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Thread: [M] Outbreak Genesis IC

  1. #11
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Ash cringed as the new comers shoved themselves forward into the middle of the brain storming session. He reminded himself to talk to whoever was sitting at the door just letting anyone shove in and shook his head. Thick people will always be thick.

    "Personally I don't know what you heard." He paused shifted his tablet to scribble something on a post-it not pad. "But I am pretty sure that what we've been discussing is where to send teams to look for bases. Rather than lets just roll out."

    Ashley frowned at his tablet and tapped a few buttons in. "Pete." The man called gathering up his post-it notes. A small boy ran over. "Take this to the next scav team. make sure they see note three, don't wanna leave anyone out there than hurry to the roof. Tink will be landing shortly."

    He turned his attention to the two newcomers again. "We're tucked in enough here we can hold for probably another..." Ash stalled running through what he knew of their supplies. "Three days at least; Unless something else gets let in."

    "I honestly wouldn't count on holding any place like this for much longer than that." Ash added as he shifted. "As far as police stations go, this ones pretty solid and could probably hold out against a siege, well a typical siege."

    His eyes shifted from one to the other, "You know a bunch of thugs with guns and basic civilian gear trying to get inside to rescue their buddies? Somehow I doubt however that's the kind of siege we'll get." Ash's voice lowered so it didn't carry beyond the two newcomers. "Let's see rounded up Denver had a population of 720 thousand. Should probably say at least 400 thousand of that is still wandering around out there. Given the materials of the structure I'd say it wouldn't be much more than a day before a percent of that manages to crash through whatever reinforcing you want to do and get at the juicy center at the middle of this building. Wouldn't give it that long if it were normal people out there, seen too many embassies end that way to think holing up here long term is smart."

    Turning his eyes to Salem Ash repeated himself for the new comers. "A full flight crew can run a team down there, land the team can help secure the land site before moving onto their goal and that will allow the flight crew to refill and do a visual survey. And if we follow through on the plan of an overflight before hand, that'll reduce the threat to either the flight crew or the team going up to see if the mountain is open."

    "Hell If we're willing to use the juice I'm sure we have the gear here to stay in touch with both the helo and the team from here. Which means if it looks good we can plot a course on the map or consider further options. If we have enough pilots we could just sweep up transport from the military base. Doubt we'd need more than three Chinooks." Ash added. "The base is Air Force too if I recall. Absolute worst case, I will wager there will be a number of C-130's we could borrow."
    Last edited by Dnafein; 10-28-2020 at 08:35 PM.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  2. #12
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    Reginald decided to leave the planning to higher minds, scratching his ear and shuffling across the room to stretch his legs. He noticed the woman nearby nursing a largely uneaten MRE and slid his knit cap back on his head a bit as he looked down to her through a craggy face with warm eyes. Not the right age, but looked a bit like his sister-in-law when she was younger.

    "Alright there, Miss?"


    While Reginald was making an attempt to get to know some of the others around the precinct station, Becky was polishing off her beer and - a little ironically considering the state of things - responsibly recycling the bottle. Propping a hip on the edge of the desk where the maps were perched, she continued listening in and snagged a pencil someone had left out in one of its creases. Ticking two buildings on the map at opposite ends of the city, she set the pencil aside and scratched the itch at the inside of her wrist anxiously.

    None of her people had been in this place when she arrived and she wasn't much liking the tone of those in favour of trying to cart all of these people somewhere. She cared, to a degree, about people like Kitty and her missing son. Not enough to risk her own neck for them. Get too comfortable with specific people and things were bound to go badly. Even if this was the ass end of the world. She'd lost her fair share of people on dicey cargo runs, deals gone badly. Gotta break a few eggs... She quipped to herself.

    Still, even assuming the suit was able to execute flawlessly, she wasn't believing cooping up people any place was a great solution. If whatever was happening outside wasn't the issue, people trying to get in or fighting because they couldn't really get out could prove enough of an issue anyway. Mobility was key, as far as she was concerned. Plant a few gardens, hop a flight, keep a bead on ready fuel sources.

