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Thread: The Enigma Files

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    Trennan Academy for the Enhanced

    Name: Natasha Bakhvalova
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Nationality: Russian-American
    Spoiler: Natasha 


    Spoiler: Phoenix Physiology 

    Spoiler: Psychic Shield 

    Biography: Natasha was a Russian Mob Princess, daughter of Pior and Igorina Bakhvalova. Her bodyguard and former KGB, Vasiliy Pupkin (not his real name), trained her in Systema. She was also competing as a fencer, specializing in the Épée.

    It's not sure how they reached him, but Vasiliy Pupkin betrayed the family. Picking up Igorina and Natasha following a fencing tournament, instead of taking them home, he drove them both to a warehouse owned by the Volkov family. Igorina struggled with Vasiliy, somehow getting her hands on his concealed gun. A shot rang out, but it was her mother who collapsed dying on the floor.

    Natasha was beaten and abused for hours, recorded by various smartphones to be sent to her father, to convince him to capilate to the Volkov family.

    She awoke to find herself tied to a chair, her body sore from their abuses. She struggled in her bonds, but wound up tippng the chair over and hitting her head. Her last angry conscious thought was to be clean.

    Fire erupted in the warehouse, taking out the entire row. First responders claim seeing a giant bird of flames stalking the interior before the warehouse collapsed. Investigators the following day found her buried in the ash but alive, under some fallen sheet metal roofing.

    While appearing completely unharmed following her ordeal, she could not speak a word. Her frustrations boiled over during a therapy session and she transformed, setting off the sprinkers. She was more surprised than scared, looking at her hands. A nurse tried spraying her with a fire extinguisher, and she somehow pulled herself back into human form.

    The next thing she knew, she found herself being transferred to Trennan Academy.

    Personality: Reserved and watchful. Dislikes when others prey on the weaker.

    Other: Mute, possibly because of an brain injury that happened the moment her powers erupted and for whatever reason, is the one injury that is never healed when she resurrects.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  2. #12
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    Galactic Ventures

    Full Name: Samantha Igorina Bakhvalova
    Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Homeworld: Mars Colony
    Appearance: This girl reminds you of a looming thundercloud. She has hooded gray eyes that are like two pools of mercury. Her silky, straight, black hair is medium-length and is worn in an uncomplicated style. She has a lean build. Her skin is pale. She has a small mouth. Her wardrobe is utilitarian, and is completely navy and white.
    Role: Fire Controlperson/Electronics Technician
    Biography: Born April 4, 2200, three weeks early, in the family tube farm, Arsia Mons, Mars, where she began learning hydroponics systems. Age eight, her father began teaching her how to repair the electronics. Age 16, she began taking the train to Mars Port to hang out in the lounge, watching all the people coming and going.

    When the Qlodath attacked, she volunteered for the Mars Auxillary, which was co-opted into the Interstellar Navy Corp shortly after its creation. Her evaluation and experience showed her suitable for technical training, so she was moved to the Advanced Training Batallion during bootcamp, then the Basic Electricity/Electronics program, then to the Fire Control School. She confided in one of her classmates that at the rate she was going, the war was going to be over before she wound up on a ship.

    The following week she was promoted to Petty Officer Third Class and shipped out to the INC Hermes, Guided Missile Destroyer, in a Lunar drydock undergoing repairs after a nasty encounter with the Qlodath. It shipped out 72 hours later, ready to face the enemy in the asteroid belt. In the third attack over Ceres, the Hermes was hit badly, engines destroyed and the hull burning in vacuum. The captain reluctantly ordered the crew to abandon ship. On her way to the escape pod, she found an officer drifting unconscious in the passageway and dragged him into the pod with her. Once the pod was pressurized, she treated the lieutenant's injuries. 18 hours later the pod was recovered by a recovery sled and brought straight to a hospital ship. Samantha was awarded the Interstellar Navy Corp's Navy Cross and promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class, granted one week's liberty before reporting aboard the newly commissioned INC Arisa Mons.

