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Thread: Midnight Club for Vampires {IC}{M}{J'Von & ADN}

  1. #11
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    A coffin laid in the middle of a room. Sun light brightened the room clearly, wooden floor remain bare, walls clean and not covered with ornaments. Just a big black coffin. Inside, the woman was breathing laborly as she slept. Her arms crossed on her chest, mouth slightly open for her to breath. She was dreaming about her past but was disturbance as a sound of a muffled ring disturbed her.

    She moaned softly when the ring sounded off again. She pressed her chest with her arms and stretched her body out. Her feet touching the end of the coffin. Her eyes still closed as her hands searched for something in the coffin that was with her. It was a small device that was connected with a mic to the door. She pressed a button, her voice was soft, but exhausted. "Hmm...hello?"

    "Finally, and here I thought I would have to kick your door open." A voice replied, another female. "Listen love, open the door. We need to talk about your last night feeding."

    Suko takes in a deep breath and exhales slowly and replied slowly. "Um..okay, hang on." She clicked another button which activated her curtains to drop and cover the sun. The room blacked out and the coffin slowly opened. Suko yawns as she finally pushed the coffin lid open. Inside of the black coffin, red interior revealed the woman wearing black panties and black bra. Her hair neatly in place, she yawned one more time before getting out of the coffin.

    She walked around in her only clothing and finds the door. She quickly opens the door with her tired face staring at a woman who waited. Blonde hair, red lipstick, black shades. "About time." The woman said as she stepped forward. Suko walked away and yawns again. "Whatever." She replied quickly.

    "Hmm, I see you didn't take the time to dress yourself." The woman examined her body from head to toe. "Still, I don't mind the view." There was a smile on her face.

    Suko sighs in exhaustion and sits on a couch in her living room. "So...what is this about my last night feeding?" She asked the woman.

    "Turns out your feeding brought some attention." The woman takes her shades off, her eyes were bright yellow. "The police found a body near your club. A officer must have been trailing you or the drug dealer you feed off of."

    Suko sighs once again. "Yes, well. They should be awarding me for doing their work." The woman crossed her arms. "Is this soming I should be concerned about?"

    "They also found the bodies at our dump sites. It's not pretty when they found all the drug dealers in one place." The woman walked in her kitchen and raided her refrigerator. Finding a bottle of blood with a wine label. "Charming." She examined the bottle. "And yes, you should be concern, because we're concern. The body you feed was linked to a much larger drug business man. And he is not happy about it." Her eyes met with hers.

    A scoff replied. "So I feed from a local dealer who gets his supplies from a bigger dealer, big whoopie do." She stood up and stretched, "Does he know about our...kind?" She asked.

    "Hmm, no. But that is not what worries me." She placed the bottle on the counter and searches her cabinets for glass cups. "They have a witness of you leaving the location." She opens a cabinet and finds the glass cups. "And we want you to find him and kill him before this becomes something serious." The woman pulled the cork and poured the cups with the blood. "Do whatever it takes, but do it quietly. She picked up the glass cups and walked over to the woman, handing over one. Suko only smiled. "As you wish." She takes a sip from her drink and sighs in relief.

    Back at the station....

    Walker smiled as he shook the Captain's hand and shook it firmly. "Sir." He looked at Laurel, "Ah yes, Midnight Club." He smiled, "I heard about it, but never been inside of it." He took the reports from Laurel and held it close to him. "I believe the bodies we found have all simliar deaths." He looked at the Captain. "Believe it or not, we actually found a large amount of bodies at several locations. The Dump site for one. Each body was found exactly how Laurel discovered the man from last night's murder."

    Walker knew about the cases he had to investigate. And he also learned about Laurel's case linking to his, which was odd and yet fortunate for him as it was a step closer to finding who the murderer was. "Just like in this autospy report, each body was found with major blood loss, major damage to the neck area. Oh and several limbs and bones broken in pieces." He showed the report to the Captain. "Is...there a reason why you wanted to see me?...while I'm already here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

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    Domina Noctis
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    “Yes, Walker. I just got done speaking with the chief. He wants you and Kingsley working together. It seems you both may be chasing the same fish.” Reed said, shooting Laurel a look telling her not to argue. This order was coming from the chief and she better play nice. “Well I’ll leave you two be to compare notes.”