    She wondered if any of these people had ever been marooned. Isolation was just a word until you'd lived it, then it was unforgettable. Being cut off from the sky in a situation like this where fistfights and firepower might not be enough to get you out again did not appeal to her at all. That was a free-for-all waiting to happen. Might as well round up those with the best chances and bug out before things got worse. Still, without the patrols that were picking up people in the streets she might've been dead already herself, she admitted bedgrudgingly.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  3. #13
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Andi did not ignore the discussion that continued around her, although it might have appeared as such. Even the newcomers did not elicit any reaction. Her empty coffee cup set aside, her spoon had taken up its journey through her food again. She wanted nothing more than to retreat to a quiet place, but her own thoughts were chaotic, the process of categorizing all that she had seen making more noise than the people in the room.

    There was so much she did not know, but she had seen various infected and the rage that defined them...the way they sought out those who had not been affected. ...and the EMP? Who had set that off? Were they the same people who had released the virus? So many questions...but one ate at that stood out against the rest. Was the large brute that had walked through the school’s brick wall like it was paper the worst thing out there? ...and would these people be able to defeat it?

    They had better weapons and trained personnel. Sprinkle in a bit of crazy...and drink...

    Her musings ceased as a shadow fell over her, her gaze shifting to the buffed leather of work boots. Her hand stopped its circular motion as she followed the figure’s outline...trousers...pressed shirt...jacket…beard...pale blue eyes. She offered a strained smile in response to the man’s question, his face friendly enough to cast off any suspicions as to his intent.

    “I’m fine...thank you...just a bit of shell shock.” Was that too much...should she have just nodded? A hesitant laugh left her ips. She couldn’t remain anonymous forever, her own survival depending on how she presented herself. Was she a burden...a den mother...or could she contribute? She bit at the tender flesh inside her cheek, her plate of food set aside as she rose to her feet. She offered her hand.

    “It’s Andi...Andi DuPre.”

  4. #14
    RPAs White Knight
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    "The military got overrun on day 3, they lost communications on day 1 just like the feds, CIA and the base is probably FUBAR but I suppose we could check it out" Maisie said. "Well I agree with the two teams idea, one in the helo and one on the ground might be best" Miles said. "I think me and the other pilot in the helo team, not sure who else but at least have us in the helo so I have a co-pilot who can take control if I'm needed in the back for medic shit" he explained.

    Maisie looked around at everyone, taking mental note of who was there and what she had seen of all of their loadouts. "I wont be useful in the chopper so I'll be with the ground team, but definitely not the leader...but Miles I think you should be the leader of the helo team, we'll be using your bird, you know this stuff inside and out helicopter wise" she stated. "So two teams, one in the bird, one on the ground, going to the nearby base to scout" Miles clarified, looking to Salem to see what he thought.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  5. #15
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    Looking at the newcomers Salem took a long drag, then crushed the cig in a nearby ashtray. They needed to move; things were going to get worse. They had came to the police station because it was close and already had people, but that didn't make it the most ideal location in their situation. The man in the brown jacket and the helo crew seemed to understand that need. Some of these others seemed to have misinterpreted what had been said.

    "Alright well I'll take the ground team. Question is who's going with us and in what capacity?" Salem queried.
    Last edited by Rayne7; 11-01-2020 at 01:43 AM.

  6. #16
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    The unmistakable sound of a classic hemispherical chambered V8, slowing to a stop behind a massive traffic jam, if you could call dozens of derelict cars as such. Bryce moved his left foot from the clutch to the parking brake, clicking rapidly as it was pushed to the floor as the key was turned, cutting the engine. He knew what the cars meant. There was a gas station ahead. He also knew that there was no gas anywhere near him, but maybe he could find some luck in the form of E85. Bryce pulled the pistol from his hip, pulling the slide back just enough to see steel, then reached over to pick up his rifle. He pushed opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. He took a look around, not seeing anything in the immediate vicinity. He climbed up to the hood, then the roof of his car. He pointed his pistol in the air, and fired a single shot.

  7. #17
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Meanwhile, Kodis had some of his own problems.
    A small siege against an already weak defense at a different precinct had Kodis running through the streets.
    A small firefight with a guy who had lost his wits had given him even more shock and a grazed harm. After getting away, he took one of his bandanna's and tied it off as a makeshift bandage for the bleeding.
    now he was running through the streets being chased by two zombies. bloody things. He already found out cover did very little unless it was a solid wall with a firing hole. Some of the guys, most probably dead by now, said that they had seen a few of massive size that could go though brick walls like paper. He felt lucky he hadn't seen any of those yet.