    The Arisa Mons participated in several attacks before being destroyed in the final battle with the Qlodath, although they did equal damage to their attacker. Leaving her station after receiving the abandon ship order, she encountered another injured lieutenant and dragged him through a hole in the hull. Once free of the ship, she began patching his suit when an energy bolt blew out his helmet. Twisting around, she found herself facing a survivor from the stricken Qlodath ship, still intent on fighting. Using the lieutenant's body as a shield, she was able to block the alien's attack. When the three collided, Samantha fired the lieutenant's MMU jets, burning a hole through the alien's face plate. Samantha took away its gun, shoving it her pocket. A recovery sled found the three of them bundled together shortly following the battle.

    Unfortunately she discovered after arriving at the Hospital Ship that the dead lieutenant was the son of Interstellar Navy Corp Commodore Bates, an up and coming officer. On her return to Earth, she was issued a commendation for her action against the Qlodath, a general discharge, and escorted to the base gate with one duffle bag containing one change of clothes and her armored vac suit (fitted to her, cost her a month's pay). The alien weapon was still in the pocket.

    Going back to Mars, however, meant returning to the family tube farm. She decided her chances of finding a berth on an Earth ship heading out was still pretty good. After a week, she got a job at the Phoenix Shipyard as a repair tech. To zip around the yard, she got herself a hover-bike and a few other items from an auction of government surplus.
    Armored Vac Suit
    Utility Belt
    Omni MilSpec Surplus Generation LIV with Engineering Module
    Backup Datacrystal
    Entertainment Datacrystal
    AR Glasses Type 2
    Belt Electronics Tool Kit
    Roll of Vacuum Sticky Tape
    Pocket survival kit
    Basic Electronics Tool Kit
    Knife Sharpener
    Personal Toiletries
    Taurus Judge revolver
    2 boxes .410 Shotgun Shells
    2 boxes .45 Colt rounds
    Sonic Stunner
    Folding Hover-bike
    Other: Qlodath weapon

    Tech Name: Sonic Stunner
    Manufacturer: Quatermass Arms
    Rarity: Common
    Spoiler: Sonic 

    Intent: Concentrated blast of sound that can knock out or daze someone
    Strengths: Non-lethal, legal in most locations. Small handheld device, easy to conceal. Can partially affect those wearing armor.
    Weaknesses: Short-ranged device approximately 5 feet. Effects can wear off in 20 minutes.
    Last edited by Enigma; 03-21-2018 at 06:23 AM.
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  3. #13
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    Galactic Ventures

    First Mate

    Full Name:
    "John Lee Stanwick" (Jack "Black Jack" Fleming)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Race: Human
    Homeworld: Earth
    Appearance: This guy puts you in mind of a regal dragon. He has slanted eyes the color of the evening sky . His fine, curly, chocolate-colored hair is neck-length and is worn in a handsome, precise style. He's got a thick beard. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is china-white. He has a wide forehead and high cheekbones.. His wardrobe is dignified.
    Role: Pilot
    Biography: Born Jack Theodore Fleming, the Lieutenant was a pilot on the Dauntless on escort duty with the Colonial Ship Santa Maria to the fledgling New Leeds colony - only to run smack into ships of the Qlodathi Empire in the opening shots of the war. In the ensuing battle, the senior officers were decimated, leaving Lt. Fleming in command. Ship too badly damaged to continue, the Lieutenant ordered the crew to abandon ship and to head for the colony ship while he kept the guns on the Qlodathi ships to divert their attention. In a desperate move, he set a collision course with the lead ship and bailed out in the last of the bridge survival pods. The explosion badly damaged the pod, damaging the radio beacon. and John Fleming was listed as MIA, promoted two grades and declared Earrth's first hero in the Qlodathi war, receiving the Order of Earth.

    Four years later, Operation Tail Hook brought Earth ships back to New Leeds - and "Black Jack's" surivial pod was found. "Black Jack" woke up in the INC Sheffield's sickbay to learn he was a hero on board a ship that had just made a successful strike against the Qlodathi homeworld using a new drive system they'd received from a traitor. The ships however got intercepted. Commodore Leyland tried to neigotiate a surrender, and he and his captains were ordered to come aboard the lead Qlodathi ship. Leyland informed Commander Fleming that because of his seniority, he was the acting task force commander while he and the senior officers sued for terms. Twenty minutes later, their executions were broadcasted and the Qlodathi coldly informed the crews of the seven ships that there would be no further negotiations, they either agreed to unconditional surrender in one hour or face destruction.