    Reed then left the two of them alone heading back to his office. Laurel resisted the urge to groan aloud and picked up the autopsy report again noticing the other deaths were included as well. She wasn’t a homicide detective but she should have known the file was too thick to have been just one report. Flipping through it again she saw what Walker had meant there were a number of different reports each one with the same cause of death. Several of the remains found were quite hold and had taken longer to determine cause of death but it seemed the same. The department would have its hands full with death notifications. It was very likely that whoever was behind the murder last night was behind these as well. Laurel wondered what kind of weapon the killer was using, it seemed more like a wild animal had made these marks. “Do you guys have any idea what kind of tools the killer is using?”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  3. #13
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Police HQ...

    Walker shrugged as he set his coffee cup down on Laurel's table. He looked around and finds a nearby chair to sit on. Once he was down, he sighs and looked at Laurel. "That is the one puzzle we can't solve. Autospy reports show they all have something in common." He showed a picture of a dead male. "See the throat?" He asked as he looked at the picture as well." The bruising mark shows it was a hand, the thumb drove it hard and deep." He puts the picture down, "And a bunch of other medical stuff I didn't really understand." He chuckled a bit.

    "We think it might be a really strong man. Or somebody with tremendous strength." He leans forward and grabs his coffee, takes a small sip and looked at Laurel. "But I do have something that might help us." He stood up and nodded, "Come on." He said as he walked away.

    Police garage...

    Walker approached a black 1969 Camaro. He reached for his keys and unlocked the door, once he was inside. He waited for his partner to get in. He turned the ignition and the engine started to purr. He smiled as he shifted gears and hit the gas. Speeding out of the garage. Once he was on the street, he pointed as the glove compartment.

    "There is a file in there that shows us a possible witness. We crossed references of alias, family members and co-workers. We found a match of the dead man you found last night, turns out he lives with guy who is part of the 'Carnales.' gang. A local mexican bad ass group, but instead of turfs, they been fighting for drug deals. And the drug dealer was just a front for him. You know, sell 2/3 third of the deal, get a small cut. Maybe a little something something. Anyways. The apartment where these two guys live is just above where the murder took place. Easy enough for his friend to keep an eye out for him. We question him, get him to drop his guts, and we'll give him a slap on the wrist, IF he identifies the killer."

    The car took a quick turn and came to a halt. He leans forward and smiled. "But first, I'm hungry. You hungry?" He asked as he opened the door. "My treat, as partners." He smiled and got out of the vehicle.

    Roof top...

    Suko was smoking a cigarette, though she can't taste the tobacco much. She only did it because it would make her look human. She was sitting on the edge of the roof, but was glad the sky was cloudy. Blocking the sun's rays. She looked at a file and pulled out pictures of a latino male, apartment number, and a large black bag. She sighs as she looked at the black bag, it looked familiar. She scofffed, tossing the cigarette aside and stood up.

    Stretching for a moment, with soft grunts. She moved her neck around, sounds of bones cracking or popping. She started to run, making a quick dash towards the opposite edge. Leaping forward, she flew for 5 seconds before her body impacted through a window. She rolled and landed in a perfect matter.

    "What the fuck?!" A man startled, stood up right away and reached for a pistol laying on the table.

    "Let's play." The woman said as she rushed towards the man. Several fire shots, then suddenly the man screamed.

    Ralph's Cafeteria...

    As he took a bite of his sandwich, he moaned softly. "Ah man that's good." He said taking another bite. "Alright so." He swallowed his food with a soft beverage and looked at his partner. "Apparently, a lot of members of the Carnales are starting to dwindle by a lot." He pointed at the files. "Most of those cases...are all Carnales members. Each one is either a dealer, or an escort." He takes a napkin and wiped his hands clean. "No one knows who's been killing them. We even took a fingerprint off of one of the dead guys, but nothing came up."

