina had one more thing to say before bed.

    Sylvester dear thank you for making this day such a special day for me and I enjoy the time we spent together in the meadow. We should do that again sometime. Now sweet dreams and sleep well my dear, Good night Sylvester.

    "Of course, I'll have it be a regular thing." He smiled as he accepted the kiss on the cheek, and he went to sleep thereafter. But only later would he be disturbed by Arina's nightmare. He didn't move at first, and only shifted to get more comfortable. "I am.. But come back to bed, it is in the late hours and I hear you lose beauty waking up this early."

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    As Arina sat there in there in the dark she hears Sylvester speak and answer her. “I am sorry dear I did not mean to wake you, but I was having a bad dream about the bandits they had kidnapped me and the leader was holding a knife up to my neck and was about to kill me right in front of you.

    I woke up as he was about to do it. So I don’t know if I can get back to sleep now because of the dream.” she said all this as she lay back down and reached for his hand held it.

    For the rest of the night Arina tossed and turned trying to fall back to sleep, but just before the sun had started to raise Arina quietly climbed out of bed so not to wake Sylvester up.

    Then slipping into her robe and slippers she then made her way over to the door that lead to the outside castle balcony. When she got to the door she slowly opened it and stepped out onto the balcony and walked over to the bench and took a seat.

    After ten minutes had gone by the sun started to rise. Now Arina love to watch the bright colors of orange, red and pink as the sun came up. It was so relaxing to just sit there and enjoy the sun rise after a long night of not getting much sleep.
    Then her eyes were drawn to the ground to where a mother deer and it baby stood eating grass. This made Arina smile to see the two of them together like that.

    Now Arina sat there for a little bit longer. Then as she was standing up to go back into the castle she notice Lancelot riding on his horse back up to the castle. “Good morning Lancelot. It is such a beautiful morning to be out riding.
    What brings you out so early this morning?” she ask as she called out to him and walks up to the balcony railing so he could see her better.

    Then Arina smiles when he calls back to her and answers her question. “Ah yes I see. Well thank you for everything you do for us. Now I hope you have a wonderful day Lancelot.” she says as she nods her head and turns to go back inside the castle.

    As she quietly goes back inside she sees Sylvester is still sound asleep. Then smiling she make her way over to his side of the bed. She then leans forward and takes the back of her hand and starts to gently rub his cheek.

    “Good morning Sylvester dear, it is time to wake up because we have a very busy day ahead of us.” she says as she leans down and kisses him on the forehead first then on the lips.

    She then starts to laughs when she sees him roll over onto his side. “Oh I see you want to play with me. Well we will see about that.” She says as she goes around to her side of the bed and jumps onto it.

    Now Arina did not waste any time she then gets up onto her knees next to him and leaning down she starts to playfully kiss him on the neck. She knew he liked it when she did this to him. As she does that her hand moves down to his waste and starts to tickle him.

    Now it was not long before Arina felt Sylvester starting to wiggle and laugh and his hand also reached up and started to tickle her back.

    When Arina felt this she too started to wiggle and laugh. “Oh Sylvester Woburm I love you so much. I knew you would wake up if I was to tickle and kiss you.” she said as she brought her lips down to his and started to kiss him.

    They lay there kissing for a few more minutes. Then three loud knocks come at the bedroom door. Arina quickly pulls away from kissing Sylvester and sits up. “Come in.” Arina says as she looks over at the door.

    The door then slowly opens and Lyoka stepped in. “My King and Queen I am sorry to bother you two but I was just coming to see if you two were a wake yet.” she said as she curtsied.

    Arina smiles and nods her head. “Thank you Lyoka yes we are a wake. Now please wait outside the door and we will come out when we are ready.” she said. Lyoka then nods her head. “Yes my Queen.” she said as she curtsied again and backs out of the room then closing the door.

    Arina starts to laugh. “I was not expecting her to come in so early and wake us. Must we get up now because I was just begging to enjoy the kissing?” she ask as she taps Sylvester on the tip of the nose and then puts her head down on his chest and starts to yawn as she looked up at him as he answers her.

    They then both lay there for another five minutes neither of them saying anything. Then Arina sighs and sits up. “Well I guess it is time to get up now even though I feel so tired from not sleeping last night.” she said as she stood up and walked over to the window and looked out as she did she frowned.

    “Well there goes Lancelot racing by on his horse. He looks like he is in a rush to get somewhere really fast.” she said as she turned to look at Sylvester again as she shakes her head and walks over to her dresser and picks up her brush to start to brush her hair out.

    By the time Arina finished doing her hair and had gotten dressed she see Sylvester was already waiting by the door for her. Arina smiles as she walks over to Sylvester. “It did not take you long to get ready and you’re looking good this morning dear.” she said as she takes his arm as they start to walk to the dining room.

    When they arrived in the dining room a servant then seats them and their breakfast was severed. As Arina ate her breakfast thoughts started to run though her head. She knew today was going to be a very long day for them. With them traveling around the villages making rounds visiting each all the people there.

    Arina was looking forward to meeting new people as they do this. But she was wondering if Sylvester had remembered this was the day they had planned on dong it.
    Then looking up from her breakfast she smiled over at her husband.

    “Sylvester dear I was wondering if you had still planned on dong rounds among the villages today. You had not said anything to me about doing it for a few days so I am asking you now about it.” She asks as she finished drinking her cup of hot tea.

    But as Sylvester was about to answer her question a male servant walks into the room and stops next to Arina and bows to her. “My Lady a letter has just arrived for you.” he says as he holds out a tray with the letter on it.
    Arina looks over at Sylvester for a minute then turning to look at the servant.

    “Oh my, Are you sure the letter is addressed to me Daniel?” She asked as she sits her tea cup down on the table.

    “Yes my lady it has your name on it.” Daniel says as he waits for Arina to take the letter off of the tray.
    Arina nods her head and then reaches over to the tray and takes the letter. As she does that Daniel then nods and bows once again and backs way.

    Arina studies the letter for a minute then a big smile comes onto her face when she sees it has her mother’s handwriting on it. She then forgets that Sylvester was sitting there and starts to open the envelope then as she pulls the letter out she starts to read it.

    As she starts to reads the letter she sees her mother was planning on coming to visit her soon. She also told her that her brother Prince Breon his wife Princess Rhana was expecting their first child in May.

    Then Arina stops reading the letter and looks up. “Oh my I am so sorry dear I forgot you were sitting here. Please forgive me for not telling you who this was from.

    This letter is from my mother but it can wait until later for me to read it because you were getting ready to answer me when Daniel walked up. Please go head and say what you were going to say to me a bit ago.” she said as she puts the letter back in the envelope and places it on the table and looks up at Sylvester and waits for him to speak to her.