    The fleet couldn't attack, and surrender would mean a slower death in Qlodathi Labor camps. Rather than trying to fight their way through the Qlodathi line, Black Jack decided to use the regular ship's engines to jump to a point that wasn't encoded in the new drive systems - heading deeper into Qlodathi space, then raiding for supplies as they worked their way back to Earth lines.

    Six of the seven ships made it back to Earth, and Black Jack was promoted again to Captain and declared Earth's reborn hero, the impromptu pirate raids behind enemy lines doing more damage to the Qlodathi war effort. To be honest, all the hero worship made him sick to his stomach - he'd only done his duty, as he sworn to. At the end of the war, he retired - but instead of turning to business as his family expected, he vanished, taking on a new identity as a John Lee Stanwick, sporting a beard, certified pilot id, and service records listing him as a supply shuttle pilot- ironically originally created by the INC to allow him to move about covertly.

    Possessions: Order of Earth, Marine-issue Bull pup automatic with two cases ammo, Browning 9mm handgun with one case ammo, kabar knife, Marine surplus body armor, leather Jacket, civilian attire, ship coveralls, toileties, swiss army knife, pocket survival kit, mil-spec Omni loaded with ebooks on civilian ship operations.
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    A Pirate Life For Me

    Name: Jacqueline Leclerc

    Nickname: Jack the Cabin Boy

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Known for her sharp wit and private ways, if not her gender.

    Appearance: This harried girl has round eyes the color of fine silver. Her fine, wavy, coffee-colored hair is cut short and looks rough from cutting it with a knife. She has a knife scar on her left cheek, and scars on both her chest and back. She is very short and has a narrow build. Her skin is deeply tanned. She has thick eyebrows and large feet, and is often mistaken for a young boy. Usually dressed in loose breeches, a loose shirt, and canvas jerkin with a broad leather belt. Has a pair of handmade shoes with rope soles for cold weather.

    Weapons: Knife, belaying pin, hatchet.

    History: Facing the prospect of marriage to an unpleasant boy from another merchant family, Jacqueline instead stowed away on her father's ship, the Sparrowhawk. When discovered, her narrow build and clothes - loose breeches, shirt, and a canvas jerkin, made the crew think they discovered a boy. Dragged before her father, the captain decided to make this stowaway his cabin boy - and put her to work, hoping to convince her to want to go home. He found her hard working and began to teach her navigation. She soon outstripped the apprentices on board, winning her father's prize of a small brass compass.

    The Sparrowhawk, however, ran afowl of the of the Black Doom, falling into the pirate clutches. Lining up the crew, she was discovered to have both the brass compass and navigational dividers on her. Hauled up before Captain Black, he quizzed the cabin boy on navigation and found "Jack" skillful, and demanded she sign the ship articles to join his crew. Her father called out for Jack not to sign. Captain Black turned and raised his flinter, and Jack immediate called out she would sign the articles if he would spare him. Captain Black agreed, and Jack signed, condeming herself as a pirate.

    "Jack", because of her small size, was put to work on the topgallants and royal yards in between lessons with the captain to improve her skill, although she soon realized she was really teaching him. Some months later, during the dark of the moon, she was caught trying to escape. Captain Black, in a fit of anger, slashed her cheek with a knife, then ordered her to receive ten lashings, while tied face down to a cannon - which he fired after she received the last blow, blistering her chest. A bucket of sea water was then poured on her, the sea water stinging in the wounds. Hauled down to the surgeon, he made the discovery that Jack was actually a girl. Instead of telling his captain, he kept her secret instead.

    However, hearing of her escape attempt, she was hauled up in front of a pirate court. After a brief discussion of the charges, the two other captains decided her breach of the articles should be punished by death. When they asked for Captain Black's vote, he stated that Jack was a good, loyal boy, stood up and drew his pistols, declaring they could either change their vote, or die.