    He was about to say another thing, then suddenly his radio flared up. "Attention units near 9th and Washington Street. We received a report of gun shots fired in an apartment complex, building number 2409. Possible wounded, medical units are enroute."

    Detective Walker stood up and wiped his lips with a clean napkin. "That's our guy." He remarked and quickly grabbed his sandwich and drink, tossing both items in a nearby trash can and rushed to his car.

    Washington Street...

    The car sped fast with emergency lighs and siren wailing in the background. The car was first on the scene and Detective Walker got out quick after stopping in front of the building. He looked at his partner and reached for his side arm. "I'll take point." He said as he rushed inside.

    When he entered the buidling, he noticed the other local residents were staring at a door, the only door that didnt' open like the others. Walker stood on one side of the door and waited for his partner. He raised his hand up and showed three fingers, then two, then one. He stood in front of the door, took a step back and lunged forward. Kicking the door wide open.

    Suko looked up suddenly when she saw the door busted opened. Her mouth bloody as she stared at the man pointing a gun at her. Her hands grabbed the male roughly and tossed the body at Walker, a shot was fired as Walker fell back and landed on the ground with the man on top of him. "Get her!" He shouted as he struggled to get the man off of him.

    The asian woman took off in a quick matter through the same way she came in. Using the staircase, she moved fast climbing up.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 06-28-2017 at 06:56 AM.

  4. #14
    Domina Noctis
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    Laurel let off several shots but the woman moved unnaturally fast. The bullets missed her imbedding in the wall. Briefly Laurel thought it was a good thing this building was made of brick and she didn't have to worry about a stray bullet hitting someone. She ran after the woman to the fire escape jumping out the window, knowing she shouldn't run off without her partner but she didn't want the woman to get away. She had only caught a quick glimpse of the woman but could tell she had blood all over the front of her and around her mouth. What she had been doing to the man, Laurel didn't have a clue. Though for a moment she thought she recognized the fleeing woman as the same woman she had been following last night, Suko Kurosaki.

    Once on the fire escape she looked down first thinking she would run down to get away, but there was no one there. She looked above her seeing Suko running up a little surprised that she seemed not to make a sound. Laurel didn't know how that was humanly possible. Quickly she reversed her direction and ran upward. Suko was still moving unnaturally fast but somehow Laurel managed to stay not too far behind. Perhaps it was the four years of track that she did in high school and another four in college. Laurel had ran competitively while in college and her coaches had encouraged her to aim for the Olympics but a car accident where her foot was broken in four different places ended that. She still ran from time to time but wasn't able to run at the paces she did when she competed.

    Suko got to the roof of the building before Laurel who was only a few seconds behind. She thought that she had her now, there was no where to go on the roof top. Laurel had her cornered. When she reached the top of the fire escape she looked up before jumping onto the roof to see if Suko would attack her but she was halfway across the roof already. She jumped up planted her feet in a good stance, taking aim at Suko. “NYPD you've got no where to go. Turn around and put your hands in the air.” Laurel shouted across the roof.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  5. #15
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Suko stopped as she was halfway on the roof top. Her ears perked up when she heard a female telling her to stop. She didn't bother looking over her shoulder to know who it was. She chuckled softly when she heard the words, 'You've got no where to go.' She raised her voice for the officer to hear. "That's a understatement!" Her eyes looked ahead to see the building across the street.

    "There is always somewhere to go!" Her left leg pushed off the pebbles and jolted in a quick rush. Running in a full speed, she jumped over the edge. Flying across the street into the next block, she crashes through a window and into some random stranger's apartment. The occupants screamed in shock and terror as they witness the woman in their apartment. Suko groaned as she stood back up and dusted the glass off of her leather jacket, including the blood as it sprayed on the carpet. She looked over her shoulder and grinned, taking off once again.

    Walker arrived ontop of the roof and witnessed as the woman jumped over the edge. "Ah hell." He said as he ran quickly towards the edge, only to see the woman had made it across. He was shocked and was silent for a moment. "That's not possible." He said, finally breaking the silence. "Did you get a good look of her face?" He asked Laurel while holstering his gun.

