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Thread: [M] Demons of Halloween (IC)

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    Evie gave a sad sigh as the guy left her side, maybe he didn't understand what she was trying to say but she never did too well with guys. She's more into gaming or playing sports, not so much drinking and flirting with guys but she tries to have a good time when going to parties to the best of her abilities. Luckily she had Sebastian with her, someone she enjoyed being around that she could be herself.

    "Hey! Nothing really just taking a break from dancing with my friends and drinking water since I'm DD tonight. Wanna make sure we get to the mansion safely, you know? If you need a ride you can join us in my Jeep if you want. By the way, like my costume?! I figured as a fellow gamer you might know who I am from one of my favorite game," Evelyn asked getting really excited considering how much time she put into her costume from the detail of her outfit to something as minor as the henna tattoo on her shoulder.

  2. #12
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    Ji-Hoon flashed her a smile back, and took the shot. He could tell she wanted his attention. Fuck it. Sure.
    "So how long did it take to get all of this ready?" He nodded at the rest of the party. He smiled as he studied her face. Pretty. Nice costume. We are existing at the same time everything else is existing. I like her hair. Hell is hot, don't be a thot. His thoughts were chaotic, whirling around his head at light speed. He couldn't focus. His mind alternated between memes, pondering the universe, and actual thoughts. He wasn't sure which he liked better. His mind began to play John Denver's Take Me Home, Country Roads, or what it could remember. The rest was filled with nonsense. He chuckled.
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  3. #13
    Crimson Casanova
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    Now, as much as Sebastian considered himself a gamer, he didn't completely recognize Evie's costume. It did look very familiar, and at first glance, he would consider a Tomb Raider costume. However, the shoulder tattoo threw everything off. Seb couldn't put his finger into it, because he's been mainly playing Borderland games to get ready for the new installment to come out within the upcoming weeks.

    "Y-yeah, it's a great costume," Seb nodded, almost a bit embarrassingly. "And yeah, I probably could use a ride later on, thanks for offer- SHEVA!" he suddenly shouted out of nowhere, the memory of playing Resident Evil 5 hitting him like a brick. "Sheva, you're Sheva," he stated but realized he probably sounded a bit on the crazy side. He formed a shy smile, a rare sight, and placed a hand on the back of his head. "Sorry, I didn't recognize the costume for a couple seconds," he admitted. "It does look great, you look great," he said quickly before realizing the context of his compliment.

    "So, um, have you explored this house yet?"

    Kara raised an eyebrow when Jihoon asked a question and then chuckled right after it, not following the joke or context of something amusing. She squinted at him, studying the guy for a couple more seconds, with her signature smirk. "Well, it definitely took longer than a hot second," Kara said nonchalantly.

    She turned her gaze away and crossed her arms, "Setting up everything was a hassle, especially with all the secret passageways and rooms we found and what not," she set the bait.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RedKayne View Post
    He took the shot and cleared his throat, reminding himself that he hated tequila. Kara then enthusiastically screamed about getting fucked up. Bryce leaned to his left slightly, “She is a riot,” he commented out loud to the Disney girl. Maybe she was up for conversation and then he could figure out why she had such a familiar face.
    Amanda threw back the shot and waited out the burn. Chasers were for cowards.

    "She is something," she replied to the tall, cute Jon Snow beside her. She'd noticed him studying her in a way that went beyond checking her out, like maybe he was trying to figure out if he knew her. She didn't think she recognized him. "I'll give her points for an appropriate costume choice—she does seem to be in charge of this circus."

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    For a moment she wondered if she could of picked a better costume making her pout a bit considering some better options then mental shrugged since it was too late anyway. "Well, I'm glad you like it. I aim to impress you, being a fellow gamer and all...," Evie said with a giggle as she played with her ponytail. After Sebastian yelled the name of the character she was dressed as caused her to jump a bit. She pressed her hand on her chest as if to keep her heart from running away.

    "Ahh! You startled me. silly!" Evie said laughing at herself for getting scared then gave him a big smile when he apologized to her. "Awwww... Seb! It's okay, I'm just happy that you noticed. It makes it totally worth it, but I probably could of done a better job. I just didn't want to be stuck in an outfit that was too small or too sexy all night so not too many guys notice me. So far looks like I did a good job," Evelyn said with a smile then shrugged innocently considering she didn't like leading anyone on and one night stands aren't her thing. "And thank you again for noticing my costume, you look great as a vampire definitely my top favorite supernatural being. Very charming," she replied blushing a little at his compliment before shaking her head in response.