    The court sided with Captain Black.

    Jack found herself once again working as a cabin boy, under her captain's watchful eye. Once she was well enough, he had members of the crew teach her various skills - mending of sails, tying and splicing of ropes, the use of a blade and hatchet. If any of the crew realized she was a girl, they kept it to themselves. He started taking her ashore for business, but never letting her far from his sight.

    A feud between Captain Black and Mad Dog McGee escalated to battle. Badly damaged in a broadside with The Scarlet Blade and facing another run, Captain Black ordered Jack be put in a boat, pressing on her a small sack of coin, whispering that every daughter deserved a dowry. She was one of the few survivors.
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    Let's Fight Aliens! E.S.T.RA. Extra-Solar Threat Response Agency{M}

    Name: Sarah Michelle Miller

    Code Name: Sparky/Sparks

    Age: 17

    Gender: Fem

    Appearance: This angry young lady has wide blue eyes that are like two lagoons. Her luxurious, straight, night-black hair is worn in a severe, utilitarian style. She has a lithe build. Her skin is china-white. She has thin lips. Her wardrobe is uncomplicated, and is mostly blue, green and black.

    Background: FBI Agent Ford was brought in to investigate a report that the A/V club of Vallejo High had been watching footage of the girl's locker room in their school. They denied planting a camera, they'd found this broadcast signal by accident. Under close questioning and review of the recordings they made, the A/V club admitted they believe one of the girls, Sarah Miller, was the one broadcasting the signal, but she was never seen with a camera.

    Agent Ford decided to confront her, armed with a radio-frequency blocker in the Assistant Principal's office. She was then informed that she was under arrest, where of course she demanded to know why. He then informed Sarah if he did that, he'd have to shoot her. Not believing him, she insisted he tell her. "I believe you're an alien," he said, and true to his word, shot her in the leg. After she collapsed to the floor, Sarah tried to touch the wound, briefly convulsed and passed out.

    A military surgeon, removing the bullet, discovered a cluster of unusual cells that held an electrical charge not unlike a battery, and suggested she was some kind of human electric eel. An MRI shows what looked like a circuit somehow on the inside of her skull, as well a strange patches of skin on her scalp that seemed to act as an attenna. He suggested that she was basically a walking portable tv station, broadcasting everything she saw or heard.

    Agent Ford's report was flagged and intercepted. Sarah was given insulated gloves and a hoodie that acted as a Faraday cage to block her transmissions, then sent to ESTRA Base. Publicly, it was announced she was under mental observation for homicidal tendencies.

    Abductee 'Class': Outlier

    Specific Abilities: Internal electrocyte cells that can be discharged through her fingertips, capable of stunning the average person.

    Thickened skin that protects her from electricity, but only if it isn't deeply cut or scraped.

    To fuel her body's ability to generate electricity, she needs to eat a lot, but keeps thin. Seemingly constantly hungry.

    Nanite-constructed transceiver in her head, possibly still under construction.

    Pica eating disorder where she will eat inappropriate objects such as small electronics and jewelry, etc. without lasting harm. Possibly induced by her nanite colony as they create more circuits inside her head.

    Personality: Loaner, making few attachments as her Navy father was moved from base to base; now further withdrawn into herself as a result of discovering these newfound abilities. Prefers books to people. Anyone monitoring her internal broadcasts are becoming well-read for science fiction and fantasy. Resentful of being separated from her family and the few friends she had. Disgusted by the strange things she's craving, and worried sick she's going to kill someone if she touches them. Survives on a constant diet of coffee, soda, pizza, peanut butter and chocolate.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    IC: Fur-Covered Cogs

    Name: Luna "Nineteen" Magdalene
    Race/Breed: Lapine Antro (rabbit furry)
    Gender Identity: Female Eunuch
    Class: Lower class
    Age: 21
    Appearance: This lonely girl has round eyes the color of charcoal. Her silky, curly, china-white hair is very short and is worn in a practical style. She is very short and has a slender build. Her fur is gray with a china-white belly. She has hollow cheeks and thin lips. Her wardrobe is severely plain and practical. Wears corrective glasses.
    Sexuality: asexual
    Occupation/skills: Office Assistant
    Personality: Reserved.
    Ties: Wary of law enforcement and the upper class members of the club.
    Kin: No known kin, was raised in a Magdalene orphanage.