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    When the woman stopped Laurel thought that she had her but the woman laughed then ran to the edge jumping over it with the ease of a long jumper. The next building was a good twenty or thirty feet over there is no way she should have been able to clear it. When Laurel had been a beat cop she had responded to a few jumper calls and the images of those bodies never left you. She really didn't want to have another in her mind. Still she ran to the side of the building next to Walker expecting to have to call a coroner but was amazed that the woman was able to clear the gap. “What the fuck” Laurel asked watching the woman crash into the building.

    It took a moment for her realize Walker had asked her a question. “Yeah, Suko Kurosaki.” Laurel said, even more surprised to see Suko run out a side door of the building. She looked over the wall seeing another fire escape on this side of the building. She jumped over the wall and started down the fire escape knowing there was no way she could catch up with Suko but trying anyway.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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    The asian woman walked out of the door and started walking on the street, using a towel to wipe the blood off of her mouth, and chin. Including the blood on her jacket and tossed the towel on the ground. She stopped when she felt an odd feeling. Looking over her shoulder, she had seen the other woman running down the fire escape.

    Suko quickly runs around the corner which led through another alley way. She could easily run through the alley way and disappear with the crowd. But she decided to hid herself behind a dumpster. She waited for a moment for the female officer to run past her. She waited, listening to the surrounding sounds. Her eyes closed as she could hear a shuffle feet moving rather quickly.

    She did not expect a second fair of feet behind the first. She waited until she had seen the woman, then she had seen the man. Jumping out from behind the dumpster and grabbed Walker by the back of the collar and tossed his body towards the dumpster, knocking the man unconcsious.

    Suko rushed quickly up the woman, grabbed her hand with the gun. Holding firmly and tight. Suko stared at the other woman, holding her position still, all she could was smile at the other. Pulling the woman's arm, Suko managed to get behind her and hold the woman in a arm lock, while still keeping the gun pointed in the direction of her partner.

    "Whatever you would be best to forget it." She whispered in the woman's ear, her voice soothing and calm. "You don't want to get involved of what is going on." Suko reached for her gun and pulled it out of her hand and released her from the grip. Suko dismantled the weapon and dropped each piece on the ground. "Stay away." She warned with a just one finger waving back and forth. Walking away rather quickly, "You better check on your partner." Then started running away.

    Walker however groaned as he started to come around. "What happened?" He asked.

  8. #18
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    Why she was running after the woman, Laurel didn't know despite being a college runner she didn't think she would be able to catch up with her due to the lead Suko had and how unnaturally fast she moved. When Suko ran into the alleyway she knew she was going to lose her. Looking behind her she was surprised to see that Walker was able to keep up with her though he looked a little winded. She entered the alley and just as she suspected she had lost Suko, she was no where to be seen. Coming to a stop she quickly turned around at the sound of a loud thunk against a dumpster. Walker was laying on the ground and judging by the dent in the dumpster he had been thrown against it. Before she had a chance to even react Suko was there with her hand gripped around her firearm. Laurel tried to pull away thinking that since she was a little taller than Suko and had more muscle mass she should be able to break free but Suko's grip was far stronger than expected. In a blink of an eye she was locked in an arm bar once again surprised at the other woman's strength.

    As Suko spoke her lips were right against her ear and she could feel the other woman's body pressed against her own. Laurel couldn't help but notice a number of things the first being the way the other woman felt, where their skin met she felt that Suko was cold. Not ice cold but far lower than normal. When she spoke she noticed she didn't feel her breath on her neck but she was well aware of how close her lips were to her neck. Her words gave a warning but Laurel got the feeling like at any moment Suko would reach her tongue out and lick her neck. It sent a shiver down her spine and forced her to take a deep breath making her notice the last and probably most noticeable thing about Suko, her scent. The Asian woman smelled like a dark red wine, with a deep and rich smell to her that made Laurel's head swim as if it was intoxicating her. Suko held Laurel at a disadvantage but instead of feeling threaten she felt like she was in the embrace of a lover. She wanted to lean back into Suko and enjoy whatever wonders the woman could offer.

