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  1. #11
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    Wisp listened closely as Sharp spoke, letting the commander's words sink deeply into her mind as she went over the possibilities of each mission. She could see either work out well and to their advantage, but knocking some sense into a Spicy did have its own special attractions and she was sure she could coerce the bad boy into a) telling the princess he was so over her, or b) having him fall head over heels for the lovely lass, perhaps figuratively or actual, and confessing his love. She allowed herself a small smile at that one...picturing the poor boy falling face first into a pile of confectioner's candy. So sweet the revenge...and the cavities! But no, she was not about the sugar, salt was her flavor and she would have to rethink things.

    Her painted face scrunched in thought, her lips pulling into a tight line as she considered the abandoned vessel off the tropical island. She feared for her pale skin in such bright light, but there was also the salt water to contemplate. She could swim, with a generous layer of sun screen to protect her, plus get some much needed quiet time. After all, how much activity would there be on a derelict ship. Yes, perhaps option two would be best.

    Wisp looked to the other agents and as none of them were speaking up, she stood to address Sharp. "I would like to suggest "Savory Surprise" as our first objective if there are no arguments. I think our combined flavors will mix well aboard the Umami vessel and perhaps as a team we can discover her secrets."

  2. #12
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    "I would like to suggest "Savory Surprise"
    Sharp looked over to the agent who had spoken up. She was glad someone came to a conclusion. "Alright, works for me, Wisp. We'll gather all intel and have it sent to each of your PDA's as you prepare for the drop down to the planet. For now, gather your gear. Agent Sahvri will be with you shortly once he's done hitting on the ladies. Oh Xenu, what an awkward flirt he is."

    Commander Sharp quickly excused herself as she left for the cafeteria. Not having eaten a thing all day, she was damn well starving, and close to being hangry due to the tasteless menu the mix of chefs put together.

  3. #13
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    After everyone equipped themselves for the operation. they were directed to the warp room. It was a large, circular room with a tall ceiling. In the middle, a floating metallic sphere. The device was made of some alien liquid alloy and beyond comprehension for the sake of not getting further into trivial details. There, they assembled for a quick recap with Agent Sahvri. He was a smooth talker with a Spanish accent, whatever that would be in this universe... anyway, He was of average build, clean shaven, and with glorious long, thick black hair. He was your cliche long, tan, and handsome type.

    "Hola, agents. I have been appointed to your team to help figure what has been going on with this ghost ship. As stated, we are not sure of what happened, but the Umami government declines anything happened, or that there is even a ship in the first place. Ay, chihuahua. This is muy strange. They are obviously up to something. Thankfully, they hired a security force to keep tabs on the ship from their coastal camp. The vessel is surrounded by an energy shield that we must disable if we are to board it. That said, get ready for covert-combat on these mercenary bastards. Try not to raise any alarms, or just kill them quick before they can dial home, comprende?"

    After that, everyone circled around the sphere and one by one, were teleported into the hot jungle. The humidity hit them quickly and the stale odor of the space station had left. Bugs, birds, and baddies (the mercenaries) created a maelstrom of sound. The glow of the sphere then vanished once everyone appeared. Anything that was in their way was burned away, including half of a cuddly critter. Poor thing...

    The enemy camp was partially visible via a smoke trail from a bonfire. Beyond that was the ship.
    "Shhhh... they will not be aware of our presence. Once we get close, choose your target and kill swiftly." Sahvri checked his assault rifle before cautiously making his way through the thick foliage.

    [It will take 1 Turn before the team makes it to the enemy camp. You can't attack until Turn 2.]

  4. #14
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    Wisp had never liked the teleporter...not ever...such a nasty machine that did unknown things to her body's particles. When she materialized on the island, she patted herself down, making sure all the parts were there...and where they were supposed to be. She waved at the air, clearing the flies--another thing she did not take a particular liking to. And dare she mention the humidity--how was her face paint going to stand up to that? She sighed, ignoring the halved critter and the noise and focused on the smoke.

