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Thread: An Outcast's Revenge - [M] [Grey & Pit] [IC]

  1. #11
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    Convel watched this new male, his eyes curious. He was in a very good mood today actually. He wasn't normally in bad moods but the weather was beautiful today and it just brightened up his personality a bit. When Kizasi explaied that he got the scratch from a bear Convel only nodded. It could be true, but you never could be sure. This wolf could tell him only lies about himself, but Convel wouldn't know for sure.

    Convel took a few minutes to think after Kizasi had finished speaking. Convel cleared his throat and blinked his eyes and then looked at the male. "I have some questions first. Yes, you will be judged and you will earn your way into this pack just like the others have if they were not born into it. You will be judged over the next few days." Convel said with a head nod. He cleared his throat again before speaking. "Your parents, they were not in a pack? I've never heard of a wolf being born outside of a pack before." Ok, maybe he had, but it really wasn't a common thing. He wanted to get this wolf's story.
    * may we meet again *

  2. #12
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    As the alpha stayed silet Kizasi wished he would say something, anything. Not knowing what he was thinking was killing him.
    Did he believe Kizasi's lies?
    When Convel finally spoke Kizasi let out the breath he was holding. He bowed a bit and smiled. "I understand I will be judged. Everyone is judged at one point."
    Including you, Convel, Kizasi added to himself.

    Kizasi's ears twitched when Convel mentioned questions. "A questionnaire is fine, sir," he replied. His ears twitched again as he felt a sharp pain race to his head.
    Not now, Kizasi begged.
    Kizasi shook his head to clear his mind of his thoughts. "My parents," he repeated. "I ask you not to think of my mother as a bad wolf. She was very kind in deed. Her actions don't always reflect her personality." Kizasi cleared his throat. He was starting to feel lightheaded. "We didn't know who my father was," he admitted. "I thought he died before I was born because it was easier to believe that than to believe he had abandoned my pregnant...pregnant mum."
    Kizasi blinked hard. His speech was starting to slur.
    "My mum was the w..."
    He couldn't go on. Kizasi opened his eyes and looked around him. He couldn't do this here. These wolves could do anything to him by the time he woke up.
    If he woke up.
    "I cannot.. Sir, Convy, my..."
    Words weren't coming to him fast enough. Kizasi knew he had a fever, but there was nothing he could do. He fell to the ground and laid perfectly still. His body gave one final twitch before he blacked out.

  3. #13
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    Convel looked at the male and nodded his head here and there as he talked, acknowledging that he was listening. He listened to the story of his mother. Still a bit rocky, but maybe it was true. Convel had no way to tell. Although, he would eventually learn about this wolf as he spent time here. Everyone showed their true side eventually. No one could wear a mask forever.

    Convel tilted his head and blinked a few times as the male's speech started getting slower and it started to not make any sense. Before he could do anything, this wolf was in front of him laying on the ground passed out. Convel walked to him. A trap? No, no. He didn't think so. He bent his head down to the wolf and sniffed him. He was breathing, but was in fact out. He let out a howl for his daughter who was near the pond. "Tala! Bring water, now!" He yelled out to his daughter, who was in hearing distance.

    Tala heard her father and bent down and got a mouthfull of water. Her strong legs she inherited from her parents pushed her through the short path to the dens. She saw the new stranger passed out on the floor. She walked over and released the water from his mouth so it hit his face, hopefully cooling him off a bit. She was just as confused as her father was. "What happened?" She asked. "He was speaking and then just blacked out." Her father explained sharply. "Go on back to the water, Tala." Convel said. Tala nodded and rubbed her father then headed back to the water.
    * may we meet again *

  4. #14
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    I ran and I ran, but the added weight slowed me down greatly. When I believed I was far enough I collapsed on the dirt below me. My breathing was uneven and I feared I wouldn't make it past the birth of my pups.
    But by some miracle, I did it.
    When everything was done and over with I scanned my four little pups. I had never seen anything so small before. I nuzzled the oldest one, but it was lifeless. I named it Aliye Tumboni, which meant unborn. The second one I named Wamekwenda, which meant dead. The third was a survivor, and I named him Nguvu, strength. He died shortly after birth. My youngest son was the only one that breathed on his own long enough for me to believe he'd survive. This one I named Kizasi, which meant revenge. I would spend my life training this one so that he may get my revenge.

