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Thread: Providence [M]

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    Kenta and Chenzi exited the armory shortly after Dhalia. Looking over an electronic notepad, Kenta began crossing off names. "Well, that's three down. Four to go. It looks like the laboratory is rather lively at the moment, let's go pay them a visit." Kenta said to Chenzi.


    "Sympathetic. Yes, it is quite a coincidence." Goldshield blinked again, "Jovial. Humans are quite entertaining, are they not? Should any of you need any medical attention, you may find me somewhere on the ship!" Goldshield turned to go back to his medical lab, but stopped as the captain entered the room.

    Kenta and Chenzi stepped into the lab, right behind Baat. The captain cleared his throat and bowed to everyone "Excellent, it looks like I've got everyone here. Except for..." He looked over his list "...Except for Solara Windfall. Dr. Schädler, has Solara reported in yet? I do hope she made it on the ship. Anyways, I am your captain, Denki Kenta. You may call me Captain Kenta. This is my copilot, Chenzi Valsayri. Please, tell me a little bit about yourselves and feel free to ask me any questions you might have." Kenta awaited a response while Chenzi patiently waiting besides him.
    Last edited by UserError404; 11-17-2018 at 03:57 AM.

  2. #12
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    Dhalia continued her tour and instructions with her subordinates and laid a hand on Aaron's shoulder. "Welcome aboard. Please make it your top priority to protect the people aboard this ssship. Do not do anything that would put this crew in harm'sss way or I will put you down myssself. Thank you for your time. Now please get some ressst before we embark and make your quartersss feel more like home. I want you to he comfortable here." She nodded and made her way to her own quarters. She smirked as she heard Radons excited "yehaw!" And hoped he would behave himself.


    Baat chuckled at the humans joke and then turned his attention to the Captain as he walked in. He listened joyfully and then repeated his earlier introduction. He then turned his attention to the others.

  3. #13
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    "No sir, she has not, however, I do recall seeing her aboard earlier. And sir, it's good to meet you, this will be my third ship. If I recall correctly this is both you and the co-pilot's first," Walther then tried to say, without an air of arrogance, "Not that I would presume to know anything about your jobs, but if you ever need advice about anything in general, you know where to find me."

    He paused briefly, before adding, "And, sir, if I may ask, what do you view the primary objective and role of a science ship as this one?" Here he would gauge what kind of captain he would be. He just hoped the question didn't give the captain a sour attitude.

    Aaron shivered slightly as Dhalia touched, him, and said a slightly threatening phrase. "Don't, uh, worry, m'am, I am with you 100%," he managed to say.

    Aaron then shuffled back to his quarters as well, sitting on his bed, trying to absorb everything so far form the day.
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?

  4. #14
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    "Gleeful. Greetings captain, I have been working with the protectorate for several years now. I have seen my fair share of ships sir." Goldshield said in response to the captain. "Confident. I am well experienced in the healing arts and medical practices. Should the need arise I am also trained in hand to hand combat. Curious. I do have one question sir, if I may. Do you prefer leeches or bloodletting? It would be good to know, should the need arise." Goldshield retrieved a notepad to record the captain answer.


    Kenta stood silent for a moment, surprised by Goldshield's question. "Sir Goldshield... How about you just surprise me."

    Chenzi's smile faded in response to Walther's offer of advice, but she remained silent and let the captain handle the situation. After listening to Walther, Kenta nodded his head "Thank you Dr. Schädler, should we need any advice, we will know where to come. As for the purpose of the ship, well it was stated in your mission briefing, but since your asking my opinion, I suppose our purpose is exploration. It is a big universe out there Doctor. We may travel our whole lives and never even see a quarter of it. Nevertheless, it's important to experience and learn about this place in which we live. That is the purpose of our ship, my good Dr. Schädler."

    An alert went off on the captain's tablet. He pulled the tablet out and checked the message. Bowing, the captain and Chenzi took their leave "Thank you for your time and the intriguing questions. It is about time to warp, and I must prepare the ship. Oh, and in the future, I would keep track of your subordinates Dr. Schädler. You never know when you might need them!" Kenta and Chenzi returned to the captain's quarters.

    "Well Chenzi, looks like we have quite the crew. I'm sure we will have no problem getting this mission done. How are you feeling about this?" Kenta asked Chenzi.

    "I'm feeling good ssssir. I've been waiting a long time for thissss. Our first mission! It's so exciting!" Chenzi exclaimed.

    "Excited, huh? Well, that's one word for it. Another word could be nervous but what's the difference? Either way, we've got work to do and a course to plot. You begin plotting our course and I will notify the crew of our departure." Kenta then tapped his tablet against Chenzi's, giving her the coordinates to their destination.


    A little over an hour passed since the captain's introduction to his crew. The familiar voice came over the loud speakers as the captain made his announcement. "Hello again everyone, this is your captain. Please report to your respective stations as we will be making the jump to Phath Strel B in 15 minutes. I also ask that everyone keep their personal pads on them at all times, should any of you need to be contacted in an emergency. Thank you." The announcement ended and the gentle hum of the engine filled the silence.

