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Thread: Final Fantasy: The Steam Wars

  1. #11
    Malyka's Avatar
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    Anastasia stared at the prince and stepped away from him, and was pleased with his kind words, however, she had a strange feeling inside, that he was partly looking for power, she looked away and walked to a table and put her glass down, and looked through the room for a moment, and was amazed at how beautiful the room was, yet she missed the priest's and her place, but she knew that this was the best thing to save the world and magic in the world.

    Anastasia looked at Keade for a moment and smiled gently "Why do not you rest Keade, I assume I am in good hands with the prince" she said calmly and looked at the prince again and nodded friendly to him "I assume you show me my temporary stay before we are married "

  2. #12
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    "Ugh. Of course. Ta feckin' prince wants her for her power. Nobles. No sense of romance. Jus' power." He slipped down the side of the building, and into the jostling crowd below. He made his way towards the castle sideways, careful to appear as only if he was interested in buying wares. He made his way, albeit a bit slowly, until he was near a less crowded alleyway.He ducked inside, thinking about whether he wanted to do this. The answer was yes.

  3. #13
    Domina Noctis
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    Listening to the prince confirmed Kaede's prediction of him and she wasn't liking what she was hearing. The prince only wanted to use Anastasia. She would have to keep a close eye on him, though she wouldn't act unless he threaten the princess or Anastasia asked her to intervene. Staying several steps behind the royal couple Kaede remained silent as was her usual position, Anastasia used to her presence always there though Kaede wondered if it made the prince uncomfortable and smirked to herself hoping it was. Better that he knew that Anastasia wouldn't be an easy target for his Machiavellian maneuvers. She paused when Anastasia addressed her and almost stated that she was fine at her post but could sense that the princess wasn't asking her but rather politely dismissing her. "Thank you, your highness." Kaede said, bowing to Anastasia then nodding to the prince before leaving.

    She found herself wondering in the market instead of taking a rest. They would be living here if everything worked out with the prince and princess so it would be wise to get the lay of the land. She knew Anastasia would be safe in the castle and felt now would be a good time to learn the market. Not to mention with the festival going on she would blend more in the crowds. No doubt there would be some wondering who this tattooed woman was they wouldn't linger long on her thinking her just another traveler and she was sure very few would realize her markings weren't tattoos. Going from stall to stall Kaede was more focused on the people there than their wares, though she did look at the buildings and alleys for if Anastasia ever wanted to visit. It was best to always have an escape plan that wasn't made on the fly. Glancing down an alley that was almost deserted she noticed it lead toward the castle. A figure in the alley caught her eye though she wasn't sure why. She felt something was amiss and decided to follow the figure being sure to stay a safe distance from them.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  4. #14
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Cassiel made his way to the end of the alley and looked up. "Hrm." If he... then he could... but what if... eh. That'd just be a risk he was willing to take. He backed up, and took a running leap at the wall of the shop on the right. He kicked off, touched breifly on the back of the alley, then landed on the roof of the building to the left. He immediately crouched, and scampered toward the castle. He made his way to an ajar window, and crawled inside. He landed on a rafter of the castle, and stealthily, he crept towards the prince, until he was right above the pair. "Damn." he whispered. He had just got the end of the conversation. He decided it was best to follow the mage, so as to gather the most information possible. Wherever the mage was, news was bound to follow.

  5. #15
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    As Cassiel made hi way up to the roofs again Rafe was stuggling to catch up with him in the alleyway only to lose him when he was unable to climb as well as the thief. "Damn, how the hells did he do that!?" He complained trying to find what ever handholds Cassiel had used.

    Kierrian nodded warmly taking Anastassia by her arm and guiding her from the room. "I know the idea of going to war is distasteful, but if you'd seen the damage done to our people and what the Imperium has done to anyone they catch with any magical talent at all.... it's frightful to think of." He said actually turning slightly pale. "I do believe the Empire will be more amenable to talking to us, the only issue is the cast system they have, anyone without magical talent is apparently not a full citizen under their laws.
    So you see, you put our kingdom in a very strong position as the queen to be, With your aid we can enlist the Empire's army and joined with our own bring the Imperium to heel to answer for all they've done in the name of their gods." He explained again trying to appeal to her sense of reason. He knew what he was talking about was morally gray at best. But his duty was to his people and kingdom before his heart.

