I am planning to wait for Arcus to post before posting
I am planning to wait for Arcus to post before posting
Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.
Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!
That's fine I just wanted to get a reply out for you just in case I can't post o.o
That and I'm bored right now with plenty of time so I'm just screwing around really
Spoiler: Quotes?
Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote
I'm writing a response right now guys, after I get your twos' part up. I'll post before working on something for everyone else X'D
Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy
Sounds good I'm going to start throwing out Recruitment things for people as well.
Spoiler: Quotes?
Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote
I'll help out when my posts are done.
Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy
Well alrighty then o.o Pokemon throwing people after Hiru just said they were harmless pretty much xD
Hiru's going to bug book man in a moment as soon as Kortaga gets a post up <<
Spoiler: Quotes?
Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote
That is why I am having bookman walk by and also
If the graveler and man were wrestling since before the Graveler was thrown. How did the rock-type get airborne?
Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy
Magic obviously <,<
Theres an Alakaspoon around somewhere throwing them in the air. (Alakazam)
Spoiler: Quotes?
Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote
X'D I love that response, it is brillance
Both Avatar and Signature was drawn by Issy
Go ahead and do the mission!
Also, it's getting close to Halloween. It's gonna get spoopy - can't wait. There'll probably be some giveaways and stuff.
Also, just so that everyone knows, I'll be doing the lottery starting in the month of November. Mfable also gave out free legendaries every month - I may do that, too. We'll see.