    "No, not yet. Been watching my friends to keep them out of trouble, but since Sam is being a big help I think I can sneak away for a bit. That is if you'd like to check the place out together," Evie offered looking at her friends having a great time then back at Sebastian holding out her hand. "If you'd like you can lead the way so I won't lose you in the crowd. Is that okay with you?"

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    Bryce nodded in agreement over the Disney princess's comments towards Kara. "She can be a good wingwoman, too," he stated with a small yet mischevious smirk as he turned to her again. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to chat up with hot Disney girl," the frat boy said, not being bashful at all and holding eye contact.

    He still wondered why he found her familiar, but maybe Bryce can figure that out later. Like maybe while they were making out or something.

    "Bryce, Bryce!" Kara called out to him, causing the college boy to internally groan as she interrupted any possible chemistry with the Disney girl. "How 'bout it, you feel like exploring the house? I found some cool secret rooms and passageways I gotta show you all." Before Bryce even had a chance to respond, the ringmaster looked at Amanda. "I'll give you another tequila shot if you can convince him. Feel free to join us, too," she said while grabbing Ji-Hoon's shoulder, apparently not taking a no for an answer from the Asian guy.

    Sebastian felt himself blushing, and he rarely blushed. He didn't have too much experience flirting with the opposite sex and usually get to his lonesome. A Friday night playing videogames sounded great and he found little interest trying to find a one-night stand with a sorority girl. Yet, he found himself strangely at ease with Evie. When she offered to explore the house together, he found himself staring at her hand for a couple seconds.

    "Sure!" he finally said and then grabbed her hand, taking notice how soft it felt within his own grasp. Taking the lead, they lead the kitchen and wandered through the crowds. "Let's check the upstairs!" he called out to her over the loud music. He maneuver between the several bodies before they finally reached the stairway, leading up to a darkness upstairs.

    He glanced over with a smirk, "Should I say, ladies first?" he chuckled and playfully offered, but he took the lead again before leading the two of them upstairs and finding out what awaited them upstairs.

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    Amanda felt a thrill run through her at the guy's confident compliment. She smiled at him, thinking about all the places two people could find some privacy in this sprawling mansion. Play your cards right, Jon Snow, she thought, and we'll know each other really well before the night's out.

    The ringmaster broke in with an invitation to go exploring. Amanda bristled at being treated like an afterthought, but the truth was she did want to explore this place. And the fact that the ringmaster seemed to have designs on the boy ignited Amanda's competitive spirit. If he was hooking up with anybody tonight, she decided, it was going to be her.

    "Yeah, Bryce," she said, putting a hand lightly on his arm, "let's go exploring."

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    Evelyn smiled even brighter as Sebastian took her hand leading the way making her glad they held hands with all the people around. It's not too hard to lose someone in here, seems like more and more people have shown up by the hour with the amount of people dancing alone. When she heard Seb say he wanted to go upstairs she yelled back, "Sounds good, hopefully it's quieter up there!" She tightened her grip a bit trying to stay close behind him as they weaved through the people to reach the stairs.

    "In this case, I think the vampire stands a better chance with the possible spooks up there. Don't you?" Evie asked with a giggle as she followed behind him again. Her heart had skipped a beat seeing him smirk at her causing her to blush a little in response. It surprised her how calm she felt going into such a dark place for a moment, but besides her long time friends and her family she's hasn't felt this relaxed especially in this kind of setting. Sebastian had been one of the few guys that hasn't tried to get in her pants, a trait she greatly enjoyed about him since she could always be herself and hoped he felt the same.

    Once they reached the top of the stairs she spoke again in her normal voice being far away from all the noise, "So where should we go first? Maybe try to find a creepy library or attic? Unless you have something specific in mind," Evie asked looking around pulling out her cell phone to have a flashlight glad she decided to charge it before she left home.

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    "Secret passages?" his mind buzzed that now too. "I'm in." he smiled. What's in the secret passages? Old treasure? Haunted shit? Cocaine from 1817? Hopefully, all three. He swept his arms forward. "Lead the way, lady." He was now visibly more excited. He was almost hopping. As it was, he was shaking.
    His phone buzzed. "Hold on." he pulled out his phone, reading the message from Adam. You still need a ride? Ji-Hoon thought for a moment, then Nah, I'll get an Uber later. He tucked the phone back into his pocket. "Alright, I'm ready now. What kind of secret passages?"
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  10. #20
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    Kara clapped her hands together with excited delight, "Great, now let's get going!" she said before wrapping an arm around Jihoon's own, half-dragging him while taking the lead. They left the kitchen together and into the main room where the dancing took place. The loud music cascaded around the room, which was filled with sexual tension with all of the grinding bodies around. Kara lead them around the crowd and at the edge of the room, taking a couple of minutes before finding an open doorway leading to the basement.

