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Thread: The Unexpected Beginning for Shape Changers. (M)

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    After they both had returned to their cell Daniel then when to lay down on his bed to rest. Then all of a sudden he jumps when he hears Emma cry out. Looking over at her he sees her holding her chest. But as he was about to ask what was wrong he then sees Emma getting off of her bed and crawling over to the toilet to get sick. He then quickly gets up and goes over to Emma’s side and puts his hand on her back and starts to rub it. “That’s it let it all come out and you will feel better soon.” he says as he keeps rubbing her back. Then he helps her get back in the bed.
    When she was she was in bed again he then hears her asking him what they did to her. As he nods his head he comes to sit down next to her on the bed and then leaning over he then puts his arm around her. He then starts to tell her what experiment Kevin and Steve did on them.

    As he finishes telling her all this he then tells her that they would have to continue receiving each other’s blood because the next experiment that Kevin would be doing on them would require them to do it all the time. He also told her Kevin would not tell him what kind of experiment would be done on them both.

    Two week then went by and all the experiments want as planned. Then on the first day of the third week Kevin walks into their cell as he does he carries a tray in his hands. On this tray sat eight small cups filled with different kinds of drugs. As Kevin sat the tray down on the small table he then turned to face them. “Good morning Daniel and Emma. I hope you two are doing well today because today I will be doing a very importin experiment on both of you. It will take two days to complete it. So you will not be getting any breakfast to eat this morning because your stomachs need to be empty for me to do the experiment on you. But I do have a few liquids for you both to drink that will help clean out your stomachs for me.” He said this as he then turned to pick up the tray. Then he started to tell them about what was in each cup. “Okay I have four cups filled with some kind of drugs that I need for you both to drink. I will now tell you the order I want you to drink them in.

    So please lesion closely. The first two cups with the blue X on them are to clean and empty your stomachs out completely. Now after you drink them both you will then start to feel something funny happing in your stomach. You will then start to feel a lot of air bubbles forming in your stomach; they will then fill up your stomach and then all start pop altogether inside of you. What your stomach is doing is cleaning out any liquids or other things that may be in there and will get in the way of the experiment being done on you. This drug will not make you get sick. So there is nothing to be worried about.

    Then next you will drink the liquid in the next cup that has a green X on it. What you will soon start to feel is your whole stomach going numb and you will not be able to feel anything down there after it is numb. This may feel really strange to you but as soon as you drink what is in the last cup with the red X on it, your whole body will quickly start to relax and you will then fall into a deep sleep and once you are sleeping you will remain asleep for two days, for there is no way your body will be able to wake you up until we give you a shot to wake you. Oh and one good thing about this drug is you will then start to have a lot of dreams that will be some happy ones. All of the drugs that you will be taking today have already been tested on Steve and I last week and you can see I am doing just fine.

    Now please take your time and drink each of the cups of liquids in the order I just told you to do them in. And don’t worry the experiment we will be doing on you both is really worth having on you. Well I will let you two get started on drinking the liquids and I will then talk to you both again in two days when you wake up. Now go head and start drinking the liquids so you will be asleep when I come back for you in a little bit.” he then walked out of the cell and goes out the door to the main labs.

    After Kevin left Daniel looked over at Emma. “I know what you are thinking right now, but just remember I am going to be in there right next to you having the same experiment done on me as well. So let’s do this together now and get it over with. Now let’s get started with drinking these drugs because the sooner we do it the sooner Kevin can get the whole experiment over with.” he said as he pick up the first cup and put it up to his lips and started to drink it. As he did it he looked over at Emma. Seeing her watching him made him laugh. “Okay Emma it is your turn to drink the first cup.” he said as he held the cup up to show her it was empty.

    As he did that he put that cup down and then picked up the second one. But as he put it up to his lips he stopped. “Now let’s see some fun begin.” Then he quickly drank the second cup down. But as soon as he had swallowed it his eyes grow wide and his hand went to his stomach, for the drug had already started to work. “Wow! I can already feel the bubble starting to from in me.” he said as he felt the presser starting to build up in his stomach. Then all of a sudden he started to feel the bubbles popping very fast in his stomach and when that happened he started to burp.
    This went on for a good five minutes and when it finally starts to stop. Daniel then looks over at Emma. “Well that was not too bad, I kind of enjoyed feeling it happen inside of my stomach.” he said as he then took a deep breath and picked up the third cup. As he puts it up to his mouth he closed his eyes and then drank the liquid and swallowed it. Then he lay his head back on the pillow and wait for the drug to start to work. It only took a few minutes for it to start to work and he soon started to feel his stomach starting to tingle a little bit.

    As he lay there he looks around at the other people in their cells. They probably had no clue what was going on with Daniel right now. Then after five minutes had gone by Daniel’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my I no longer have any felling in my stomach it has all gone numb. This feels so weird right now.” Then looking over at Emma he then says. “Well Emma I think I am going to drink the last cup of drugs now. Remember whatever happens to us when we are sleeping it will be worth it all when we see each other again in a few days. Well go head and finish drinking all of your drugs.” he said as he winks his eye at her. Then he picks up the last cup and starts to drink it. Kevin was right it did not take long for that drug to start to work, for he did start to relax right away. But before he was about to fall asleep he turned and look over at Emma one more time and then saying something to her. “Sweet dreams my..…” but before he could finish what he was saying to Emma he had already fallen asleep.

    An hour goes by and Kevin and Steve come back to check on them. Seeing that both of them were already sleep, Kevin then goes over to Emma and placing a finger on her neck as he then checks for her heart beat. Smiling when he feels it he then checks to see if her stomach was numb. Then seeing it was he then nods his head to Steve to come get her.
    When Steve was picking Emma up into his arms to carry her out Kevin then goes over Daniel and does the same thing with him. But as he poked Daniel’s stomach he sees that he was not completely numb yet. Kevin then looks over at Steve. “Please remind me to give Daniel a shot of the drug that numbs you, for his stomach is not all the way numb yet.” he says as he starts to pick Daniel up and putting him over his shoulder to carry him out.

