So it occured to me that there was an underestimated bad guy that was related to a villian talked about right here in this thread. In fact I’ll point him out the best way possible.
Who was the big bad in Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope?
Spoiler: Vader, duh
Yep believe it or not, Vaders not the main Villain here. No its true, think about whats the worst thing Vader did?
Spoiler: Choke a bitch?
Nah, that was more for the funzies then anything.
Spoiler: Murder Obi-Wan?
Look at that, look at it. Vader may have killed Kenobi but it wasn’t murder. And even then it was more Suicide by Sith Lord. I mean eyes closed, weapon not protecting his body at all. Vader’s been getting a bad rap for something he wasn't responsible for.
Spoiler: Kill Rebel Pilots
Nailed it. That's right the evilest thing Vader did was shoot down a bunch of pilots. Now your saying, “But that's not evil.” And in part you are correct. It was his duty to defend the Death Star. However those poor rproducedots stood no chance against a Master Jedi Ace Pilot in the most advanced Star Fighter being produced. And rather than face them fairly in open space Vader waits till they’re in a canyon and swoops in behind them.
Spoiler: Blow up Alderran?
Nope. Wasn't Vader….
Spoiler: Did you instead say…
Grand Moff Tarkin? If so you're right. I mean he was the one who ordered the destruction of Alderran. In about 5 minutes he got Leia to give up the location of a rebel base; sure the information was off time wise but it was valid. And while everyone looked nervous as Vader choked a bitch, Tarkin looked amused. Also it was Tarkin who told Vader to stop.
That's right the underestimated villain in star wars was Grand Moff Tarkin.
@Leanna; Doom is my favorite comicbook villian. The others are good (Most marvel villains are excellent) so they are up there.
I love that you analyse villains as much as I try to xD
I did know who you were talking about before I opened your spoiler, and you were dead on.
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