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Thread: Never-Ending Conquest Battles

  1. #11
    Eddren's Avatar
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    Battle of Demon's Head.

  2. #12
    Tolvo's Avatar
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 7

    Deathborne and Ryudeshi Alliance

    Battle of Ghal Mountains - Many armies meet in the mountain passes of the Ghal Mountain ranges. The Deathborne, 15,000 strong, are led by High Deathlord Glenn. Their allies are the Dwarves, 7,000 strong led by Krokum Runeblood and the Ryudeshi, 10,000 strong, are led by Prince Yazhu of Xi and Gonsuro Rai. They face an Imperial Army, 15,000 strong, led by Grand Templar Tyran, and Grand Imperial Wizard Abathor. Commander Lycanter also leads a force 10,000 strong into battle, for her own gains.

    Battle of Dral - After the conquering of Archaon the Deathborne have turned their attention to the city of Dral. Led by the Curator Arael, Zel the Moon Princess, Kanon the Kensei, Baigujing, the Deathborne number at 40,000 in strength. Fighting alongside them are the Burning Islands who number at 30,000 along with the Ryudeshi who number at 40,000. The Shogun leads her forces while the Ryudeshi are led by General Shi, Commander Da, and Dragon Eyes Wuulong. They face a combined Imperial army led by Archbishop Sentius, Destroyer of Sin, with their numbers at 50,000. The Elves of Iledrith have a minor presence with a force of 10,000 led by King Consort Yerran.

    Saurian Horde

    Battle of Astral - The Saurians have bypassed the Star Fort and head for the coastal city of Astral. Without walls it is just waiting for an invasion. Led by Jezuwak and Chieftain Rezzigore, their forces numbering at 30,000. The Iledrith Elves are led by the Sun Princess and number at 45,000 thousand to defend their city.

    Wild Elves

    Skirmish of Bleikr Valley - The foolish Empire have tread upon the sacred forests of the Barbarian lands. Their spirits cry out in anger as soldiers trundle through them. A force of 700 Wild Elves and Fae face off against a force of 1,000 Imperials led by Crusader David Wood.

    Battle of Baylet - The Barbarians have planned an assault on the town of Baylet. They are led by Iskar the One-Eye while the Wild Elves join in the fray so that they may lay claim to the nearby woods. The Elves are led by the Rage Queen herself in battle. 4,000 Barbarians, 4,000 Elves, and 10,000 Western Imperial troops face each other in and around the town. Grand Hospitaller Zylinius leads the Imperials in this battle.

    Skirmish of Hagi Fields - A force of Destruin have begun to taint the fields leading into Barbarian lands. They must be stopped before their taint reaches the Wild Woods of the Wild Elves. A force of 2,000 Destruin face off against a force of 2,000 Elves led by Ashen-Face Gwyn.

    Southern Kingdoms

    Skirmish of Trollmouth - At Trollmouth leading into the mountains the Trolls, 1,000, are led by Wabbachak in a skirmish against the Southern Kingdoms, 1,500 strong. The Trolls see the opportunity to ravage and pillage the newly taken Southern Kingdoms land, hoping to take advantage of the newly conquered territories.

    Siege of Joetel - The Southern Alliance is no more! The Southern Dominion have formed an uneasy alliance with the Deathborne and have started a joint invasion of the Southern Kingdoms. King Joeseph of Joetel leads the defense of his city, his forces numbering at 70,000. Head Vampire Rozalia leads the Deathborne here, numbering at 40,000. Mahmud of Nooshij leads the Southern Dominion forces numbering at 100,000.

    Siege of Middle Finger - The last holdouts of the Destruin are found at Middle Finger. The Barbarians and Southern Kingdoms have chosen to work together during this siege. The Southern Kingdoms army, 60,000, are led by Prince Gianluigi of Giu Sotto. The Barbarians, 40,000, are led by Warlord Hroaldr Big Bastard. The King of Hate, and Dread Queen Talisandra lead the Destruin, 50,000 strong.

    Battle Outside Demon's Head - Beast King Korrokaz leads a force of 40,000 Saurians in the fields outside of Demon's Head. King Richgarde leads the Southern Kingdoms forces which number at 50,000 in strength. The Saurians have been pillaging and raiding and need to be stopped.
    Last edited by Tolvo; 08-28-2017 at 05:02 AM.
    On Hiatus from RP'ing
    My pronouns are She/Her, and They/Them. If it's hard to constantly switch just stick with She/Her.

  3. #13
    Derpnaster's Avatar
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    I'll take Trollmouth, seems like a jolly ole romp for Kenna.

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

  4. #14
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    Destrin, having been recently promoted to grand strategist, sees more of a threat from a unified front than from scattered remnants. He's redeployed his forces to deal with the Deathborn-Dominion alliance.

  5. #15
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    Upcoming Battles and Events Season 8

    Wild Elf Battles

    Battle of Stranz - Empire and Dwarves vs Barbarians and Wild Elves vs Ryudeshi Frigid Islands and Deathborne - All hell has broken loose. Just as the Barbarians(35,000), and the Wild Elves(25,000), advance on the city of Stranz, a force of the Deathborne(30,000), Ryudeshii (30,000), and Frigid Islands(25,000) have come to conquer. A defending force of Imperials(50,000) and Dwarves(25,000) stand to fight. Leaders are Hokarimitsuji, Shin the Tiger, Iskar, The Steel Bull, Ashen-Face Gwyn, Grand Apothecary Mundi, The Withered, King of the Wild Hunt, General Shi, Wuulong, Zu Qing, Gonsuro Rai, Krokum Runeblood.