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    A Round before the Tithe

    Sylvester dared not move from his place in bed. He stared off into the darkness of the room.

    When he awoke, he saw that his wife had a hand to his cheek and was smiling with radiance.

    "Good morning Sylvester dear, it is time to wake up because we have a very busy day ahead of us."

    There was a peck on his forehead, and then a soft press on his lips. These kinds of fleeting moments excited him, and inflamed his heart. And thus, he enjoyed himself.

    After all that joyous fun, the two laid together; loving each other deeply. But that time was cut short when Lyoka stepped in. Sylvester didn’t speak much on this, and allowed his wife to lead this conversation. Although a question was tossed into the air for him to catch and answer.

    I was not expecting her to come in so early and wake us. Must we get up now because I was just begging to enjoy the kissing?"

    “Please my dear, there would be more than just kissing.” His innocent chuckle hid the power of a stallion. He maintained this presence before the two of them had to get up. It was time to go about the day, and there was plenty to do.

    Sylvester took his time in preparing himself, but it was at such a brisk pace that he had completed his look before Arina. Although, what caused him to stop was hearing, and then witnessing, Lancelot race by.

    He held a face of calm concern.

    He dismissed the alarming nature of the scene, and waited by the door for his wife. When she stepped up to him, he winked at her for the compliment, took her by the arm and escorted her to breakfast.

    When situated, the two set about divulging in the morning’s cuisine; relishing in the sweet, savory, flavors and textures. However, something had slipped Sylvester’s mind.

    "Sylvester dear I was wondering if you had still planned on doing rounds among the villages today. You had not said anything to me about doing it for a few days so I am asking you now about it."

    He froze for a moment, mid-bite.

    He sat there and watched as a servant bought the young king time to ruminate on an answer. As Arina gave him the floor to answer, he said, “Yes. I was going to call for a carriage to be prepared first thing after breakfast. Although, I must speak with my court. The Tithe approaches..”

    He let the name hang for a moment, sensing a cold air about the room. “We’re going to be dangerously close this winter, my dear. Let me make sure my worries for our people are satisfied. It will not take long my dear.”

    As he finished his meal, Daniel stepped back in to greet his king. “My Lord,” he formally bowed once more, “Your court is waiting for you in the throne room.”

    “Thank you Daniel,” he gave a small smile as he waved him off. He then turned to Arina and said, “And just like that, the bell tolls. You may sit in and listen if you would like, but it will be quite…boring.”

    He waited a little before leaving, watching her reaction.

    Regardless of her choice, Sylvester departed at that; giving his wife a firm peck on the head as he left.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    Once upon his throne, Sylvester was greeted by his court. Grand Dukes Dean Foss, Herbert Goffe, Willard Strange, and Albion Ryer. Each one of these men formed the four pillars to which this kingdom’s voices could be heard. And right now, they tremble.

    “My Grand Dukes,” Sylvester said proudly, “You’ve gathered this morning to speak on matters important to me and you. I know your first objective is to know of my plans for the New Moon Tithe, and I do have one. However, before I even begin to speak, what say you gentlemen?”

    Lord Goffe stepped forward and said, “My Lord, our food stores continue to remain at just above surviving. If we give food away to the Tithe, many will starve. I have couriers running to neighboring villages to investigate whether they can spare some of their food for this kingdom.. However, I don’t hold much water for our couriers in bringing back good news.”

    Sylvester leaned on his hand, deep in thought.

    “Perhaps I can work some magic, my Lord.” Lord Foss stepped right after Lord Goffe and stood tall when presented. “I have been keeping a steady alliance with the merchant caravans that have arrived every fortnight. With their aid, we can have our food stores last us till spring.”

    “However, I imagine we’ll need to convince them..” Sylvester was becoming less and less enthused at the idea.

    “Well yes, my Lord, but--”

    “The Church will provide shelter and food for those that cannot survive the winter,” Lord Ryer jutted in, “We must have our people survive this winter, and bloodshed is not the answer. When it comes down to it, it will be the Church who will bear the burden of the meek.”

    Sylvester stared at the holy man and then looked away, realizing he had a point. The Church has additional stocks to deal with those that cannot be housed. Seeing this as an opportunity to test the Church’s willingness to be a pillar of the community, he was going to support this motion. “Then we will see to it that those who cannot provide for themselves at the time of the Tithe will be housed in the Church until spring.”

    The lords all nodded to this, although some of the expressions were mixed. All were unsure of this move. However, Sylvester held firm a belief in a plan that was already in motion. So the concerns of his lords were untroublesome for him. “For now,” Sylvester spoke with determination, “I have sent couriers to each one of your homes. With them are scrolls detailing what I wish from each of you over the course of the next several nights. Follow what is on those scrolls to the letter, do not deviate. Should you do so means death for us all. Now, our meeting has concluded. I have other matters to attend to.”

    The lords shared concern and content amongst each other, but, again, that air never reached Sylvester. Instead, his kingship was the first to leave, taking Arina with him should she decide to sit in on such a drab affair.

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    Arina smiled at her husband as she listened to him tell her his plans for the day. But when he got to the part when he said they we were going to be dangerously close this winter. Arina reached across the table and took her husband’s hands in hers. “My dear husband please tries not to worry so much about this when we can go to God and ask him to take care of us and he will provide for us when we run into danger? And if we do run in to some kind of trouble know I will stand by your side and be with you no matter what happens to us.” she said as she gently squeezed his hands and looked into his eyes.

    Now when Daniel came back in and told the king that his court was waiting for him Arina bit her bottom lip and held her breath for a minute. Then nodding her head when Sylvester told her that he must go now but she was welcome to join him and listen even though it would be quite boring. Arina smiled at him. “Yes I will join you after I speak to Lyoka about packing us a lunch for us to take with us on our rounds to the villages. Now go and do what you must do dear husband and I will join you in a little bit.” she said as she nodded her head to him.

    After Arina watch her husband leave the room she went and looked for Lyoka. As she was looking some thoughts about the Tithe came to mind. She knew Sylvester had a lot on his mind about it and wanted to make sure the kingdom was ready for it. She wondered if he was ready for it. Then her thoughts were interrupted when Lyoka came running into her as she was turning the corner. “Oh my Queen I am so sorry, I was not looking where I was going, please forgive me.” she said as she tried to catch her breath from running. Arina smiled and nodded her head. “It is alright Lyoka, but please try and look where you are going for now on. But now that I found you I need for you to please pack a picnic lunch for the king and I.” she said as she looked into Lyoka smiling face. “Yes my lady I will get right to it right now.” she said as she bowled and then back away from the queen.