    Then as quick as it had happened it was over. Laurel didn't realize she had been disarmed until she heard the pieces of her gun hit the ground. As Suko walked away wagging a finger at her she was dumbfounded and in a daze. Her hand reached up and brushed her neck where she should have felt Suko's breath but didn't. What had just happened? Laurel felt as helpless as the first time she had been kissed by another girl back in high school. Totally confused as to what just happened and amazed at how good it had felt.

    She was drawn from her stupor by Walker's groan, it snapped her out of whatever haze she was in. Rushing to his side she knelt next to him to check if he was alright. She reached to her belt and pulled her radio out. “I need a bus at....” She said looking around to find the name of the street they were on. They had run a block or two from the building they had responded to. “Sixth and Jackson, officer down.”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  9. #19
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    Walker was sitting on the end of a medical unit. The Medical Personal checked his head and asked him several questions, mostly were simple for Walker to answer as he held an ice pack on the back of his head. Though there were a few scrapes on his forehead and one medic tried to swab the minor wound with a cotton wab, but Walker protested and insisted he was alright on his own. His eyes caught his partner.

    "That was....something unexpected." He said disappointedly, pulling the ice pack from his head and hands it over to the medic. "I said I'm fine." He said as he saw the cotton wab reaching for his small cut. "So, we have a suspect. Suko Kurosaki." He said in a calm tone. "Once we get a search warrant signed by a judge, we'll have a team ready to move." With a relaxed sigh and leans back a little. "Suko must've used something to pull me by the neck when I hit that dumpster." He rubbed the back of his neck, massaging his aching muscles. "I never had a girl take me out like that before." Then he started to chuckle.


    Suko managed to reach one of the safe houses for vampires. She had her own room, a more deluxe version. Standing in the bathroom, wiping the blood from her neck and her chest and listened to the sound of the faucet running.

    Wearing only her black tight pants, and black sports bra with a old Jade necklace made from her country. She sighed as she finished clearing the blood off of her body. Walking into the living room, she sat on a couch and picked up a wallet on the small table, sitting next to the couch.

    Unfolding the bill fold, she finds several cash bills, a credit card, a few pictures and a driver's license. "Laurel Kingsley." She read the name softly as she examined the card. "Detective Kingsley." Touching the surface of the ID Card, and noticed the shiny badge. She tapped the card on her lip a few times before standing up to dress herself and locate the home address. In her mind, she had to admit. She liked the smell of the woman's hair, and when her eyes had met with hers, she couldn't look away.

    Suko had to meet the woman again. Though she waited for the sun to set as she felt the strange anomoly from her necklace had begun to fade away. The necklace only granted her safe passege from sunlight for a limited amount of time, but recharges during a full moon.

    A coffin laid in the next room, it was big and comfy for Suko's standards. Walking over to the coffin and lays down, she pulled the lid over herself and shut herself inside. Falling asleep rather immediatly for it has been a long day for her.

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    “That is if we can get a warrant.” Laurel said, standing beside the medical unit. A medic had just got done questioning her if she had any injuries. It had taken a while to explain that Suko hadn't really attacked her given what she had done to Walker. “Right now we only have you and I identifying her. We need to find some witnesses that can ID her or better yet video footage.” Laurel said, looking over to her partner seeing a large knot on his head where the ice pack had been.

    “Detective, I really must urge that you go to the hospital. You could have a concussion.” The medic said, looking over to Laurel for some help. At first she shrugged she barely knew Walker and didn't know if she would be able to talk him into it.

    “He has a point.” Laurel said, “Best to go get your head looked at. I'll canvas around here and see if I can find any witnesses or video footage.” She didn't wait for a answer instead just walked away from the medical unit. She was still a little dazed from her encounter with Suko and found it hard to shrug off the other woman. There was just something about that woman other than her being able to leap across a city street or throw a grown man.

    She made her way back to the building that Suko had jumped to and started looking around. The building didn't have any security cameras and there weren't a lot of people out. That wasn't uncommon in these neighborhoods people didn't like talking to the police. It would be difficult to find any witnesses. Her best bet was to look for cameras. Across the street she noticed a bodega with a couple cameras out front. One was pointing toward the door to the bodega while the other was point across the street. Laurel made her way across the street and stood under the camera trying to gauge what it saw. It looked to be just the right angle to catch the door Suko had exited out of.