    History: "Rescued" from a groundling burrow just a few weeks old and placed in a Magdalene orphanage, who saw it as their purpose to bring morality and purpose to their wards with strict discipline and a useful education. In school, however, Luna proved to be a bright student, which didn't sit well with the middle-class students resenting this 'dumb bunny' who thought she was smarter than they were, and they would 'put her in her place' by bullying her. When she would try to underperform in class, her monitor would discipline her. As a lot of bullying took place in the school cafeteria, she'd skip lunch and hide out in the school library.

    Luna, thanks to the scant diet at the Magdalene orphanage and skipped school lunches, developed later than the middle-class girls in her class, who'd been filling the boys' heads with stories about 'rabbit sexuality'. When they began to show interest in her, her monitor noted it as 'immoral flirtation'. During her next medical checkup at the Magdalene clinic, Luna was spayed.

    Upon graduation from high school, she received a burlap sack filled with her few things, a modest amount of cash, and a referral to an employment agency - but knowing they'd have more suitable openings for men, she changed into men's clothes. However, on the way to that agency, while she was passing a gentlemen's club, she bumped into one of the members by accident, apologized, and as she was walking away, the man suddenly exclaimed that he had been robbed and before she knew it, she'd been grabbed by the club's footmen and drag into one of the public rooms to be searched.

    They attempted to search her, and in her struggles, bumped into a vase on a stand, which smashed. The gentleman who'd started the whole thing came in and apologized, stating he found the item in another pocket. On seeing the broken vase, he had a word with the club manager to hire her on as a scullery boy so they could work off their debt to the club. However, when she admitted that she could type, they brought her up to the club secretary's office to see how she was on the typewriter, and were very satisfied.

    It wasn't long afterward, however, they realized they had hired a woman. Knowing the club would fire her, demand immediate payment and then throw her in debtor's prison, the senior staff decided to keep her nature private from the rest of the club and converted one of the second floor linen closets into her new room, citing a need for their typist to be available at all hours.

    Weaknesses: Nearsighted, needs to wear corrective lenses. Low physical strength.
    Strengths: Keen intelligence, high pain threshold.
    Magick: Hide reflex - if she can slip herself into cover behind a door or under a table, she can temporary "vanish" as long as she remains perfectly still.
    Pets: Not allowed.
    Last edited by Enigma; 02-11-2022 at 11:35 PM.
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    IC: Fur-Covered Cogs

    NPC senior staff members for The Promethean Society Gentlemen's Club

    Club Manager: Sergeant Major Tutor Bryn "Shut it" Williams (ret.) - head member of staff, a muscular florid man with ginger hair and a pointed handlebar mustache. He treats the club members with due difference and respect and can verbally peel strips off the hide of any member of staff who steps out of line. 20+ year Army veteran. Has the key to the club's wine cellars and pantry.

    (notes: Voice goes from a soft yet base masculine rumble to a full-blown roar that has waken the nearly-dead and got them in formation despite their injuries)

    Deputy Manager: Bombardier Issac 'Solly' Solomons (ret.) - lean but muscular, dark hair, wears round glasses. He has some theater experience, efficient organizer and sharp. Father was a pawn broker. Only other person who has keys to the club's wine cellars and pantry.

    (notes: soft-spoken but firm)

    Club Secretary Gunner Gilbert Beaumont (vet) - a slight yet wiry man with a pained sickly smile who acts as though the weight of the world rested on his eternally weary shoulders. Always complaining about the weather but can be depended upon in a pinch. Coordinates the club entertainments, meetings, and in charge of the library. Luna's boss.

    Head Steward: First Sergeant Alfred Fitzsimons (ret.) - a lean wiry man, slightly balding, with a pencil mustache. Former street thief who was sentenced to serve in the Light Calvary. Wound up as an army scout with a well deserved reputation as a scrounger. He misses nothing but is very discrete, watches the stewards under him with an eagle eye. Anyone who thinks he's the one they want to meet in a dark alley may live long enough to regret that.