    When the men get to the lab they put Daniel and Emma together on a big lab table that lays under two big bright lights. Then Kevin and Steve go over to the sink and start to wash their hands and arms with soap and water. When they finished doing that they both put on gloves and a lab robes. Then Kevin looks at his watch to get the time. Seeing it was only 10:00 am he then writes it down on a clip board. When he is done he looks at Steve for a minute. “I think I will work on Daniel first since we have to put a pocket in his stomach.” he says as he picks up the knife that he will be using on Daniel.

    But Steve then stops him. “Wait Kevin, Daniel needs more of the numbing drug put into him.” he says as he gets up and walks over to a closet in the corner of the lab. When he returns he then hands a needle with the drug in it to Kevin. “Thank you Steve, I don’t know what I would do without you. “ He says as he pushes the needle into Daniel’s stomach. “Well that should do it now. Okay let’s go ahead and do this on Emma instead.

    As Kevin picked up the knife again he then moved over to Emma’s side. Then taking the knife he slowly started to cut her stomach open. After he had cut her all the way open he then started to cut the rest of her stomach off of her. As he did that he spoke to Steve. “I am so glad we cleaned her insides out first. It has made this a lot easier for me to work with her stomach. Now Steve I need you to help me hold everything that is inside of her in place as I remove her stomach from her body.” he said this he then started pull her stomach off of her. Then laying it a side in a bucket next to him he then picks up her new stomach and starts to fit it all around her body. As he does that Steve then gently starts to push everything that was inside of her into the new stomach.

    Once they had it all back in her Kevin then started to sew her up. But before he completely closed her up he walked over to a small cooler and took out a jar from it. In that jar were two tiny fetuses he would put into Emma’s stomach. He then inserted a small tube into her stomach where he had not closed her up at yet. Then slowly opening the jar he then pours the two fetuses into her stomach. When he finished doing that he then finished sewing her up the rest of the way, then taking a brush he started to paint a layer of a special drug all over Emma’s skin on her stomach, as he did that a new layer of skin formed on her stomach at the places where they had sewn her up at and it made it look like she had never been cut before. When they had finished giving Emma her new stomach Steve then put an IV into Emma’s stomach and start pumping liquids, drugs and four tubes of some of Daniel’s blood into her.

    Once they had finished with Emma the two men then started working on taking Daniel’s stomach off of him. When they had put his new stomach on him and had sewn him half way up they then put a special pocket inside of Daniel’s stomach. Then before they closed him up they inserted twenty tiny eggs into the pocket. Then closing him up the rest of the way they then put the same special drug that they had put on Emma’s stomach on Daniel’s stomach. Then after they had finished giving him his new stomach, Kevin then put an IV into Daniel’s stomach and started pumping liquids, drugs and four tubes of some of Emma’s blood into to him.

    Then for the next ten hours Kevin and Steve took turns watching Emma and Daniel’s IV’s. Even though it took them a little over eight hour to give Daniel and Emma their new stomachs both the men knew that Daniel and Emma would not be out of danger until they had received all the things the IV’s were giving them in their stomachs.

    When the ten hour had gone by the two men then carried Daniel and Emma back to their cell. As Kevin made them both comfortable in their beds, Steve then gave Daniel and Emma each a shot in the arm to wake them up. As the men stood there watching Daniel and Emma wake up Kevin then spoke to them. “Daniel and Emma hello welcome back. I am happy to say the experiment we did on you both went well. I will not be telling you what kind of experiment we did on you for you will find out on your own know when the time is right. Oh and just to let you both know you may both have a little bit of gas in your stomach for the next few days. But it is nothing to be worried about. Well Steve and I will now let you two wake up and I will be back later on to bring you both something to eat.”

    The two men then walked out of the cell and left Daniel and Emma along. Once they had left Daniel then sat up in bed and looked over at Emma. “Well we both made it through the experiment. How do you feel right now?” He asks as he looked at her.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 08-02-2023 at 10:16 AM.

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    Sorry double post.

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    Once Emma’s stomach calmed down, she washed her face” Thank you Daniel” she said. When he sat beside her he leaned into his side “It's nice, to have you here for support”. She listened to him about what had been done and it wasn't bad, but she didn’t like the way it made her feel. “that’s not so bad “s she said leaning into him more.
    As the weeks went by Emma willingly participated in the experiments and was calm. She was finding it comfortable and thankful for the books Kevin would bring her to read. In the third week when Kevin came into their cell with something different. Emma nodded after listening to the instructions. As she drank the first two cups, she could not help but giggle “It tickles “said. she burped and shivered as she burped over and over.
    She waited until it calmed down and then sat in her bed and took the last cup “I can't help but be a little nervous, it's something new, but they’ve kept us safe “she said and took a deep breath and drank the last cup. She lay back and soon fell deep asleep.
    After the 10 hours of surgery, Emma woke up feeling groggy but ok. It was a little sore, but she figured it was from the gas. She sat up and burped “I’m ok a little tender.” She said looking over to Daniel. “how are you feeling? “ she wondered. She slowly became more pail and started to sweat. “ I. Daniel “ she said and then had to run to the toilet and throw up violently. She shook sitting back dripping with sweat
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    As Daniel lay on his bed listening to Emma ask him how he felt. He nods his head and says to her. ”I am feeling a little tired but otherwise I am okay. Then all of a sudden he sees her jumping up and running over to the toilet as she start to throw up. As he watches her sit there looking very pail he starts to wonder what Kevin and Steve had done to her. For he had not had any trouble after he had returned this morning and he also kind remembered seeing a couple of other woman not too long ago in their cells getting sick, but nothing like Emma was right now.

    Then all of a sudden Daniel’s thoughts were interrupted with screaming coming from a young woman who had been moved into an empty cell across from them. Then as he sat up he looked over at the cell and seeing Ed and Tom standing next to the woman. Tom was holding the woman’s arms down while Ed was pushing very hard on the woman’s stomach. But every time he pushed on her stomach she would scream. As Daniel watched this happen he shook his head. Why were the men pushing on the woman’s stomach so hard?

    Then looking over at Emma to see how she was doing with all of the screaming, but when he looks at her he sees her shaking. Daniel then jumped up and ran over to Emma’s side, as he drops onto his knees next to her he then takes her in his arms he held her close to him. “Shh, it is going to be okay. I am here now. Try not to watch them. I won’t let them do anything to you.” he says as he kisses her forehead and held her close to him.

