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Thread: Dissidia: Clash of the Titans; Final Fantasy

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    The Reaper:

    Standing at roof's ledge, Vincent peered down over the city slums. Cascading tendrils of raven sway about lingering red iris'. The length of his tattered red cloak flails about his wake as he walks carelessly along the ledge. Glancing upward, he could hear the call of Cosmos herself, beckoning for assistance. "I am yours Queen." Is all he said before being consumed by a shimmering light. His entirety pulled into another realm.

    He stood amongst many great hero's from Saga's not much different than his own, though there were only a handful, he could feel their strengths resonating through the air. At his waist was a pistol which bore three barrels, Cerberus, it was deemed. He slid his right hand over the handle, pressing his thumb against the base, he was prepared for anything. Though he didn't expect that he was in the company of enemies, one could never be sure.

    "What's going on here?" He spoke up amongst the growing crowd in curiousity, as he drew near them.


    Weiss clenched to both of his swords, giving off a wicked chuckle, Chaos' words still fresh on his mind. "The Cleansing has begone, it is time to rid the world of tainted miscreants. With these blades I carry out the will of Chaos." Wafting white waves a top his head, his tense muscular figure moved across the terrain at increasing speeds. It was time to kick things off, calling forth the Champions of Cosmos, and killing them. No time was to be wasted, for salvation was at hand.

    Stopping at the first mass gathering of peasant humans, Altair was the beginning. The beginning of a new era, and Weiss was going to iniate it.

    He had stopped several feet from the town's entrance as his thoughts raced, he was anticipating this moment. Each slow stride toward the town brought about more sinister thoughts. Some of the inhabitants had seemed to take notice of his pleased expression of murderous intent, they cowered away, quickly scurrying off.

    Rotating both swords on his index fingers, he caught hold of the handles simultaneously, and exploded from the ground. He moved through the crowd with impeccable agility and speed, on the gleam of his striking blades could be seen. As bodies would lay riddled in the path behind him, blood pooling like flood waters. Stopping, he lifted either blade and began firing shots off, killing people relentlessly; women, children & men a like. "And so it begins.." He says with a cackle, having combed through the street and about 30 lives in a matter of seconds, "This should get someone's attention." in reference to the massacre he had started in the town of Altair.

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    Red Mage Kefka:

    Bartz looked at Cosmos as she appear and listened to her. That was enough for him, he decided to stay.

    Bartz was a bit overwhelmed, looking down at the two blond haired guys, the short one with a tail, and the one who had a grip on their sword and was dressed in clothing that seemed odd to Bartz. Of course Bartz was just wearing a sky blue tunic over a white long sleeved undershirt. He also had on a pair of pants similar to the white undershirt, in terms of fabric and looks. On his feet were a pair of green boots with brown straps across the fronts, holding them to his feet snugly. And of course he had a sheath attached to his green belt, which contained his blade.

    He sighed and looked at Tidus, then Boko, "...Only honor here is the honor of getting thrown off whenever Boko here gets frightened." He ruffled the large bird's feathers on his head, "He is dependable in a pinch, though. But yeah, a vortex opened up... and... well... here I am!"


    On Besaid Island, Terra awakened (With accompanying music, Awakening.)) on the beach, having rolled out of the rusted Magitek Armor in her sleep. She wiped sand from her face, looking around, "...Wh-where am I?" She asked herself quietly, standing up and starting to explore. She saw a dock, some huts, a small boat or two, and she knew this island was populated just from that.

    --------Back at the Calm Lands--------

    Loud clanking noises were heard in the distance, soldiers in brown body armor riding suits of same color bipedal armor started to approach the Champions. Where had they come from? Where were they going? They certainly didn't look friendly. There were five soldiers riding these odd walking suits of armor, and seven soldiers on foot following them, though not as fast as the ones in the the walking suits of armor, which bore the words in white paint "MAGITEK-I-S-OS" On each in big bold print, various four digit numbers on each of them next to the letters. They also all had a red insignia on their body armor and on the Magitek as well.