    Arina smiled and shook her head as she watches her servant leave. Then before she heads over to be with her husband, she made her way to her room and redid her hair by braiding it and putting it up on her head. Then smiling at herself in the mirror as she finished doing her hair, she then started to make her way to the court to sit and lesion what the men were telling her husband.

    Once she got there, she quietly took her seat next to Sylvester and smiling over at him she then took his hand in hers and start to listen to what the men were saying. Now when Lord Goffe started telling them about the food storage continue to remain at just above surviving. Arina tried to picture what it would be like to not have enough food. She knew it would be bad for them not to have enough to eat and she did not want to run into that problem. Then an idea comes into her mind. What if she was to write to her father and ask if he could help them out. Yes, that would be a good idea but first she needs to tell Sylvester her idea. But now was not a good time to bring it up. She knew he did not like to be interrupted so she would wait until they were together out riding.

    Now when the men finished reporting to them, she was glad when Sylvester offered his arm to her and left the room. As she took his arm she looked up into her husband’s face and smiled at him. “Dear I am ready when you are to leave for the villages.” she said as she gently squeezed his arm and looked up into his eyes.

    When Sylvester was ready to leave Arina took his arm and they both walked to the carriage. As they walked Arina was quiet and was in deep thought about what the men had to report to them. She knew Sylvester probably was thinking about the same thing as well. But she knew she had to try and share her idea with him when they were together and as soon as they were seated, she would do that very thing. As they got to the carriage Arina smiled at her husband as he helped her into it. “Thank you so much sweetheart.” She said as she sat down and waited for him to sit down next to her.

    When he was seated next to her, she reached over and took his hand in hers. “I am so glad we are able to visit the villages today. I hope the people will be as open to us as we are to them. I wonder how they will feel about seeing me as a queen now. What do you plan on doing when we get there?” she asks as she put her head on his shoulder and looks up into his face.

    As the carriage start to move Arina was quite for a little while in deep thought think about how she would tell her husband her idea. Then as she was looking out the window she finally spoke.

    “Sylvester dear I wanted to tell you how please I was to see how you handle what the men told you today. I do kind have an idea I wanted to share with you about what Lord Goffe said about the food storage. What if I was to write to my father and ask if he could help out with our food storage? I know he has some ways of getting food really fast when there is a need for it.” she said as she put her arm in his and looked up into his eyes and held her gaze for a few minutes.

    As they pulled up to the first village, Arina smiled as she saw a few people coming to over to greet them so quickly. Maybe after all the people will be glad to see them.

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    I am so glad we are able to visit the villages today. I hope the people will be as open to us as we are to them. I wonder how they will feel about seeing me as a queen now. What do you plan on doing when we get there?

    He answered her with honesty, “I will have a small talk with village leadership to stoke their fears of the coming tithe. This is while you’re talking with the villagers, to ease their fears. Afterwhich, I will address the village as a whole; giving them the same plan I have given our nobles. It is best for our people to hear what they are to do to survive the coming trial.” He sat back and allowed her eyes to train on him from below. He held a calm, yet charming, smile; his own eyes glancing in between her and the world outside.

    Sylvester dear I wanted to tell you how pleased I was to see how you handle what the men told you today. I do kind of have an idea I wanted to share with you about what Lord Goffe said about food storage. What if I was to write to my father and ask if he could help out with our food storage? I know he has some ways of getting food really fast when there is a need for it.

    He perked up a bit, his eyes eyebrows rising a few centimeters.

    The need to call upon that man was not necessary, nor was it ideal. He thought back to the private conversation he had with him, and sighed. “Do not write to him,” he flatly said, “I believe that we are resourceful so as to avoid disaster. I’ve put together some contingencies in the event that something goes awry.” Although he’d hope that nothing does.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    Disembarking the carriage, Arina was greeted by a few of the village’s denizens. These first few were children. They had been playing in the dirt road that bisects the village, seemingly engaged in some kind of local pastime.

    The eldest among them began to riddle the young queen with questions ranging from how green is the grass where she lives or can she do a magick trick? These questions came at her a mile a minute, not really giving her much room to speak. However, Sylvester stepped in and calmed them down urging the eldest to wait their turn when asking questions.

    He nodded to the guards present, and ordered one to follow Arina while the two others were to follow Sylvester. As a result, Sylvester called to Arina saying, “I am going to go speak with the leadership, take your time and converse with our people,” moving to leave and eventually depart.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    After arriving at the main mayoral building, the mayor, along with those closest to him to handle departmental affairs, were gathered out front to greet their King. They gave a courteous bow, to which he responded in kind.

    “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances, Mayor Hillard and company,” Sylvester started by saying, “Today is a day that I have been looking forward to for a little under a fortnight.”

    Mayor Hillard smiled and nodded, “Yes my Lord, we have been anticipating your arrival after the couriers had arrived bringing word. As such, we are very eager to hear what you have for us.”

    Sylvester thought that his couriers have been doing double-duty these past couple weeks, so he thought it important to reward them for their hard work after the tithe. “Very well, let us not waste a single moment.”

    He was escorted inside, and thus all of them found places to sit.

    Here, Sylvester laid out the plan to the mayor. His reception was mixed, but optimistic. He did not seem pleased at the idea of leaving his home to the cold to live in a church for a long-period of time. However, Sylvester convinced him by saying, “This choice was not made lightly. If we had the food stores to spare, then I would have you and your people stay in your homes and shelter the deep frost. However, the situation has become rather untenable and so we must consolidate who we can. I urge you and your people to make the trek to the town. Your safety and survival are my top priority. Afterall, what is a king without his people?”

    Hillard stroked his beard thoughtfully, before nodding. “I see your wisdom, my Lord. I will discuss this matter with my people, and when we formulate a plan we will leave for the town.”

    Sylvester had a relieved look, “Then do not delineate for too long, you only have a few more nights.” He kept his voice even and tempered when dropping a timeframe for them.

    He saw how their faces lost color, how fear slowly crept onto them. But, he, again, stoked them by saying, “If it comes down to it, I will personally escort you and your people to the town.” His face held a serious tone, and never wavered.

    This was enough to sway them, and as a result had come to rely on their king.
    Sylvester took this, and affirmed it by saying, “This kingdom will survive the winter. That is my decree.”

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    After placating the worries of the mayor and his governing body, he stepped out into the sun once more to spot where his wife had run off to.

    He did leave her be, although guarded by a single warrior.

    He did not fear for her safety as she was both protected by her people, and a skilled warrior. However, the fact that he did not spot her initially was a little odd. Thus, he and his two guards began to wander the village looking around for his wife.

