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Thread: Marvel Cinematic Universe

  1. #11
    Kouki's Avatar
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    I have to see it! Finally, a Deadpool whose super powers, costume and backstory aren't total bullshit

    I mean, come on, Deadpool taking orders? Mouth sown shut? Does anyone else hate all Wolverine movies?

    PS: Black Widow is best girl! super soldier serum, trained since pampers with decades of experience and doesn't age as quickly as us so she still looks 20 after like fifty years meaning she has more years of combat experience than even Captain America (Who didn't start until he was like 20) and managed to trick Loki, the GOD of tricksters.

  2. #12
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    First of all while enjoying the Deadpool excitement I have to correct y'all. Deadpool,like the x-men and fantastic four, is NOT part of MCU. Yes I know he is a marvel character and thus can understand the confusion. However the film rights to X-Men, X-Force, Xcalibur, the term Mutant, and associated franchises are owned by Fox. This is why the Twins were not called mutants in Ultron.

    Secondly, yes the tv shows on netflix; The two that are out and the four on their way, have been awesome. I am wondering if we won't see Doctors Strange and Banner in the Defenders series as they were both founding members.

    I understand that the agreement between Sony and Marvel/Disney allows Sony to continue making standalone Spidey flicks even as he joins the MCU. Unfortunately I think most of his Civil War role from the comics is going to be transferred to the Panther. Which given T'Challa's public neutrality, even while offering shelter to heroes who wanted to avoid the conflict isn't really going to upset die hard fans. Mainly because the script was most likely finished while principle filming started before the Spiderman accord was signed.

    The thing about the Hulk Widow romance is that most of it developed off screen. During the opening sequence, the Avengers talk as if they've been operating together since the end if winter soldier hunting down hydra. Someone, Banner or Rogers most likely, realized that Widow is the least threatening among them and developed the "Night night protocol" (I think that's what they called it.) Unfortunately, as any one whose done it can tell you, when you pretend to care about someone for months those feelings actually develop. When examined from this aspect the romance becomes more believable.

    As for Nat and Clint; In 616, and a number of the cartoons, they do have a kinda on again off again romance/hatred thing going on. However, Widow has also had relations with Iron Man, DareDevil, Captain America, Wolverine... Well to cut the list short, Natasha is a strong independent woman who values her freedom, and she's also a spy. Additionally in the Ultimate universe Hawkeye kills Widow.

    The Avenger movies may feel rushed/forced because technically they are. However unlike the Daredevil movie, these movies were written by fans of the source who were good script writers. The events in the Avengers movies are taken from sources where the individual characters have more time to respond individually. If Stark needs an entire page to make a decision we get an entire page of internal dialog and what not. Whereas in the movies thats all internal and the decision is made in seconds. In short there is less character development because there isn't really time for it and because that's what the solo movies are supposed to be for. After all you jam months of storyline into less then two hours you are lucky to not get the Daredevil movie.

    Finally, I am super stoked to see Cap getting some love. He's always been one of my favorite heroes, and not because of some power fantasy thing (that's more Stuperman's schtick.) Cap has been my hero because of who he is. To start with he busted his tail to serve his nation; Even when they said, "Dude its really dangerous and you are gonna end up DEAD." Rogers wad all, "Nah man. I'm good, let me help." He became a hero because he GENUINELY wanted to do what he felt was the right thing. And it is something he had ALWAYS stuck to. Whereas Stark created Iron Man to save his own life, Banner became the Hulk through a freak accident, and Thor became a hero through life lessons his father forced upon him. Cap is the only Avenger in the MCU who wanted to be in that position. And he's not stuck up about it. Additionally that fact about him is true in EVERY incarnation of him I've seen. In the Ultimates, as soon as he can he moves back into his old neighborhood. He gets paid enough to live in midtown and he moves to the bronx and spends his free time with his war buddies instead of chasing skirts in clubs with Stark.
    Spoiler: In 616 Civil War 

    In short, Captain America is my favorite because he is the closest thing to a character who truely embodies the definition of a hero.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  3. #13
    August Member of the Month
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    So, who all watched Deadpool? One of the best Marvel movies so far, I think.

    You know who I am excited for in Civil War? Black Panther.

    Also, Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange. How do ya'll feel about that? I am particularly excited for that.

  4. #14
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    So I dug this up because i have to share. As we all know...

    Spoiler: the last movie for many of the Avengers 

    And while I am SUPER hyped for it. I worry about what happens next in the MCU. After all the Avengers won't just go away after endgame and there are still years of movies planned out. I have spent time thinking about, and I think I know where it's gonna go next.

    Spoiler: Theory 
    Last edited by Dnafein; 01-31-2019 at 11:36 PM.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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