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Thread: New Skies New Home [IC-M] ~REBOOTED~

  1. #11
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    So they are caged by a leader who expects to lead them. She slowly blinks and takes the time to think about this while one other male begins to speak more clearly, demanding answers. She couldn't blame him, they all have questions to which she hoped Nikkolai or the other male which bowed to him earlier could answer, or provide insight.

    "I am Gretchen, pleased as I am to meet you both, Nikkolai and Shin. Could I propose something that may set others more at ease and open the table for conversation?" She would wait for the leader's answer, not once moving from the kneeling position she took up in the middle of her own cage. If he was willing to listen, then the female would elaborate as such"

    "You are our leader, which seeing no others around who hold the structure of one, I am willing to accept this for the time. However, you clearly bestow a barrier between us and yourself." A hand would rotate 180 degrees, palm up and extend to the bars in front of her before resting back down on her own thigh. "Perhaps a show of good will would help smooth the tension? Were we or at least some be willing to not seek violence or any form of..." she thinks of the right word. "Rough waters in the hierarchy?"

    If he didn't however want to hear her proposal, the woman only gave the slightest of nods and waited. She gave her name willingly prior to either scenario per Nikkolai's asking.

    It was a start then but she would ask for one thing no matter what had previously happened.

    "Water...I would greatly appreciate if that is something for you to provide without consequences, Sir."

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    At first Nikkolai was silent. First Answering Shin "Shin, right? You're aboard a starship, the SS Galaxis. As you may, or may not suspect, I'm not... like you, exactly. As for what is going on and why, we, all of us, including myself and Borris, are part of a much larger plan, you see, our kind is going extinct. And in order to survive, we need outside genetics and help. For the most part, that is all I can say. We will be getting a new home, as well." He now turned to look at Gretchen. "I'm afraid I cannot let you out, I don't have the keys. As for sustenance.." he pushed a button on his right, an unusual language came from the comm system above. A moment later, strange creatures came in. Each with long, pointed heads much too narrow for the body proportions, and eyes too large for the skulls. The hands with three webbed fingers and feet with two webbed toes. Each of these creatures wearing pale blue labcoats. A tray of food was then slid into each cage and a glass of water. Borris came in a short time later, He and Nikkolai also handed a tray of foods. The trays were laden with various meats, cheeses and 4 slices of bread. Nikkolai made his food into a couple sandwiches, Borris made his into meat and cheese wraps. Borris ate like a military individual, quickly, without regard for taste. Nikkolai was slower, and more polite.
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  3. #13
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    Shin stared in disbelief. When the food arrived, he smelled it briefly, then scarfed it down. "So... what are you?" His dark eyes ran over Nikkolai's face, searching for anything evil, or at least threatening. "And why did you take me?"

  4. #14
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    New home, new genetics, she was starting to wonder about a few things and would look to her right, and left to confirm this before speaking again.

    "Why do I see such few females? Is this to help establish new genetic lines as you mentioned without inbreeding posing risks?"

    It was a shame he couldn't let them out but the reason was sound enough for her to no question it. Watching what button he had pressed to have others bring out food and water. Gretchen would bow to the pair that bought her food with her torso folded over her thighs, hands in front of her on the floor making a point at the finger tips. Before she rests her forehead one top of her hands.

    "Thank you." She says quietly to the odd serving creatures.

    Reaching out to pull her food and drink closer to herself. She nibbled a little bit of everything to make sure it wasn't poisoned before making wraps of it for easier consumption. Eating with small sips of water between bites. She didn't speak during this time, instead opting to ingest the food quickly without the risk of giving herself a stomach ache.

    Shin's seemed to be asking all of the questions so as she did before, Gretchen listened for the answers that would come if Nikkolai could give them. But there was one which she did wonder about and would probably sum up a lot for herself. Clearing her throat from the last swallow of food she spoke up after sliding the empty tray and glass back to the front of her cage.

    "What exactly shall be our purpose in this new home, what is being expected of us Sir? This I would like to know so that I can be more prepared if at all possible."

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    Surely waking up wasn't meant to be this hard, right? This time around however was a struggle to get her eyes open, they felt like lead as she tried to a handle on her situation. Trying once more Alaura was able to finally to blink the haze of sleep away and sit up slowly. Wiping at her eyes the brunette took in her surroundings turning left then right. 'Oh, that's right, I'm in a cage...wait, that doesn't sound right.' Still, a bit addled by sleep the young woman looked around her and noticed other people in the same situation, some were still asleep, others were talking lowly amongst themselves, while some looked a bit frightened by what they were caged next to. Now that she noticed it there were some rather weird creatures scattered across the room, either asleep or quietly observing as she was. 'I must be still dreaming.' Crawling slowly to the front of her cage Alaura grabbed the bars and gave an experimental tug. 'Feels real though.'