    Skirmish of the Dead Marshes - Southern Kingdoms and Trolls vs Wild Elves and Barbarians -The Southern Kingdoms(2,000) and Trolls(500) have wandered into Elven lands. Their allies the Barbarians(2,000) and the Wild Elves(2,000) seek to punish the interlopers. Leaders are Warlord Hroaldr Big Bastard, Soo-il the Raven, Wabbachak, Gianluigi.

    Battle of Luzrak Woods - Saurians vs Wild Elves - The Wild Elves(4,000) are expanding their control to the woods and jungles of Saurian(2,000) Lands. Leaders are Chieftain Zukanor, and Daithi the Huntmaster.

    Ryudeshi/Five Kingdoms Events

    Espionage of Fort Tearless - An Imperial fort Tearless contains a great deal of interest. It was a recent home of the Imperial Wizard Abathur. It's contents are heavily desired, as is any damage to the fort possible.

    Deathborne Events

    2nd Invasion of Tidren - Deathborne Southern Dominion and Frigid Islands vs Southern Kingdoms - The Curator comes, the Deathborne(100,000) along with the Frigid Islanders(30,000) invade alongside their new allies the Southern Dominion(100,000). Tidren is ripe for conquest and the defending Southern Kingdms(150,000) are in for the fight of their lives. Leaders are Arael, Daimyo Hokuro Ken the God of War, Governor Hasib of Shomaalh, High King Richgarde.

    Battle of the White Sand Sea - Southern Kingdoms vs Southern Dominion and Deathborne - At the White Sand Sea two massive cavalry armies meet. The Southern Kingdoms(30,000) face off against the Deathborne(10,000) and Southern Dominion(30,000). Leaders are Monarch Narcisse, Wight King, Governor Firdaus of Koshamadid.

    Battle of Black Peak Mountains - Trolls and Southern Kingdoms vs Southern Dominion and Deathborne - Two forces collide. Both the Southern Kingdoms(60,000) with the Trolls(20,000) and the Southern Dominion(60,000) and Deathborne(40,000) have met in battle on the very peaks and mountain passes of Black Peak Mountains. While trying to invade the other they collide. Leaders are Queen Isilde, the Troll King, Governor Mahmud of Nooshij, and Salha the Desert Storm, Head Vampire Rozalia, Lightning Wolf Oswald of Schwarzmarsh.

    Southern Kingdoms Events

    Skirmish of the Dead Marshes - Southern Kingdoms and Trolls vs Wild Elves and Barbarians -The Southern Kingdoms(2,000) and Trolls(500) have wandered into Elven lands. Their allies the Barbarians(2,000) and the Wild Elves(2,000) seek to punish the interlopers. Leaders are Warlord Hroaldr Big Bastard, Soo-il the Raven, Wabbachak, Gianluigi.

    Skirmish at Western-Point Dunes - Southern Kingdoms vs Southern Dominion

    Battle of the White Sand Sea - Southern Kingdoms vs Southern Dominion and Deathborne - At the White Sand Sea two massive cavalry armies meet. The Southern Kingdoms(30,000) face off against the Deathborne(10,000) and Southern Dominion(30,000). Leaders are Monarch Narcisse, Wight King, Governor Firdaus of Koshamadid.

    Battle of Black Peak Mountains - Trolls and Southern Kingdoms vs Southern Dominion and Deathborne - Two forces collide. Both the Southern Kingdoms(60,000) with the Trolls(20,000) and the Southern Dominion(60,000) and Deathborne(40,000) have met in battle on the very peaks and mountain passes of Black Peak Mountains. While trying to invade the other they collide. Leaders are Queen Isilde, the Troll King, Governor Mahmud of Nooshij, and Salha the Desert Storm, Head Vampire Rozalia, Lightning Wolf Oswald of Schwarzmarsh.

    2nd Invasion of Tidren - Deathborne Southern Dominion and Frigid Islands vs Southern Kingdooms - The Curator comes, the Deathborne(1000,000) along with the Frigid Islanders(30,000) invade alongside their new allies the Southern Dominion(100,000). Tidren is ripe for conquest and the defending Southern Kingdms(150,000) are in for the fight of their lives. Leaders are Arael, Daimyo Hokuro Ken the God of War, Governor Hasib of Shomaalh, High King Richgarde.

    Battle at Rundown - Destruin Remnants vs Trolls and Southern Kingdoms - Some of the holding out Remnants of the Destruin reside in the place known as Rundown. This disgusting filth entrenched place is defended by the Destruin Remnants(20,000) and face against the Trolls(5,000) and the Southern Kingdoms(40,000).

    Saurian Horde Events

    Battle of Devil’s Wing - Destruin Remnants vs Saurian Horde - The Saurians(30,000), are taking their advances to the West to newer heights. Instead of skirmishing and raiding they are taking to conquering. Theor eyes are set upon Devil's Wing, and are led by Warchief Zilzekzar. And the Destruin(45,000), by Devil's Wing himself.

    Battle of Vividi - Saurians vs Iledrith - Attacking from the river, the Saurians(40,000), continued their invasion into Iledrith Lands. The High Elves(40,000), stand in defiance using the river and the city to hold out. Leaders are Jezuwak, Rezzigore, Star Prince Kalecin.

    Battle of Luzrak Woods - Saurians vs Wild Elves - The Wild Elves(4,000) are expanding their control to the woods and jungles of Saurian(2,000) Lands. Leaders are Chieftain Zukanor, and Daithi the Huntmaster.
    Last edited by Tolvo; 09-24-2017 at 02:36 AM.
    On Hiatus from RP'ing
    My pronouns are She/Her, and They/Them. If it's hard to constantly switch just stick with She/Her.

  6. #16
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    Destrin for Second Assault on Tidren. (You'd think people would know not to go for the head from the start by now.)

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