    While the two men keep pushing on the woman’s stomach for another five minutes Daniel kept watching them. Then suddenly Ed stopped pushing as Tom pulls out a baby from the woman. As the baby starts to cry Tom then grabs a blanket and covers the whole baby up, and then he quickly leaves the cell and takes the baby into the lab part. As he does this the woman then starts to scream out saying. “No stop! Don’t take my baby away from me. I want my baby, give me my baby back.” After a few minutes Ed has the woman quitted down. Then as Daniel carried Emma over to her bed he started to think about what he had just seen. But what he could not understand was why the two men were pushing on the woman’s stomach to get the baby out, when the woman could do all the pushing herself. He did not know why but he was going to find out somehow.

    After five days had gone by and it was still really early in morning Daniel laying on his bed reading, when Kevin walked into their cell and in his hands he carried a tray with some food on it. But before Daniel could say anything Kevin starts to speak. “Well Daniel I have come to take you to the lab and do a few different experiments on you this morning and Emma when I am done with him I will then come back and get you to do the same experiments on you. Well Daniel lets go head and make out way over to the lab now.” As Daniel nods his head he stands up and turns to look over at Emma. “Emma dear I will be back in a little bit and I will tell you about what Kevin did to me.” he says as he waves to her. Then he walks out of their cell and follows Kevin down a long hall way to a lab.

    When they get into the lab Kevin then tells Daniel to have a seat in a big melt chair. As Daniel sits down he looks around the lab. He did not remember ever coming into this lab before. Then after he had looked around he then asks Kevin a question. “Kevin what kind of lab are we in right now?” Kevin nods his head. “Ah I am glad you ask a good question like that. This lab is called the stress lab; we do experiments in here that has to do with stress. I am going to be doing the test on Emma that I am doing on you right now.

    Well let me tell you now what I am going to be doing to you. First I am going to tie your hands and leg down to the chair, and then I am going to put this brace around your neck. It will help keep your head back on the chair. After I do this I will then inserted a needle into your neck. This needle will be the place where I will put all the different kind of drugs into you. Each drug will do different thing to you as I test you out with it. But I can’t tell you what they will be doing to you. Okay now that I have told you what I will be doing let’s get started.”

    As he tied Daniel down to the chair, Daniel started to get nerves. He was not sure if he wanted to have this done on him. Then Kevin starts to insert the needle into Daniel’s neck. As Daniel feels him doing this he starts to take a few deep breaths. Then after seeing all the different kind of drugs sitting in the bottles on the tray next to him Daniel closed his eyes.

    When Kevin had finished putting the needle into Daniel’s neck he then picked up the first bottle and placing it on the end of the needle, then the drug starts to drip into the needle. When the needle was finally full of the drug he then pushes a little button on the needle and the drug started to enter into Daniel’s neck. As it does Daniel’s whole body started to shake. While Daniel’s body was shaking Kevin then writes down what was happening. This shaking lasted for ten minutes. As it finally stopped Daniel lets out a little moan. Kevin then picks up the next drug and put it into the needle. This time the drug makes Daniel grow really mad and he starts to growl and shake his head while he tries to pull his hands off of the chair. But the ropes were holding him down so he was not able to pull out. Kevin then places a hand on Daniel’s arm. “Daniel easy it is almost over now.”

    But one thing Kevin did not tell Daniel before they left the cell was that Steve was going to pay a visit with Emma while he was gone. Well Steve did come into the cell and walked over to Emma’s side. “Hello Emma I have come to do a flow up on what we did to you a few days ago. I need you to lay flat on your back so I can feel around on your stomach.” But before she could lay down flat on her back Steve started to poke at Emma’s stomach right away. At first he pokes around at her really gently, then he started to really push hard on her stomach.

    As he does this he asks her a question. “Emma I need to know if you have had any pain in the lower part of your stomach.” he says as he starts to push around in the place he was talking about. “I ask because some of the other women have been having trouble and we had to remove their small and large intestines. Um…did Kevin ever tell you what kind of experiment we did on you? I don’t remember him saying anything to me about telling you. Well we cut and removed your stomach out and gave you a new stomach in place of it. We then inserted two fetuses in to your new stomach. One of them is already growing as I speak to you. Then on the first of next month the baby will be ready for us then remove out of your stomach. Do you have any question about this new stomach? How it works? And why we put the fetus in you?” he asks as he keeps poking around on her stomach in different places for a few more minutes.

    Well meanwhile back in the lab Kevin keeps putting different drugs in Daniel body. The next drug he puts into him make his eyes roll back in to his head and also make his mouth burn and water starts to run out of it. Daniel screams out when this happens. Kevin places a hand on Daniel’s arm again. “Hang in there buddy, it won’t last much longer.” The next drug that is put into him makes Daniel’s eye water and he starts to cry. Then Kevin quickly put another drug into him before the last one ended. This one make Daniel start to laugh for it feel like someone was tickling him all over. “Okay Daniel I have three more drugs I am going to put into you. The last one will probably make you sick for the rest of the day. I will let you know when I put that one in so you can take a few deep breaths.” Kevin then picks up another drug and put it in the needle. This drug starts to make Daniel gaps for air. While Daniel is gasping for air Kevin then starts to push on Daniel’s stomach and feeling around on his small and large intestines. “Daniel I need to know if you have had any pain in the lower part of your stomach.” he ask as he pushes really hard on Daniel lower part of his stomach. Daniel screams out when Kevin does this, then when he stops screaming he say. “Yes I have had a little bit of pain down there. Why do you ask me? ”

    Kevin nods his head. “Okay thank you for letting me know this. I ask you this because the experiment we did on you and Emma earlier in the week was to remove your stomach and put a special stomach in place of it. The pain may be coming from your small and large intestines no liking your new stomach. Now I must do an emergency surgery and remove your small and large intestines out and replace them with a special bag. We must do it now or your new stomach will not work right and the fetuses we put in your stomach that will be going to Emma’s stomach will not make it. So I will have to finish the rest of these tests I am doing right now on you another day. I need you to drink those drugs again that I gave you the other day. So let’s get you to the other lab and I will get you them.” he said as he starts to untie Daniel.