    On his way out of the Alley way Rafe was considering returning to the lists and trying his luck with the tournament. His distracted thoughts and feet caused him to walk straight into an exploring Kaede however.
    Shocked by the act of walking into another body, one that didn't instantly try to evade him and thus allowed them both to keep on their feet in the busy market street.
    "Hey, watch where you're.... What?" Rafe began only to be distracted by the womans odd tattoos.
    "Oh, that explains it all. A foreigner. This your first time this deep into the kingdom? we're having the proving today so you definitely picked a great time."

  6. #16
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    She put her hand gently, on his arm, and listened to his words, while she looks at him, "Every human being is equal, magic or no magic, the empire, only thinking of power, and does not see how much damage they cause. to this world, "she said calmly and glanced at the ground, and for a moment thought of her father's words, and then she looked at the prince with her clear eyes." I do everything to help my prince "she said, and she smiled calmly.

    Anastasia, looked around her, it was much bigger here than the monastery where she lived, the only difference, was that it was often very quiet in the monastery, and you often heard only the song of the monks, she looked some outside and kept calmly walking beside her fiancé, her future husband, whom she had never met before. she looked at him again and smiled again. "When will our wedding take place?" she asked hesitantly
    Last edited by Malyka; 03-08-2019 at 12:16 PM.

  7. #17
    Domina Noctis
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    Watching the figure jump on the roof, for a moment she thought about jumping up and following him. The roof could lead to the palace but it could also lead him a hundred other places. It took a bit of convincing of herself but finally convinced herself to let the Prince's guards protect Anastasia. She had been given sometime off and while she wasn't exactly relaxing she would do the best she could. Unsure of where to go next she stood there until someone ran into her. Kaede's first reaction was to draw a weapon. One hand fell on her sword while the other moved to her knife. She didn't draw the sword but she did the knife holding it close to her arm and concealed. The man accused her of not watching where she was going. "You ran into me. I was standing still." Kaede said, eying the man with her dagger still at the ready. He didn't look like a threat but she held her guard. "The proving what is that?"

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  8. #18
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    "Wow you must really be from out of town" Rafe said ignoring her guarded stance and drawn knife. He supposed that was a pretty normal reaction given how they met and figured as soon as she found out she wasn't in danger she'd put it away. "The proving is an event we hold here in the capital once a season, it's basically how the lowborn can show their talents and join the army. The constant fighting makes the demand for soldiers pretty high, and to avoid having those unsuited to it picked the proving fills their ranks, but there's also a chance for an instant promotion if you are capable. So applicants are pitted against one another and against champions chosen by the crown." Rafe said grinning with ambition.
    "And this time I have an edge." He told her as he drew his sword. "I found this weapon abandoned on an old battlefield, it's a Caster. I even found three shells with it." He told Kaede conspiratorially before sheathing the weapon.

    The prince smiled at her question as he moved toward the outward balcony. "It's not immanent if that's what you're worried about. Legally we already are to be the next king and queen, but the ceremony is still being planned out. I had intended it to be the event that brings an end to the war, something to ease the anguish that this long war has caused." He told her as he gazed out over the Proving grounds. "You also have quite the splendid view of the festivities from here. Have you ever witnessed a proving?"

  9. #19
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Cassiel stifled a laugh at the mention of the provings. Mindless people fighting so they could go get themselves killed. That was not for him, thank you very much. The rest was pretty mundane, talking of weddings, and how shitty the Imperium was. But it did touch his mind that what the prince was doing was not that morally great, but he didn't care. He creapt along the wooden rafter, before finally sitting down, his legs dangling. The light from the windows below him would make him hard to see. He pulled out a small loaf of bread he had snagged on the way here, and broke it open. He ate it in three bites. He was pretty hungry. The barkeep's salary he made wasn't a lot, though he got by. Although, a loaf here and there was pretty great. He noticed a rat staring at him from the corner. "Scram." he whispered.

  10. #20
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    She walked onto the balcony and stared out and closed her eyes for a moment, feeling a gentle breeze of wind touching her skin, she put her hands on the beautiful stone railing of the balcony and opened her eyes and stared at the beautiful view.

    Anastasia looked at the prince for a moment when he asked her something, and then looked at her hands for a moment and sighed, "I must honestly say that I never experienced that," she said calmly, staring back into the distance, and did once raised her hand and showed a beautiful glow of energy to the prince, and then turned towards him and took his hand and placed the little ball of energy on his hand, "My father has always told me that I am unique , and born to help people, must honestly say that I do not find myself unique, but just normal "she spoke calmly and looked at the prince, and smiled" May the gods be with us and guide us "she spoke with a warm voice

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