    Kizasi's body twitched but he couldn't bring himself to move. He was fading in and out of consciousness. Every time he drifted off he'd have those awful dreams. He knew his mother wasn't speaking to him; what he was hearing was his mother's own words that she must have spoken to him years ago. But her voice sounded so real in his dreams.
    What she was saying, it couldn't be true, could it?

    Kizasi's eyes shot open after what must have been at least an hour. He blinked hard before slowly making it to his feet.
    He looked at the alpha and made quick eye contact before looking away. He was too ashamed to look the male in the eye.
    He had been having black outs since he was born. Kizasi knew he didn't cause them and he couldn't prevent them. It just bothered him, knowing he could black out one day and never wake up.
    It made him feel weak.
    "Convel," Kizasi said slowly. "I apologize greatly. I..."
    Where would he start? He looked around to see if he was in the same place he had blacked out in. He let out a long sigh and turned toward the sky, its colour different from when he had seen it last. "It's been happening for as long as I can remember."
    Last edited by Ashen; 03-23-2012 at 11:57 PM.

  5. #15
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    Convel had stayed by this wolf as it layed there almost lifeless. He would have thought it was dead was it not for it's suttle breaths. He paced around the area and went back to check on his mate. He wandered around a little bit, keeping Kizasi in his eye sight. When he began to come to, Convel noticed right away and approached him with a curious look. He listened to his words and when Kizasi said that this had always happened, he was a bit shocked. Convel had blacked out before, but it was due to injury, pain, or fatigue.

    Convel was curious. This was something strange. Was it some defect? He remembered something about some story of a wolf having a defect. What was it? Something his father told him? He couldn't remember. It was all fuzzy. Maybe he was just making stuff up in his head. "As long as you can remember you say.. what exactly is that? I've never seen such a thing happen." Convel said. "You've been lying on the ground for about an hour, something is not right." He said. Now he was on gaurd a little more with this wolf. He was not going to kill him, or exile him just because of this one things though. He wanted to learn first.
    * may we meet again *

  6. #16
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    Kizasi shook his head slowly and turned back to the alpha. "I don't know the name for it. I used to call it time travel because I could stay out for days before awaking. My mum called it kulaani but sometimes she'd speak this language I never understood. As I grew older I took to calling it Grim's Calling, after that myth about a grim reaper."
    He let out a sigh. Should he lie about his condition? Should he tell the truth? What if he blacked out for a long period of time? Wouldn't the pack have a right to know what was going on?
    "I'm surprised it's only lasted this long. I usually get knocked out for days. Once I last a whole month. My mum says I get it from my uncle. He had the illness too. He had blacked out for two years before he finally died. I believe I have the same fate."
    There, it was out. The alpha knew Kizasi could drop dead in front of him. He hoped telling Convel wasn't a mistake.

    Kizasi picked himself up, his strength starting to come back. He kept his gaze on the ground. "I apologize if I scared you," he muttered. "Not too many wolves have my condition, I understand. You must have been at least startled." Kizasi let a small smile come onto his lips but he wouldn't look up. "I haven't any idea what we were talking about, or if you have any desire to resume conversation. Just so you know, they usually aren't consecutive. I should be good for a few days or so."
    Kizasi knew that wasn't necessarily true. While his headaches usually didn't come right after the other, there was a chance of an aftershock.
    He believed he could stay awake now. His head was not hurting as bad ad before and he felt fine for the most part.

  7. #17
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    Covel stood with pride as he listened to Kizasi explain his condition and how he had just completely blacked out in front of him. Again, once Kizasi had finished speaking Convel took a few minutes to respond before saying anything. He had to process everything. He needed a night. He needed to talk with Fae and see what she thought. She was Alpha too.