    As they make their way to the other lab Kevin starts to look for Steve. After they get to the lab Daniel is told to lay down on the big table while he waits for Kevin to return. When Kevin returns he hands the four cup of drugs to Daniel and watches as he starts to drink them. When he finishes drinking the second drug he starts to laugh. “Oh my I do enjoy this drug very much.” he says as his stomach start to bubble. Then Daniel drinks the last two cups and starts to fall asleep right away. Kevin then leaves Daniel laying there and goes to find Steve. When he finds him he then tells him he must do an emergency surgery on Daniel and take his small and large intestines out. Steve nods his head and then both men go to get ready of the surgery.

    Then when they were both ready Kevin then started to cut Daniel’s stomach open. When he has it wide open he then reaches in and starts to remove Daniel’s small intestines. After it was out he then reaches in once again and started to remove Daniel’s large intestines as well. When he had them both out he then lets Steve put the special bag into Daniel’s stomach as they sew it into his stomach. Kevin then takes a needle and fills is with a special drug and then he inserts it into the bag and put the drug into it. After they finish sewing Daniel’s stomach up half way up Kevin then takes a tube and puts it into the hole in Daniel’s stomach. Then he starts to pour six bags of liquids, three bags of a special drug and two bags of Emma’s blood all into Daniel’s stomach. He did this instead of hooking Daniel up to an IV. Then when he finishes doing that he then sews Daniel up the rest of the way. Then looking at Steve he says. “Well that takes care of Daniel now but I need to go get Emma and started doing her stress test on her. Will you take Daniel back to his cell but don’t wake him up until I take Emma out, l for I think Emma is going to give me a hard time when I do these test on her.” He says as he looks at Daniel again. Steve then nods his. “Okay partner sounds good to me.”

    When Steve carries Daniel back to his cell he does not say anything to Emma but laying Daniel down on his bed and walking out of their cell again. A few minute go by and Kevin then walks in. “Okay Emma it is your turn for me to take you to go do a few test on you.” he says this as he walks over to her bed and stand there looking at her and waiting for her to say something to him.

    Once Kevin takes Emma out Steve then come back in and gives Daniel a shot in his arm to wake him up. Steve nods his head as he watches Daniel wake up. “Ah, Daniel welcome back. The surgery we did on you went well, but the drugs we put into you afterwards may make you sick until your stomach gets use to the new part we put in you. I will check on you again a little bit later.” he says a he starts to leave the cell. But even before Steve had closed the cell Daniel started to feel sick, as he quickly jumped up and ran over to the toilet he then started to throw up and this lasted for a few hours.

    When Kevin and Emma got to the stress lab he told her to have a seat in the big melt chair. He could see Emma was really scared as she sat down in the chair. As he tied Emma down to the chair he never said a word to her about what he was going to be doing to her but instead he started to insert the needle into Emma’s neck right away.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 08-12-2023 at 07:20 PM.

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    Emma groaned and threw up leaning against the back of the cell, thankful for the cool bars against her back. She felt weak but when the scream came through the cells, she looked up in horror seeing the woman having her belly pushed on. Emma put her hands on her belly nervous about what they did to her. She looked up at Daniel and held on to him “I. What are they doing to her?” she asked him, hearing a baby cry. Watching as they took the baby away Ema felt hard “I. They took her baby “she said worried about the woman, and she couldn’t let Daniel go for the rest of the day.
    Over the five days, she held her hand to her belly wondering if that is what they did to her. She stayed close to Daniel Felling safely. She didn’t like it when they took Daniel, but when Steve asked her to lie back on the bed and he poked at her belly she did. Winced when he got to her lower belly “A little but it's just tender” she said and winced at a mother spot. “You what? H. how .. you'll take the baby away .. my baby no please “she said curling her arms around her belly and back away from Steve.

    Emma saw the sleeping Daniel and was worried about him. Looking up to Keven “Please no, I’m … I'm scared “she said pulling back away from Keven. As the weeks had gone on, she had been ok with the experiments where she was asleep but now, she knew she was carrying a baby and that Daniel came back asleep which made her concerned. Was scared but she never had been given a reason to fear Keven. “will be ok ?” she asked
    Once in the back of the room, she saw the chair and restraints and she backed up against the door scared and took a deep breath. She went to the chair and was restrained and the collar around her neck and she started to really panic “No please I've changed my mind let me go “she gasped as the first needle went into her neck and the drugs burned threw her making her scream” she sobbed and wanted to be let go but no one was saying anything and it made it much worse. Once it calmed down another drug was injected again with not a word and this one made her shake from being so cold and the teeth chattered hard. Halfway true it gave her fever-like symptoms “Please “crying Emma began to beg to be let go.
    The third was one that made her skin feel like she was being covered in pins and needles. The next made her very dizzy and the last that they could give her caused a seizure. She shook hard, arching her back. when it passed she began throwing up violently she broke out in a sweat and her vomit had specks of red threw it showing a sign of bleeding “Please no more “ she begged to throw up again and all over herself. Her intestines were reacting to the stomach and to the stress of the testing causing them to fail

    Rushing Emma to the operating room and putting her to sleep. Working quickly, they removed her large and small intestines replacing it with the same special bag into her belly as they did to Daniels. The surgery went well and the fetus was ok and still growing they brought her back to the cell put her in bed and gave her the shot to wake her up. They left and made sure the cameras were working. Slowly Emma woke up not feeling good at all and looked around glad to be back in her bed “ D…Daniel?” she whispered looking really ruff “ … you think the baby is yours ?” she asked
    Last edited by isabella1503; 08-12-2023 at 07:06 PM.
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    Daniel lay resting on his bed while he waits for Kevin to bring Emma back. Then when he hears the gate to their cell open he lifts his head and sees Kevin walk in carrying Emma in his arms. He smiles when he sees her. Then as he jumps off of his bed his smile quickly disappears when he see Emma is sleeping. “Is Emma okay?” he asks as he watches Kevin lay her on the bed. Kevin nods his head. “Yes Emma is fine we had to put her to sleep to do the same surgery as we did no you. The baby is alright but I think we got both of Emma’s intestines out just in time before it did anything to the baby. I am just worried we may have to put her to sleep when it comes time to remove the baby from her stomach. She has a little over two weeks left until we have to do it.” he says as he takes the needle out of his pocket and starts to put the drug in it. Daniel sighs as he lays back down again. “Kevin please do whatever you have to do to her but please just don’t hurt her.” he says as he watches him insert the needle into Emma’s arm.