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    As Arina stepped out of the carriage she was greeted by some of the village’s, and a lot of them were children. Now one older boy pushed his way up to the front and started asking a lot of questions to Arina.

    Now this was kind of over whelming for Arina to have him ask so many questions all at once. However as she was about to try to say something to him Sylvester stepped up next to her and started to calm the boy down. As he did this Arina stood there watching how the boy lesioned to her husband.

    After Sylvester had the boy calmed down, she smiled over at him. “Thank you, sweetheart, for stepping in to help me out.” she said as she nodded her head to him. Then she herded him call over to her and tell her he was going to speak with the leadership now, but she was to take her time and converse with their people. Arina nodded her head as she watched him walk away.

    Then as she was looking around to see if she saw any friends of hers, she could talk to she saw a young boy name John Mark running up to her. As he got up to her, he grabbed one of her hands and started telling her he was glad she was there and that his mother was having trouble giving birth right now. As Arina heard this she nodded her head. “Okay John Mark please take me to your mother, and I will see what I can do to help her.” she said as she turned to the guard that was standing behind her and told him to follow her.

    As Arina followed the boy she thought about the last time she had seen her friend Rhana. Had it really been a long time since she had seen her and now, she was having a baby. As they got closer to the house Arina started asking John Mark questions. “Where is your father at? How long has your mother been in labor for?” John Mark was to out of breath to answer her, so he did not answer her.

    When they got into the house John Mark called out to his mother. “Mama, I was able to find some help, I brought you Queen Arina. “When Rhana saw Arina a big smile came onto her face. “Oh, Arina dear I am so glad you are here to help.” she said as she griped the bed as she was having another contraction.

    As Arina took Rhana’s hand in hers she asks her how far apart the contractions were. But before she could answer John Mark stepped up and said. “She has been having contractions for a long time, about every two minutes.” Arina eyes grow wide. “Okay thank you for telling me this. John Mark, I need you to go get me a rag and some cold water in a bowl.” she said as she rolled her sleeves up and turned to look at Rhana again.

    An hour and half goes by and Rhana was finally able to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. As Arina was wrapping the little girl up in a blanket she to wonder how Sylvester would respond to how she was acting when she had a baby. When she finished wrapping the baby up, she made her way back over to Rhana side to give her the baby. “Rhana, you have a beautiful baby girl. Do you have a name picked out for her yet?” Rhana smiled down at the baby. “Oh, Arina thank you so much for helping me out, I would not have been able to do it without you being here. Yes, I do have a name picked out for her. I am going to name her Grace Elizabeth Heights. Her father would have been so proud to have a little girl, but sadly he passed away three weeks ago and left John Mark and I alone.” She said as she looks at her little girl. Arina smile down at her. “I am so sorry for your loss of your husband Rhana. If there is anything Sylvester and I can do to help you out, please do let us know.” She said as she placed a hand on Rhana arm.

    As Rhana nodded her head to what Arina had said as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Oh, Arina I am not sure how I am going to be able to make it through the winter. My husband was only able to put a little bit of money away before he found out he had cancer last spring. I have not been able to work myself because I was put on bedridden when I started having trouble caring Grace Elizabeth. Now that she has come, I am not sure what to do about it.” she said as she looked up at John Mark.

    As Arina stood there thinking for a minute an idea came to mind. “John Mark, will you please go find Sylvester and tell him I need to talk to him about something. When you find him bring him back here.” she said as she looked over at him. John Mark nodded his head and ran out of the house.

    As he started to run out of the house he stopped when he came to the guard that was standing outside of the house waiting. “Hello sir, have you seen King Sylvester walk by yet here yet?” The guard took one look at the boy and shook his head. “No, I have not seen the King since he left use earlier. Why do you ask me about him? Are you looking for him right now?” he asks as he looked down at the boy. John Mark just stood there for a minute thinking what he should say to the guard. “Uh yes sir I am looking for him because Queen Arina told me to go find him and bring him back here to her because she needs to talk to him.” He said as he looked up into the guard's face. The guard nods his head. “Very well if you must go find him go right ahead. If I see the King, I will tell him you are looking for him.” John Mark nods. “Thank you, sir.” he says as he starts to walk away from him.

    As Arina waits for John Mark to come back with her husband she tries to help Rhana out by cleaning the house. Now she hoped that her husband would know how to help her friend out or even better she hoped he would go along with her idea she had thought of to help Rhana out.

    As John Mark walked along the road looking for the King he thought about his father and what he had taught him, he knew now that he was no longer a live, so he had to step up and do a lot more things for his mother that he had not done before. For a boy of only eighteen he was going to have to do a lot more now and he was not sure how that was going to happen.

    Then all of a sudden, his thoughts were interrupted when saw the King walking up the road a little bit. Now as he did, he took off running down the road to the King. When he got closer to him, he called out. “King Sylvester!” he called out loudly to him. By the time he got right up to him he was already talking again. “My King I was told I had to come find you.” he stopped talking to catch his breath then he spoke again. “Queen Arina needs you to come to her. If you follow me, I can take you to her.” He said as he looked up into the Kings face, but when he sees a worried look come onto his face, he looked away quickly. Then before the King could ask him anything he took off running back the way he had come.

    When he reaches his house, he runs right past the guard and into the house and calling out as he went in. “Queen Arina! I have found him. He was right behind me before I came into the house.” He said as he walked up to Arina. Arina smiled and nodded her head. “Thank you, John Mark, I will go out to meet him right now. But you stay in here with your mother until I come back in.” she said as she turned and started to walk over to the door.

    When Arina got to the door she could see her husband standing out there talking to the guard. She noticed the expression on his face that he looked a little worried about something.

    Now when Arina stepped out the door she went right over to her husband’s side. “Sylvester is everything alright? By the expression on your face, you look a little worried about something.” She said as she took his hand in hers and studied his face closely. “There is nothing to be worried about dear, I am alright. I have been here helping Rhana give birth to a beautiful baby girl. But there is one thing I want to ask you.” She said as she stopped talking for a minute.

    Then before she said anything else she took one look over at the guard then back at her
    husband again before she spoke. “I have been talking to Rhana and she told me she may not be able to make it through the winter on her own, with her husband passing away three weeks ago she does not have enough money left for her to care for her two children and herself. I was wondering if the three of them could come live with us for the winter and until she can get back on her feet again.” She said as she waited for him to speak for the first time since she had come out to meet him.

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    King Sylvester! My King I was told I had to come find you.”

    A young boy, no more than eighteen, stood before Sylvester and company. Sylvester observed the lad quietly, examining his potential.

    "Queen Arina needs you to come to her. If you follow me, I can take you to her."