    They came to a stop, nearby Bartz, Tidus, Cloud, Squall, Zidane, and many others that had gathered there. One of the soldiers was riding a black Magitek Armor and was wearing lime green body armor. "...Hail Kefka!" The soldiers all mimiced this at once, giving a salute and thumping their chest plates.

    The one in green spoke up again, "Surrender the girl!" He barked at them. Of course they had no idea the one they were looking for was a long way away from the Calm Lands, but they weren't very bright, they were grunts.

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    The newly reappointed Lord Captian of the Red Wings Cecil Harvey, his second in command and friend Kain Highwind are on the top deck of the Enterprise a special airship made by Cid IV, the Baron Shipwright, when a band of white pyreflies begin to fly in their direction. They did not think much about them except marvel at the beauty of nature, then they started grouping themselves around Cecil. They both took it as a joke on the playful nature of the creatures, until Cecil started glowing white and fading into the pyreflies. Kain took his dragoon's spear and starting swinging into the mass, but the pyreflies parted like a school of silverfish uneffected by the mighty swings of the Red Wing, then they flew off to some other part of space and time leaving behind a worried friend and family.

    On the Calm Lands, Cecil listens to Cosmos's speech about being one of her champions of Light, the crystals, and the war between Chaos and Cosmos.
    The pyreflies drop him off in his Dark Knight form some distance from the extremely tense group at the plain's center. Cecil began walking towards them with a cautious step because, in his Dark Knight form, he understands that he looks like the enemy, but he stays in this form because he does not know if he is walking towards a band of friends or foes.
    ( as he walks up Red Wings is playing)

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    Red Mage Kefka:

    Bartz looked at the soldiers that demanded that Bartz and the others surrender a girl to them, unfortunately, Bartz had no idea what girl they wanted among the champions present. He noticed that the short blond with the tail might be identified as a girl by some confused individual, but other than that, Bartz had no idea what girl they could want.

    What he did know is that these people in the armor didn't look friendly.

    Boko was just now starting to freak out, running away. Bartz hit the ground and groaned in a bit of pain, standing up and shaking his fist at the chocobo as he shouted, "...YOU COULD AT LEAST GIVE ME TIME TO GET DOWN!"

    Bartz drew his blade, just in case.

    The soldiers drew closer, not much distance between them and most of the champions. The one in the black Magitek and in green body armor looked impatient. "...We won't ask again! Surrender the girl to us!" The five Magitek Armors began to hum with power, and the soldiers on foot readied their blades.


    Terra had gotten in a few scrapes with some fiends on Besaid Island, but most of them weren't very strong. She found out the hard way about the elemental fiends there, so she picked her magic carefully, other than that, making her way through the island wasn't too difficult. She managed to make it to the village on the other side of the island, where she was greeted by plenty of the natives, as well as those visiting the island. She was offered a place to sleep and some free meals, which she gratefully accepted. For now, she was in Besaid Village, enjoying her stay, but whenever she wasn't doing something for the villagers, she was thinking about how she got to the island, why she was here, and what she would do next.

    She couldn't stay in this village forever, no matter how peaceful it was.

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    {{Force Your Way}}

    Squall drew his gunblade from the side of his belt and swung it through the air, holding it agsinst his shoulder.
    "I guess there's no choice" He muttered under his breath
    "We fight?" Someone asked from behind him.
    "...Right" Squall replied as he expertly swung his blade to the side gripping it with both hands, dashing forwards at break neck speed.
    "Prepare for assault men!" The lead soldier cried.