    After Kevin leaves their cell Daniel watches Emma slowly wake up. Then as she opens her eyes, he smiles at her but does not say anything to her but waits for her to speak to him. He did not have to wait long for she calls out to him. As he hears her call for him, he gets up and walks over to the sink and picks up a rag and starts to put cold water on it. Then he rings it out then starting to walk over to Emma’s side. “I am right here Emma. You’re going to be alright.” he says as he lay the rag on her forehead and sits down next to her on the bed.

    As he takes her hand in his she starts to talk to him again. When she was finished asking her question, he sits there quietly not saying anything but in deep thought for a few minutes. Then lifting her hand to his lips, he then kisses it. “Oh, my sweet dear Emma, I know you long for this child to be from me but from what Kevin has told me I am afraid it is not from me but from some other man. Kevin told me you have a little over two weeks left until he has to remove the baby from your stomach and take it away from you.” he said as he shakes his head. ” But if you want a child to….” he stops and looks away from her for a minute.

    Then taking both of her hands in his he says “Oh Emma you mean so much to me, I have gotten to know you and care about you over the past six months. I suppose I would…. would like to admit that I’ve seen in you the very qualities I’ve hoped my future wife would possess. I have seen you give of yourself and striving to give all you got for the experiments that are being done on us. I have to tell you, Emma, I’ve come to admire you greatly. You are what I would see as the best of women, and any man would be blessed to share his life with you.” he said as he looked into her eyes. “Emma Steel I want you to know I am truly falling in love with you. You are such a beautiful woman and even if this baby in you is not mine, I still will love you.” he then kissed both of her hands and smiled down at her.

    The next few days were quiet and when Monday rolls around it brings another day of drug treatments pulse Kevin had some other plans as well for them. As Steve comes into their cell he carries a try with their breakfast on it. As he sits the tray down on the table he turns to face them. “Kevin wanted me to bring you this tray of food because he was busy getting things ready for the drug treatment you two will be getting today. He said he will be in to get you both in about an hour.” he says as he hands them each a plate with two eggs, bacon and toast on it. Then he hands them a glass of orange juice to go along with it. But he does not tell them that the juice has a sleeping drug in it, because Kevin always tries to have a different way to put them to sleep. He did it this way today so it would not make Emma upset when he came to get them and he knew they would not be expecting it either.

    As Daniel starts to eat he also talks with Emma. “Emma dear I wonder what kind of experiment Kevin has planned for us today? Oh I am sure it is the same old drug intake we have each Monday. What more could he do to us?” he said as he puts the last bite of eggs in his mouth. Then he gets up and goes over to Emma to get her empty plate. “Here my dear let me take your plate for you.” he then sets both of the plates on the tray and then goes and sits down to drink his orange juice. “For a good day experiments.” he says as he lifts the glass up in the air then starts to drink it down really fast.

    As he does it he watches Emma drink it too. Then as he put the glass down he starts to feel a little strange as his eyes start to grow heavy, he says. “Emma how…is… you’re….” but he stops as he was about to say orange juice and his head falls back onto the pillow and he falls asleep.

    A little bit after that happens Kevin and Steve walk into their cell. Kevin then starts to laugh. “Well look who enjoyed the orange juice so much. Okay who do you want to get first?” he asks as he turns to look at Steve. Steve laughed “Yes I guess orange juice worked well. Well why don’t we take Emma back first, it will take a little longer to do the experiment on her then Daniel.” He said as he started to pick her up. Kevin nods his head. “Okay I will get Daniel and be over in a few minutes.”

    When Daniel and Emma were both in the lab and hooked up to their IV’s and the drugs started to enter their bodies Kevin then handed Steve a pair of scissors. “Okay have fun cutting off all of Emma’s hair and when you are done I will then put the drugs on her head.” he said as he pick up a razor and started to shave Daniel’s hair off of his head.

    Once the men had finished removing all of Daniel and Emma’s hair and they were both completely bald Kevin then instead two needles into Emma and Daniel’s head they both had drugs that would prevent their hair from growing back again. Kevin then takes a sponge and starts to rub the same drug all over their head. Then nodding his head to Steve he says. “Alright two people are done now we still need to do everyone else.

    After four more hours had gone by and all of the drugs and blood had been put into Daniel and Emma. Then the men took them both back to their cell and as Steve gave them both the shot to wake them up. Then as Kevin was leaving the cell he placed a envelope on the small table, and in it was a note and two keys.

    After the Kevin and Steve had left the cell Daniel started to wake up. As his eyes opened he turns his head to look over at Emma. But as he looks at her he sat up quickly and his mouth drops open. Wait a minute this can’t be Emma. He then called out to her. “Emma wake up look at me.” he says this as he walks over to her side. “What has happen to your…..” he says as he points to her head and sits down on her bed. “Kevin and Steve did this to us.” He says as he reaches up to rub his head. “What will they do next? No one knows.” Then he takes her in his arms and starts to kisses her forehead. “Emma I still love you even if the men have cut all of your hair off. You’re still beautiful in my eyes.” he says as he kisses her again. “What are your feelings about what Kevin and Steve did to your hair?” he ask as he looks into her eyes and waits to see what she would say.

    Then after she answered him he kissed her one more time and then started to walk back over to his bed, but as he sits down he sees the envelope on the table. Getting up he walks over to the table and picks it up. “Emma look what Kevin has left us.” he said as he held it up for her to see. “Let me read it to you.” he says as he opens it up. Here is what it reads:

    “Daniel & Emma, We are pleased to be able to tell you that you have both completed half of the experiments with flying colors. So we are rewarding you with these two keys that will open a door you can find under the rug that is near the gate of your cell. This door will lead you to the TAHCL (name of the lab) underground campus where you will find different place you can go to and spend some time together. Everything that you see down there is all free and cost nothing. The only thing we ask is you are back in your cell each day before midnight. We hope you enjoy this and we look forward to all the new experiments that we still have planned for you. Your Scientist, Kevin & Steve.