    He is in charge of the stewards, who take care of the rooms and hallways, they also can step in as valets for the gentlemen guests.

    (Notes: When the edge creeps into his voice, watch out.)

    Head Footman Gunner Nigel "Parky" Parkin (vet) (Sgt.Major falsely believes Parky to be his son, having had a brief affair with his mother in his younger years) - Muscular young man who serves at the Club Entrance behind the Front Desk. Handle the member's mail and deliveries, guards the entrance against intrusions.

    Footmen receive the club members and their guests, deliver messages, and help serve at meals.

    Head cook Master Chief Irwin Laroche (ret) - small slight French cook, has a small green house next to the kitchen where he grows fresh herbs and is a dab hand at spicing (frowns if you season your food without tasting it), very good with knives and an expert climber. Rumored to have been a cat burglar in his younger days, expert jewelry appraiser. Manages somehow to get into the wine cellar and pantry despite not having a key for them.

    (Notes: Quite possibly the only man that would get in a cooking argument with Hannibal Lector and both would walk away with grudging respect with the other.)

    Assistant cook Gunner Harold Horace Herbert Willy 'Lofty' Sugden (vet) - a small, rotund man sometimes described as a turnip or a mushroom but has an amazing tenor voice which even the Sergeant Major is in awe of.

    (Notes: speaks with a very nasal high-pitched voice)
    Last edited by Enigma; 02-11-2022 at 11:36 PM.
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    IC: Fur-Covered Cogs

    Name: John Magnus Dovington
    Race/Breed: Human
    Gender Identity: Male
    Age: 29
    Class: Upper class
    Occupation/skills: Gentleman Tinkerer.
    Appearance: This man makes you think of a clockwork mechanism. He has droopy beige eyes. His luxurious, straight, brown hair is worn in a simple, precise style. He's got an elegant moustache. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is tanned. He has a large mouth. His wardrobe is professional and elegant.
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Personality: Warm, uses wit to distract from his injuries
    Ties: various family connections, his old nanny, various household servants, school ties with Chatterwick Academy, Army ties with the West Yorkshire Regiment, Second Battalion. Members of the Society of Odd Fellows. Dr. Hart, former army surgeon, maintains a practice in Chelsea.
    Kin: The Dovington family, various aunts, uncles, cousins, and a surviving grandmother. And his nanny, Mrs. Nogg.
    History: Raised by his nanny in the Garden Cottage on the Dovington Estate. His earliest memories is seeing a man and woman on horseback riding over and looking down at him curiously, saying how large he was growing and how they should look in on him more often before riding off. He turned to his nanny and asked, "Who was that?"

    "Why, they're your parents, my sweet," Mrs. Nogg replied.

    Tutored at home until the age of ten by Mr. Toliver, a very exacting and unpleasant man who taught him how to read, write, do sums, genealogy, geography, history, Latin, French, and German. Tuesdays and Thursdays were his piano lessons with Mrs. Carver - with practice every other day. Mr. Brown, the groom, taught him how to ride. He'd also sneak out to the garage at times pestering the driver about the family car, especially the engine.

    At age 10, he was sent off to Chatterwick Academy for young gentlemen. Besides the usual subjects, there was drawing, fencing, boxing, economics, finance, map reading and orientation, military drills, artillery and small arms practice. John turned out to be a fine shot with pistols and rifles, as well as an above-average fencer.

    After the Academy, instead of venturing immediately into the world of business, he received a commission in the army, who were looking for sharpshooters to train up as snipers. He was paired with a spotter, Corporal Abel Parlow, infamous around the West Riding county as a poacher preying on the lands around various estates. The two got on very well, performing several assignments and receiving a small collections of scars and medals. Unfortunately, they got caught in no-man's land during a barrage. Abel fell on top of John, taking the brunt of the explosion. The corporal was shipped back and died days later in a military hospital from his injuries.