    Not far from their position was an encampment with men sitting around a fire or standing in groups. Men...and lots of least compared to the number of agents that had just arrived with her. She watched them closely as she pulled her pale hair into a pony tail, securing it with a tan band. She had dressed for the adventure, not in her typical bright colors, but in drab tans and greens, hoping to blend into the jungle. Even her face was painted in the style of camouflage--she definitely was not a beauty to behold.

    When the handsome and oh so salty (or was that just sweat?) Sahvri moved into the foliage she followed behind him, admiring his backside. She double checked her pockets, feeling the smoke crystals inside one and the toxic paint tube in the other. She then re-familiarized herself with the location of each weapon...rope in hand...peanut gun across her back...whip at her waist....and her words, which were in her mouth, of course. She giggled softly. She was all set and ready to rumble.

  5. #15
    Poppa Squirrel
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    As Agent Sahvri made an appearance, Kandy spoke up “Just yummy if I do say.. Wow, I just did say that, didn’t I … I just crack myself up.” with a giggle. She watches the rather cute guy that just arrived with an ever so cute smile.

    As he explains the details of the mission the main point she picks up is to Kill em. She offers the yummy man a cute salute and wink moving her hand up to her ear with her fingers looking like she is on the phone mouthing out ‘Call me’ before looking toward the others as they were ready to circle the sphere.

    Her bright smile and sparkling personality quickly faded as she raises her hands atop her head lowering them along her body. Her blue outfit transforming into her purple loose fitting attire, her Katana to her side, the Tanto tightly against her back, crossbow slung across her back as well as her throwing stars in various areas of concealment. As there were people to kill, she was not going to wait on the others, she stepped up to the sphere reaching out being teleported. As she materializes on the other end, the hot humid conditions that surround her are interesting. Her eyes narrow while removing her crossbow, a fragmenting tipped arrow loaded, designed to fragment once entering a body spreading a fast acting toxin to the recipient of her precious little toy removing life quickly. A slight frown forms as there does not seem to be anyone to deliver her arrow to.

    As the others start materializing and cutie pants starts to brief everyone, she remains quiet, eyes transforming from chocolate brown to white. As the order is given to chose targets and kill swiftly, she turns toward the smoke from the enemy camp bonfire replacing her crossbow along her back before sliding her Katana from the sheath looking to it a brief moment whispering
    “I shall feed you lives this day.” as she begins a near silent pace in the direction of her upcoming victims, her features cold and emotionless.

    Signature created by the awesome .Karma.

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    A uniformed man came into the room as well. He was a dignified fellow, one whom seemed steeped in rule and regulations. He seemed uptight though that was just from an initial impression. The projection screen came up and they were quickly given the details of their missions and a choice in what it is they wanted to do. That was new to him…

    At the mentioning of the sweets he could feel his face pale slightly. A talking mission made him sick to his stomach. He figured the others would be carrying him during that one. He was basically useless when it came to these. The second objective however seemed much more up his alley and as such it would be the one that he personally would vote for. Umami was part of his heritage and he could give a small smirk when Sharp mentioned that they were not giving out much information. Yes indeed we are a…unsavory lot.

    The painted lady suggested the mission that he was most comfortable with and thankfully he was quite happy about this. He had no objections and only a small time played out while waiting for a response from anyone. With that they all vacated the room to get ready for their mission.

    He never cared for teleporters, but considering their line of work it was a must. Lost are the days he could at least enjoy a comfortable flight to his next mission. As the man spoke he made a bunch of unnecessary comments and it start to piss him off. This man even looked like he could talk around a crowd…what a loser…

    Looking around the now humid land he suddenly felt very tired. Yes…this would be lovely. I could waste away quite a bit of time here. He noticed the painted lady was now painted…for the mission. Instead of his last thoughts on her looks this time he thought she was…well smart. He mentally apologized to her. Thankfully he was wearing mostly blacks and dark blues but that only mean the heat really was going to be worse on him than anyone else.