    The Magitek soldiers moved quicker and before long Squall had reached them. The Magitek soldiers began charging energy and in unison they expelled an onslaught of powerful electrical energy, swarming around Squall. The grass caught fire and smoke sorrounded the area. Suddenly Squall leapt out of the smoke and descended from above, bringing his gunblade down on one of the Magitek soldiers with a loud bang as he pulled the trigger, an explosion erupting through the searing cut now edged through the armor. The machinery whirred and spluttered before collapsing, the soldier inside disappearing in a wisp of pyreflies. Squall held his blade on his shoulder again and looked all around him as the remainig four magitek soldiers sorrounded him. He spun the blade in his hand twice before gripping it in front of him prepared for battle...

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    Deleted User:

    Cloud stared at Squall, then to Fenrir. He drew Fenrir with ease, a form of sadness vibrating from the blade itself as if something was trapped in it... He waved his left hand around, instantly, his palm lighting on fire.

    "Blaze Fira..." he said as he unleashed his magic on one of the Magitek soldiers, grievously wounding him, but enough to end his breath forever.

    "What do we fight for? Glory? honor? or just for the thrill?" he asked others around. "There is reason to fight, but what...what is our very reason that we shall never rest and continue to fight?" Judging from the words that were coming out of Cloud's mouth, he's sickened of fighting. "But, if it was I must do to rid of Sephiroth, then let it...BE!!!"

    With great force, Cloud held the hilt of Fenrir tightly and dashed towards the Magitek group, them easily outnumbering him. A huge explosion was heard and sparks of clashing steel, and roaring fire spread throughout the sky.

    The screaming echos of dying soldiers were upsetting the peaceful atmosphere of the Calm Lands, for soon it will be a place of bloodshed, horror and no longer Calm, but restless...

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    Red Mage Kefka:

    (Battle Theme Major Nostalgia)

    Bartz stood his ground a short distance away from the soldiers, who started to charge into battle and attack Squall and some of the others that were a bit closer.

    A bright light engulfed Bartz for a moment, and he had gone through a costume change. He was donned in a large brimmed red hat and a red cloak, as well as light leather armor and more red clothing, some of which with yellow trim. Three stars were floating above his head, a sign that he had mastered this class, the Red Mage class. He chanted a few words, and then pointed at one of the Magitek soldiers that was in a Magitek armor. "DOUBLE BOLT TWO!"

    The air above the one Magitek armor clad Magitek knight crackled with electricity, and then it hit them, two decently powerful bolts, one after another. The Magitek armor overloaded, exploding shortly after, killing the knight piloting it.

    Bartz swung his blade a bit and charged at one of the seven foot soldiers. He was engulfed in a bright light again, and this time was dressed as a Samurai, his Brave Blade changing shape into a nodachi, an amazingly long sword, the likes of which a certain silver haired one winger angel used. He dealt a long running slash, which the soldier was not expecting from a blade of that length. He was slashed in the side, barely avoiding getting chopped in half.

    Bartz quickly turned around and aimed at the wounded soldier, "ZENINAGE!" He shouted, reaching into a pouch on his belt and throwing 711084 gold coins, all at once oddly enough, the gold erupting from his pouch like a stream breaking a dam.

    (Seriously, I was laughing my ass off at how high a number I generated. I legitimately and randomly generated a number using this site and wow, I had to majorly alter my post to work around 711084)

    This stream of gold completely overwhelmed, and even crushed the soldier. After which, the gold vanished, as if it never existed in the first place.

    Bartz twirled his blade, which changed from Squall's Gunblade, to Cloud's over sized sword, to Auron's normal Katana, and then back into it's normal form, the red Brave Blade. Bartz's outfit when back to normal. Real normal, not the tunic and such he had on before, but more intricate clothing (see his Dissidia clothing).

    "Alright! Who's next!?" He shouted with excitement.

    Many of the foot soldiers were stunned by this, and he even got glanced at by a few of the Magitek piloting soldiers.