    When he finished reading it he looks up at Emma. “What do you say should we go now and check it out?” he asks as he holds the two keys up for her to see them. “I think we should do it, because it sounds like fun.” He says as he starts to walk over to her side and holds out a hand for her.

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    Emma was thankful for Daniel, she felt so safe and calm when he was near “ I I was so scared “ she said holding his hand. She blushed at the gentle kiss on her hand. She listened to him explain what he had been told. “ I do wish it was from you, but im scared to have them push on me like they did the other woman, “ she said “ i… I would be able if you were beside me holding my hand “ she hoped they would let him be there for support. She did wish to have Daniels's child. He is such an amazingly kind man, no one had ever treated her so well.

    “ you mean so much to me too, I see you in the same light. With you by my side and there when I wake up makes going threw the experiments. I was so scared but you help me believe that I'm strong “Her eyes glistened with tears as he spoke to her “ Daniel Everleigh, I love you to . You're so handsome and kind, strong and patient” she smiled even threw not feeling well.

    As the next few days passed she was thankful for the break. She took the time to rest and talk and learn more about Daniel. When Steve came into the cage with their breakfast she nodded “Thank you “ she said as she ate her food enjoying each bite. “they always seem to have something new for us “ she said a little nervous but knowing that Daniel will be with her even asleep helped her be braver. Emma sat next to Daniel and clinked her glass to his .

    “ And another day of happiness, “ she said as she drank her juice. It took a few drinks to empty the glass. She loved how fresh the juice was and felt lightheaded “ its good .. I. Fresh “ she said and slumped onto Daniel her head resting on his hip as she slept. Her scalp reacted well to the treatment. she woke hearing Daniel she rubbed her eyes sitting up “What happened ?” she asked and was surprised to see him bald “ oh your hair “ she said and then touched her head “ no,” she said getting up and looked seeing her hair was gone “ I loved my hair “ she said and blushed “ that makes it better, I wished they didn’t, I was proud of my hair took care of it. but they never had a bad reason for an experiment yet “ she said a little sad looking back into his eyes. “ will have to invest in hats “ she said kissing him back feeling it all the way to her toes.

    She was surprised that a note was left and came over to see “Half of the experiments? w.. will they let us go after?” she wondered hearing that they gave them access to this and smiled “That was kind of them, lets go and see what is there?” she said taking his hand. And unlocked the door and headed downstairs. Gasping there was a comfy living room with a tv and couches on one side and the other was a library. Down the hall there was a more private bathroom and a shower with the works. eve was very excited bout this “ ooh ive wanted to have a nice hot shower” she said as she looked over to a bedroom with a king bed big enough for them both to sleep in making Emma blush slightly at the thought of being able to finally cuddle together comfortably and there was a fridge with some snacks and a kettle and tea “ ooh this is amazing “ she said looking to Daniel to see his reaction
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    Daniel smiled when he listened to Emma tell him about the note. Emma dear I doubt we will ever get to leave this place even if they have done half of the experiments on us.” he said as he put his hand on her arm. Then nodding his head when she said it was kind of them to give them the access to the place. “Yes it was kind of them. I think that is a good idea to go. “He said as he took her hand and walked over to the little door to unlock it. Then helping Emma down the steps and when they got to the bottom he was amazed at what all was down there.

    Then hearing Emma say something about the shower he said. “Emma dear remember we won’t be able to sleep down here over night because we are to be back in our cell after midnight and plus we are not even married yet so we should not sleep together in the same bed yet.” he said all this as he looked around.
    Then Daniel sees a metal door that had a note taped to it. “Emma look at this there is another note for us on the door.” Here is what it said:

    “If you are reading this note you have found the second special door. Use the other key you have to unlock the door; you will then enter another part of the underground campus. This part is even better than the one you are in now. You will see a little village with places you can go to. Here are just a few places: A library, jewelry shop, museum, dance hall, dating parlor, Ice cream shop, a small chapel, dark room where you can start a family with the one you love. This is just to number a few there are other places down here as well. But just remember you must be back in your cell by midnight or you will be punished. We hope you enjoy this village.”
    Daniel looks at Emma and smiles then taking her hand he unlocks the door and then saying. “Let’s have a look and hey let’s get some ice cream as well. What do you say?” When Daniel opens the door the first thing they saw was a lot of buildings. They were painted in the colors of the rainbow. But before Daniel could say anything to Emma a lady walks up to them and says. “Welcome Daniel and Emma to the rainbow village, my name is Lyoka, if you need any help just call out my name and I will appear to you. Here is a map of the village.” She said as she hands them each a map. “Now have fun in the village.”

    After Lyoka walks away Daniel finally speaks. “Emma look at this village. What do you think about it?” he ask as he look down at the map that he held in his hands. Then Daniel spots the ice cream shop on the map. “I see the ice cream shop. Let’s go now to it.” But before Emma could answer him Daniel quickly scoops Emma up into his arms and starts to carry her. “Must this beautiful woman walk in the shape she is in right now? Of course not, because I love you too much to let anything happen to you Emma, I don’t want you to tired yourself out right now, I will just carry you until we get to the ice cream shop.” He says as he kisses her right on the lips. “Now let’s get going now. Emma what is your favorite flavor kind of ice cream? My favorite is Reese’s Peanut Buttercup.”