    He raised a brow. So, this boy knew where his wife had gone. But before he had even a moment to speak, the child ran off. He sighed lightly, and proceeded to quietly follow.

    As they followed, a pigeon swooped down from above, and landed upon one of the guards’ shoulders. This bird had something tied to its right leg, and that guard unfurled the tie to grab its contents. Inside a little leather-bound wrap was a small piece of parchment detailing quick, dirty, information.

    “My lord,” the guard said with a manner of urgency, “I’ve received word from the castle. The bandits have struck one of the caravans destined for the capital.”

    Sylvester’s face scrunches in disdain. He took a moment to process that information and then said, “We will make our next stops quick. You,” he looked to his right, “Prepare the horses and carriage for departure. After I am done here, we will leave at once. And you,” he looked to his left, “Go to the courier’s chambers, and have them send a priority message back to the capital that they are to dispatch Lancelot’s squadron to recover whatever is left of the caravan and kill any bandits they see.”

    They came before the home as the guard on the right broke off to fulfill his orders.

    Sylvester stared at the home with peace. “Now, go.”

    The guard on the left did the same thereafter.

    And just as that happens, his most beloved stepped out into the Isle’s sun saying:

    Sylvester is everything alright? By the expression on your face, you look a little worried about something.

    She came up to him, studying him. Thankfully the truth of his worries remained hidden. As such, his expression softened to a smile. He realized that this was to be an affair for peace, not war. So he structured his mind that way for now.

    There is nothing to be worried about dear, I am alright. I have been here helping Rhana give birth to a beautiful baby girl. But there is one thing I want to ask you.

    The fact that she played midwife was not lost on him, but he shoveled that aside for the question. And what she asked was a true test of morality.

    According to her story, this woman and her two children were without a father. A provider, and thus were without a means to survive the winter. Arina, in her infinite kindness, was asking him if they could stay at the castle through the winter. This was not a tall order as they have the resources to spare an additional family. However, he feared what kind of social ramifications are had for this family once they are given such treatment. But, he saw how close she was with this woman.

    Thus this was a sisterhood that was far from his knowledge.

    So, he merely obliged. “Very well. They may stay at the castle,” he said to Arina, looking over Rhana and her children, “But looking after them will be your responsibility. And know that in exchange for this, I want that boy to be trained in war as my squire. He looked to be of age, and as such is fit to be given his first blade as celebration.” This, to him, was fair. He can tell that the boy was looking to prove himself, and so he was going to give that boy the opportunity to do it.

    “Are there any objections to this?” Sylvester looked at his wife with a firm smile.

    If there were, he was prepared. Although he suspected that she wasn't going to argue with this exchange.

    After that he then said, “The carriages are ready, so say your goodbyes and assurances. We still have a few more villages to go to, but those stops will be brief. I have some matters that must be attended to at home.” Sylvester kept his smile, nodding to the guard. “I’ll be out here when you’re done.”

    And once she made peace with Rhana, the two made a smooth exit on to the next village. And sticking to his word, Beaconfield, Bakewell, and Haywood all were brief.

    They would arrive there, speaking with the average layman. Sylvester gets the lay of the land, while Arina understands the way of the people. They split off to handle various tasks throughout the village whether it was to save a cat from a well or help a grandmother put away some objects that were too heavy for her. These activities showed that both Sylvester and Arina weren’t above helping out their people. And then after spending a good amount of time doing this, they came back together to then speak with village leadership before leaving and repeating the process over again. By the time they arrived home, darkness was well across the land.

    “What a day,” Sylvester said after stepping into the main foyer. “Are you exhausted my dear?”

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    As Arina listened to what Sylvester said about her request her eyes grow wide and a smile came across her face. “Sylvester No, I don’t have any objections about this happing. I don’t see any reason why John Mark couldn’t become your squire. If his mother is alright with it then I think it is a good idea.” Oh, and it should not be any problem I can take care of them.” she said as she looked over at Rhana for her input on it.

    Rhana smiled and looked up form looking at baby Grace and started to nod her head. “Thank you so much King Sylvester for letting my family come stay at the castle. I really don’t see why John Mark couldn’t become a squire. Infact, I think John Mark has talked about wanting to become one, his father never like the idea of it. But I am fine with him doing it as long as John Mark is willing to work hard.” she said as she looked over at her son. “Well, what do you think about this John Mark, do you want become a squire?” she asks as she took her son’s hand in hers.

    When John Mark herded this a big smile appeared on his face. “Oh wow! Really is my dream to become a squire actually going to come true after all. Yes, I do want to do it and I will work hard and make you proud of me mother.” he said as he kissed his mother on the cheek. Rhana started to laugh at how her son responded. “Okay son, don’t you think you owe King Sylvester a thank you for allowing you to be able to do this.”

    John Mark smiled and turned and looked at the King. “King Sylvester thank you so much for letting me have the optionally to become a squire, I will work hard and show you I will be a good squire one day. “he said as he walked over to the king and held out his hand for him to shake it.

    When they all had talked the deal over Arina then herd Sylvester speak and say that there were other things he had to tend to at home and that they still had to go to the other three villages before that could be taken care of it.

    Arina then nodded her head when she herded this. “Okay I will be out in a few minutes. I want to help Rhana get a few things together that she will be taking to the castle and then I will join you dear.” she said as she patted him on the arm and then turning, she set to work helping Rhana out.

    After Arina had finished helping Rhana out she made her way out to the carriage. As she got in she smiled at Sylvester as she took her seat next to him. Then the rest of the day was spent visiting the last three villages. Arina was glad she was able to help each one of the people there. She knew they were glad she had come. But the ride home was a quite one for Arina for she had lots to think about that had taken place that day.

    When they both finally got back to the castle and were standing it the main foyer Sylvester spoke. As Arina turned to face him she listens to him say what a day and he asked her if she was exhausted? As she came over to him, she put her arms around his neck and nodded her head. “Yes, sweetheart I am truly exhausted from the long day, I don’t know if I can keep my eyes open much longer, but I am glad we were able to help the villagers out and it was worth our time to do that for them. Shall we go grab a bit to eat and then head off to bed?” She asks as she kissed him a few times on the lips.

