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Thread: [M]Trinity High school for Vampires {IC} {Jevan+Argon Jaden}

  1. #11
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    Vladimir looked to Emmett with a smile on his face and gives a slight nod. Though he kept his eyes on Emmett for a moment longer before returning his gaze back to the other two. "Perhaps we should have popcorn and watch the show as well?" He joked with the smile still on his face. Returning his attention back to the two. He could see the fire burning in Xaviers eyes.

    "Oh please...hug and play nice I'll do with this caveman, but kissing...I rather kiss a penguin then this brute." Xavier replied to Emmetts comment. "And let me go, you know better I don't like...being controlled." He moaned with a pouting expression, and started to feel worried.

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    Shailoh looked downright murderous and Emmett looked amused. Turning to Vlad, the redhead nodded. "Mhmm... a bucket of popcorn and a show. Sounds more appealing than letting these two loose." He said, giving Shailoh enough leeway to move his mouth. Once more, there was painful ringing in the air and no one was spared. Emmett even winced slightly.

    "Tempting offer, but I'd rather make out with a werewolf than give this bastard a peck." The brunette growled, causing Emmett's eyes to narrow at him. The redhead hummed.

    "You're not helping either of your case right now, you know. Maybe I'll be a prick and keep you both on your seats? Unless you both behave, and maybe we can make do with you two trying to maiam each other later during gym?" He offered, forcing them even closer together.
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  3. #13
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    Xavier closed his eyes and gives a painful expression as he felt his body drawing closer to Shailoh. He groans for a moment, then started wiggling his fingers around. He looked around and noticed Vladimir had a book in his hand and pointed at the book with his finger and moved it towards Emmett's direction. Pushing the book out of Vladimir's hand and aimed it towards Emmett. "I said I don't like to be controlled!" He whined.

    Vladimir watched as the book was sent flying out of his hand and stared at Xavier. "Hey." He said. He heard the ringing of his ears being punished by Shailoh and used his hands to cover both his ears and used his ice power to create a ear muffle glass, but was shattered in seconds and then the sound of a ringing stopped. He looked around as he heard a sudden sound come from the door. It was one of the teachers who walked in with a concerned expression.

    This teacher was no ordinary teacher. He had the ability to disable other vampires' powers. He noticed two of his students were in a middle of a fight and apparently was forced to hug each other by another. While the fourth froze their bodies with ice. "Enough." He said aloud and clear voice. "All of you to your seats now, or I'll drag you both to the Principles office and we will see what kind of punishment you four should really be in for." He threatened.

    Vladimir quickly grabbed Emmett by his arm and pulled away from the other two. "Come on." He said, grabbing his book off the ground and guided Emmett back to his seat next to his. "Let's not get involved." Vladimir said.

    Xavier pushed Shailoh away from his body and started dusting himself off from the melted ice and the numbness his body took a toll from Emmett's power. He shuddered for a moment like he was cold. "Dammit Vladimir." He said softly as he took his seat and covered his body with his arms.

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    Emmett snickered, ignoring the painful ringing in his ears. He was far too used to Shailoh's tantrums anyway, though his ears were slightly bleeding. Nothing too serious, but enough to hurt. Narrowly dodging the book, he narrowed his eyes at the two. "Don't make me force you two to do something you'd regret." He warned. The teacher stepped in just in time and Shailoh felt the ice melting and his body returning its functions back to him.

    "You stupid Emmett puppeteer." Shailoh growled, shoving Xavier with too much force as he glared at the retreating Emmett and Vlad. "Stupid glasses pair." He grumbled before plopping on his seat. Turning his glare at the teacher, he gave a dejected snort. "Yes sir." He ground out, loud enough to be heard before letting out a breath.

    The relaxed posture told Emmett that Shailoh was getting ready to study, and he hoped that having Xavier nearby wouldn't disrupt Shailoh's concentration. It was bad enough that their break times would be quite eventful. He hoped class would go smoothly.
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    The teacher glared at the other students were seemed to be unconscious due to Shailoh's power. The teacher sighs as he stood at his podium in front of the class. He realized some were still conscious, despite wiping blood from their ears. "Don't lick the blood that is coming out of your is unsanitary and unhealthy to lick your own blood, and also can cause to deform some parts of your body." The teacher warned. He looked at Shailoh for a moment. "And please control your powers from now on. Otherwise you will be dismissed and be sent to the isolated chambers." He looked at the others as well.