    Before leaving the kitchen, Bryce made a knowing glance towards Amanda and smirked at her light touch. It was a very subtle touch, but he was fully aware that this girl was very much interested in him. He hoped that this little tour with Kara could end quickly so that the two of them could get some much needed alone time. He mirrored Kara and wrapped his arm around Amanda's, deciding to take lead, "Well, shall we?" he winked at her. It was almost easy to get lost in the crowd, and it was almost tempting to just ditch Kara and take Amanda to the dancefloor and grind on that fine ass.

    But, Bryce likes to think ahead. If Kara was telling the truth about the secret rooms and passages, perhaps Bryce could use one of those secret rooms to find privacy with Amanda. Probably could get much farther with her in there than simply getting horny on the dancefloor.

    They went down the stairs and into the dark basement, which leads to an even larger dancefloor but less crowded than the one upstairs. There were several multi-color strobe lights which helped illuminate the path to follow the dark figures of Kara and Jihoon. Eventually, they found themselves at a dead-end in a long hallway. At first, Bryce frowned and considered that Kara was just fucking with them, but then released her grip on Jihoon and bent down. Bryce wasn't sure if she was trying to give him a view because her posture was a bit suggestive, but she swept away and rug and revealed a trapdoor.

    Bryce raised an eyebrow, Interesting, he thought as she opened the door and then grinned at them all. She beckoned them to follow her as she climbed down the ladder. He glanced over at Amanda, "Think this is starting to get creepy," he stated nonchalantly. "I'm kinda liking this."

    Sebastian and Evie found themselves wandering down the upstairs hallway. There were several locked doorways in the hall, but Seb could safely assume these lead to the bedrooms and bathroom - based upon the several, loud moaning sounds coming from the other side. He rolled his eyes, still not quite understanding the hookup culture in his generation. He didn't quite experience it himself, but he didn't see too much appeal fucking a random stranger in a random house.

    There was a heavy stench of weed in the hallway too. Yet again, Seb was reminded how much he hated his generation. Yet, he gave a reassuring squeeze to Evie's hand. There was something comforting about her presence and that she wasn't the typical, shallow sorority. He found that she had much more depth and personality than many people he spoke to in the past. In fact, he probably doesn't regret going to this party anymore now that he got time to spend with Evie.

    Apparently, though, there was one room that hardly received any attention from the partgoers. The library.

    He found themselves in a decent-sized room with half a dozen bookshelves. The room was very dusty and it looked like that Kara and her crew straight up ignored the place in regards to decorations. There were all different kinds of books; classics like Dracula, old thrillers, historical non-fiction, the occasional fantasy. Seb noted that there were several philosophical and religious books, too. There were several books that promoted the ideas of Christianity and the existence of God, but there were quite a few books that also supported evidence that religion is an evil of the world and that God is simply as real as the flying spaghetti monster.

    Whoever previously owned this mansion, certainly did a lot of research about the existence of God.

    Yet again, Bryce found himself in another dark hallway. This passageway had a more medieval feel. The floor and walls were simply stone; there were several torches hanging from the walls that illuminated the way. It certainly felt creepy with the dancing shadows about, but Bryce put on a brave face and kept following Kara. It wouldn't be a good look if he chickened out in front of Amanda.

    "How the hell did you find this place, Kara?" Bryce questioned as their footsteps echoed in the dark area.

    "Well, I guess I take after my father," Kara giggled. "He was a bit of an adventurer himself, so I've decided to look into every nook and cranny in this building. There were quite a few interesting discoveries," she said and simply left it at that. At the end of the hallway, they reached a form of forked road. "We can go this way," Kara tugged on Jihoon's arm and wanted to down the left pathway. "The two of you can explore that way," the ringmaster pointed the other direction.

    Bryce frowned but shrugged as Kara and Jihoon left that and disappeared into the darkness.

    "Well, it looks like we finally got some privacy," Bryce glanced down at the shorter Disney girl and wrapped his right arm around her waist, "C'mon, let's explore some more."

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