    Once they had finished eating and Arina had checked on Rhana she made her way to their bedroom. Now when she had changed into her nightgown and was getting into bed, she took the time to thank Sylvester one last time. “Sylvester dear I wanted to thank you again for letting Rhana and her two kids come stay here at the castle with us. I know John Mark will work hard to be a good squire for you. Did you see his face when you suggested he do that?” she said as she lay down. Now after Arina had snuggled up next to Sylvester’s chest it did not take her very long to fall sound asleep.
    When the first light of dawn shined through the windows and into the room it woke Arina up. As she lay there for a few minutes she finally deiced to get up. Slowly as she sat up, she looked over at Sylvester and seeing he was still sound asleep she then quietly got out of bed and made her way over to her dressing screen to change out of her nightgown. Then after she was finished dressing, she remembered that she must check on Rhana. But before she left the room she stopped and leaned down and gently kissed Sylvester on the cheek and whispered softly to him. “I love you so much dear. I will see you at breakfast a little bit later.” Then quietly she left the room.

    As she made her way down the hallway to Rhana’s room she wondered if her friend was up yet feeding Grace. As she got closer to the room, she saw that a light was already on. As she got to the door, she gently knocked on it. “This is Arina may I come in?” she said as she waited for her friend to answer. It did not take Rhana long to answer. “Yes, please do come in Arina dear.” Then Arina slowly opened the door and as she did, she peeked in and smiled when she saw her friend sitting next to the window rocking Grace. “Good morning, Rhana. Did you sleep well last night?” she asks as she walked into the room. As she did Rhana greeted her with a smile and nodded her head. Yes, thank you I did sleep well last night. I just finished feeding Grace. Would you like to hold Grace?” She asks as she stood up from the rocking chair and walked over to Arina.

    Arina smiled “Sure I would love to hold her. She is such a sweet little girl. I am so glad you were able to come and stay here with us.” she said as she took a seat in the rocking chair. Rhana laughed. “Oh, Arina dear I am so glad Sylvester said we could come and stay here too. Last night John Mark could not stop talking about how much he was looking forward to being able to train to become a squire. I know he is really looking forward to doing it. In return Arina laughed. “Oh, I am sure he is really looking forward to it. It will be a lot of hard work for him to become one, but I am sure he will do well. I know he is a hard worker already.” she said.

    As she said that there was a knock at the door. Arina looked up at Rhana and nodded her head for her to go head and answer it. Rhana walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Lyoka with a tray of food in her hands. “Mrs. Rhana, I thought you might like to have your breakfast bought up to you this morning.” she said as she looked into the room. “Oh, I am so sorry Queen Arina, I did not know you were in here as well. I can come back in a few minutes with the food if you want me to. Rhana smiled and opened the door wider. “Oh no need to come back I can take my food now and eat it while the queen holds my baby. Lyoka nods her head and walks into the room and sits the tray down on the table next to her. Arina nods her head. “Um… Lyoka I will be coming down a little bit later for my breakfast. I think Sylvester will be down before I come, so be sure to have his ready for him.” she said as she looked down at the baby. Lyoka nods her head. “Yes, my queen I will do that.” she said as she turns to leave the room.

    Arina smile as Lyoka left the room. “Lyoka is a good servant; don’t ever feel you are asking her to do too much for you. She will do anything you ask her to do and more.” she said. Rhana nods her head. “Thank you for telling me this, I will remember that when I need something from her.” She said as she sat down to eat her breakfast.

    An hour goes by and Arina sees the time. “Well Rhana, I think it is about time for me to head on down to have my breakfast before Sylvester starts to wonder where I am at this morning.” she said as she gets up and hands Grace back to her. As Rhana takes her baby back, she smiles. “Oh, Arina thank you so much for coming by this morning, please do come anytime you want to.” she says as she pats her on the arm. Arina then returns a smile to her and nods her head. “You're welcome my dear friend and I sure will come back again.” she said as she walks over to the door and leaves the room.

    As Arina makes her way down the hallway she starts to feel a little nauseated, but she tries not to think about it as she walks into the dining room. Now as she walks into room she sees Sylvester sitting at the table eating. “Good morning, dear! What do we have that is good to eat this morning?” she asks as she kisses him on the cheek and then takes a seat across form him at the table.
    She smiles and nods her head as a servant places a plate of food on the table in front of her. But before she started to eat, she looked over at Sylvester. “Sweetheart would you be available today to do some sword fighting with me? If not, I can find one of the knights and do it with them.” As she asks this, she picks up her fork and starts to put some food on it. But as Sylvester was about to answer her question, she started to feel nauseated again but this time her stomach was a little queasy like she was going to be sick. “Oh, dear I think I am going to be sick.” she says as she jumps up and runs out of the room. As Arina leaves the room her servant Lyoka was just coming into the room, but when she sees the queen run out, she looks over at Sylvester and asks what was wrong with the queen?

    Now Arina was gone for a good thirty minutes before she came back into the room and seated herself again at the table, as she did, she tried to put a little smile on her face as she looked over at her husband. “I am sorry about that dear, it just hit me all of a sudden, but I feel better now. What were you going to say to me when I had to leave the room a bit ago?” As she says that to him, she looks up and she sees Lyoka standing there with a worried look on her face. “Oh, it is nothing to be worried about Lyoka I will be okay after I eat something.” She said as she picked up her fork again. As Arina started to eat she did feel a little better. She knew this would probably happen again tomorrow because she was pregnant now. But what bothered her the most was how she was going to tell Sylvester that she was pregnant when this was not even his child she was carrying? She did not know but she would have to tell him sometime but just not right now today. As the day went on Arina tried her best not to think about the matter but just go about the day as it was not happing.

    Now it just happens that Sylvester was not able to sword fight with Arina so she hunted down one of the knights his name was James, and she asks him if she could sword fighting with him. James smiled at her and said he would be glad to do that with her. Now Arina was not sure how she would do with him but there was no one else to do it with her. So, she tried hard to not worry about how she was doing and just focused on what she knew already.

    As Arina swung the sword towards the knight she easily lifted her blade to parry his attack. When the two swords clanked as the blades clashed Arina used her strength to push the knight back, using her footing to ground her. She then swept to the side quickly to try and hit him from the side but missed and almost lost her balances. When she had gotten her footing again, she went right back to swing her sword and around and block the attack to the side. She was started to enjoy it when all of a sudden, another knight name Matthew stepped up “Queen Arina let me see what I can do with my buddy James. If I win you will fight me next.” said as he started to fight with James. Arina stepped back and watched as the two men fight each other. They went at it for a few minutes and James lost his footing and the Matthew quickly places his sword on James's shoulder. “That was a fair fight and I won so now I will take my turn fight with the queen.”