    He saw Mr. Talky pull out an assault rifle and Fumi began to start opening his trench coat and started to assemble his own rifle. Distance was his friend and he would be sure to abuse this fact. They had mentioned stealth was a big deal so he made sure to equip a silencer. He usually always did except for rare emergencies.

    Even the sweet girl was different. Now he started to understand…they were just eccentric…ahh yes… it all made sense to him now. He wondered how these people had joined in the first place. Only the General man and he seemed really fit for this. Looking at the girl now though…he was wrong to doubt them. He would not make that mistake again. He apologized to Kandy as well in his mind. Thankfully they would never know, which the sweet bliss of not talking was.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  7. #17
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    "Here we go." Sahvri whispered while making his way towards two mercs on a smoke break. He moved swiftly through the brush, generating minimal sound that was barely audible over the two chatting about trivial matters. With each puff they took, he took a careful step closer. Once in position for the strike and hiding among the foliage still, Sahvri exhaled softly, his nostrils flaring and concentration rising as he unsheathed his cliche knife in only the most common of ways.

    He then picked up a stone and tossed it to a nearby tree to distract them. After a successful throw, the two mercs looked over in confusion. Seeing nothing, but hearing something sharply. "What was that?" asked the one merc stepping away from his partner. In that moment, Sahvri struck the closest target, Covering the man's mouth to muffle any possible sounds while slitting his throat. As quickly as a tropical breeze passes, Sahvri dropped the first merc and quickly grappled the second and snapped his neck without much conflict. The stealthy agent then vanished back into the foliage, dragging the bodies with him before proceeding to move closer into the camp. He had hoped that his new crew would do just as well if not hopefully better...

  8. #18
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    Wisp continued to follow behind Sahvri, her mind finally on the mission instead of his cute behind, veering from his path only after she saw him moving in to deal with the first of the mercs. She decided to follow his lead and use stealth to sneak up on the unsuspecting man she had chosen, readying her rope by winding the loose ends around both of her hands, making the center taut. She approached her first victim quietly, thinking she was being very careful until she heard the snap of a twig below her poorly placed foot. Her head went up...and so did that of the merc she had set her eyes on.

    The next few seconds were chaos, Wisp rushing in and wrapping her rope around the man's neck as he fought to stop her. She pulled the rope ends together, then twisted, managing to wrap her legs around the man's legs to keep him immobile. He thrashed and fell, landing hard upon her. There was little she could do other than attempt to accomplish her goal. She pulled tighter.

    As the body of the first man finally went limp, Wisp allowed him to slip from her grasp and stood, trying to decide on her next move. It was made for her... From the other side of the bushes from where she was waiting, she heard another man calling. She readied herself, once again preparing her rope for attack. But she had already been seen and her position was compromised. Before she could move again, she was knocked to the ground, the merc trying to wrestle her rope from her. She was fortunate to be smaller and quicker than her opponent, finally managing to get her trusty cord into position and winding it around the beefy neck.

    It was at that moment that she realized stealth was not her forte and she should have tried using magic to get the upper hand. Lesson learned, but too late to help her with this situation. She was so busy thinking about how she could have improved on her attack, that she missed noticing that the man in her grips was preparing to strike out at her. An elbow was thrust into her ribs, her grip faltering, resulting in her losing her hold. After a moment to catch her breath, she leapt at him, managing to grab his ankles, but his strength proved too much for her and once again he was free.

    The words that came out of her mouth were not pretty, neither was the face she made in her disgust. One lousy kill...and now the enemy knew she was here!

  9. #19
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Kandy watches as Sahvri stalks off to dispatch life forms which will not be life forms much longer followed by the painted woman. Kandy closes her eyes for a brief moment, upon opening them, they are pure white. With the humidity of the jungle, she is in her perfect element as she draws upon the elements surrounding her locating an unnatural heat signature, her first target.

    With near silent precision, Kandy steps toward two Mercs as they patrol the area. Still too far for either of the men to see or hear her, she focuses on the closest of the two as he moves a branch from his path, sweat dripping from his forehead, weapon always at the ready.