    John was also sent home, having lost his right leg above the knee, broke his right arm, fractured three ribs, and genital injuries from some shrapnel, making him incapable of siring an heir. However, oddly enough, he finally discovered his unique talent. He had picked up some clippers to trim his nails, realized with his right arm in a cast that he wasn't going to trim anything and leaned over with his left hand to put the clippers on the bedside table when they fell - and he caught them with an invisible right hand. Its reach was just like his own arm, with fingers and a thumb. He discovered it could go through the bedside table, allowing him to move things inside.

    Attempts to conjure up an invisible leg, however, left him sprawled on the floor, gasping with the air knocked out of his lungs until orderlies could get him back in his bed.

    Robert, John's younger brother, became the new heir of the family. He began walking around with this massive cocky grin on his face, as if he was already the lord of the manor. Depressed by his lost of manhood, and his brothers insufferable manners, he decided to make his way to the city, seeking out something better than a pair of crutches or a wheel chair. However, most of the would-be prosthetics being turned out by carpenters and blacksmiths were crude and painful.

    But in his search, he came across The Society of the Odd Fellows, a collection of tinkerers and experimenters, and was admitted to their ranks, rising to his current level of journeyman. He shared with them some of his own skills, and they in turned shared their skills and insights, along with a workbench and access to an impressive collection of tools.

    When he's not working on his own leg, he helps others who need prosthetics. Currently a resident at the Prometheus Society. A unique feature of his room is he still has and uses his campaign furniture.

    Weaknesses: Missing right leg, genital injuries, unsuitable prospect for marriage.
    Strengths: Still able to use the family credit, military reputation
    Magick: An extra invisible right arm.
    Pets: None at present
    Other: Possibly someone in the city that Nell Parks could see for adjustments or an improved prosthetic, should the family that employs her brings her up? Possibly a referral from Dr. Hart?

    Spoiler: Metal and Plastic 

    Last edited by Enigma; 02-11-2022 at 11:45 PM.
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    IC: Dragons and their Partners

    Dragon Character Sheet

    Name: Red
    Age: 26
    Type of breathe: Flame
    Spoiler: Appearance 

    Human form looks to be about ten years old.

    Personality: Curious, slow to trust, very wary around new people. Likes cats, sometimes stares at them like she's having a mental conversation with them.
    Bio: Her egg was stolen from her mother's nest and she was born in captivity. Her captor fed her fish, and she grew well. However, he was too impatient to ride her, so tried to mount her when she was barely the size of a pony.

    For whatever reason, he tried to use spurs on her to get her flying, but they just glanced off her scales, so he tried striking her flanks with a horse whip. She bit off the whip hand and a good half of his forearm.

    Quick thinking grooms cauterized the stump, and he ordered her cage to be covered by a large tent. She spent a decade in darkness, her only companions were feral cats. Finally, someone opened the door to her cage and before they knew what was happening, she'd dove through the opening and took to the skies.

    She was spotted by a rider team and after several failed attempts, they manage to entice her to the school.

    Best skill: barnstormer
    Preferred job: undecided.
    Partner: undecided
    Other: still a juvenile dragon.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  10. #20
    Enigma's Avatar
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    IC: Through the Barrier to Time Travel

    Player Name: Enigma
    Character Name: Dayna Mellanby
    Profession: Archaeologist
    Description: This solemn lady has beady soot-black eyes. Her fine, straight, black hair is short and is worn in a severe style. She has a busty build. Her skin is nut-brown. There is a pale, crescent-shaped ☽ birthmark on her chest, just below her left clavicle. She has thin eyebrows and stubby-fingered hands. Her wardrobe is utilitarian.
    Flaw: Short, visible scars on her left cheek. A strong need for dry socks.
    Weapon for defense: SIG Sauer M17 service pistol, carries two spare mags
    Spoiler: Equipment: 

    Bio: Parents were archaeologists who did a lot of digs for the British Museum. When Dayna was six, during a dig, she became infatuated with the Mr. Men and Little Miss series (especially Little Miss Trouble and Mr. Nonsense), had to collect all the books.

    She was ten when her father accepted a job at an administrator at an American museum. It quickly became apparent that they were not what others expected when it was discovered they were British, especially when Dayna went to classes at an American elementary school.