    After a few minute of walking Daniel walks up to a small yellow building that look like a ice cream cone. “Well here we are my dear. I can already taste the ice cream in my mouth.” he says as he sets Emma down on the ground. Then he opens the door to the shop. As they walk in a man welcomes them. “Hello welcome to the Cherry On Top Ice Cream shop. I am Nick and what kind of ice cream can it get you two today? Daniel nods his head. “Hello Nick! Let me see what kind do I want?” He says as he looks at the sign on the wall. “I think it will be the Rainbow ice cream. Emma what kind do you want?” He asks as he looks down at her. Once Emma orders Nick starts to fill two cones up with ice cream then he hands it to Daniel and Emma. “Have a nice day and enjoy the ice cream and please do come back sometime to the Cherry On Top Ice Cream shop.” Daniel smiles and looks at Emma. “Wow! Look at these ice cream cones. I don’t think I have ever had this much scoops of ice cream in a cone before. This looks so good.” He says as he sits down and starts to eat the ice cream. “Where do you want to go next when we finish eating?” He asks as he looks around at all the different shops around them. Then seeing the jewelry shop a little bit down the from the ice cream shop. He then knew he was going to have to come back out a little bit later when Emma was sleeping. Then his thoughts were interrupted when he hears Emma speak to answer his question.

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    Emma nodded in agreement, with what they had done to them she doubted it as well. She took his hand and walked beside him. She was finding it calm having the room to move and walk about. Not feeling so trapped having breathing room. This could make it easier on her she thought. Pushing her hair back over her shoulder she blushed “That’s right, I did not mean anything that two people should not do before marriage, just that I found comfort being in your arms and felt …. Safe, It has been a long time since I have felt so safe” she explained.

    Emma continued to explore with Daniel and heard the note that he read. “Really? A little village “she asked and when the door opened she felt free. She felt like a breath of fresh air had come in. She took a step in and turned to see a lady come to herm “Hello Lyoka. Thank you for the help, we will call for you when we need you “she said looking at the map. When Daniel mentioned the ice cream she nodded “ I like that flavour too and turtles “ she said and giggled as she was carried. “ I love you too Daniel,” she said as she looked around seeing the different shops and colours.

    Once in the ice cream shop she looked at the flavours “ I would like some peach please “ she asked and took the spoon taking a small amount an putting it in her mouth “Oooh this is so good “ she said closing her eyes “it's nice and strong “ she said. She thought about where they wanted to go next and smiled “ how about the museum, or we can see about getting a watch maybe so we can keep a close eye on the time “ she suggested.

    The more that Emma was here the calmer she became, in the cell she was shy and to herself but now in this open feeling even though the walls were painted to look like the sky it felt like she was outside. She felt comfortable showing her true self. her feet swung back and forth. her face seemed to glow with happiness and her hair even seemed to shine a little more “What would you like to do next ?” she asked and pulled out her map to see everything here. There was a location for private rooms to give them a place to start a family she wondered if she could ask them to let their child be free or even live here to find their own happiness. But that was not now. she knew she could do nothing about what she was carrying, but maybe for her biological child they might.
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    Daniel laughed when he hears how Emma response to how her ice cream was. “Why do you say it is nice and strong?” he asks with a confused look on his face. Then nodding his head when she says her idea of going to a watch shop. “Yes that is a good idea, it would be nice to have one. How about we go to a hat shop as well, so you can get a hat to cover that beautiful bald head of yours and it will stay warm to.” he said as he playfully rubbed her head.

    But Daniel had finished his ice cream before Emma and then he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms and studied her face closely. She did have beautiful eyes and that smile always seemed to brighten his days up when he saw it. Now Daniel couldn’t wait until he asks her to marry him and he hoped she would say yes to him. But that had to wait for now until he got a ring for her. “Okay Emma it is time to go now, you can finish the ice cream as I carry you in my arms.” he said as he stood up and walked over to her then leaning down he kissed her on the cheek then he started to pick her up in his arms. “Let’s go to the watch shop now, because “time” is passing by fast. Get it “TIME” as in a watch time.” he said as he laughed at his joke.

    As he started to walk down the road he asks her another question. “What kind of watch do you want to get? I think I want to get a pocket watch. My father had one when I was little and that has always been a dream to get one.” he said as he looked around. As he walked down the road neither of them said a word for a few minutes. Then Daniel stated to laugh again when he spotted the watch shop. “Wow! I don’t think they wanted us to miss there shop.” he said as he kept laughing because there stood a building that looked like a pocket watch. “I wonder whose idea it was to make the shop look like a watch?” he asked as he put Emma down on her feet next to him and reach for the door to the shop.
    As they walked in a man greeted them. “Welcome to the Tick-Tock Watch Shop. I am Peter how may I help you.” he said as he smiled at them. Daniel nodded his head “Hello Peter, We have both come to get a watch. I would like to get a pocket watch if you sell them here and she will let you know what she wants to get.” he said as he looked around the shop. “Yes sir we sure do sell pocket watches there right over here.” Peter said as he led Daniel over to a shelf with the watches laying on them. Daniel started to look at each of the watches. One of them had a shiny silver case on it and this one Daniel like right away. “Peter I like this one. Does it come with a chain as well?” he asks as he held the watch up for Emma to see. Peter nods his head. “Yes it does come with a chain let me go get it for you.” he says as he walks back into another room in the back of the shop. When he comes back he has a silver chain in his hand. “Here you go sir.” he said as he hands it to Daniel. Then turning he looks at Emma. “Okay Miss what kind of watch would you like to get?”

    When Emma had picked out a watch Daniel smiled at her and nods his head. “Looks like a nice watch you picked out.” When she had put it on her arm Daniel leans down and kisses her on the lips. “Okay let’s now go to the hat shop? It is not far down the road from here.” he says as he holds out his arm for her to take it. As they walk out the door Daniel nods his head to Peter. “Have a good day and thank you for helping us out.” Peter smiles and waves to them. “Your welcome sir, please do come back sometime.”

    As they walk out Daniel looks down at Emma. “How are you feeling and holding up dear? I hope we have not done too much in one day.” he said as he put his arm around her and pulls her close to him. When they get to the hat shop Daniel opens the door for her and they walk in. As they walk in all they see are rows and rows of hat on the wall and shelfs. ”Oh my so many hats to pick from, I think I will wait for you over here and let you pick one out and surprise me with it. Make sure you have someone put it in boxes so I can see it later on.” he said as he sits down on a bench next to the door to wait for her.