    Goldshield reached into his personal sack and retrieved his personal tablet, securing it to his person. He laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. After a couple minutes, he got up from his bed and went to his medical lab. Last minute preparation were made, as the jump itself would only take a few minutes. After that, their mission began.


    The time had come to make the jump and the captain notified his crew with a countdown. The jump took around 5 minutes and outside the ship's window the red giant came into view. Shortly after, came the planet. The red, brown, and tan planet floated in the window. A small white patch could be seen on one end of the planet and a few patches of blue and green could be seen amongst the sea of brown. "Welcome to Phath Strel B everybody. We hope you enjoyed the ride and thank you for choosing Providence starlines!" the captain said jokingly.

    "Chenzi, please run a scan of the planet and find us a good landing zone. It'll be hard to complete our mission from all the way up here." Kenta ordered.

    Chenzi began the planet scan and found a suitable landing site. "We can begin desssscent whenever you are ready captain!"

    "Thank you. I will begin the descent. Please notify our crew that we will be landing shortly." said Kenta.

    Chenzi leaned over to the microphone and made her announcement. "We have begun the desssscent and we will be landing ssssoon. Pleassse prepare to ssstretch your legsss everyone!"

  5. #15
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    Dhalia prepared herself and her subordinates for the landing. She asked that Radon stay onboard for security and had Aaron at her side prepared to disembark before the rest of the crew.
    Baat donned his tool belt and prepared to run a systems check.

  6. #16
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    Walther watched the Captain leave, and muttered, "Yeah, sure, keep track of them. Like she's my child..." He then turned to Goldshield, gave him a quizzical look, and then went to the quarters without saying anything.

    Overall he wasn't displeased with the Captain, he'd mellow out once he'd settled in. At least he doesn't think his mission is to hunt pirates or be some kinda of ace. He seemed committed to the science. He just hoped the Captain would grow to realize on a ship this small, a hierarchical structure has no use.

    A strange electronic music emitted from the cargo bay. Solara stood alone in her sweats, holding the handle of her energy sword in her hands. Though it was not activated, she rythmatically did a set of motions, practicing with it. her body moved with the beat of the music, and her eyes focused forwards, at a point on the wall.

    Her rtyhm was broken when the Captain's voice came over the radio. She straightened out, and put her sword arm down. Well, that happened sooner than she thought.

    Solara sat on her bed. She was now wearing her field clothing, and her sword was holstered in her belt. She left her small room in the living quarters, peering into Walther's room as she passed by. He was lying on his bed, reading something on his personal pad.

    She said nothing and continued on into the common area. She looked out the window, at Phath Strel B as it grew closer. Not the most beautiful planet, but it captivated Solara nonetheless. She hoped she would be chosen in the first team to go out. She was excited to see what there was to see.

    In another part of the ship, Aaron had a similar excitement. He tried not showing on his face how glad he was Dhalia had chosen him to go on ground once they landed. This would now be the fourth planet he had ever been on. But this planet, as far as he knew, no one had ever been on before. He'd be the first.

    "I'm ready M'am, should we go to the armory?" Aaron asked.
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?

  7. #17
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    The ship quickly made its descent, and within a few minutes, it was safely on the ground. Kenta began to prepare a list for those who would be the first to walk this planet while Chenzi made her way to the armory. Peeking around the doorway, she saw the security officers preparing their weapons. With a glow in her eyes, she watched for a minute before making her entrance. "Hi guysss! How's the preparationssss going? Are you excited to explore? Oh, if I get to come with you, can I use one of your awsssssome gunsss? I want to use the biggesssst one! Unlessss that one isss too big." Chenzi eagerly asked Dhalia. "Oh, I was also sssupposed to let you guyssss know that the planet hasss a breathable atmosphere according to scanssss. Won't that be fun!?"


    Goldshield went over to Walther's quarters and tried to strike up a friendly conversation. "Curious. What do you think we will find on this planet? Life? Treasure? Nothing?" He awaited Walther's response as he patiently waited in the entrance.

  8. #18
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    Dhalia smirked at Chenzis excitement and also took note of Aaron's. She responded to her comrade in earnest. "Of courssse. I am quite excited. As for weaponsss everyone ssshould have at least one persssonal defenssse weapon when we disembark. I will have to sssay no for now on you handling any major artillery but we do have a practice area in the armory if you ever wisssh to blow off sssome sssteam. Alssso I am happy to hear we will not need to make ussse of our oxygen ssstores this trip. Thank you for the information." She nodded at Radon who nodded back from his position just inside the door and she placed herself and Aaron in front of the exit to await orders to disembark.

  9. #19
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    (Do you guys mind if I joined? And if I can, could I be a native of the planet? Thank you)

  10. #20
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    Hey Salty Irishman sorry this is a closed forum! Just a couple friends goofin around! Thanks for the interest though!

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