    "I need time to think everything over. I expect you to understand that. You are welcome to stay the night , just be weery. All of us are watching, especially me. My judgement has a new aspect to consider now. Watch your back, think about your actions." He stepped one paw closer to him. "Tomorrow I will set up a meeting. I will call the entire pack. I'm not sure when, but you will be sure to hear my call. The sun is setting quite quickly already." He said, raising his head to face the setting sun. "There are multiple open dens, feel free to take one for the night. If you are hungry, you may hunt. We are in need of a hunt in the morning anyway, so you can wait until then or find yourself a plump squirrel or something like that." Convel took a few more moments of silent eye contact before finishing up his statements. "That is all. Goodnight." He said to the stranger and then padded off back into his den.

    Tala had spent her whole day down at the river. She found herself doing that a lot actually. She just loved it so much. She found it so calming. It was such a great day too. But it was starting to get chilly as the sun began to set. Tala's stomach growled, but she was too lazy to get herself a squirrel right now. She could wait until morning. She stood up from the water edge and headed to the dens. She stood in the path that led to the dens and starred at Kizasi who had apparently woken up now.
    * may we meet again *

  8. #18
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    The dark wolf listened to the alpha and when he finished speaking he nodded in respect. "I thank you, sir," Kizasi said and he turned away to explore.
    Kizasi kept his nose high in the air and took in all of these new smells. He felt like it would take years to know every turn in the path; every crack in the earth. He sensed someone staring at him after a moment and looked up to find the female from before, the alpha's daughter. Kizasi debated approaching her and after a satisfied nod he trotted over to her.

    Kizasi watched the female's movements. He smiled a little bit to show he wasn't so serious. "I thank you for escorting me to your parents' den," he said. "Your father has told me I am allowed to spend the night and a pack meeting will follow tomorrow."
    Kizasi sat down and let his tail waver behind him. His adrenaline was pumping even though, moments before, he was unconscious.
    All this excitement could kill him. Who really knew how Kizasi's dysfunctional heart worked, and what would cause it to stop?
    Kizasi sniffed at Tala. "You've been at the river all day, no? Something special about that water to you?"

  9. #19
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    Convel crept quietly inside his den and walked over to Fae and rubbed his muzzle on hers. She opened her eyes from a deep sleep and looked at her mate. Convel explained what had happened outside and he told his mate about the newcomer and his strange condition. But after he told that story he curled up around his mate and drifted off to sleep just like she did.

    Tala just kept a soft smile on her face as the stranger approached her. Her tail swayed a little back and forth until he got in front of her and then she rested her rear on the soft dirt. She listened to him speak and then responded. "Father is nice to newcomers, you are lucky. Especially with what happened earlier." She said with a nod. Then thought about Kizasi's question before answering. "Umm well. It's just so peaceful, and I love the cool water. It was such a nice day, too. I just find it so enjoyable." She said with a shrug of her shoulders and her smile brightened up a bit. Then her honey eyes rested on Kizasi. "I just love it."
    * may we meet again *

  10. #20
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    Kizasi found himself staring a moment too long at Tala's golden eyes. He looked away quickly, disguising his embarrassment well.
    You're going to scare her, he thought. Again.
    The wolf nodded and closed his eyes. "It was a wonderful day. Too bad I blacked out during the warmest hour." He opened his eyes and sighed. "There shall be a dozen other warm days though, and hopefully I'll be conscious for them."
    Kizasi got up and started to pace. "So then," he started. "Tell me a bit about yourself."
    He stopped himself suddenly as he recalled something his mother once told him.
    Why must you bounce around like a pup you mtoto?
    What was a mtoto?

    Kizasi sat back down but his paws kept moving. He started to lick his paw of all the dirt. Kizasi could never sit still. He couldn't help it, but he certainly did try. "I apologise," he murmured. "I think it's the new air that's got me jumpy. All these new smells."
    Kizasi smiled at the girl. He must have appeared like a total freak to her. Maybe he hadn't ruined his chances with her completely.

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