    He was already breathing heavy, and he couldn't run forever since these things were sure to catch up eventually. So he sung around with his shogun to his shoulder and popped off a shot, only dusting them. Quickly looking behind him for a clear spot, he backed up as he worked the pump and leveled it at the closest one before firing the second round, almost blowing the blasted thing to pieces.
    He turned to run a bit more to get more distance between him and remaining zombie as he worked the pump.

    How the ground got so uneven or so full of trash in so short of time, he had no idea. But he tripped over a crack and his gun went a short ways out from him as he fell. The cursed thing was right on top of him, his shotgun was too far out to reach, so he fumbled for one of his backups and puled his 44. as he turned over to see the zombie only a couple of yards away. hardly taking the time to aim, he let of 3 shots as fast as he could, causing the zombie to stumble and fall. So Kodis got up, shot it another 2 times in the head for good measure, grabbed his shotgun, and started running again as he wildly checked every corner he came across, not sure who would pop out or their intentions.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  8. #18
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    Neeko was clearly misunderstood, but perhaps that was his fault. "I just meant we should scout before we do anything, that's all. Don't want anyone to end up as dinner to those things in the streets." So they wanted to split up. Certainly not the worst of ideas, at least they wouldn't all die to the same zed that way. He paused a second to swallow his spit. "Put me in for the ground team. Helicopters have never been too kind to me." He said to the man who appeared to be the leader of this group.

    They needed to make something happen, and quick. This place was going to be a graveyard relatively soon, all it would take is one noise that was a little too loud. That could happen any second with as many people there are in here, half of them probably half-mad from seeing the things they'd likely seen this last week. They clearly had some fight in them though, which was good, they'd need it for the world they now live in. From now on, death was going to be an everyday thing for these people. For him, that was nothing. Hopefully they had the guts for it.

    He threw the snuff from his lip into a half-full wastebin on the ground next to him and proceeded to check his magazines. With them likely about to walk into hell, he needed to make damn sure all of his magazines were full and his gun was in top shape.

  9. #19
    RPAs White Knight
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    The gunshots outside the precinct didn't go unnoticed, not by the survivors inside, some of which looked out the boarded up window. And definitely not by the undead hoard. The hoard rush started with three howls in different locations, one in a Walmart shopping center across from both the precinct and the gas station, one from the supermarket across the parking lot from the gas station, and the apartment complex diagonally across the intersection from the Walmart.

    Multiple zombies, well over 50, came rushing out of all three locations, baring down on the two survivors that let off the gunshots. Among the hoard were five hunter types and one Behemoth. The hunters running at first towards the gas station but quickly noticing the survivors in the precinct, they quickly switched targets, bringing ten regular, or walker, zombies with them. Some of the survivors ran to hide, while others, not part of the group currently in the meeting room, grabbed weapons to meat the attackers. Maisie and Miles would join them a few moment later. "Maisie, covering fire on the ones heading towards the gas station, you'll take Harold and the twins, I'll help to eliminate the hunters!" Miles ordered.

    Maisie nodded, moving to support the other three as they made their way up to the gas station. Harold was an old Vietnam War vet, as such he had a weapon from his time in the service, an M2A1-7 flamethrower, burning his way through the hoards, Maisie firing her LMG at any zombie that almost grabbed the twins, who were a pair of exotic dancers who also did some fencing on the side, or maybe they were fencing students who did exotic dancing on the side, no one really knew which was it was. Miles on the other hand fired some fairly accurate shots right into the face and torso of one hunter that had almost ran point blank up to him, before turning to engage three walkers, one of which get blindsided by another hunter. Some of the cops that had survived this far also joined Miles and started pushing forward.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  10. #20
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    As soon as Kodis heard the gunfire, he started heading in that direction. it sounded like it could be a big firefight, which meant big groups he might be able to get on the good side of depending on who got out on top.
    He grit his teeth knowing the chances he was about to take and looked around for more zombies before heading towards the gunfire.

    After running another block or two, he came across the old gas station he used to work at with a bunch of cars around it, and it seemed that there was a monster of a zombie on the other side where all the gunfire was coming from.
    He ran up to a close car and checked his revolver, made sure it was full and filled his shotgun before hopping on top of another car and tried to line up a shot with his revolver, hitting a walker dead center close to the center of the pack. He knew he'd draw some attention popping off a shot this close to a huge pack like this.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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