    Her mother and a few others went missing at the museum when Dayna was twelve. Following her mother's assistant, she got captured by some cultists operating out of a storage room in the lower sub-level basement. They claimed one of the artifacts in the museum's collection held an ancient imprisoned creature, a chimaera - and the only way to free it was by human sacrifice. Her mother had died on their altar (another artifact), and they intended to sacrifice her as well. However, when they touched the blade of their sacrificial dagger (another artifact) to her birthmark, things got hazy. There was voices, a lot of loud noises, and she blacked out.

    When she woke up, the cultists were all gone, just their robes crumpled around the room full of dust. Dayna tried to tell her father and the police what happened. Bullet holes were found in the walls of the room as well as blood matching the blood types of the victims were found on the dagger and altar, but the chimaera's prison was never found or that anything (more) unusual had taken place. Concerned about her bizarre story led to her father taking her to a psychiatrist, who listened very gravely to her, then told her father she was clearly delusional and should spend some time in a mental hospital for treatment.

    On her second day in the psych ward, one of the other patients, Rose, attacked her, gouging her cheek and neck with her long nails. While they dressed the wound, she became infected and confused. It took the staff a few days to realize something was wrong and to get her infection treatment. Dayna later told her doctor and her father that one of the night orderlies was molesting her at night, but her complaint was dismissed as a part of her illness. (She also begged her father for socks, as they wouldn't let her wear shoes and her feet were cold). Several days later, the orderly disappeared while on shift, his keys were found dangling from her lock. Police searched and questioned the staff and the other patients, but no sign of him was ever found. She told them "The chimaera got him" and dismissed as crazy.

    A year later, a much thinner Dayna was declared "cured" and released (the secret was to say it was a dream and agree with the doctors that it never happened, or more likely the insurance company took her statements as a reason to stop paying for her stay). It was then her father decided to introduce her to her new step-mother - Rebecca (Becky) his assistance, who'd been so helpful during his grief and with her younger brother, Ian. He had also decided that their family were going to become American citizens (one of Becky's ideas), although she later learned that Becky was pregnant. So she wound up with a half-sister, Susan.

    Dayna needed a distraction, and buried herself in her mother's textbooks and journals, even pestering her father for details about their digs when she was younger. Becky would later claim that Dayna's hatred of her and constant reminders about her dead mother to her father drove a wedge into her relationship. Not that she cared all that much about Becky (the smegging cow), she was heading off to college to become an archaeologist.

    It was not long afterward that her father met Pepper, who later became his third wife, and soon afterward a new half-sister, Carole.

    Dayna graduated near the top of her class - and received, along with her degree, a draft notice, as women were no longer excused from it. The draft board were not impressed by her degree, and she wound up going to Army boot camp as a grunt. High marks for intelligence got her flagged, so she got shuffled off to intelligence school, where she was told it was very unlikely she'd ever see the front line. Instead, she'd be gathering up reports for the officers to analyze and keeping the coffee flowing.

    The night she arrived at the warzone, she was handed a weapon and told with the other intelligence specialists that their battle headquarters had been overrun, and they were now infantry. In the ensuing firefight, one of the officers noticed her as she directed the others and took the attack to the enemy, giving her a battlefield commission to 2nd Lieutenant, pending approval by HQ (if they ever caught up to it).

    One of the causalities of the second battle was her friend from intelligence school, Scott, who died in her arms.

    In the third battle, she got separated from her unit and managed to kill the enemy unit's company commander before being captured. She got transferred battered and bruised to a POW camp, where the commandant decided to keep her in isolation (no belt, boots, or socks) for interrogation. He refused to believe she knew nothing. This lasted for months before she managed to escape her cold cell, killing one of the guards (the smeghead), and get out of the camp. Finally a use for that abbreviated escape and evasion training from boot camp. A $14,000 bounty was put on her, but in a week the war was over. (And HQ decided they didn't like short jumped-up archaeologist grunts who get captured in their third battle to become 2nd. Lieutenants).

    As there was not a lot of openings for archeologists, she decided to try for one of the openings for Master Trigg's exploratory team. At the very least, she might get a few possible dig sites out of it.
    Last edited by Enigma; 02-12-2022 at 02:48 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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