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    The Zanarkand Ruins, a place shrouded in death and misery, the sky a constant, bleak grey. The brightest lights in the half-sunken ruins came from the legions of Pyreflies that wandered aimlessly around the City of Death. Atop a weather-beaten ruin of a massive spire, there was a crimson speck at the peak of the pedestal. The only solid color here that was not brown, black, or grey. The speck was about twenty feet above the Fiend-infested waters, the spire tilted at a sad angle that would surely make the architect cringe.

    That speck was a man, the only man with his mind and soul and body still his in this forsaken place. His deep crimson greatcoat billowed in the ocean breeze calmly, the man's balance unhindered by the powerful wind. Standing at six feet tall, the man looked down at the ruins of his old home, his one good eye hidden behind a dark pair of sunglasses, and his face concealed by a tall collar.

    The enigmatic warrior of legend simply watched the remnants of the only thing he really loved, the one place he had ever called home, now just a chapter long passed. Behind the warrior clad in dark crimson, a bright, nearly-blinding light flashed behind him, and a blue-white glow stayed,

    "Auron..." a serene female's voice said calmly, her voice familiar to the man, though he was not one to believe in the Gods, he knew. He has been dead before. "Auron.... Do not resent me for this. Are you so hateful towards this cruel world, that you never wished to return?" Hearing this, Auron, lowered his head slightly, his left hand, sticking out of his coat, above his belt, balled tightly into a fist for a few moments. Various loud cracks were heard from the legendary guardian's hand before it relaxed,

    "My story was over...." Auron said in his deep, masculine voice as he looked to the dark grey clouds looming over the ruins. "I had my peace, at long last, and you tore me from it. How do you expect me to react, Cosmos? Grateful?" The golden-haired goddess lowered her head this time, saddened, shamed, even. Auron had served her for his entire life, being a Warrior Monk. But the corruption on the human side of the Faith shattered his idealism and his faith in man as a whole.

    "Your story may have ended, Auron, but many stories have a sequel. Please, they need your help. The world needs your help." The enigma laughed audibly at the goddess' words,

    "Faugh!" he started, "The world is always in some state of peril, Cosmos. You know this better than anyone, aside from the Master of Discord himself. As for your young heros, I am not even sure they are worth helping. All of them will be moths drawn to a flame, and that flame is their faith in you. Your word will ultimately lead to their deaths, and what will become of your world then, Cosmos?" Auron turned to face her, his one amber eye staring at her in it's perpetual glare behind his sunglasses. The goddess truly looked sad, possibly on the verge of tears,

    "I am sorry... Auron. I am... so sorry. You devoted your life to everything but yourself. It is who you are, and now I force you into that life once more. Forgive me, Auron." The legend shook his head,

    "You are Cosmos, I come to you for forgiveness. Now enough of this...." The man sighed, a music reaching his ears, a song sung by the Faithful Dead, the Hymn of the Fayth.

    "Cosmos..." Auron said, in a serious, but caring, passionate tone. The goddess looked at him sadness still ruling her face, "I will offer my services to them, but only once they prove themselves to me. I will not waste my time helping sniffling children who will cling to my coat for safety." the man chuckled aloud, "If you indeed summoned Tidus.... one cry-baby is enough." Auron laughed heartily, for once. Cosmos nodded, a smile showed on her face, with it, a small glimmer of hope.

    "Thank you, Auron." she said before vanishing in a blinding light.

    With a "hmph" the guardian of legend stepped from his perch, falling twenty feet to the water below. He landed on the water as if it were solid ground, walking across the body of liquid to the center of the ruins, the Blitzball stadium, the highest remaining structure in this place. Sin sure had a sense of humor.


    On the Isle of Besaid, a voice from the Heavens reached out towards the young, powerful sorcerer girl, Terra.
    My child, you must hurry. You were brought forth from your slumber by me for a reason. Take the next boat to the city of Bevelle. You will meet your counterparts there. Alone you are weak, but once you are with your comrades, you will find new strength. Go with the Light. The voice then vanished, leaving Terra to make a choice.