    Xavier sighs and looks at the other students as they started to awake. He took a pencil from his backpack and twirled it around his fingers continuously. He looked at the clock again while rubbing his ears. "I can't imagine when you have sex with that kind of power." Xavier mumbled behind Shailoh. He smirked as he made the comment.

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    Shailoh cringed at the Teacher's warning before deservedly nodding. "Yes sir." He grumbled through clenched teeth. He kept his breathing even and was more than ready to ignore Xavier when the stupid vampire decided to run his mouth. Shailoh'cheeks flared red but he looked over his shoulder with a snicker.

    "Heh." He purred, feeling irritation well up inside him. "Only a stupid pervert like you would think about me and sex in one sentence. Your curiosity isn't welcome." He sneered before facing front once more, cheeks burning. He had to deal with this for the whole year and the day isn't even halfway through yet. "Ugh..." He groaned before pulling out his notebook.
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  7. #17
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    "The only thing that will have sex with you is probably a frog who can handle such a volume." Xavier said back to him after he turned around. "And besides, I think your the stalker pervert." He mumbled, putting his attention back to his sketch book before tearing another piece. He looked around and was ready to flick another piece behind Shailoh's head. Then he saw it.

    The one glare from the teacher who was watching him. Since they can't have their powers, Xavier stared back for a moment. He thought for a moment and then decided to take action. He flicked the piece of paper behind Shailoh's head.

    Xavier would accept the fact he was going to get yelled at again by Shailoh and then probably accept the punch as well. But that didn't happen since the teacher stood up higher from his position and looked at the two.

    "That's it, both you to the isolated chambers now." He pointed to the door. "Emmett, take over for a while I take these two to the isolated dormant." The teacher grabbed the two and started to escort them.

    When the teacher arrived to the sector of the school with the two boys who were ready to fight. The teacher talked to the one who was in charge of the area. Unfortunately he gave the bad news all other rooms were occupied by bad eggs as well. The teacher laughed. " them in one since they can't behave properly, might as well let them take it out on each other." The teacher placed the two in a room, but the room was specially designed to detain their powers. Only their physical bodies remain.

    Xavier watched as Shailoh was eyeing him like a piece of candy and a pinata at the same time. Once the door was shut and locked. Xavier sits on the floor with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. "See what you did?" He said clearly.

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    He growled at Xavier but made no other remark. He didn't want to get thrown in the isolation chamber again. Unfortunately, the idiot had other ideas. Then he felt the wad of paper at the back of his head. The entire room could probably hear the snapping sound of his patience but before he could launch himself for a physical attack, the teacher beat him to it. "Why me? He started it!!" Shailoh complained.

    "We warned you both." Emmett said with a sigh before waving at them as they were dragged out. Shailoh was obviously protesting the entire way, though he quieted down at some point.

    It was unpleasant, but the elder vampire teacher was physically stronger than him so the brunette didn't stand a chance. His scowl deepened when they were forced to share one room. Shailoh glared at Xavier, hoping that he didn't open his mouth. Of course, luck wasn't on his side.

    "My fault?! You started it!" He snarled, lunging at Xavier and aiming to punch him in the face. They were Locked in here with no supervision. Might as well make the best of it and punch the living lights out of the new blood.
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  9. #19
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    Xavier felt the body of his opponent on top of him and sees the punch coming his way. He managed to block it with his palm and looked at the other vampire. "Why are you so pissed at me for?" Xavier asked as he maneuvered his body around his and flipped him over, getting on top of the raged boy. "Is it because I got a better physical body or flexibility" He asked with a joke of course. He smirked as he stayed on top and pinned his arms down and stares at the boy. "I'll let you go...if you promise me one thing." He said calmly.

    Vladimir watched as Emmett took control of the class for a while until the teacher had returned and relieved him of duty. Vladimir watched as Emmett returned to his seat next to him, at the time. There was note on his desk, and on the note said. "Do you think they'll be alright? -V"

  10. #20
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    His guard was down when he was securely pinned to the floor. Trying in vain to buck him off, Shailoh let out a loud growl, making the sound rise to painful volumes. "You piss me off on purpose. That's why!" He snarled, flashing his teeth at Xavier. Again, he wasn't known for his patience, or his ability to keep calm when provoked.

    Emmett sat down with a sigh. The note was obviously from Vlad. Shooting their teacher a quick glanced, he neatly scrawled his reply and discreetly passed it back. [Not too sure. Have a bad feeling about it but I hope no one gets sent to the hospital this time. -Em]
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