    When Arina saw this, she started to laugh. “Nice try James! You both did really well. Okay Matthew steps up and see if you can do the same thing with me.” she said as she kept laughing. As Matthew took his place to start James started cheering Arina on “You can do it Queen Arina give it all you got. I know you can win.” When Matthew started the match out Arina quickly started to swing her sword back at him and gave it her all as they fought each other. She was able to counter a few of his attacks and parry the blade away. Her foot work was precise, and he only hit her a few times. The fighting went on and lasted for about 30 minutes until Arina suddenly disarmed Matthews’s sword and started laughing. ”Matthew I thought you said you could take me out. What happened?” Matthew soon joined in the laughing. “Oh, I let you win Queen Arina. I think you are a good fighter. Keep up the great work my queen. Matthew said. Arina nodded her head and smiled at both of the men. “Gentlemen thank you both for sword fighting with me today. We will have to do it again when Sylvester is able to be here to watch me.” she said as she turned to go back in the castle.

    Later that evening at the dinner after Arina had taken a seat at the table she started sharing the news about the day with Sylvester. “Dear you should have been outside this afternoon watching me sword fight with Knight James and Knight Matthew. I started out fighting with Knight James and then Knight Matthew took over with him and ended up winning so he had to fight me. I won that match because Knight Matthew let me win. I think I would have won if he had not given up. When do you think you will be able to sword fight with me dear?” She asks as she started to cut the ham on her plate.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 04-24-2024 at 11:45 AM.

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    He had passed his morality test with flying colors. The boy was going to be taught in the sword, and his family will be spared a harsh death at the hands of winter. And Sylvester smiled homely at remembering the boy’s excitement and admiration. He anticipated that this boy would be destined for greatness if Nimuë had not ordained it herself. “Yes, he was very happy to know that he was going to live up to his father.”

    The boy’s eyes spoke of a flame that he, as king, wasn’t going to let fade. “I ponder the extent to which the boy will find greatness, but I eagerly await his results.” He fell asleep thereafter, letting the warmth of his wife soothe him to sleep.

    Come morning, Arina’s whisper rustled him gently to consciousness as her silhouette exited the room. He kept himself in bed at first, seeing as it was merely only first light, but understanding that he had business to attend to early in the morning, he couldn’t afford to stay in bed any longer. However, the king couldn’t exactly wage war on an empty stomach.

    He sat up in his bed, and a knock was heard. He looked over and called out, “Come in.”

    The door opened, and it was Lyoka. She stepped in, and curtsied. “My Lord, your breakfast is ready.”

    He nodded, accepting the information, “Good. I’ll be down to eat momentarily. Additionally, send word to my warmaster to meet me in the War Hall after breakfast.”

    “Yes my Lord,” Lyoka curtsied once more and left to go fulfill her order.

    All the while, Sylvester had prepared himself for the day; dressing himself to fit the weather and occasion. He walked down to breakfast, and took his place at the table. He looked over the morning’s food, and nodded in firm appreciation. Thus, he tore into it.

    And then, in came Arina. She asked what was good to eat, kissing his cheek all the same. He said, “Ham, and some other food packed with enough stuff to keep us fed through the winter.”

    Sweetheart, would you be available today to do some sword fighting with me? If not, I can find one of the knights and do it with them.

    Odd question for sure, but one that wasn’t unfounded. Afterall, this entire arrangement was made to ensure their two kingdoms don’t immediately fall into war. Her family saw combat as something to be admired while his own feared it; seeing it as only a last resort. But before he could even begin his sentence, he saw his wife rush off. Lyoka was just entering the room, and looked to him for an answer. Unfortunately, he never had one. The truth of the matter, remaining ever-so-hidden.

    She came back thirty or so minutes later, and reassured his worries. “What I was going to say was that I would test you, but I have some affairs that require my attention.” He left it at that, and breakfast progressed on.

    But the time came when he and Warmaster Yarrick were to discuss war.

    Sylvester stood beside the table, and leaned on it. He stared at the changed pieces, and then asked his warmaster with some manner of concern. “How much did we lose?”

    The older gentleman stared at the table, and then up at Sylvester. He took a minute to process the amount lost, and the amount recovered. “We recovered five weeks worth of supplies, compared to the amount we could’ve had. Over half of the supplies destined for Edon were taken or destroyed. I suspect that if we send out another caravan, they will be attacked.”

    Sylvester thought about securing these caravans with armed assailants. However, Warmaster Yarrick advised that it would be setting ourselves up for potential attacks from other groups looking to get a quick meal. So, he came to the only conclusion he could in this scenario. “Do not send another one. Our blades are thin at the moment, with the Tithe approaching. I cannot risk any of our plans being foiled at this rate. We will make it work.”

    Sylvester was no stranger to scarcity, and even in these finer moments it still rears its head.
    “Yes my Lord,” Yarrick looked over his king quietly, as if examining him. “Are we to maintain our current lodgings?”

    Sylvester nodded dutifully, “Without break. The Tithe is most important as of right now.”
    Yarrick nodded, bowed, and then took his leave at that.

    Sylvester turned away, and stepped over to the window. He spotted his wife swordfighting the knights, and her showing skill amongst the gentlemen. He smiled softly, knowing full well that she was no mere damsel. He watched on with an amused expression.

    From there, evening came.

    Dinner was quaint, especially considering that Rhana was invited to this dinner as a show of appreciation. Sylvester thought it would be nice to do so as Rhana viewed her as a coveted member of the Queen’s Entourage. Being the first member, Sylvester saw it as symbolic rather than anything to the contrary. Arina, starting the conversation right said:

    Dear you should have been outside this afternoon watching me sword fight with Knight James and Knight Matthew. I started out fighting with Knight James and then Knight Matthew took over with him and ended up winning so he had to fight me. I won that match because Knight Matthew let me win. I think I would have won if he had not given up. When do you think you will be able to sword fight with me dear?”

    “When you can defeat Sir Lancelot in a duel my love,” he said pointedly. He saw her skill first hand, and knew that she would have to be really tested before she could stand before him in combat. “Of course, when you do succeed in besting Lancelot, you will be the talk of the kingdom.”

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    When Arina heard her husband answer her question about the sword fighting she smiled. “Oh it won’t be long until I can defeat Sir Lancelot in a duel. I am going to really work hard and in three months I will be ready to defeat him.” she said as she reached over and gave Sylvester’s hand a little pat.

    When John Mark heard what she had said his eyes grew wide. “King Sylvester would you aloud Queen Arina to be the one that starts me out on sword fighting and then when I get the feel for it someone else can take over and train me the rest of the way.” he ask as he looked over at the king.

    Now when his mother heard him ask the king this question she scolded him. “John Mark you should not have ask the king to aloud you to do that until you checked with the Queen to see if she was willing to do that.” She said as she frowned at him. But before John Mark could answer his mother Arina spoke. “Rhana dear it is alright I would be glad to teach him as long as my husband is alright with it.” She said as she turned and looked at the king. “Sylvester dear what are your feelings about me teaching John Mark to sword fight? I will be fine doing it and I think it would be fun to teach him.” She asks as she took his hand in hers and gently squeezed it. John Mark held his breath as he waited for the king to answer the question. He hoped he would like the idea as well.