    Laurel entered the bodega looking around for a clerk, she found a young Hispanic girl at the counter looking to be just barely out of high school. She walked over to the counter and addressed the girl who was texting away on her cell phone, “I'm Detective Kingsley, is the manager here? I would like to see if I can get a look at the footage from one of your camera.” Laurel said, reaching into her pocket to show her badge but was surprised when it wasn't there.

    The girl gave Laurel a dirty look barely looking up from her phone, “I'm not give you anything without a warrant. Hell, how do I know you are even a cop” The girl said.

    Laurel thought this was a fine time to lose her wallet wondering if maybe it had fallen out in Walker's car or perhaps while she was running after Suko. If it was the latter it no doubt was gone. “I haven't got my badge on me. It's been a long day. If you call the precinct and give them my badge number 24601 they will confirm my identity.”

    “Not going to waste my time. I ain't no snitch.” The girl said, looking back at her phone and ignoring Laurel.

    Laurel let out a sigh thinking she wasn't going to get anywhere with this girl. Without a warrant like the girl said, she couldn't force her to give up the footage. All she could do was ask and when told no leave. Maybe she might be able to get a warrant but she doubted it. She started walking to the door when the back store room door opened and a middle age man walked out carrying several cases of beer. He set them down on the counter, “Maria go stock these in the cold case.” He said, then turned to Laurel. “Detective Kingsley?” He asked.

    She stopped at the door when she heard her name but didn't recognize the voice. When she turned around she noticed it was a man she had met before. Eduardo Lopez, he had owned a bodega near the station and often helped provide information to her. With his help she had been able to take down a number of drug dealers. She hadn't seem him in a long time as almost a year ago his store had been vandalized and shut down. He must have moved over here after that. “Eduardo. It's good to see you.”

    “Aye you too detective. Can I help you with anything?” He asked.

    “I'm investigating a incident across the street and was wondering if your cameras caught anything.” Laurel said.

    “Give me a minute and I'll make you a copy.” Eduardo said, disappearing into the back then coming out a few minutes later with a disk.

    Laurel thanked him and then left the store taking the subway back to her apartment. She lived in a nice area of the borough in an apartment that cost far more that she should be able to afford on a detective's salary. Her mother refused to let her live in the ghetto and paid for the apartment. Laurel had argued with her at first that she was fine living in a place she could afford but she had also learned long ago there were just something not worth arguing over with her mother. On the way home Laurel had started calling her banks to cancel all her cards just in case she lost her wallet while chasing Suko. It would be a pain but it was better than having her accounts emptied. The worst part would be having to explain to her captain what happened to her badge and going to the DMV to get a new license.

    Once she made it back to her apartment she walked inside dropping her coat and shoulder hostler on the table. There was a blinking light on her answering machine so she walked over to it hitting the button. “Laurel, hi honey it's mom. Just calling to see how my lovely daughter was. Oh and I wanted to see if you would be able to come to brunch tomorrow at the club. Lindsey's daughter is back from her studies in Europe. You remember Stacy right? Anyway I thought you two might hit it off.” The machine cut off thankfully since knowing her mother she would keep on rambling if it didn't. Laurel let out a groan, since coming out to her family after college they had been very excepting of it but her mother seemed to always be trying to hook her up. She had made the mistake of letting her mother set up a few blind dates that had all gone horribly wrong.

    She really should call her mother back but after the day she had she really didn't feel like dealing with the would be match maker. Instead she sat down at her desk booting her computer up and sticking the disk Eduardo had given her into it. She spent several minutes queuing the video up to the right time that Suko had come out of the building. Eduardo had spent some money on the camera system, the images were nice and clear. She was even able to zoom in pretty far without distorting the image. Finally she had it at just the right time and slowed it down to watch. She could see the door to the building open but when the figure exited the building it was blurry. Laurel wound it back a few times to watch again but each time only the figure exiting the building was blurry. It didn't make any sense but then again most everything that happen today didn't.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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