    The quite murmuring around all the cages seemed to quiet down as everything and everyone turned their attention to the commotion that was the three men and two other young women. Curious also, Alaura turned her attention to the five listening in on their conversation. One of the males seemed to be speaking in a language she couldn't quite understand or even put a name to. With a shake of her head and a small huff her attention returned to the two men that weren't in cages...curious. 'Prince? Captain?' Her brows furrowed in confusion at the green eyed male before turning her visage back on the darker clad male his next words seeming to shake her down to her core. Those phrases just didn't sit well with her and with the hushed murmuring picking back up again, quite a few people had the same thoughts as her.

    Too many questions with too little answers made her skin crawl and mind race. She could see the clues, but she couldn't quite put them together. With a sigh she ran her hand through her hair and decided to take a look around again. To her left there were a couple of creatures of varying sizes, shapes, and colors. Some had scales, some had fur, and some had feathers. They were oddly calm....which seemed strange to her. Focusing her attention to what was in front of her Alaura noticed a couple of people that had yet to wake up. Luckily they were still breathing, but they seemed to be the only ones still sleep. With a sigh, she hoped that they would be okay for the time being. Going through what she knew Alaura could only pull up her name and the basics of human interaction and society, but nothing of her past. It felt like a thick haze was covering up what she desperately wanted to know. When the conversation seemed to pick up again the brunette seemed to gain some information about what was happening, where they were going, and what they were supposed to do. She almost missed it when a small door opened on her cage and food appeared. She didn't feel as if she should trust the food, but her baser instincts were telling her to eat. Slowly she shuffled closer to the food and took a small sniff. With a sigh, Alaura took a piece of meat from her tray and popped it in her mouth. What use was there to be suspicious of the food if she didn't even know what she was looking for? Luckily it wasn't horrible to her taste buds, it was actually quite pleasant, albeit a little salty. Swallowing the meat she grabbed a slice cheese and tried that one, it was quite creamy.

    The brunette ate slowly- savoring her meal- she couldn't quite put a finger on it, but she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to eat like this for a while. Her eyes slowly shifted from her food to the girl in a couple cages in front of her as she began speaking. 'So his name is Nikkolai and his guard Borris, and the girl speaking so eloquently is Gretchen, and the guy that was speaking strange earlier is Shin.' Committing their names to memory, or what was left of it Alaura continued eating her meal in silence. Quite murmuring filled the room again, as well as the sound of eating, before Shin decided to speak up and ask a very important question.

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    She began to hear voices picking up. People were starting to panic as they were waking up. Some of them speaking in tongues she knew and few others ones she could not make out. The main thing was the atmosphere of the room. When the gentleman came before her cage and looked at her she wondered what he would say. Nothing was the short of it but she could not remember how or why she was even here. This made her really try and remember more about herself…a name? Basic information was kept but anything pertaining to how she learned what was lost. While this would normally cause someone to maybe panic…she had no idea what she had lost. She looked around and wondered how many others had no idea where they had come from.

    A young man who looked well equipped entered the room and submitted to the gentleman before him. Apparently his name was Borris. He looked attractive with a saintly or paladin glow to him. This cause her to look down at her hands however. How did she know what her words or thoughts meant without memories? She had an image and an idea of what a saint was…yet had no basis for it. This would continue to bother her.

    There was a woman in a cage not too far from her who spoke in something of riddle. At least it was a riddle to her but it may not have been consider the darker man began to speak saying what she said was wise. Whelp guess that went right over her head. A man by the name of shin started to speak in…well maybe not aggressive tones but demanding tones. A prince she knew was someone of importance and as such he felt that maybe they should not act so aggressive. Then again she was so passively cool that maybe she should be more in a riot over this. The only thing she did feel was a little stir crazy. She felt a need to get out…Closter phobic maybe?

    She noticed that the lady nearby was asking for freedom or if nothing else at least water. She nodded but realized that if she did not say something that she would not be able to get it. Why was finding her voice such a hard thing for her to do? Maybe it was so visage from her past that was still cloudy that blocked her from being a go getter. She cleared her throat a bit making sure to keep away from the bars. “Claria…Winterfold…water would be…quite nice.”