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    In dark flames, formed in front od god Chaos, a man with dark hair and fancy clothing combined with some armor appeared. It was Vayne, revived from his depth of otherworld where only death brings you to. He was there standing in front of God of Discord listening to what he said and to see a youngling dressed in black (Demyx) bowing in front of the god.

    I fought for people that they would stop obeying the wills of Gods. And now I am summoned from oblivion to serve this...heinousness of god?, Vayne thought to himself whily Chaos was conversing with Demyx.

    After the youngling left, Vayne approached Chaos for a few steps with his hands behind his back and says, "My...lord. The task you have given us may be...inevitable. We may know our assignments, but only one question comes to my mind: Where? Where are these, how you call them, the Champions of Cosmos you seek to be destroyed? After all, we are just pawns in this game of chess."

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    Spirits Breath:

    Tidus waited, observing the attacks of some of the enemy soldiers. He also watched some moves of his obvious comrads considering they could have attacked him if they wanted to...but they would have to catch him first.

    He ran forwards towards a single magitek soldier. He zigzagged as his blitzball experience had trained him to so well. He kept his blade low, keeping it ready to parry a stab or a horizontal swipe.

    Tidus circled the soldier, keeping his back clear.
    The soldier swung verticaly, blade virtualy splitting the air itself. It cut the clothing over his left arm, with a few drips of blood spitting off the end of the blade.

    Tidus only reeled back, turning his body a bit to protect the wound. He slashed, sword colliding with the magitek soldiers blade and bouncing off. He hopped back to avid an elbow. And ducked to avoid the sword.

    Tidus had to figure out how to get the soldier without injuring himself. "So, little skilled arent ya?"

    In the background, he saw Bartz throw a large wave of yellowish gold. Each sparkling as they turned. What the? A soldier blocked the little show. "So where were we? Oh yea." Tidus jumped back throwing his sword. The sword spun, continuing its path across the blade ment to block it. It made some sparks and some purple-black mist came out.

    The blade came back, still a mystery and the scariest thing in his life. A sword that is spinning to come back and land in an outstreached hand. He charged, taking advantage of theinjured soldier and drop kicked him.
    "Gah! Why did I just do that? This is a hard surface to land on."

    He kicked the blade away from the soldier, and stepped on the soldiers chest. He used his sword to push off the helmet. To see his foe.

    Nothing... just a helmet and nothing else. Tidus stabbed the soldier five times letting the mist come out. He looked around him, running over near Bartz and if you can call it close, he could see squall and cloud. Mainly the blade of clouds, but never the less he saw them.

    "How ya holdin up?" He backflipped out of a swing, while charging up a little blast from his hand. He tossed his sword again, and shot five consecutive blue orbs from his hand. As they curved back inwards, Tidus grabbed his sword and slashed verticaly.

    The soldier fell, without a word. "So Bartz." He kept a blades distance from him. "Why don't you train Boko to fight, or even give him some desire to help you in battle. You seem close enough to him to do that."

    Tidus blocked some rappid blows, his blade inching towards him. The last swing caused him to stepp back rappidly to keep his balance. " Where do these things keep coming from." He looked at his arm, some blood already drying, and the wound only bleeding a little bit. He muttered to himself. "Damn, gonna have to do something with this when all these things are gone."

    He looked up to see the soldier closing in on him. Trying to bullrush him. Tidus gripped his sword with two hands and thrusted suddenly. The sword pierced the armor allthe way through and the soldiers helmet collided with Tidus's head and stopped. "Tidus fell back, the force of the soldier pushing into the blade before it died was overwhelming an impossible to brace for.

    He pushed the soldier up, using his right elbow to lift himself up. he pulled his sword up, turning the soldiers body. "What would compel even a lifeless soldier to do that?" He lifted his sword out of the soldiers chest. But the mist seemed to go in. A small hiss was heard.

    "Watchout Bartz. This ones going to blow!" Tidus ran, then dove as a small explosion of magic burst behind him. Great exploding soldiers. Great

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