    In Kandy’s eyes, the man is lit up like a christmas tree, heat signature fills his form with rich colors through the spectrum. As the two grow ever closer, she reaches out to the first man, manipulating his cellular structure, the man stops near in his tracks as his body starts to crackle while it reaches absolute zero in a matter of seconds. The man has a pained expression on his face yet has not the time to scream nor have words come out. There is simply a glistening over the man’s skin.

    As the second man reaches the first, in a mere whisper he inquires
    “What ya see Juan? Come on man, we gotta keep movin, this heat is a killer today.”

    As Marquis taps Juan on the shoulder, Juan fragments into powdered ice crystals onto the ground of the humid jungle. Marquis gasps as he starts to reach for the radio
    “What the fff....” is all he manages to get out.

    Kandy already has concentrated on Marquis as his body reaches absolute zero before he has a chance to reach his radio transmit button. Kandy silently seems to float to him, her footsteps near silent, once along Marquis, she thrusts a palm against the man’s chest shattering him into fine crystalized ice powder allowing his remains to eventually thaw and absorbed into the natural environment.

    As Kandy looks for her next heat signature, she takes note of the painted woman and the heat signature separating from her. She does not have time to concentrate on this new signature as her eyes change back to chocolate brown, Kandy quietly starts in a run coming up behind the man who is separating from Wisp.

    It is obvious that the man is not completely coherent having just barely survived Wisp’s attack, Kandy already has her tanto out as she slides it from the sheath ... she thrusts the blade into the man’s back so as to rupture his heart, a lifetime of practice making this effortless.

    As the man staggers forward collapsing to the ground, Kandy quickly straddles the man grabbing his shoulder to lay him on his back. She holds her hand over his mouth, not that he could scream out, as the man’s eyes glass over, his breathing decreasing, she moves her lips close to his and as she senses his last breath of life escape his mouth, she places her lips to his inhaling his last breath of life to rob him of his natural escape. A look of exhilaration on her face as she has consumed the life force of this man to her own. She rolls the corpse over along some vegetation for the animals that inhabit the jungle to feed on as she stands offering a soft smile toward Wisp before her eyes go back pure white, reaching out to try and detect her next Merc, so many life forms within this jungle, yes, the air and ground will be well fed this day.

    Signature created by the awesome .Karma.

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  10. #20

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    Everyone was moving with the swiftness of kittens. They treaded softly and moved through the forest as if they owned it. Soon they would. He took his time, not feeling the need to stealth since he was keeping his distance. He double checked his gun to ensure the silencer was on. Those people were always so focused on the few that went forward that he rarely needed to watch out for them. He just needed to keep his melee people together and he would never mind it. Plus if anyone did attack him…he would end them.

    His first focus was the alarm…last thing they needed was someone getting away and alerting everyone. When it came too ranged combat funneling and surprise were the most two lethal things one could do to your adversaries. With a calm but simple shot he aimed and damaged the alarm systems. While it was not something permanent it should get the job done.

    Now to help preen the hedges…he followed if only a long while after and decided that any mercs that were out of range for his squad mates but close enough to hurt them should be eliminated first. Plus they could hide the bodies as he picked them off.

    As he watched his target he took in a breath and waited till the perfect moment. He exhaled his breath and pulled the trigger. He watched and waited but he did not fall over. He blinked once…then twice…had he waited too long? He forgot he needed to be quick and efficient. He was always so slow that he was often told he was lagging. Maybe I will speed this up.

    Another shot and he pulled to quickly…or maybe it was because he heard a commotion. Yes that was probably it he was moving differently than before that was why he had missed. As he took his time reloading he wondered how his teammates were doing. Feeling calm about the whole situation this time he took aim, expecting the man he was aiming at to move the new way he did and…one…two…

    He was unsure if whomever he shot at was dead but that was not his problem. He took out two more bullets and loaded some more. He would handle weakening and picking off survivors. They would take over this establishment like the deserving people they were.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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