    When she has finished picking one out and has it put in a box Daniel smiles and stands up and greets her. “I can’t wait to see what you have picked out. Now let me carry you back to the door that leads us to our cell.” he says as he scoops her up into his arms again and starts to walk out the door. As he walks he smiles up at her. “Emma I have had fun with you today. I look forward to doing this again with you soon.” When they get back to the door he puts Emma down and opens the door for her. “Well ladies first, after you my dear. Wow what a walk that was I am ready to go take a nap back in our cell. How about you Emma?” he says a he locks the door behind them and helps Emma up the steps.
    When they get back to their cell Daniel plops down on his bed and sighs. “Ah it is so good to be back now. I look forward to doing that again very soon.” A few minutes go by and just as Daniel was about to fall asleep Kevin walks into the double doors and come over to their cell. “Good afternoon you two, I trust you two have been having fun in the village. But now I have come to get Emma to take her back to the lab to do something I know she is not looking forward to having done to her. But sad to say it is time for it to take place.” he says as he walks over to Emma’s bed. As he does Daniel jumps up and goes over to Kevin’s side. “May I please speak with you outside of our cell Kevin.” he asks as he looks at Emma. Kevin nods his head. “Sure Daniel you can. Emma I will be back for you in a minute. But while you wait for me to come back would you please undress and change into this robe for me.” he said as he hands her the robe and turns and walk out of the cell to talk to Daniel.

    Once Daniel and Kevin had left the cell and was away from Emma Daniel started to talk. “Kevin I was asked by Emma if I could be with her when you take the baby out of her. So can I be with her when you do it?” Kevin smiled at him and nodded his head. “I know you want to be there with her but I would like to see how she responds to what I do to her and since this is the first time it is happing I am going to have to say no not this time. But I will let you be there next time and any other time it happens.” He says as he puts his hand on Daniel shoulder. Daniel nods his head. “Okay sir but please don’t hunt her.” he said as he turned and walked back into their cell. Once they both came back in Kevin walked back over to Emma. “Alright miss Emma let’s head on over to the birthing lab now.” he said as he walks over to the gate of their cell and turned and waits for her to follow him. When she was standing next to him he opened the gate and starts to walk out.

    As they get to the birthing room Emma will see a few things in the room. First a sink, a big melt table that had four ropes hooked to it, two trays of tools and a big light that was very bright. “Okay Emma here is what I am going to have you do first while I go find Steve. First please take your robe and your underwear off. Then lay down on your back on the table with the sheet covering you. When I get back I will do a quick check on the baby and then we will start the long prose of getting the baby out of your belly. “ he said as he handed her the sheet and then left the room. A few minutes go by and Kevin finds Steve. “Okay I need you to come help me with Emma in the birthing room. First I want to do the pushing on her stomach and back, if the baby does not come out doing it that way then we will do the surgery and cut her open and push the baby out that way. Oh and be sure to really push hard on her stomach, I want to see how she responds to it. If it is too much for her I will put her to sleep.” He said as he washes his hands and puts gloves on. Steve nods his head and then both the men return to the birthing room.

    When Kevin gets back to Emma’s side he places a hand on her shoulder. “Alright Emma what I am about to do is just move my fingers around down here to see where the baby is at. Please will you lift your legs up so I can have a look down there.” he said as he comes around to her legs. Once she has lifted her legs up Kevin check on the placing of the baby’s head. “Ah yes very good Emma now let’s see.” he says as he quickly pushes two fingers deep into her and starts to move then around a bit. As he does he looks up at Emma’s face to see how she would respond to what he was doing to her, for he knew she had never had anyone do this to her before. As he pulls his fingers out of her he looks up at Steve and nods his head. Steve then come over to Emma’s side and places both of his hands in the middle of her stomach and nods his head. “Okay Emma just try and relax now as we push very hard this baby out of your stomach. Alright on three Steve we will start pushing down on her. One…Two…Three Push!!” Kevin said as he started to push on Emma’s stomach. Once both men started to pushdown very hard in the middle of Emma’s stomach, they do this for a good twenty minutes. Then Kevin stops and go to check on the placing of the baby’s head.

    He then shakes his head as he looks up at Steve. “Alright Emma sorry to say but this baby is not wanting to come out so we need for you to roll over onto your stomach now. I know this has not been easy for you to take so far but we need to get the baby out.” He then helps her roll over onto her stomach. But before Emma can get comfortable both men start to push down on her back which makes her stomach push down onto the melt table. They go at this for another twenty minutes. Then as Steve keep pushing down Kevin checks again. But the baby still was not coming out. “Emma this baby just does not want to move so we must now have you try pushing for us as we push on your stomach once again and you may roll back over onto your back once again.” When she is laying on her back again Kevin then tell Emma to try and push as hard as she can as Steve pushes down on her stomach again. “Okay Emma on three push for me. One, Two, Three Puussshhh!!!! After she had been pushing for a good two hours or so Kevin then see Emma is getting really tried. He then nods his head and says. “Good job Emma the baby’s head is almost out. Now give me all you have and push one last time.” It did not take long and the baby was out and started to cry. Kevin quickly grabbed a blanket and covered it up and then rushed it out of the birthing room before Emma could see it.

    Steve then looks at Emma and says. “Well done Emma you did a great job even through it took the baby along time to come out. Now I need you to do one last thing for me. Please lift up your legs and pull them back up onto your shoulders as far as you can.” But before she could ask him what he was going to do Steve quickly take a melt tube and pushed it deep down into her pussy. When it was in her he then instead two fetuses into the tube and then really fast he pulled the tube out of her then taking one of his fingers he pushed it into her and started moving it around to pushes the fetuses down. After he had pulled his finger out he said. “Okay Emma you are now good to go until next month and then we will repeat all this over once again. ”But he did not tell her he had put two extra fetuses into her so she would be giving birth next time to two babies instead of one. “Now do you have any questions about what all we did to you today or what will happen next month when we do this?”

    When Steve had finished with her he let her clean up and then he carried her back to her cell. As Daniel saw her come back into the cell he quickly rushed over to her side and takes her into his arms. “Emma go head and cry and let it all out. I am right here for you now.” he said as he started to kiss the top of her head. “Do please tell me what all they did to you dear?” he said as he kept kissing her. ((**In your next post you can have her respond with loud screaming and crying out to what they were doing to her stomach to get the baby out.**))

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