    She personally had no idea what a star ship was or anything like that…she knew what space and a ship was but the concept threw her off. She noticed these weird bizarre creatures come out…for some reason mer-person or goblin came to mind. They slid food and water to her and she began to eat. It was a slow and small eating but she would get through everything eventually. She made sure to chew plenty and never have too much in her mouth to quickly speak if necessary. She felt this counted as…manners. She sat around a sshe ate while the others really just pushed their questions home. In that matter she did not even feel a need to ask. Any answers done were simply going to lead to more questions and if you overwhelmed anyone very little would actually get answered.
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    Nikkolai looked at Shin as he asked what he and Borris were. "What are we... we are what you are now." Nikkolai was about to say something else when Borris lay a glove hand on Nikkolai's shoulder. "My Prince," he said quietly "Mayhaps we not tell them everything, too much information at once could break their minds. They're still infants in that respect compared to us."

    Nikkolai nodded "Maybe you're right Borris." he then sighed and said "I suppose you'll find out more specifically in due time. I will tell you this much: On your world, we are not supposed to exist. Most of you believe aliens in general don't exist, but a few, from what we've seen, do believe, but almost nobody believes in our sort." Apparently that was as much of an answer as they would get for now. Now Nikkolai turned to Gretchen "Our kind is getting a second chance, we need to rebuild, from the ground up. When we first start on our new home, it will be barren, almost lifeless, but there are still dangers. Desert and canyon dwelling dangers... large feline-like creatures, scorpids, arachnids, among just a few others. We will be starting the way all our ancestors did, we'll need to find shelter, a source of water, and some food. What is expected of us is not necessarily our purpose on the new world."

    He turned his head to look at Borris for some form of confirmation, revealing an almost elflike ear, not typical santa elf ears, no, more like Lord of the rings type elf ears. They also seemed somewhat flexible, as he and Borris conversed for a moment, Nikkolai's ears were... moving? Almost as though how a dog would display emotion with it's ears, and while listening, was almost horselike, with one ear laying slightly to the side and the other straight up. Borris had similar ears, but one had a couple notches and maybe a scar. Probably from fights.

    Nikkolai then turned his head back to Gretchen "Our purpose is whatever we want it to be, but we... are expected to... procreate, to increase our numbers." Even Borris looked a bit uncomfortable on this topic.
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    Taking in all the information Nikkolai just gave them the brunette nodded weakly. She could only interpret about half what he said as she couldn't really remember certain things. Scorpids? Arachnids? Those were foreign to her, but she assumed they were some sort of animal. Taking a closer look at the prince Alaura couldn't help but marvel at his ears, they were truly a curious sight. But what did he mean by "we are what you are now"? Were they human, or had she and all the others in the cages been turned into what Nikkolai and Borris were- whatever it is that they are?

    Looking back to his ears she could only come to the conclusion that they were all changing. The brunette could only assume that they were still in the process of changing. No doubt she was slightly upset to find out that she was being made into something without her consent, but then again did she even have the right to be mad, when she couldn't even remember who she was? Shaking her head Alaura focused again on the present, the past was a roadblock she'd have to explore later. Right now she was a bit more worried about being a part of a transformation she hadn't yet felt, or rather she wasn't entirely sure what it was supposed to feel like. Was it painful? Did it make you itch all over? Was it like fire through your veins? Was it different for everybody?

    While stuck in her thoughts, Alaura brought a hand up to her ear and almost jumped at the change she felt. Though minor as it was her ear had definitely pointed and elongated. It wasn't quite like Nikkolai's, but she could tell that it would change even more in the future. Slowly she ran her hands through her hair to find if anything else had changed and sure enough she could feel a small protrusion starting to form and her forehead. Her attention shifted back to Nikkolai as he started to speak again and what he said this time really made her uneasy. Deciding to actually contribute to the conversation Alaura raised her voice so she could be heard from her position. "And what if we choose not to?"

  9. #19
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    Shin's hands had also moved towards his ears and head. He hissed when he felt the protrusions on his head. "What is this?" His breath was coming a bit short. He pointed an accusing finger at Nikkolai. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" He beat his fists agaiinst the bars of his cage. "ANSWER ME!" He was really freaking out. He slammed the bars one more time, then turned, and began to pace about his cage, like when a tiger attacks the glass at the zoo and then just angrily walks around, growling.

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    Nikkolai looked at Alaura and thought for a moment, wanting to break it to her gently, starting with "Well, if we were to refuse--" took too long, Borris finished, albeit not very gently "We may as well be extinct, and the pinheads will destroy the new planet with us still on it." Nikkolai looked at Borris and muttered "What happened to don't say too much?" Borris shrugged "My apologies, you were taking too long to say something more pressing than what we are." Nikkolai blinked "You may be right, that is a bit more of the pressing issue."

    Nikkolai looked at shin as he was, basically, throwing a tantrum. "I did nothing to you... the pinheads are the ones who took my dna, adjusted it, and then injected it into each of you. I was asleep the entire time. much like you were."
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