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Thread: 2nd Try: The Island- A Multiple Fandom RP (IC)

  1. #11
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    "I understand your pain, but revenge only causes more death, for it causes the cycle of violence to continue. I do not know what these 'Jedi' are, but this boy here is not evil, nor are you. I understand that Justice must be done to those who harm the innocent, but was this Boy one of the ones that did so, specifically? If these 'Jedi' are evil and have done great evils, then yes they should be punished, but if not all of them are of the same cloth, what purpose is there in wholesale slaughter? How does that make you any different?" He asks, sincerely.

    "Grievous, I have been where you are I understand your pain. I too have lost many of my companions. But I have not yet introduced myself. MY name is Tyrael, Archangel of Justice and member of the Angiris Council of the High Heavens. Do you know where we are?" He looks around to the others, a few humans and a talking blue rat?

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  2. #12
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    SheZow & Anakin Skywalker
    Gail watched as the silver one was sent flying. She started laughing her ass off. "It looked like a ragdoll. That was she-mazing."

    Anakin got up and took his weapon and the one loaned to him. He walked over the pink girl and handed it to her. "Thanks for the loan. My name is Anakin Skywalker. That is a unique handle. What inspired the design?"

    "You can hold on to it, I have a feeling you might need it. The name is SheZow, when I'm dressed like this. The design is based on a woman's mascara, it's called Mega Mascara."

    Anakin examined it. He tucked it into his belt since it didn't have a belt ring. Anakin turned to the giant. "His people attacked the Yam'rii. The Republic Senate tasked a Jedi task force led by Masters T'chooka D'oon and Jmmaar to stop the war. The Republic leveled appropriate sanctions and reparations against his people for their aggression. He then joined the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Sith the embodiment of evil. Using the Banking Clan's droid army he committed war crimes & genocide against the Yam'rii colonists on Tovarskl. He already died once, how he came back I plan to find that out with extreme thoroughness. I also couldn't have been involved in the Huk War it started before I was born and it ended before I even met my first Jedi."

    V's nose has started to bleed.
    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 01-25-2021 at 01:30 PM.

  3. #13
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    "Those in glass houses should not throw stones, Anakin Skywalker. I sense that you have not always been 'good' either. Furthermore, in your tone of voice I sense a callous judgment. I know you might have a personal conflict with this Grievous, but now is not the time to settle a vendetta. I assume no one knows where we are, or where 'here' is. I suggest that we cool our tongues and find a way to work together." Tyrael says, attempting to be the voice of wisdom. "No one is perfect, and no one always makes the right decisions. It is always good to hear the other side of an argument before passing judgement, there is no justice in your conflict."

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  4. #14
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    Grievous started towards Anakin.

    “Boy! Do not speak of things you know nothing about! The Yam’rii were vicious and greedy colonizers and slavers, and would have killed my wives and children had I not defended them! The Jedi are lazy scum and did not investigate the matter, they simply took what was told to them at face value, regardless of veracity!” His golden eyes burned with rage. “You are lucky the Archangel is here, or I would tear you limb from miserable limb.” He growled.
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  5. #15
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    Anakin Skywalker
    "You say the Jedi should not take words at face value, yet you are asking me to do the exact same thing with your claims. More than a little hypocritical wouldn't you say? Offer proof of your claims or shut up about it. Even if you were to successfully prove your claims, you would still be wanted for war crimes and genocide, absolutely nothing you say or prove will absolve you of your crimes. You want to speak of luck, you should be the one counting yourself lucky. I was seconds away from killing you when you were swatted you away like a ragdoll."

    Gail started to take a step back away from the two. She had a feeling they were going to break out into another fight regardless of the giant. As she backed up she backed into a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog. "What the what?" She started to reach out to pet it, she pulled her hand back it was cute but she wasn't sure in this strange land if that meant deadly or not. "This is unshe-lievable!"

  6. #16
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    Tyrael gritted his teeth in anger before Thrusting EL'Druin into the ground. A burst of near blinding radiance emanated form him, causing nearby birds to fly away. "SILENCE!" He said in an unnatural and booming voice. "THIS FIGHTING IS POINTLESS, THE TASK AHEAD IS WHAT SHOULD BE ON YOUR MIND, THIS FIGHTING ONLY WILL DISTRACT YOU. YOUR DISAGREEMENTS AND ARGUMENTS CAN WAIT UNTIL WE HAVE ESTABLISHED WHERE WE ARE." As the light faded, Tyrael was no longer in his human form, but in his true angelic radiance, a being of heavenly sound and light, radiating pure light, good, and power.

    "Do you two understand?"

    Last edited by Cfavano; 01-26-2021 at 05:12 AM.

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  7. #17
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Gail rolled her eyes at the giant. “Someone’s trying to hard.”

    Anakin Skywalker
    ”If you want to know who is responsible and where we are stop being lazy and/or stupid use that giant wings and fly up above the trees, it won’t tell us where we are but it will tell us if there are any buildings or other signs of intelligent life to investigate. Did no one teach you anything about reconnaissance” Anakin was also hoping the giant got shot out of the sky.

  8. #18
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    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Sonic dodged when the tree was thrown, using his quick speed to get out of Grievous' grip and dodge the tree. He did a swift u-turn, now facing the group as he watched them.

    "What the heck is a jedi?" The blue hedgehog thought, listening to the conversation. Shaking his head and dismissing the thought, Sonic made an attempt to approach the group, but he was soon stopped by someone backing into him. He instinctively jumped a feet back, but he paused in his tracks when that someone looked like they were trying to pet him.

    "Uhh, meow?" Sonic said, instantly regretting the decision to say that.

    Danny Fenton/Phantom

    "No, I'm good. I'm just trying to figure which door in the ghost zone I must have gone through. I don't remember going through any ghost zone doors though." Danny replied, frustrated that he couldn't make sense of anything that was going on.

    The pain of the headache that Danny was experiencing was starting to fade, and the light seemed a little less brutal than it originally was. With his eyes more adjusted to the light, Danny turned his attention to V.

    "I'm Danny Fenton." Danny said, not wanting to reveal the name of his alter-ego and ghost half. As far as he was concerned, the newcomer would start firing weapons at him if they knew he was Danny Phantom.

  9. #19
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    "Ghost zone?!" She cocked her left eyebrow. "You don't look like a gho...." Her voice trailed as she then came to another realization, a realization she didn't like one little bit. "No! No! NO! NO! I was supposed to have six more months. I barely got a week. A fucking week. Alt you fucking bitch! Fuck you Johnny."

    "You are one strange looking cat. Do you need me to help you find your humans? Maybe they can tell us where we are." She then noticed the shoes. "Weird."

  10. #20
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    Arcee was plugged into three Energon refueling stations in Iacon the capital of Cybertron. She was about to go on a scouting mission in a heavily Decepticon occupied area. While she got refueled she was reviewing the map and planning her route, several escape paths, plotting places to hold up if escape was not possible and she had to wait for a recovery team.

    Just as all three bodies were refueled she headed into a tunnel just as she was about to turn her headlights on she was suddenly on an island. She engaged the holographic drivers just in case. She was either somehow poisoned at the refueling station or hit by some kind of knockout device. She seriously doubted that she was transported off world, it is tactically disadvantageous for the Decepticons and no other race they knew has been to Cybertron in months. She heard a commotion from two different directions she sent the Swagger body to investigate one and the Cameo body to the other. Her main body stayed behind just in case.

    The Swagger body came upon a group of several people one being 9 feet tall and a blue animal thing that said meow. The Cameo body came upon a woman who was clearly upset and a little boy. Arcee speculated it was a mother and a child.

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