    It was not long after this that dinner was served. As they ate Arina remembered that she had arranged for a young lady to come play the harp for them. “Well everyone this meal has been good but I just remembered I had arranged for someone to play the harp for us all in the music room. If you like we can head on over there now.” she said as she looked at everyone around the table. Then nodding her head she started to stand up and as she did she smiled when she saw Sylvester standing next to her waiting for her to take his arm. She smiled as she took it and they started to walk to the music room.

    After they had all made their way there and had been seated a young lady named Pola walked into the room and took her seat next to the harp. But before she started to play it she nodded her head to the King and Queen. “Good evening everyone I am so glad you all came to hear me play the harp tonight. For those of you who don’t know me my name is Pola. I will be playing four songs for you tonight. The first song is called Swan Lake. So please sit back and enjoy the music.” she said as she slowly placed her hands up to the harp’s strings and started to play.

    As the lovely sound of the harp reached Arina’s ears she smiled as she remembered the days she had played it before she had married Sylvester. She now missed playing it and longed to have her hands on the strings playing it just like Pola was doing right now. Now when Pola had finished playing three songs she stood up and turned and looked at the King and Queen. “I hope you all have enjoyed hearing the music so far tonight but before I play the last song I would like to invite Queen Arina up to play a piece she use to enjoy to play.” She said as she held her hand out for Arina to come. Now when Arina heard this both of her hands went to her mouth. “Oh my Pola that is so sweet of you to ask me to play a piece.” She said as she turned and looked at Sylvester for his approval. But when she saw him smiling at her she stood up and walked over to the harp.

    As she took her seat at the harp she sat there for a minute looking at the strings. She could not remember if Sylvester had ever heard her play before. But as she put her hands up to the strings she turned her head and looked at her husband. “Sweetheart this song is for you, because I don’t know if you have ever heard me play the harp before.” she said as she started to move her fingers on the strings to play the song called: “You are my Sunshine.”

    Now when Arina finished playing the song she looked at Sylvester and smiled. Then standing up she walked back over to her seat but before she took her seat she leaned forward and kissed Sylvester on the lips. “I love you dear so much and you are like my sunshine when it is raining. So don’t you forget this because I will always love you.” She said as she kissed him again. Now as Arina was doing this Pola had started to play the last song for the night.

    When Pola had finished playing that song Arina leaned forward and looked over at Rhana. “What did you think of the harp Rhana? Was this your first time hearing a harp being played?” She asks as she turned and looked back over at Pola for a minute. Rhana smiled at Pola as well and then spoke. “I enjoyed hearing the harp tonight. No, Arina dear this was not my first time hearing a harp. But it was my first time hearing you play it. I did not know you knew how to play it and you did such a great job at it.” She said as she rocked sleeping Grace in her arms. Arina smiled back at her friend. “Well I am glad you enjoyed it tonight. Oh my Yes, I use to play the harp all the time before Sylvester and I were married. It has been a long time since I had played though.” she said as she winked her eye at Sylvester.

    After Arina had thanked Pola for playing for them she went back over to where Sylvester was waiting for her at. As she places her hand on his arm she looked up into his eyes for a minute. “Sylvester I think it is a nice night outside for a walk lets go for one right now.” She said. But before he could give her his answer she put her arm in his and started to walk towards the doors that lead outside.

    Now when they got outside she put her head on his shoulder and was quite for a few minutes as they started to walk. Then breaking the silences she spoke finally. “Sylvester I hope you had a good time tonight, because I sure did.” she said as she looked up into his face for a minute. “I am glad Pola agreed to play the harp for us. But I was kind of not expecting Pola to ask me to play. Have you ever heard me play the harp before?” she asks as she waited for him to answer her.

    Then after he had answer her question they continued to walk quietly for a little bit more until a small bridge appended in front of them. As they walked up onto it and stopped at one of the sides to look out over the water Arina started to cry. Now as the tears rolled down her checks she looked up into Sylvester face and spoke. “Oh sweetheart I must tell you something that I can no longer keep from you.” she said as she whipped some of the tears off of her face. “Um, Well this morning when I ran out of the room really quickly…..” she stopped as some more tears ran down her checks. “…..because I was sick...” She stopped again and looked away from her husband and was quite for a minute. Then taking both of his hands in hers she looked back up into his eyes and took a deep breath then spoke again. “Well dear I am afraid to say this but I think…..” She stopped again and came closer to him and put her head up against his chest and whispered the next five words to him. “I am expecting a child.” she said as she broke down crying still up against his chest.

    Soon she felt his strong arms come around her and pull her closer to him and his kind voice that whipper his loving answer in her ear. Oh how she had been longing for this for a long time because she had known that she was with child and just could not tell him about it. Now that she had finally told him she knew it was going to be alright but they both had a long road ahead of them now.

    Once Arina had stopped crying and was finally able to look back up into Sylvester face again she tried to give him a little smile as she gazed up into his eyes. “I am sorry I have kept this from you for so long and could not tell you before today about it. I was just scared what you might have to say about it since it is not your child I am caring. Please forgive me for not telling you sooner dear and tell me you still love me even if this is not our child.” She said as she reached up and placed a hand on the side of his face as she kept eye contact with him.

    After he had given her his answer she felt better about this whole thing taking place. Then as they stood there quietly looking out over the water neither of them had noticed that someone was standing a little ways from them and had been watching them the whole time tha had been standing there.

    Then Arina finally spoke. “Well dear it has been a long day for me and I am rather tired out so I think we should probably start walking back to the castle again.” she said as she lean forward and kisses him on the check. Now when they had finally reach the castle Arina had already put her head on Sylvester’s shoulder and was having trouble keeping her eyes open as they walked up the steps to the door. As they were about to enter the castle Arina whispered to him. “Sylvester will you please carry me because, I am too tired to walk any further.” She said as she asks him. Then as she felt him pick her up she smiled and put her head on his shoulder once again.

    When they had reached the bedroom Arian was almost asleep but when she felt him put her back down on her feet she quickly kissed him and whispered. “Thank you sweetheart I love you.” Once she was on her feet again Arina then call for Lyoka to help her get dressed for bed. Now when they were both finally lying in the bed together Arina called out in the darkness to Sylvester. “Dear now please promise me you will still let me practice my sword fighting, because I am determined I can still defeat Sir Lancelot no matter what shape I am in right now.” she said as she put her head on his chest and snuggled up close to him as she waited for him to answer her question.

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